News For May 15, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Westgate Chapel will be presenting a Kairos* Benefit Concert on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 pm.  The concert will consist of all contemporary music featuring the music of Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Hill Song, David Crowder, and others.  The songs will be performed by the Westgate Chapel Worship Team and Choir.  There is no admission charge, but a freewill offering will be taken.  (*Kairos is a ministry that works in prisons by personally sharing the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families.) 

Four years of severe drought in California has killed 12.5 million trees, reduced the number of fish in lakes and rivers and taken a half million acres of farmland out of production.  All of this has led Governor Jerry Brown to announce water conservation requirements for municipalities and townships.  His controversial new policy has regions and economic sectors in the state crying foul over what many view as unfair and uneven application of the conservation rules.  So for this week’s installment of The Wired Word, we will examine what scripture teaches us regarding our responsibility to be good stewards of earth’s resources, such as water, and how stewardship relates to our relationship with God and with other residents of our planet.  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.  Karen Wiggins will be teaching the class. 

Worship Service for Sunday, May 17  - 

            Handbell Choir - Flow Gently Sweet Afton

            Children’s Moment -

            Hymns -  He Is Exalted and I’ll Fly Away  

            Olga’s selections - Blessed Be the Name

            Scripture -  Ephesians 1:15-23

            Sanctuary Choir Anthem - River In Judea

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Blessing Others 

Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Praying for Others

This Sunday is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  There are 11 gift bags on the table in the entryway that will need to be delivered to new residents in our community following worship.  Please check and see if any of the new neighbors live close to you.


Our mission emphasis for May is the upcoming Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June. 

The Maumee Community Band will be presenting Spring Blast of Music Concert on Tuesday, May 19 at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center of Maumee United Methodist Church.  Admission to free and there is plenty of parking.  Church members Elaine Colyer and John Nicholson play instruments in this band. 

All items/articles for the June issue of The Ambassador, our monthly newsletter, are due in the church office on Thursday, May 21.   

The Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 3 at 11:00 a.m.  Our church will be feeding around 50 of the staff at the school that day.  Charlotte Pritchett has placed a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  We are in need of spinach salads, lettuce salads, vegetable salads, and pasta salads.  Also needed are 4 desserts which will each serve 10 to 12 people.  Please have your salads and desserts to the church by 9:00 am or to the school by 10:00 am on the day of the luncheon.  We are also in need of folks to help set up, serve and clean up at the school beginning at 10:00 am.   

Do you struggle to pray?  Do you feel like your personal prayer time is like a desert?  Come be refreshed by learning to pray God's Word.  Let the living waters of the Word wash over your soul!  Alaire Rothhaas will be presenting “The Practice of Prayer Workshop” on Friday, June 5 from 7-9 pm and on Saturday, June 6 from 9-Noon at Zion United Methodist Church located at 10926 Maumee Street in Whitehouse, Ohio.  You may register by emailing   Registrations will also be taken at the door.  The cost for this workshop is $10 (for the workbook). 

Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7.  We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school.  If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information:  where you are graduating from and any future plans (example:  what college you are attending and your major).  We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7.  If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24.  We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too.  Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you. 

How’s your Spring Cleaning coming along?  Remember that the Youth Group will be having their annual garage sale on June 11-13 at the Shelton house (171 Freedom Lane.)  If you have any items to donate, you may drop them off at the Shelton home beginning on June 7.  The youth will also selling food at the garage sale and would appreciate any donations of the following items:  cans of pop, bottled water, individual bags of chips/snacks, plastic 8 oz. cups, Snow cone flavoring (Jelly Belly), plastic spoons, and baked goods.  Please put the baked goods in sandwich size zip-loc bags to sell individually (2 items in a bag or one large item).  Brownies, cookies or Rice Krispie Treats sell best during the garage sale.  They Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.  Karen Wiggins will be teaching the class. will also need lots of help at the Food Stand and also for the sale days.  They will also need help on June 10 to help price items.  If you have any questions please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton (419-205-2516 or 567-202-5035).  All monies raised will go toward the Youth Group mission trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin.  (They still need to raise nearly $3,000.)  

The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16:  Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-loc bags, baby wipes, painters tape (blue, thin), flour, salt, colorful Sharpie markers, containers of washable craft paint (any color besides black), colored plastic straws, colored cardstock or battery operated tea lights.  If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room.  Thank you for your support! 

I will be out of the office for the next two weeks.  Janet will be filling in for me on Thursdays while I am gone.  The church office will be closed on Friday, May 22, Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day  and Friday, May 29.  There will not be any Friday E-blasts until I return in June.   

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy