News for September 29, 2017



 World Communion Sunday

Prelude - We Bow Down / Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / O Worship the King / Praise Him!  Praise Him!


Mission Moment - Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - Karen Wiggins

Call to Worship

Song of Worship - Revelation Song

Children’s Moment 

Anthem - I Worship You Almighty God - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture - Matthew 6:25-34

Sermon - Trusting God, the Key to Peace Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory - There Is a Fountain - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Sacrament of Holy Communion served in the pews

 Hymn - What Wondrous Love Is This


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude - To God Be the Glory - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Continue to pray for Victims of Natural Disasters

Peace in North Korea

Barb Page

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Joe Scheub

Stafford Family- Loss of Nancy

Natalie Przybylski


The summer hiatus of the Kinder Choir will soon be ending.  Mrs. Page is hoping to get the group together again in October. Stay tuned to the Friday E-Blast for further information.

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

This Sunday, October 1, Adult Sunday School, in the church basement will Start a 3 part Study, Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study will explore what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27. This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

 Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. There are 3 weeks remaining. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

 Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday