Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Please continue to pray for the following folks:
Jim Simpson in Kingston Rehabilitation Center, 345 E. Boundary Street, Perrysburg, OH 43551 Room #226
Lowell Crabtree, father of Pam Denman, recovering from infection following heart surgery and has returned to his home this week
Our April Mission Focus is The Daughter Project. A faith-based organization, they provide holistic healing services in an extremely safe, home-like environment to girls/women who have been freed from sex traffickers at no cost to them or their families. The services include abuse & addiction counseling, family/friend restoration, health & nutrition education, medical/dental/vision care, legal counsel and spiritual mentorship. Caring & competent professionals and volunteers provide this help. They have recruited doctors, counselors and other professionals to provide medical services to the girls. In addition to medical services, they collaborate with various local community organizations to provide healthy, educational and recreational opportunities for the girls. Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.
The Prayer Group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday.
The Max Lucado Lenten small group study, He Chose the Nails, will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room this Sunday morning and at 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins. There is also a group that meets on Tuesday evenings at the church in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.
Worship Service for Sunday, April 2:
Prelude - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Opening Prayer -
Songs of Worship - Holy Ground & We Are Standing on Holy Ground
Children’s Moment -
Mission Moment - Anne Stevens will be sharing about our mission for April – The Daughter Project
Sharing God’s tithes and offerings -
Offertory - Cross Medley including When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Beneath the Cross of Jesus and The Old Rugged Cross
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Holy Heart
Scripture - John 11:1-22 – The story about Lazarus, who became sick and died. Jesus arrived, and the rest is history!
Sermon - Let Us Die with Jesus
Prayers of God’s People -
Prayer of Confession -
The Lord’s Prayer -
Holy Communion at the altar
Closing Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
Choral Benediction - Spirit Song
Postlude - In Moments Like These
Liturgist - Tom Quinn
A Prayer Quilt has been requested for Joyce Reeler this Sunday. Joyce, a friend of Jennifer Reihing, is undergoing chemo for stage 4 breast cancer.
Your Fellowship Hosts for April are Barb & Steve Crandall and Char Pritchett.
Fellowship hosts are still needed. All of the months are still available except for April, May and July.
Easter is only a few weeks away. In the pew racks this Sunday, you will find an Easter Lily order form on a white envelope. The cost will remain $8.00 this year. All orders need to be turned in by Palm Sunday - April 9th. Twenty plants have already been ordered – we have five plants remaining.
There will be Holy Week invitations in your bulletins this Sunday for you to share with your neighbors, friends and family.
Your first quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 8. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 9 on the shelf outside the Church Office. Please contact Tom Wiggins, if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.
Egg-citing News - Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on April 9th (Palm Sunday) following church. Children up to 6th grade are welcome to participate in this egg-citing event and adults are encouraged to "egg" them on. All egg hunters will be awarded a sackful of goodies. Please bring your own baskets (we will have some bags on hand too). If you have questions, want to donate candy or goodies for the sacks, or would like to help hide eggs on the day of the event, please contact Cara McMillan at 419-344-2171.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - Our collection items for the month of April will be hygiene items such as toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, washcloths, lip balm, Band-Aids, fingernail care items and brushes/combs. Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop. Each month: Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November. The Lord knows the children who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping adventures to exactly what will meet needs and give joy.
Project With a Purpose - During March through May 2017, the children in our Sunday School will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NW Ohio. Beginning Sunday, March 19, you will have the opportunity to pull the tabs off aluminum cans, and save them in a provided Ronald McDonald cardboard house. Return your houses to Waterville UMC by no later than Sunday, May 28. Our Sunday School kids will drop off the pull-tabs to our Waterville McDonald’s on Sunday, June 4. The tabs will be sold to a recycling station for the market price of recycled aluminum. They send a check to the Ronald McDonald House, and the funds are used for the guest food budget. Thank you for starting to collect the tabs today!
Dave and Paulette Hogg, a former pastor and his wife at Waterville United Methodist Church, will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a Renewal of their Vows on Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 1-4 p.m. The renewal of vows will take place at 1:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Church of the Master United Methodist Church in Westerville, Ohio which is located at 24 N. Grove Street (Corner of Grove and Main Streets.) Dr. Carl L. Wiley officiated at their wedding 50 years ago and will be doing the renewal ceremony. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. In lieu of gifts, please bring a canned food item to be divided between the two local food pantries. If you plan to attend, please R.S.V. P. by June 1 to Dave’s cell phone: 614-208-4105. Their actual 50th Wedding Anniversary is April 29. Cards may be sent to them at the following address: Dave and Paulette Hogg, 6202 Willowcrest Dr., Columbus, OH 43229. We have placed a signup sheet on our bulletin board in the main hallway for those who plan on attending this event. This will help them know how much food is needed.
The Lucas County Humane Society wants empty peanut butter jars with some peanut butter residue remaining for their dogs. If people could bring in the jars, Karen Longnecker will be glad to drop them off. She knows we have some animal lovers who might want to help out the pooches. (And remember, she is a cat person, but Hobo gave his approval for her to do this.)
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy