Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church
The Gathering of God’s People
Prelude – Jesus Loves Me with O, How He Loves You and Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Call to Worship
Hymn of Worship – Open My Eyes, That I May See #454
Children’s Moment
Special Music – Nadia Taylor
Scripture – Ephesians 2:11-22
Sermon – Belonging to God’s Family – Pastor Mike
Hymn – Jesus Loves Me #191
Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
Offertory – Just a Closer Walk with Thee - Olga Topuzova-Meade
Offertory and Dedication Prayer
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – God Will Take Care of You #130
Benediction – Pastor Mike
Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – Tom Quinn
Counters – Tom Quinn and Jerry Robinson
Browning workers who serve selflessly
Lisa Galton’s Friend, Tim
Doug Hansen
Chris Kirby’s Mother, Anita
Karl & Connie Kirkman
Ana Nicholson’s Father, Herb
Bonne Spychalski
Friend of Tom & Karen Wiggins
This Sunday, please stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer at the quilt for Connie and Karl Kirkman. May the warmth of the quilt remind them that God’s loving presence is with them always and that our caring prayers continue.
July Mission Focus – Hygiene Kits and School Kits! – We have enough bags! Time to fill them!!!
This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month. Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.
In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within. Please donate only the items from the lists below. The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
Our most needed Kits! These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy. From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.
· One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)
· One washcloth
· One wide-tooth comb removed from the package
· One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package
· One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper
· One toothbrush in the original package
· Ten standard size Band-Aids
Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies? Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.
§ One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)
§ Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)
§ One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler
§ One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package
§ One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)
§ Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package
§ One box of 24 crayons
Wayward Walkers
one more chance! Join us next Thursday for walking and praying around our church neighborhood. Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray. We will meet at 7 pm on the date shown below:
July 26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood
For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779.
Operation Christmas Child - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!
Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at
Communication! Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:
You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast
You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)
You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.
Pastor Mike will be on vacation from July 26 through August 4. Please contact the church office at 419-878-3645 for any pastoral care needs. Thank you!
Secretary Thursday/Friday