News for January 16, 2015

Downstairs in Fellowship Hall

The Wired Word Adult Bible Fellowship Class will be looking at two news reports from this week about individuals whose heroics in difficult circumstances seem to some people all the more remarkable because of the identity of those heroes.  We’ll look at how our perceptions and preconceptions color our judgment about people, and ask what it takes to create the character of an unlikely hero.  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion. 

Worship Service for Sunday, January 18th :             

            Children’s Moment  

            Hymns – Blessed Assurance and Jesus Calls Us

            Special Music – Trust and Obey

            Scripture:  James 1:19 to James 2:13

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title:  Doers of the Word

            Olga’s selections – Praise Him! Praise Him! Medley with Let There Be Praise and Praise Him, Praise Him

                                             May Jesus Christ Be Praised

                                             Lord, Be Glorified

            Liturgist – Tom Quinn

 During the Church Council’s December meeting, they voted on accepting goals for 2015 in the areas of Passionate Worship, Radical Hospitality, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-taking Mission & Service and Extravagant Generosity.  You will find these goals listed in your worship bulletin this weekend. 

Our Welcome A Neighbor bags will be pushed back a week this month due to the holiday weekend.  There will be 15 bags for new neighbors next weekend. 

Following the worship service, please join us in Fellowship Hall for a time of light refreshments and conversation.  Sherry Hill and Pam Cook will be your hosts during the month of January. 

Our mission focus for the month of January is the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo.  Their goal is to lovingly share the truth about life, relationships and faith.  They help men and women make life-saving, life-changing decisions by sharing information about options, consequences and available services.  With the exception of a small amount of grant funding for abstinence education, all funds come from donations.  Over 32,000 women have already received help.  The Pregnancy Center continues to be a community outreach committed to expressing the compassion of Christ through support and education in pregnancy related issues. We can help keep the doors open!   

Bill Plassmann has made DVDs and Blueray recordings of the 2014 Children’s Christmas Program from mid-December.  If you would like to have a copy, he asks that you make a donation to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund.  These DVDs are located on the shelf outside the church office.   

There are still several end-of-year giving statements on the shelf outside the church office.  Please stop by and pick yours up to help us save on postage.  

We are about to have some additional construction take place in Fellowship Hall.  Beginning next Friday, a wall-length storage unit will be built along the back wall (by the Scout shelves and the chair storage rack.)   The Trustees have hired a contractor to do this work.  The shelves will be covered with the same type of folding accordion doors that separate our Fellowship Hall and Fireside Room.  This should provide ample storage for the chair rack, tables and our Christmas decoration boxes.  The Church Mouse should have more to report next week and might even include some photos for our Florida folks. 

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy