News For September 11, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,  

Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who went to jail rather than issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has been all over the news this week.  So for this week’s The Wired Word, we are going to use that news to consider acts of conscience, including noncompliance or resistance, when we think God’s will directs a course of action different from what our job or another situation requires.  This is an important issue, because as Christians, we all struggle with the question of when to take a stand because of our faith.   Adults, please join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.

  Worship Service for Sunday, September 13 - Youth Sunday:  

             Children’s Moment -  led by Delores Young

             Songs -  Come, Now is the Time to Worship;  Open the Eyes of My Heart; Heart of Worship and Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

             Special Music -  Caitlin May will sing Who Am I?

             Olga’s selections - 

                   Prelude: How Majestic Is Your Name

                   Offertory: Sasha Meade will be singing Child of God while Olga plays the piano

                   Postlude:  He Is Exalted

             Scripture -  James 1:22  - read by Maddie Lockyer

            The Youth will be sharing their Mission Trip experiences with the congregation followed by a slideshow

             Liturgist - Adam Shelton


There will be no Sunday School on Sunday so the children can stay in the worship service to hear about the youth mission trip experience.  The Nursery will be available for preschool, kindergarten, and first graders today.  

Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service.  Ann Nightingale and Melva Robinson will be your hosts on September 13.                       

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.   None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.   So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.

During the months of September and October, we will be collecting small clothing items such as socks, underwear, hats, scarves, etc.  for our Operation Christmas Child extra Shoeboxes.  Anne Stevens would also like to suggest you consider buying some flip-flops – most stores have them discounted to under $1.00 now.  The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.   

The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching.  Anne Stevens now has two signup sheets on the bulletin board:  the first one is to walk in the parade that day with shoeboxes and to pass out information about OCC and our collection center; the second sheet is for volunteers to staff our OOC booth during the day of Saturday, September 26.  Anne will arrive at the booth and get it set up that morning, but we have four 2-hour shifts (9-11 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 1-3 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.) that will need to be filled with at least 2-3 people per shift.  She will also need someone to clean up and tear down the booth from 5-6 p.m. and return the items to church.  

We have 2 large storage unit cabinets in the nursery that still need to find a home.  If anyone is interested in them, please let the nursery staff or Stephanie Shelton know.  We need to have them out of the nursery as soon as possible to make way for some new cabinets that have been ordered.  

The paving on Fifth Street was completed earlier this week with the addition of the second coat of asphalt.  Enjoy the new street!  

Please keep Pastor Mike and Pam in your prayers this weekend as their son, Steven, will be getting married on Saturday evening.

And finally, please remember the family of Rev. Bob VerSteeg who died on Sunday, September 6 in Bowling Green, Ohio, at age 85.  He was a minister, actor, writer and teacher.  Rev. VerSteeg was a United Methodist minister in Peebles, Toledo, Ada, Cincinnati, Bowling Green and Waterville.  He served our church as pastor in 2003.  A Memorial service will be held at a later date.  To share an online condolence with the family please visit   

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy