Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Gathering of God’s People
Mission Moment – Terry Myers
Prelude – Let There Be Praise – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Invocation – Tom Quinn
Song of Worship- Above All
Recognition of Graduates
Celebration of Baptism
Special Music – Grace – Nadia Taylor
Scripture – Mark 2:23-3:6
Sermon – Needing Sabbath – Pastor Mike
Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
Offertory – Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Olga Topuzova-Meade
Offertory and Dedication Prayer
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
Celebration of Holy Communion
Hymn- Here I Am, Lord # 593
Benediction – Pastor Mike
Postlude – For the Beauty Of The Earth – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – Tom Quinn
LaVonne Branch
Karl and Connie Kirkman
Chris May
Jim Simpson
Bonnie Spychalski
Tom Wiggins
Ed Wronkowicz
The trip to the Creation Museum which is taking place today and tomorrow.
June Mission Focus
Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence. You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982. (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.) It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children.
Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world. More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.
If you ordered a DVD for the Musical please pick them up. They are on the shelf next to the office. Please take your DVD and cross your name off the list.
Wayward Walkers has been revived!
Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community. Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town. We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:
June 7 Meet at church and walk around the neighborhood
June 14 Meet at church and walk through downtown neighborhood
June 21 Meet at Waterville Elementary and walk around neighborhood
June 28 Meet at Story Point and walk around community
For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779.
Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser Garage Sale
Where? 171 Freedom Lane, Waterville (Adam and Stephanie’s House)
When? June 7 – 8 Waterville Community Garage Sale
How Can You Help? Collect and bring donated items to sell on June 6 to the Shelton House. 100% of the Proceeds will go to the Youth Mission Trip Fund. Items that don’t sell will go to the Hope United Methodist Clothing Closet, Waterville Library, and Goodwill.
Food Donations Needed for the helpers:
*Cases Of Pop & Water
*Powdered Country Time Lemonade
*Individual Bags Of Chips
If you would like to donate any of the above items, please get them to Adam or Stephanie Shelton by June 6th. Thank you for your support of the youth fundraiser for the mission trip to Burtonsville, MD!
Vacation Bible School
July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade
Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS. Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.
VBS Announcement!
Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church. A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening. There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity. You would also be paired with another adult or youth. Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or
Also, donation Items Needed for VBS:
1. Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)
2. Quart size zip-loc baggies
3. Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers
4. Hot Glue sticks
5. Empty plastic ice cream pails
You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room. The list will be updated each week as items are donated. If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.
Operation Christmas Child
**OCC June Collection Items** Girls items- purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).
Join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall to congratulate our graduates!
Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at
Sandy Clark
Secretary Thursday/Friday