News for March 17, 2017

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Please continue to pray for the following folks:
              Bob and Millie Hires – Bob is now home from the hospital and Millie had taken a bad fall, but is at home also
              John Mason – took a bad fall and is at home
              Pam Denman’s Father – Lowell Crabtree – in hospital with an infection following heart surgery in January
              Jim Simpson is now back at Kingston Rehabilitation Center
The Family and Friends of Rev. Karen Shepler – A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at the Monroe Street UMC located at 3613 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio 43206.  Friends and guests will be received beginning at 1:30 pm and the service will begin at 3:00 pm.  A reception will follow the service.  Those attending can enter Monroe Street UMC either at the door with the green awning or by the front steps.  An elevator is next to the green awning door.  Memorial donations can be made to: MWD Monroe Street Freedom School and can be sent to Monroe Street UMC at the above address.
Our March Mission Focus are our local food pantries. The Anthony Wayne Food Pantry in Whitehouse serves families in the Anthony Wayne School District on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Zion United Methodist Church.  The Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry Pantry, located at the Waterville Community Church, serves families from the local area as well as Toledo, East Toledo, Holland, Swanton, Perrysburg and other areas of Lucas, Fulton, and Wood Counties.  They are open on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.  Each pantry is always in need of non-expired, non-perishable food as well as monetary donations to buy additional items such as meat, eggs and cheese.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 
This week is a Welcome a Neighbor Sunday.  We have 8 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new neighbors in our community.  Be sure and check to see if any of these new residents live close to you.
The Prayer Group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday.  
The Max Lucado Lenten small group study, He Chose the Nails, will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room this Sunday morning and then at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins.
Worship Service for Sunday, March 19:  
              Prelude:  The Handbell Choir will be playing The Old Rugged Cross
              Call to Worship
              Song of Worship - You Are My King
              Children’s Moment  -  
              Sharing God’s tithes and offerings -
              Offertory – Medley of To God Be the Glory, O, That Will Be Glory and Amazing Grace
              Hymn - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
              Sanctuary Choir Anthem -  And Then He Died
              Scripture  -  John 4:5-14
              Sermon - Recognizing God’s Gifts
              Prayers of God’s People -
              Closing Hymn - O How He Loves You and Me
              Choral Benediction -  Make Me a Servant
              Postlude - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
              Liturgist - Tom Quinn
              Prayer Partner for Pastor Mike this week -  Sara Kirby
No one has signed up to be Fellowship Hosts for the month of March.   All of the months are still available except for May.
The kids will be painting in Sunday School on March 19th.  There will be paint shirts available at church, but parents may want to dress their kiddos accordingly.
As part of the Sunday School children’s  “Project with a Purpose,” they will be taking a tour of the Ronald McDonald House in Toledo this Sunday, March 19 at 2:00 pm.  There is still space available on the tour so even if you don’t have children in the Sunday School program, but would like to attend, please contact Stephanie at  
A new Lenten study series began last Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room at the church and then at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Karen & Tom Wiggins and Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room  We will be using Max Lucado’s He Chose the Nails.  This is a five-session video Bible study.  Max continues by examining the gifts that Christ gave at his crucifixion.  These include not only the gift of the cross, but also the gift of the thorns, the nails, and the empty tomb.  The cross is rich with God’s gifts of grace, and as we unwrap them, we will hear him whisper, “I did it just for you.”  All are welcome to attend.
Easter is about a month away.  In your bulletin this Sunday, you will find an Easter Lily order form.  The cost will remain $8.00 this year.  All orders need to be turned in by Palm Sunday - April 9th.  
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes -  Our collection items for the month of March will be craft supplies, books, stickers, cars, puzzles, plastic animals, balls, jacks, yoyos, jump ropes, harmonicas, Slinkys, musical instruments, paddles with the ball attached, playing cards, puzzles, stickers sheets, coloring books, puppets, Legos, tennis balls and duct tape.  Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop.  Each month:  Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November.  The Lord knows the children who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping adventures to exactly what will meet needs and give joy.
Project With a Purpose - During March through May 2017, the children in our Sunday School will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NW Ohio.  Beginning Sunday, March 19, you will have the opportunity to pull the tabs off aluminum cans, and save them in a provided Ronald McDonald cardboard house.  Return your houses to Waterville UMC by no later than Sunday, May 28.  Our Sunday School kids will drop off the pull-tabs to our Waterville McDonald’s on Sunday, June 4.  The tabs will be sold to a recycling station for the market price of recycled aluminum.  They send a check to the Ronald McDonald House, and the funds are used for the guest food budget.  Thank you for starting to collect the tabs today!
Dave and Paulette Hogg, a former pastor and his wife at Waterville United Methodist Church,  will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a Renewal of their Vows on Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 1-4 p.m.  The renewal of vows will take place at 1:30 p.m.  The event will take place at the Church of the Master United Methodist Church in Westerville, Ohio which is located at 24 N. Grove Street (Corner of Grove and Main Streets.)  Dr. Carl L. Wiley officiated at their wedding 50 years ago and will be doing the renewal ceremony.  A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.  In lieu of gifts, please bring a canned food item to be divided between the two local food pantries.  If you plan to attend, please R.S.V. P. by June 1 to Dave’s cell phone: 614-208-4105.  Their actual 50th Wedding Anniversary is April 29.  Cards may be sent to them at the following address:  Dave and Paulette Hogg, 6202 Willowcrest Dr., Columbus, OH   43229.  We have placed a signup sheet on our bulletin board in the main hallway for those who plan on attending this event.  This will help them know how much food is needed.
The Lucas County Humane Society wants empty peanut butter jars with some peanut butter residue remaining for their dogs.  If people could bring in the jars, Karen Longnecker will be glad to drop them off.  She knows we have some animal lovers who might want to help out the pooches.  (And remember, she is a cat person, but Hobo gave his approval for her to do this.)
Janet and I will be switching work days next week as I am headed back to Nebraska on Wednesday for a few days.  Items for the bulletin will need to be in the office by Monday afternoon at the latest.  Bulletins will be printed on Tuesday morning.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy