News from November 10, 2017



Prelude – Battle Hymn of the Republic – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call To Worship

Recognition of Our Veterans

Song of Worship – As the Deer

Kinder Choir – Clap Your Hands All You People & I’m Thankful to Be An American

Children’s Moment 

Anthem – Litany For America - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – 1 Kings 19:1-9

Sermon – Facing the Challenges of Life – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – America the Beautiful - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Stand by Me


Choral Benediction – Go Now In Peace

Postlude – Onward Christian Soldiers - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Brandon Chase – Active Duty

David Nicholson & Family

Betty Cole & Family

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan


Good News!

The Church Wedding Coordinator position has been filled by Tom Quinn.  Thank you Tom!


Youth Fall Fundraiser

This Sunday November 12

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip, the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome. 


If you are interested in having the youth rake your leaves or know of a neighbor who could use their help, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton Shelton or sign-up sheet on hall bulletin board. 

Thank you!



 1.A reminder that there are still open slots for operation Christmas child collection week at WUMC/ for November 13-20. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board – We are still looking for volunteers to help on Sunday afternoon/evening of Nov 19, and Monday, Nov 20 10:00-1:00.  It takes many volunteers to fill these timeslots. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

2 Our annual Operation Christmas child packing party will be after church during fellowship on Sunday November 12.  Would love to have help packing items that have been brought in during the year. If you have extra items that didn’t fit in your shoe boxes – please bring them along that morning. All ages welcome to help!

 3. WUMC collection/dictation app OCC shoeboxes will be November 19 – but if you’re not in attendance that day please bring them in to church anytime during collection week We will pray over these boxes for the children that will receive them on the 19th.


The children’s Sunday School classes participated in a “Project with a Purpose” in which they made noisemakers (maracas and jingle sticks) to be included in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Beginning on October 29th, there will be baskets of these noisemakers in the Community Room and Fellowship Hall.  Please feel free to take one noisemaker for each box that you plan on packing. 


Some Beanie Babies have been donated. Please feel free to take one and place in your Operation Chritmas Child Shoeboxes.  They are located in the Fireplace Room.

“Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


Pool noodles (will not be returned),

Large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

Small to medium seashells (nothing huge),

Curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

Long skinny balloons (the kind that are twisted to make animals);

Bubble machine


Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.  There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!

Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

October & November 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the Operation Christmas Child logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.


In His Steps, fearfully and wonderfully walking.

Leanne Dunn