News For July 10, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,  

There seems to be a glitch with the Servant Keeper Program that we use to send out the quarterly giving statements.  They will be sent out electronically and printed for those of you who receive hard copies as soon as possible.  Please contact Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.  

The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class will be looking at the altruistic actions of Sir Nicholas Winton, who rescued 669 Czechoslovakian Jewish children from almost certain death in the days leading up to World War II.  He was memorialized as a humanitarian following his death in Maidenhead, England on July 1 at the age of 106.   The selflessness of this man’s actions and, further, his humility about his efforts provide us the chance to consider what it means to let our light shine in the world without drawing undue attention to ourselves.  Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.

Worship Service for Sunday, July 12  

            Children’s Moment -  Pam Denman will be sharing about UMCOR Health Kits with the children

   Hymns -  Hallelujah!; We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Go, Tell It on the Mountain; All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name and To God Be the Glory 

   (John Nicholson will be leading the first four songs listed above and telling us about some of their history during our Opening Hymns.)

            Olga’s selections - 

                   Prelude: Just a Closer Walk with Thee

                   Offertory:  O Worship the King

            Scripture -  Ephesians 1: 3-14  (New Living Translation)

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title - What Does It Mean To Be a Child of God

            Liturgist - Tom Quinn

            Prayer Quilt – Charlotte Pritchett has requested a Prayer Quilt for a friend in her Garden Club named Sandy Pifer.  Sandy has liver and stomach cancer.        

Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service.  Ann Nightingale and Bobbie Westfall will be your hosts for the month of July.  

The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for July and August, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary on Sunday morning.  The cost is $1.00.  

Our mission emphasis for July is UMCOR Health Kits.  You will find an insert in your bulletin this week listing instructions for packing each kit.  You will also find information on the kits in the July issue of The Ambassador.  Pam Denman will be sharing about UMCOR Health Kits during the Welcome portion of the church service this week.  

During the month of July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection.  The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.  

The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities.  One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service.  For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC.  As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry.  Please contact Pastor Mike for further information at 419-469-0156 or   

Have you checked your information in one of the three copies of the church directories yet?   ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information  in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing.  If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed.    

The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School will be held Sunday evening through Thursday evening this week at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Waterville.  

The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16:  Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights.  If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room.  Thank you for your support!   

Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening.  Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th.  The snack will be heart cut-out cookies.  We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies.  Any recipe is fine.  We still need 11 dozen of these cookies!!!  Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested.  Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th.  Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner!  Thank you very much for all your support of this great outreach ministry!    

The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching.  Anne Stevens is wondering if there are any who would like to design, plan and build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox float for the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26.  If so, please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  We will also need volunteers to staff our booth that day…more details to come!  

Congratulations to Ben & Lindsay (Young) Watson upon the birth of their daughter this past Wednesday, July 8.  Megan Grace was born at 1:54 p.m. and weighed in at 6 pounds and was 19” long.  Grandparents are Delores Young and Squire Young.  

And finally, please keep David and Nancy Stafford in your prayers this coming week as they travel to Henderson Settlement to help build two houses.  They will be doing drywall and insulation work all week.  

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy