News For Friday April 10, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

The Anthony Wayne High School Interact Club (the high school division of Rotary Club) will be co-sponsoring the first annual Kids Against Hunger Food Build on Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and then from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Gateway Middle School.  The school is located at 900 Gibbs Street in Maumee.  Meals packaged will go to feed the refugees affected by ISIS in Israel.  Volunteers are needed during both time periods.  They hope to make 40,000 meals during this four hour period.

 Now that Holy Week and Easter are behind us, we may be inclined to put on hold until next year thinking any more about what those events on the church calendar represent.  But before we move on to the next thing, it’s worth taking time to notice an event that is happening more and more in churches during Holy Week:  Christians hosting a Passover seder – a Jewish observance.  And even more importantly, this news gives us a chance to consider how such celebrations symbolize a growing awareness among Christians of the common heritage we share with Jews.  So for this week’s installment of The Wired Word, we will look at those common roots with the goal of increasing our understanding of the importance of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) for Christians, as well as enlivening our connection with people of the Jewish faith.  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.   

Worship Service for Sunday, April 12th  -             

            Prelude - Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho by the Handbell Choir

            Call to Worship - Majesty, Worship His Majesty

            Hymns -  Blest Be the Tie That Binds, I Worship You, Almighty God  and ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus  

            Olga’s selections - I Worship You, Almighty God and Our God Reigns

            Scripture -  Romans 15:1-13

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title -  The Acceptance of Others

            Liturgist  - Tom Quinn 

There will be a prayer quilt this Sunday for Rhonda Amspaugh’s mother Jeanette Mehring.  Jeanette has been hospitalized this week while she has undergone some heart procedures.  Please be sure and stop by the quilt, say a prayer and tie a knot for Jeanette this Sunday.           

There will not be any Fellowship Time following worship on Sunday.  Instead, join us following worship in Fellowship Hall for a Pancake Breakfast.  All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes in memory of Marny and Tony Mazzarella’s first daughter Sophia.  Adult tickets may be purchased from Marny for $6.00; Children (12 and under) tickets will be sold for $4.00.  If you were not able to be here on Easter to purchase tickets, please contact her at 419-308-2084.   

Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse.  Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall.  The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed.  When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village.  Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals. 

The church has always tremendously supported Operation Christmas Child.  This year we’d like to initiate a yearlong collection for filling shoeboxes.  When the time gets closer, we will then have a packing party in addition to our conventional way of packing shoeboxes on our own or with our families.  We do this in the hope of generating even more boxes and reaching even more children.  For the months of April and May – we ask that you collect and donate small toys, coloring books, crayons, markers, tops, and any other small toy items.  Any toy items are welcome that are allowed by Samaritans Purse.  Anne Stevens will be placing a collection box under the table in the foyer for your items. 

Your first quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Saturday, April 4th.  For those who receive hard copies, they are available for your pickup on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please help us save on postage costs by picking your statement up this Sunday.  If you have any questions, please contact Tom Wiggins at  

Stephanie Shelton is still in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department.  She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church.  There are five different positions still available.  Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day.  If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at or 567-202-5035. 

Parents – mark your calendars!  The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School will take place on Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in the evenings.  Our church will be responsible for providing the evening meal and the snacks on Tuesday, July 14th. 

And finally, with Spring finally here (as we witnessed last evening), many of you might be undertaking the task of some Spring Cleaning.  This is a reminder that the Youth Group will be holding their annual fund raiser during the Waterville Community Garage Sale Days from Thursday, June 11th to Saturday, June 13th.  It will be here before you know it!! 

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy