Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Christmas Eve services will take place at 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Thursday evening. The early service will feature carols, scripture, Pastor Mike’s message and special music. There will be a nursery available for babies and toddlers. Our late service will begin with a 20 minute piano concert by Olga, followed by carols, scripture, special music, the message and holy communion. Both services will feature candles as we pass the light of Christ and we join together in singing Silent Night.
A big Church Mouse thank you to Melva and Jerry Robinson for picking up all of the beautiful poinsettia plants this morning at Strains Nursery and arranging them around the altar in the sanctuary. Thank you to all who ordered flowers this year. You may take your poinsettia home following the worship services on Christmas Eve. (You will find protective sleeves for your plant’s ride home in between the organ and the piano.)
Our mission emphasis for the month of December will be Imagine No Malaria. Malaria is a disease of poverty that strikes hardest at the most vulnerable members of society: pregnant women and children under the age of five. A child dies every minute from this preventable disease. Five dollars provides a lifesaving course of medication, and ten dollars protects an entire family with a bed net. Our Christmas Offering will also be given to Imagine No Malaria. In response to Christ’s saving grace, how many lives will you help save this month?
There will not be any children’s Sunday School this Sunday morning during the worship service.
Worship Service for Sunday, December 27
Hymns - Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Joy to the World
Children’s Moment - Mission Jar collection
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Go Tell It on the Mountain
Offertory: Sing We Now of Christmas
Postlude: He Is Born
Anthem - Now the Holly Bears a Berry
Scripture- Romans 14: 14-19
Pastor Mike’s sermon – Living in the Kingdom Brings Glory to God
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall. Nancy O. Stafford has been your host for the month of December.
Are you running a little behind on your financial giving this year? Want to give a few extra dollars this year? In order to have your giving count on your 2015 financial statement, all monies need to be deposited by Tom Wiggins by noon on Thursday, December 31. You may contact him either at home or by email at
If you have not had the opportunity to submit your Estimate of Giving Cards, we will gladly accept them at any time. You may place them in the offering, send them via the mail, or send an email to Tom Wiggins at If needed, additional Estimate of Giving Cards are located on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office marked as “2016 Stewardship Campaign.”
Just a reminder that the church office will be closed this Thursday and Friday and also next Thursday and Friday.