News for March 18, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of March will be a continuation of our Theatre-for-the-World projects.  We will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the three local food banks in our area.  Items especially appreciated are canned fruits, peanut butter and cereals.  Monetary donations are also welcome.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Last Sunday, Pastor Mike asked all of us to look up all of the “One Another” scriptures to guide how we live.  You will find a yellow insert in your bulletin this Sunday with 59 of those verses. 

Worship Service for Palm Sunday, March 20:

               Processional - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

              Hymns -  The Wonderful Cross and  O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

              Kinder Choir - Mantos y Palmas (Filled with Excitement) and Little Donkey

              Children’s Moment - Mission Jar

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  Hosanna!

                    Offertory:  We Shall Behold Him

                    Postlude:   Rock of Ages

  Anthem -  The King of Glory

             Scripture-  Philippians 2:5-11

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - Grace as God is Our Master

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

The Children’s Easter Egg Hunt will take place immediately after the worship service.  Please remember to bring a basket for your child.  All egg hunters will be awarded a sackful of goodies. Please find your egg-hunting location below.  There will be someone there to "start" everyone together for your age group & if you forgot a basket/bag, please ask them for one. 

 Nursery, Preschool, Kindergarten:   Courtyard

First - Third:  Front of Church

Fourth - Sixth:   Side of Church                                                  

 In case of rain:

Nursery, Preschool, Kindergarten:  Youth Room

First - Third:   Community/Choir Room

Fourth - Sixth:   Fireside Room

Sunday is also Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  We have 4 gift bags that need to be delivered to new neighbors in our community following our worship service.  Please check and see if any of these new residents live near you.

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Jenny Kahl and Julie Croy will be your hosts for the month of March.   Thank you!

The congregation is invited to attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the sanctuary at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday for Zachary David Sisler.  For his Eagle Project, Zachary reworked the cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  There will be a reception in Fellowship Hall immediately following the ceremony.  Congratulations Zachary, on a wonderful accomplishment!  And congratulations to his parents, Dave and Sue, brother Austin and grandmother Sally Waggoner as well, for your encouragement in helping Zachary attain this honor. 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

 We have four Easter lilies that are still available to purchase for next Sunday.  The cost is $8.00 each.  Please fill out one of the white envelopes on the shelf outside the church office or call/email the office before Thursday so you may be included on the list in the bulletin next week.

We will have a 7:00 p.m. worship service with communion on Maundy Thursday, March 24.

Our second annual Cross Walk will take place on Good Friday, March 25 at noon.  Meet in the church courtyard at 11:45 a.m.  Wear your walking shoes as we carry the cross around our community and pray along the way.

The Community Sunrise Easter Service will take place at 7:15 a.m. on March 27 by the old primary school on the river.  The Presbyterian church will be in charge of the service.  A breakfast will be served at their building following the service.

The Thursday morning B & B Bible Study is starting a new book following Easter.  They have decided to go with a classic!  Beginning on Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 a.m. in the side room at Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse, they will be reading from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship to Him.  All are welcome to join this co-ed group to share in the Bible, a delicious breakfast and fellowship. 

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of March, we are asking you to purchase quality craft kits and toys.  Anne Stevens will be placing a box by the main entrance for your donations.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.                                                                                                                                                                   

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy