Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Third quarter giving statements were emailed on Thursday, October 8. If you receive a printed copy of your statement, they will be available for you to pick up on Sunday morning on the shelf outside the church office. If you would like to start receiving your statement via email or have any questions about your statement, please contact Tom Wiggins at
When asked about the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, last week, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said, among other things, that “stuff happens.” Taken out of context by some of his political opponents, the remark was characterized as callous; in context, however, he was commenting on whether certain laws, particularly relating to guns, should be changed. While the writers of this week’s lesson has no interest in jumping into the political fray, the candidate’s comment, which echoes one view of life found in the Bible (specifically, in Ecclesiastes), gives us an opportunity to consider the range of biblical viewpoints and how they give us various ways to think about how to address life’s pains and problems. So, that will be the topic of this week’s Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. for coffee, fellowship and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, October 11 –
Handbell Choir Prelude - Give Me That Old Time Religion
Kinder Choir - The Good Lord Made It All! and He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands with the congregation
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - Precious Lord, Take My Hand and Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
Olga’s selections -
Offertory: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Postlude: I’ll Praise Your Name, Lord
Scripture - Colossians 1:1-12
Pastor Mike’s Sermon Title - Living Faithfully as God is Faithful
Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé
Worship Leader - Keith Colyer
Please join us for a time of light refreshments following the worship service. Terry Myers and Anne Stevens will be your hosts during the month of October.
October and November’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. There are empty shoeboxes in the community room, by the front door and on the table in the Fireside Room.
During the month of October, we will be collecting small clothing items such as socks, underwear, hats, scarves, etc. for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoeboxes. Anne Stevens would also like to suggest you consider buying some flip-flops – most stores have them discounted to under $1.00 now. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
Let’s Show Them Our Love!
It’s not just a job. For Pastor Mike and the Staff here at WUMC, it’s also a labor of love. Love for our Creator/Redeemer God and His church here at WUMC are also important reasons they serve.
SPRC invites everyone, young and ... eh, not so young any more, and everyone in-between, to reflect some love back to them as we celebrate Pastor/Staff Appreciation Month. Here are two ways you can show your love and appreciation:
1) Over the next week or two, take a few moments to hand-write a short note of thanks and appreciation for all they do for us and the Lord. Then, mail it to the church, attention “Staff”, or drop it in the specially prepared box which will be located on the shelves in the office corridor. SPRC will compile and deliver them.
2) Fellowship together at the “Grazing Pot Luck” which SPRC is sponsoring after worship on November 1st. Please bring your favorite appetizers to share to help us celebrate our love for Pastor and our Staff.
These are our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who we are lifting up in love:
Pastor Mike Denman Quen Doyle Amy Plassmann
Olga Meade Barb Page Cathy Landis
Adam Sheldon Claire Long Joel Schutte
Janet Poling Stephanie Sheldon Jenny Bollinger
Parents with kids in Youth Group - the deadline to sign your child up for this summer’s Mission Trip is Sunday, October 18. A $50.00 deposit is needed. If you have any questions, please contact Adam Shelton.
And speaking of the Youth Group, they will be available to do their annual Leaf Raking Fundraiser on Sunday, November 1 and Sunday, November 8. All money earned from this activity will go towards their mission trip in 2016. If you need some help with your yardwork, please let Adam know and he will put you on their schedule or put your name on the signup sheet in the main hallway and he will be in touch with you.
Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 3rd from 11:00 till 1:00. Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up. If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards. We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC. If you know of somewhere that we can hang a flyer, pick up a flyer on the table at the bottom of the stairs, we want to get the word out. We on the sharing team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. Please talk to Charlotte Pritchett if you have any questions.
For many years, we have had a business relationship with Cooper’s Flowers in downtown Waterville. Unfortunately, because of the owner’s health issues and his intent to sell the building, those ties were cut last week and our church key has been returned. From last Sunday forward, we will be getting our flowers for the altar from Anthony Wayne Floral on Providence Street in Whitehouse. The cost for the altar arrangements will remain the same…$30.00…and they are willing to make the delivery each week for free. Altar flowers have always been a line item in our budget that is, more often than not, in the red….folks order altar arrangements and then forget to pay for them. Now would be a good time for you to check your 2015 financial statement that Tom Wiggins has just prepared to see if you are “paid up.” Thank you!
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy