Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
A Memorial Service for Kenneth Wiggins, father of Tom, will be held in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. this Saturday.
Our mission emphasis for the month of August will be Hygiene Kits. For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits that make all the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within. A listing of the contents for each of the gallon-sized Zip-lock plastic bags can be found in your August issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.
The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Pastor Mike is teaching this class.
The Tuesday night War Room study will be finishing up the last half of Chapter 5 on Tuesday. At the conclusion of the War Room study, they also will be moving into The Book of the Revelation study. Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.
The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Worship Service for Sunday, August 21:
Song of Worship - Give Thanks
Children’s Moment -
Olga’s selections:
Prelude: We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise
Offertory: Count Your Blessings
Postlude: Lord, Be Glorified
Special Music - none this week
Scripture- Hebrews 12:18-29
Pastor Mike’s message - Showing Gratitude to God
Closing Hymn - There’s Something About That Name
Liturgist - Tom Quinn
Keith and Elaine Colyer have requested a prayer quilt for their friend, Gail Edwards and her family this week. Gail’s daughter was killed in a car accident 3 weeks ago. Keith, Elaine and Gail are members of the Maumee Community Band. Please stop by the quilt and tie a knot and say a prayer for Gail and her family.
Please join us, following worship for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall. Sara Kirby and Lisa Galton are your hosts this month.
August 21 is a Welcome a Neighbor Sunday. There will be almost 20 gift bags that will need to be delivered after the worship service to new residents in our area. Please check the bulletin board with the map in the entryway to see if any of them live close to you. The bags include some microwave popcorn, a notepad, a pen and information about our church.
You will find two special inserts in your bulletin this Sunday. Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA. Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management. Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership. A physician’s referral will be required to participate. Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.
The second insert is Bishop Palmer’s call for action after the historic Louisiana flooding. For two weeks, we will be including envelopes in the bulletin for donations to the UMCOR United States Disaster Response Advance #901670. Your checks will need to be made payable to Waterville UMC and please put LA-Flooding in the memo line. If you pay with cash, please remember to write your name or your offering envelope number on the outside of the envelope. The monies donated will be added to your end-of-year financial statements. The collected monies will then be sent to the West Ohio Conference Office.
One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services. We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry. Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.
Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year. So, for the month of August, we are asking you to donate school supplies. Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.
Our church has been asked to host the Pre-Charge Conference Briefing for the Maumee Watershed District. It will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We would like to provide light refreshments and beverages for those attending this meeting. I have placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for cookies, brownies, etc. and for a few folks who would be able to help with set-up, serving and clean-up that day. The meeting is expected to last for about an hour, so we should be able to leave by 5:00-5:30 p.m.
Here’s a new, quick project to get involved with during the hot, dog days of summer. Don’t want to go outside in the heat? Looking for an excuse to stay inside? Beginning this Sunday, you will find a box on the shelf outside the church office for the collection of paperback books. These books are being collected for our servicemen and military families. There is a story as to how this all came about. Melva Robinson’s former neighbors gave up their home and moved to Perrysburg Commons. About six months later, the husband died. Since his death, Melva could sense the physical and mental health of the wife, Ellen, going downhill. Then, several weeks ago, Melva noticed a marked difference in Ellen’s attitude. Ellen then told Melva how she had become involved in collecting paperback books for the military and military families. She said that “at last, she was again a contributing member to society and was doing something worthwhile.” Melva told her that she would try to help. Who better to ask for help than her church family? So, if you have any paperback books on your shelves you haven’t read in a while, would you consider bringing them to church and filling Ellen’s box? Melva will see that they are delivered to Ellen.
Are you missing some of your favorite dishes? Can’t find them anywhere? Have you checked the counter by the dishwasher in the church’s kitchen? We have a small community of dishes that were left over from funeral dinners, the Waterville Teacher’s Luncheon and Vacation Bible School that are waiting to get back to their owners.
We are still in need of Fellowship Hosts for September through December. The refreshments are provided and the coffee is already made. All you have to do is to put the food out on the table and then clean up afterwards. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway.
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy