Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Parents Night Out is tomorrow! We still have capacity to take more children for PNO tomorrow! We have 13 volunteers & are so thankful to the congregation for their excitement about this event! Parents Night Out is tomorrow night, Saturday the 14th, from 5pm-7:30pm. Treat yourself to a night out while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment! This is free childcare for children ages 1 year to 6th grade. Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, an indoor bounce house, a Toledo Zoo live animal presentation, & dinner (pizza & snacks). Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan. Registration required via above contact info, but we are happy to take registrations all the way up until the event starts! Max registration is approx. 30 children (10+ spots left). Please remind any friends you've invited that they can take advantage of the fun for their children!
The worship service this Sunday will be held at Waterville Primary School (457 Sycamore Lane) at 10:30 a.m. Both children’s Sunday School (Christmas Play practice) and the Nursery will be available at the school location. Alight luncheon will be held following the service at the school with six different croissant sandwich options, four different salads and beverages.
Worship Service for Sunday, November 15
There will be no Children’s Moment this Sunday.
Hymns - We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise, Take My Life, and Let It Be and Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Sanctuary Choir anthem - Thank You For the Song
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Mighty Is Our God
Offertory: Sweet Hour of Prayer
Postlude: Great Is the Lord
Scripture - Luke 18:18-23
Guest Speaker - Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif
Sermon Title - Extravagant Generosity
Stewardship Moment - Turning in our estimate of giving cards
November’sMission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Time is running out to pack a box for this year! We still have plenty of boxes available. Last Sunday following worship, the children and youth were able to pack 67 boxes with the items that you had donated throughout the year. Now, we need to come up with the $7.00 shipping for those boxes!! Please consider making an additional contribution to the Mission Jar to help with this expense on Sunday, November 29.
Our church will once again serve as a drop off/ collection site for the area’s OCC Shoeboxes from Monday, November 16 through Monday, November 23. We are in need of volunteers on Tuesday evening, November 17 from 5-8 p.m., Wednesday evening, November 18 from 4-7 p.m., Sunday evening, November 22 from 5-8 p.m., Monday morning, November 23 from 10-Noon and drivers/trucks to deliver the boxes at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, November 23 to Day Spring Church in Bowling Green. Please contact Anne Stevens if you are available to help.
Our church will be dedicating our shoeboxes on Sunday, November 22 during the Thanksgiving worship service.
Have you ever thought about the intricate details of the first Christmas? How Mary handled the startling message from the angel Gabriel? Why God sought fit to first appear to the lowly shepherds, and choose a manger in Bethlehem? Or what it would have been like to stand before a multitude of angels? Join us, beginning on Sunday, November 29 at 9:00 a.m. for a four week adult Bible study entitled “A Savior Is Born” by Pete Briscoe. We will look at the topics of hope, peace, love and joy. Watch for a signup sheet on the bulletin board next Sunday.
The children have begun to practice for their annual Sunday School Christmas Program. It will be presented on Sunday, December 13th during the worship service. Following the program, we will be having a special Fellowship Time which will include lots of yummy Christmas cookies. If you would like to provide a plate of cookies, please place your name and phone number on the signup sheet in the main hallway.
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy