Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Gathering of God’s People
Prelude – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Olga Topuzova-Meade
Mission Moment – Savannah Martin
Call to Worship
Song of Worship – You Never Let Go
Children’s Moment
Anthem – The Lord Is My Light - Sanctuary Choir
Scripture – Romans 10:8-10
Sermon – Finding Balance between our Hearts and Minds – Pastor Mike
Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
Offertory – Christians, We Have Met to Worship - Olga Topuzova Meade
Offering Dedication Prayer
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – O Spirit of the Living God #539
Choral Benediction – Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart – Sanctuary Choir
Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified - Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – Tom Quinn
Brandon Chase–Active Duty
Alta Damron
Stacy (Wagner) Morgan
Dennis Mosiniak
Ron and Lou Peyton
Sharon Schulte
Steve Wade
Jennifer and Baby Wesley
Janyce Breen White
JANUARY 2018 MISSION FOCUS is The Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo
This Sunday, we will have a guest speaker, Savannah Martin, speaking to us about The Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo.
Their goal is to lovingly share the truth about life, relationships and faith. They help men and women make life-saving, life-changing decisions by sharing information about options, consequences and available services. With the exception of a small amount of grant funding for abstinence education, all funds come from donations. Over 32,000 women have already received help. The Pregnancy Center continues to be a community outreach committed to expressing the compassion of Christ through support and education in pregnancy related issues. We can help keep the doors open!
Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.
Prayer Time on Sundays from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary
On Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM and Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.
Meeting Place: 11040 Villacort Lane (neighborhood behind Whitehouse Post Office)
Day and Time: Mondays at 7:00 PM, beginning January 15 for 12 weeks
Contact Person: Delores Young 419-878-8238
Study: When God Rewrites Your Story
Summary: When God Rewrites Your Story is a Bible Study about Biblical names – where they came from and how God changed people’s names when He changed them. The core themes are transformation and revelation. The character’s included are Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Naomi, Daniel, Peter, and the woman caught in adultery.
M&M BIBLE STUDY – New Study to start January 17
Group: M&M’s (Mary and Martha)
Meeting Place and Time: Community Room/Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM
Contact Persons: Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box
New Study: To begin on January 17: “GIDEON, Your Weakness, God’s Strength” by Priscilla Shirer
Summary: “If you have ever struggled with insecurity or had trouble accepting your limitations, this study will help you see how God can use your weakness to unlock His strength. Yes, Gideon can attest – weakness is a gift. Join us for a Bible study that will open your eyes to a brand new perspective on yourself, God, and Gideon.”
Group: Thursday Morning B & B (Bible and Breakfast)
Meeting Place and Time: Dales in Waterville/Thursdays at 7:30 am
Contact Persons: Jim Page – 419-343-0714; Tom Wiggins – 419-304-2254
Current Study/Book: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
Summary: This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship in Him.
Wanted – Walker for Three Dogs
Charlene Monroe is looking for someone to walk her mom’s three dogs while Char and Tim are at work. Sharon is unsteady on her feet after her health incident in December. They are small, well behaved dogs. If you are interested, please call Char at 419-277-2779 to figure out a time. Looking to start on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, if possible.
The January 2018 Better Families Pamphlet is available at both entrances.
Would you like a DVD of the Children’s Program, “Finding Christmas Under the Sea?” Sign up for your copy on the hallway bulletin board!
2017 Giving Statements: Your 2017 Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, January 6th. For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Wiggins (419) 878-5503 or (
Fellowship Ministry
Are you making a New Year’s Resolution to be more involved in the Church? Please prayerfully consider overseeing the Fellowship Ministry. This is an important time when we visit with guests, members, friends and family; share our concerns or a laugh over a cup of coffee, before we continue with our Sunday and week. We are in need of a volunteer to oversee the Fellowship Ministry. This person would make sure there is food available and make sure there are people signed up to make coffee, set out the treats, and clean up. Maybe consider sharing this responsibility with a friend. Please contact the Church office at 419-878-3645, if you are interested in serving in this ministry.
Altar Flowers Update from Melva Robinson, Chairman Altar Guild
WUMC has been very fortunate these many years to bring the creativity of our Lord into our presence at each worship service in a number of ways but especially with the flower arrangements on our altar. These arrangements give us the opportunity to enjoy the flowers and along with the spoken word and music be reminded of who we are worshiping. They also provide an occasion to honor and celebrate family, friends and our Lord.
I take this time to tell you Third Street Blooms in Waterville is the florist who prepares each order for our altar as requested. The Sign Up sheet for flowers is on the bulletin board by the church office. The cost of each arrangement will be increased to forty ($40.00) dollars beginning the first of 2018. If you have ordered flowers recently you realize the cost. Our florist has been very generous with the arrangements and delivery. Please send your payment to the church and indicate altar flowers.
Don't forget you may take your arrangement home after the service.
Sunday Worship Services A Few Changes for Security:
Following will be the changes on Sunday morning related to security to further protect our children and all attenders and to provide as safe a place as possible.
* At 10:40 am all exterior doors will be locked.
* Clear signage will be installed directing anyone arriving after 10:40 to the office and courtyard door near the offices as an usher will be posted there to let people in and assist with the elevator if needed.
* Training will be given to the ushers and others to understand what needs to be done if an intruder situation would occur.
* Watch for more information as this plan continues to unfold.
These are not big changes and many of us will not be impacted by them in any way at all. Let us remember the families of the Texas church shooting of recent weeks and continue to pray for each of them and the whole congregation. Also, to pray for all the churches that have been targeted by evil persons by mass shooting, bombs fires and vandalism.
If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.
Happy tails wagging saying “THANK YOU!” to all who have donated peanut butter jars for the Humane Society. Please continue to place un-scraped jars in the basket on the shelf by the church office.
Sandy Clark
Secretary Thursday/Friday