News for May 11, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – He Keeps Me Singing - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship – Tom Quinn

Song of Worship – The Power of Your Love - YouTube address to listen!:

Kinder Choir – A Gift from God & Love, Love, Love

Children’s Moment – Pastor Mike

Anthem – A Mother’s Prayer – Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Luke 24: 44-53

Sermon – Receiving God’s Power – Pastor Mike

Hymn –  Filled with the Spirit’s Power #537

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – New Born Again - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Hallelujah!  What a Savior  #165

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Choral Benediction – Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing – Sanctuary Choir

Postlude – I Sing the Mighty Power of God - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Happy Mother’s Day!

In honor of each of our mother’s today, a $200 gift has been made to Sparrow’s Nest.  The Sparrow’s Nest, a part of Cherry Street Mission, serves women who may come to them at all hours of the day for help.  The Mission provides shelter, medical care, assistance with obtaining a degree, and employment counseling.  They have a “No Wrong Door” policy meaning women will never be told that they have come to the wrong place. 

May the Lord continue to bless their work.


Karl Kirkman

Noah’s Aunt Jenny

Bonnie Spychalski

Sandy Viviano

Baby Wesley

Praises for the birth of Wyatt Mason Studer, weighing 7 pounds and 19 inches long.  Blessings to happy parents Kip and Rachel Studer along with big brothers Clay and Jase.

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

May Mission Focus – Supporting the Youth Group’s Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

What?    Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

When?   June 17-22, 2018

Where?  Burtonsville, Maryland

Youth participant’s quote:     “I went into this trip doubting God and what He could do, but during the week, God really opened up my eyes and showed me how awesome He is. This trip was really amazing. I grew in my relationship with God, as well as my relationship with my youth group family.” (Student, 2016)

Partner’s Impact Statements:  “Having the youth here with us is such a joy, and both our volunteers and clients look forward to seeing them. They bring a ray of sunshine with

them that infiltrates the entire food pantry.” (Food Pantry)

“We enjoy having teens out to the Ranch to work with us on our goal of preparing the Ranch for homeless families and youth to live here. Their energy is great; their willingness to work is uplifting.” (Homeless Ministry)

Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 3 minute video about this year’s theme called “Grit”:

Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch

We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Friday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word.  If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).  We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip.  If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Graduation Sunday June 3

On June 3 we will be recognizing graduates during the church service.  We will feature the graduates in a slideshow and also celebrate their accomplishments with a special fellowship time of cake and punch.  If you are graduating or have someone in your family graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton (  She will need to know where you are graduating from, major, future plans, and any other activities you were involved with.  Also, if you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send Stephanie 5-8 photos of yourself at different ages (birth-present).  Please send the photos electronically.  Deadline for submitting the photos is May 25. 

Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer.  The sign-up sheet is up!  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!

Vacation Bible School is coming!  Mark your calendar…Tell your friends! July 9th – July 12th - Ages 4 to Sixth Grade

Donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    2 Hot Glue Guns

6.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC May Collection Items**  Boy items- tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights (batteries) work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer ball), string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).    A great opportunity to buy items for boys ages 10-14!

Service Opportunity: The Offering Counting Team is looking for a new member to assist with the collection, counting, recording, reporting and depositing of each week’s Sunday offering.  It is completed following worship in teams of two and a calendar is maintained so everyone knows the days they are counting (once every 4-5 weeks) and who their partner will be.  The process takes approximately one hour to complete. Attention to detail, accuracy and completeness are extremely important to insure correct documentation.  If you are interested, please contact Tom Wiggins ( or (419) 304-2254. 

Waterville Family,

The “Church with the Warm Heart” has done it again to show the love of Jesus to others.  Your expressions of appreciation and best wishes for my retirement adventures mean so much to us.  You have taken me into your family, especially the prayers as Larry and I lost our brothers and then when I was in the emergency room with my Mom mean so very much.  I count it all joy to know you as brothers and sisters in the Lord.  May the Lord continue to bless you as this church proclaims the grace and truth of God’s Word. 

Janet Poling

Psalm 31:3

Better FAMILIES - MAY 2018 Enriching Positive Personal Relationships is available at each entrance.

Isaiah 66:13a: “As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you.”

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday