News For August 7, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

The killing of Cecil the lion – whom most of us didn’t even know of until his death made the news – has captured attention around the world in the last several days.    So, for this week’s The Wired Word, we are going to look at that story for what we as Christians might learn about how we choose what issues to respond to. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall. 

There will be no Sunday School for children this Sunday.  The nursery will be available for those children 3 and under. 

Pastor Mike will be taking some vacation beginning this weekend and will be out of the office until Monday, August 17.  If there is an emergency and you need Pastoral Care, please contact the church office.   

In Pastor Mike’s absence, we welcome Rev. Joel Schutte to our pulpit for the next two Sundays.   Rev. Schutte currently serves as the Director of Christian Emphasis for the YMCA of Greater Toledo.   

Worship Service for Sunday, August 9 

             Children’s Moment - 

             Hymns -  We Are the Church;  The Church’s One Foundation and I Am Thine, O Lord

            Special Music -  Charlene Hanse will be singing Healing Is In Your Hands

            Olga’s selections -

                   Prelude: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

                   Offertory:  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

                   Postlude:  Great Is the Lord

            Scripture -  Ephesians 4:25 -5:2  (New Living Translation)

            Sermon title - Living Into the Community of Faith 

Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service.  The sister team of Lisa Galton and Sara Kirby will be your hosts for the month of August.                       

Our mission emphasis for August is UMCOR School Kits.  You will find information on the kits in the August issue of The Ambassador.  A special thanks to Carl and Marilyn Fox for sewing all of our cloth bags again this year. 

During the month of August we would like to collect school supplies for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection.  The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.   

Run, Baby, Run and Walk 2015, a fund-raiser benefitting the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo, will be held on August 22, 2015 at Secor Metropark.  You are welcome to join a group of ladies from our church for this one mile walk.  Please contact Melva Robinson or Connie Kirkman for additional information.  They welcome contributions to be given to this worthwhile cause and will have pledge sheets available during Fellowship following worship on Sunday.  

The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching.  Anne Stevens would like to recruit a few adults to dress up in oversized OCC Shoeboxes to walk in the parade.  She would also like some children to walk with the adults and carry some of the actual sized OCC Shoeboxes and hand out information.  If this is something you might be interested in, please place your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. 

Please continue to lift up in prayer:

Katherine Smith who is now at home and receiving Hospice Care

Pastor Dave Hogg and family upon the unexpected death of their daughter Tonia Hogg Drake on this past Tuesday.  Funeral services will be held on Saturday. 

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy