News for February 20, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

The Church Council will be having a Planning Session tomorrow (Saturday) beginning at 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Please keep these members and their meeting in your prayers. 

A gruesome Islamic State (ISIS) video has been released which shows the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya.  The global community has condemned this brutal slaughter of innocent people, and Egyptian leaders have called for revenge.  But the cycle of violence is difficult to break, both in international affairs and in our personal lives.  Revenge, forgiveness, Christian unity and turning enemies into friends will be the topics of this week’s The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.   

Stephanie Shelton wants to make sure that all children attending Sunday School this week bring a paint shirt to church.  The kids will be painting with acrylic paint. 

Worship Service for Sunday, February 22nd :  

            Children’s Moment - Mission Jar collection for the S.O.W.E.R. Project in Kentucky

            Hymns - Be Thou My Vision and Go to Dark Gethsemane

            Choir Anthem -  Old, Rugged Cross

            Scripture -  1 Peter 3:18-22

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title -  Living in the Presence of God

            Olga’s selections - O Worship the King

                                             Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

                                             His Name Is Wonderful

            Liturgist - Dave Landis

            Prayer Quilt -  The Tuesday Night Women’s Bible Study Group has requested a Prayer Quilt for their member Bev Drage, who is now out of the hospital and is                     rehabbing in Perrysburg at Kingston Manor. 

We will have 5 Welcome A Neighbor bags this Sunday.  Please check the addresses to see if any of these new residents live close to you or are on your route home.  Delivery is easy…just walk up to the door, knock or ring the doorbell, smile, introduce yourself and welcome them to the area.  The bags are filled with a notepad, pen, information about our church and a bag of microwave popcorn.  Thank you to Bobbie Westfall and Becky Allison for putting these bags together each month. 

The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for the months of March and April, will be available at both entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00. 

Following the worship service, please join us in Fellowship Hall for a time of light refreshments and conversation.  Cindy Box and Penny Greenlese have been your hosts during the month of February. 

A New Member Class is set to begin on Sunday, March 8th at 9:00 am in the pastor’s office. All who are interested please fill out the form in Sunday’s bulletin and place it in the offering plate or call the church office at 419-878-3645. The class will meet on Sunday, March 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th with the reception of new members on the 29th. If you have any questions call or email Pastor Mike at 419-469-0156 or

Our mission focus for the month of February will be the S.O.W.E.R. Project (Sharing Our Witness – Enriching Relationships).  The 2015 SOWER Team is in the planning stages for constructing the 15th home for a family near Frakes, Kentucky (the Cumberland Gap area).  The cost of materials to build one of the 28’ x 28’ or 28’ x 32’ houses from the ground up is approximately $43,000 to $47,000  The project is in need of both funding to cover material costs and volunteers for the six week building process. For more information, you may visit and  If you are interested in working on the construction phase, you will find the SOWER build schedule and the registration forms on the shelf outside the church office.  If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to Pastor Mike or Dave and myself about our experiences at the site during August 2014.  Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts. 

Friday, February 27, 2015 is the 8th Annual Anthony Wayne Spirit of Giving Spaghetti Dinner in the Anthony Wayne High School Cafeteria from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m.  Please mark your calendars and come out and support this organization comprised of AW Staff, students, and neighbors, as we raise funds to help support families within our district with catastrophic illnesses.  This year there are four families that have been “adopted” by AWSG and several others that will be given smaller grants to assist with financial needs. AWSG is not just about financial assistance, many AW students and staff assist by babysitting siblings during treatment times, taking care of yard work for families when that’s the last thing that need to care about, or grocery shopping to help fill empty shelves. Please help us help others by coming out to the spaghetti dinner AND if you or  someone you know would have a item or service you might donate to the Silent Auction that accompanies the dinner that night, we genuinely welcome the contribution.  See Anne Stevens for details. 

Theatre-for-the-World will take place on Friday, March 13th, Saturday, March 14th and Sunday, March 15th.  Friday and Saturday’s shows will begin at 7:30 p.m. and the Sunday show will start at 1:30 p.m.  This year’s production is FOOLS, a family-friendly comedy by Neil Simon. 

We have printed several flyers for the Theatre-for-the-World production.  Please feel free to take some of the posters home with you this Sunday and display them in places that you shop, dine or at your place of employment.  They are located on the shelf outside the church office. 

We are looking for volunteers to be ushers and food runners for all of the Theatre-for-the-World performances.  You will need to be present 45 minutes before the production to hand out programs.  There will be a sign up sheet in the hallway on Sunday morning.  Please see Bobbie Westfall or Nancy Stafford with any questions.  Thank you , in advance, for your support. 

Stephanie Shelton has placed sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for reservations for the Youth Lasagna Dinner on the Saturday evening before the Theatre-for-the-World performance on March 14th.  The deadline for reservations will be March 11th.  She is also in need of lasagna makers and dessert bakers for that evening.  

You have three more Sundays to order your Easter lily!  To help save on the cost of the paper by placing order forms in the church bulletins for several weeks and the printing costs, we would like to try something different this year. If you would like to order a flower or make a donation to our Building Fund, please use the envelopes that can be found on the bulletin board outside Pastor Mike’s office.  Write your information on the outside of the envelope and place your money inside the envelope.  You may either place them in the offering plate or drop them off in the office. We will be taking orders from Sunday, February 1st to Sunday, March 8th. (This date is one week earlier than previously published – we need to have our order turned into the greenhouse by March 13th.) The cost of each lily is $8.00.  There is also a link to order your Easter lily in the February issue of The Ambassador – you will just fill out the form online and send it to the office.  (You will then send us a check or place your money in the offering plate – we will not be asking for any credit card information.)   

Once again, snow is being forecast for this weekend.  As long as we are not under a Level 3 Snow Emergency, we will be having worship.  If in doubt, call the church office before you leave home.  

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy