Financial Stewardship
Dear Friends,
Stewardship is an important part of our Christian life. It is an opportunity to share some of the gifts God has blessed us with, whether it is our time, our talents or our financial gifts. Our participation, prayers and support are important and necessary ingredients allowing us to accomplish our mission of winning soles for Christ.
The following information is designed to provide an overview of our financial giving processes and assist you in making your financial stewardship decisions.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 8: 6-7
Annual Stewardship Campaign:
Each November we present the operating budget requirements for the coming year and offer everyone the opportunity to make financial commitments in support of that budget and the General Fund.
Online Giving:
A safe and secure method is available for donations online or from your mobile device. This provides a convenient and direct method for contributions to be processed. Click HERE for more information.
Offering Envelopes:
Offering Envelopes are available for everyone to use, whether or not you pledge a given amount. The use of numbered envelops assists the Finance Team in accurately recording your giving and directing it to the proper accounts.
You will receive a supply of envelopes dated for each Sunday of the year, and they can be used whether you give weekly, monthly, etc. In addition, you can use them for special giving, such as Capital Fund, missions, memorials, flowers, holidays, etc. Just mark on the envelope what the special giving is for.
If you are using another type of envelope, please include your name, envelope number and all appropriate information.
If you are giving your regular offering and a special offering at the same time, you do not have to write separate checks or use an additional envelope. You can write one check or include cash for total amount and mark the information on the envelope.
“Stewardship and generosity are where the rubber meets the road in our lifestyle as Christians.”
Stephen A. Macchia
Quarterly Giving Statements:
Your giving is recorded and a statement of your account is sent out each quarter. This not only keeps you advised of your giving, but also provides a document for your Federal Income Tax Return.
We now have the ability to send Quarterly Giving Statements electronically. We will attach a PDF file to an email, which you may print or file electronically.
“The Law of the Harvest applies to your finances…whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
Fields of God, Andy Stanley
Direct Deposit Program:
An optional Direct Deposit Program is available that enables you to make regular Sunday envelope contributions automatically. You authorize your bank to withdraw a specific amount of money from your checking or savings account on a regular basis and automatically deposit it into the WUMC bank account. You can specify how the total funds are to be distributed whether they are for General Fund, Capital Fund, Missions or any other regular giving.
If you choose to participate:
1. Complete and sign the Direct Deposit Authorization Form.
2. Return it to the Church Office along with a voided check or blank deposit slip.
3. Your information will be entered into the system.
4. You will receive written confirmation for your review and records.
Direct Deposit FAQs:
• The same form will be used for changes or program withdrawal.
• Fund transfers will take place on the 15th and 30th of each month (next business day if on Saturday, Sunday or Holiday).
• Your contributions may be made on the 15th, the 30th or both. Whatever best fits your situation.
• You may change the amount of your offering at any time or withdraw from the program completely with written notice.
“Money is an excellent gift of God answering the noblest of ends.” John Wesley