News For June 26, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,  

The Youth Group and their sponsors will be leaving for their Mission Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin at 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  Please join us at 6:45 a.m. in the parking lot for a time of prayer before their departure.  

The prison break by two convicted murderers has been high in the news this week, especially because they have not been apprehended and because a female prison employee has been arrested and charged with aiding them in their escape.  Her decision to help them seems incredibly unwise and costly to her, and yet, none of us is immune from being manipulated by others and from making bad decisions.  So we will use this news as an opportunity to think about our bad decisions and what we need to do to recover from them.  That will be the topic of this week’s lesson of The Wired Word.  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.    

This Sunday is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday at WUMC.  We have 8 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in the area following worship.  Please check and see if any of these new neighbors live close to you.  

Worship Service for Sunday, June 21  - Father’s Day

            Children’s Moment -

            Hymns -  He Is Exalted; Come, Now Is The Time to Worship; Faith of Our Fathers and It Is Well with My Soul  

            Olga’s selections - Praise Him!  Praise Him!; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and Our God Reigns

            Scripture -  3 John 1: 1-15  (New Living Translation)

            Special Music by JoAnn Lucas - It Is No Secret with the congregation joining in on the chorus

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Demonstrating That We Are God’s Children

            Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé  

Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service.  Melva Robinson and Charlotte Pritchett will be your hosts for the month of June.  

Our mission emphasis for June is the Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.  

Someone dropped off their items for the Youth garage sale in 2 clear Sterilite plastic tubs.  Adam and Stephanie still have the tubs and ask that you contact them or come to their home to pick them up.  

During the months of June and July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection.  The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.   

The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities.  One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service.  For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC.  As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry.  Please contact Pastor Mike for further information at   

I’ve printed 3 copies of the new church directory which will be in different locations throughout the church during the next few weeks. ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information  in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing.  If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed.  I’m sorry that this process has taken so long.  We updated the software about 3 months ago and I didn’t realize what a time consuming project this would be.  Depending on the workload, I hope to have it ready for everyone by August.  To help defray printing costs, we are asking everyone to pay $5.00 per copy.  I’ll keep you updated on its progress.  

The deadline for articles for the July edition of The Ambassador will be Monday, June 22nd.  Please email your items to by the end of the day on Monday.  

Our church’s Finance Committee and Church Council will be meeting on Wednesday, June 24.  Council Members should check their church mailbox on Sunday for copies of any reports that were turned in this week.  

It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School.  You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office.  This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power.  Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges.  Advance registration by July 1 will help to make certain this year’s VBS is really cool.  You may also register by going to   Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton.  

The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16:  Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, baby wipes, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights.  If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room.  Thank you for your support!   

Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening.  Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th.  The snack will be heart cut-out cookies.  We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies.  Any recipe is fine.  We need at least 225 cookies.  Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested.  Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th.  Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner!  Thank you very much for all your support of these great outreach ministry!    

The Church Mouse reports that some of the Trustees have been busy installing windows in many of the interior doors around the church.  Be sure and check out the doors in the Education Wing, the Community Room, the church office and the pastor’s office.  Many thanks to Jerry Robinson, Karl Kirkman, Tom Quinn and Penn Pritchett for their work that will allow us to comply with Safe Sanctuary Policies & Standards.  

And finally, we express our Christian love and sympathy to Jean and Dick Warner on the death of their nephew, Larry Tornai, in Florida on Tuesday, June 16.  Larry had been on our Prayer List for a few months as he battled jaw and lung cancer.  

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy