News For October 30, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Remember to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.  This is the weekend we “Fall back” to standard time. 

If you receive a printed copy of your giving statement, they are available for you to pick up on Sunday morning on the shelf outside the church office.  (There are 24 statements still in the box.)  Please help us save money on postage by picking up your statement this week. 

Worship Service for Sunday, November 1 –  All Saints Day

             Children’s Moment - 

             Honoring the Saints - Remembering all those who have gone to their eternal home in the last year from our congregation

             Hymns -  For All the Saints and  I Sing the Almighty Power of God

             Sanctuary Choir anthem - This Do In Remembrance of Me

             Olga’s selections -

                   Prelude:  O How He Loves You and Me

                   Offertory: Holy Ground

                   Postlude:  Spirit Song

             Scripture -  Mark 12:28-34(NLT)

             Pastor Mike’s Sermon Title - Everything Except Love

             Stewardship Moment - A short skit entitled The Offering with Anna Emahiser, Tom & Karen Wiggins and David Stafford

            Communion by intinction

             Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé


We have two Prayer Quilts on the walls for this Sunday:

            Rev. Joel Schutte has requested a quilt for his Father-in-law Jim Milbach.  Jim was recently diagnosed with cancer.

            Christie Wielgopolski has requested a quilt for a co-worker named Cheryl Henke.  She will have a brain tumor removed in November. 

The following individuals will be on our “Roll of the Victorious” this Sunday:

Rebecca Jo Agee

Lawrence Russell

Mary Ann Parker

Leona Ellen Sherer

Katherine R. Smith

Donnel M. Doblinger Sr.

Rev. Robert VerSteeg

Nancy Carr Taylor

Steven James Bell

As Pastor Mike reads each name, a bell will be rung and a candle on the altar will be lit. 

There will be a “Grazing Pot Luck” this Sunday for Fellowship Time following the service.  We ask that everyone bring their favorite appetizers to share to help us celebrate our love for our Pastor and staff.  The Staff/Parish Relations Committee will be your hosts for November 1.  Jan Sheridan& Dawn Buskey will be your hosts during the rest of the month of November. 

This Sunday, you will be handed a “Reservation Card”  for the Consecration Sunday Luncheon on Sunday, November 15 as you enter the sanctuary before worship.  Please complete the forms and place them in the Offering Plates as they are passed in the pews.  If you will not be in church for worship this Sunday and intend to attend the luncheon, please call the church office and make your reservations by Friday, November 6.   

Our church congregation will be holding their annual Church Conference on Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. at Sylvania First United Methodist Church.  The church is located at 7000 Erie Street in Sylvania.   Please plan to attend. 

November’sMission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  There are empty shoeboxes in the community room, by the front door and on the cupboard in the Fireside Room.  The assembled boxes in the Fireside Room already have a few items placed in them.  Please take them home and fill them up!  If you missed hearing Karen Longnecker speak about the boxes, she suggested that you remove any excess packaging from items to be placed in the box.  She also suggested that instead of cardboard shoeboxes, you may use tool boxes or fishing tackle boxes of about the same size. 

The Youth Group will be available to do their annual Leaf Raking Fundraiser on Sunday, November 1 and Sunday, November 8.  All money earned from this activity will go towards their mission trip in 2016.  If you need some help with your yardwork, please let Adam know and he will put you on their schedule or put your name on the signup sheet in the main hallway and he will be in touch with you. 

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 3rd from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  If you know of somewhere that we can hang a flyer, pick up a flyer on the table at the bottom of the stairs, we want to get the word out.   We on the sharing team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success.  Please talk to Charlotte Pritchett if you have any questions. 

The next day of Prayer and Fasting, as called for by our Bishop, will be Friday, November 6.  The theme for November is Gratitude.  There are special yellow bulletins on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary that have scriptures, prayers, quotes and songs to help you to center your thoughts for this day. 

The OCC Shoebox Packing Party will be held in Fellowship Hall following worship on Sunday, November 8.  We would like to have children/youth come downstairs after church and fill shoeboxes with the items that the congregation has donated throughout the year.  We are definitely in need of more toiletry type items – soap, washcloths, hairbrushes, combs, etc.   

Our church will once again serve as a drop off/ collection site for the area’s OCC Shoeboxes from Monday, November 16 through Monday, November 23.  We are in need of volunteers to staff the collection room (Community Room) during that week.  There are morning, afternoon and evening times available during that week.  Please stop by the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway and see where you can lend a hand.  Our church will be dedicating our shoeboxes on Sunday, November 22 during the worship service. 

Parents Night Out Returns

Volunteers needed: WUMC Outreach Committee is planning a Parents Night Out for Saturday, November 14th from 5pm-7:30pm.  This is an event WUMC has hosted in the past with much success, and we are looking forward to bringing it back to reach out to our community & have a fun evening filling our church with kids!  We are in need of volunteers (ages 14+ are welcome!).  We promise you will have as much fun as the kids will!  Volunteers will be given activities to lead such as games, crafts, dinner, etc.  The Toledo Zoo is also coming with a live animal presentation.  Your time commitment will be from 4:45pm-7:30pm.  If you want to join the fun, but can't attend or can only come for part of it, please reach out to us.  We are so excited to restart this popular event!  Please contact Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or

For parents: WUMC is planning a Parents Night Out for Saturday, November 14th from 5pm-7:30pm.  Treat yourself to a night out while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is free child care for children ages 1 year to 6th grade.  We would love for you to invite friends & neighbors to experience our church by having a night out together!  Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, an indoor bounce house, a Toledo Zoo live animal presentation, & dinner (pizza & snacks).  Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or  Registration required, space is limited to 25 children.  Please spread the word to friends/neighbors to register! 

Stephanie Shelton is looking for someone to make around 40 “cinnamon applesauce” Christmas ornaments for the Children’s Christmas Program.  The recipe, cookie cutter, and ingredients would be provided for you.  The ornaments would need to be completed by November 28 in order for the kids to paint them on Sunday, November 29.  You can contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035  or

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Church Cathy