News for September 2, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, September 4

              Song of Worship -  Come, Christians, Join to Sing

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  And Can It Be

                     Offertory:  Holy, Holy, Holy

                     Postlude:   For the Beauty of the Earth

             Special Music - Pam Denman will be singing Mercy

             Scripture-  Luke 14: 25-33

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Counting the Cost

             Celebration of Holy Communion by intinction

             Closing Hymn – Have Thine Own Way, Lord

             Liturgist - Dave Landis


Please join us, following worship, for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  ( We still don’t have any volunteers to host in September, October, November or December.) 

The Trustees will be refinishing the floor in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Labor Day week.  If any of you would be able to help fold up the chairs and tables after fellowship time is finished on Sunday, it would be much appreciated.

Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA in our Community Room.  Classes will begin on Monday, September 12 and run through October 17 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of September, we are asking you to donate dental hygiene items.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

We are in need of volunteers to staff our Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Festival on Saturday, September 24.  Anne Stevens is in need of 12 people to work for two hour shifts throughout the day.  The first shift would begin at 7:00 a.m. with the set-up of the tent and tables.  The last shift at 5:00 p.m. would be taking down the tent and bringing the items back to the church.  A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  Another large donation was dropped off on Thursday.  I think that we are making Ellen smile!

Church Council Update: 

The City of Waterville will be constructing a sidewalk across the front of our new building property located on Waterville-Monclova Road.   WUMC is required to pay one-half of the cost and the Council approved the $8,800 expenditure, from the new building fund.  We agreed to utilize the City’s contractor and align our property driveway/access across from Pray Blvd.

The Browning Community is willing to provide WUMC with approximately 5,000 cubic square yards of fill dirt at no cost to our Church.  We estimate this to be valued at about $75,000 as built into previously submitted costs for the site preparation.   Council created a check list regarding “Fill Dirt” for the property on Waterville Monclova Road.  A small group of volunteers met with the Lucas County Engineer, Waterville Zoning & Public Works and the Browning developer to determine requirements and potential next steps.

There are many teams that need to be formed as we continue to pray about the next steps with our new building and our Mission to “Nurture discipleship by celebrating, teaching and sharing God’s love”.  Council is asking members of the congregation to pray about your role in this new phase in the life of our Church and consider what role will you take on?  Where is God leading you to engage and participate?   We need volunteers for our Building project as we continue to plan and explore God’s unexpected gifts – like the fill dirt.

Council is holding an All Church Meeting at 5 pm on Sunday, September 25th in Fellowship Hall (refreshments provided) to have open dialogue about expanding our Ministries within our community, planning for our new building and your role.   “Start thinking about where God is calling you to serve.” 

Plan on attending worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 11.  We will be having a very patriotic service to remember the 15th anniversary of the attacks on 9-11-01.  There will be lots of special music and I’m sure it will be a very moving service.

And finally, some office housekeeping…I will be printing the September 11 bulletin and putting together the PowerPoint slides on Tuesday, September 6 and then taking off the remainder of the week to get ready for Andy’s wedding.  Please, please, please…..if you have any slides or information that will need to be included in the bulletin, I will need to have that information by noon on Tuesday.  Janet and I will be switching office days the week of September 12.  Any items that need to be in the bulletin on Sunday, September 18 will need to be turned into the church office by Tuesday, September 13 at noon.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Enjoy your holiday Weekend!!!                                                                                                                                            

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy