News For Friday 24, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

 The Waterville Playshop will be presenting Guys & Dolls at the Maumee Indoor Theatre beginning tonight.  Show times are tonight at 8:00 p.m., Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m.  To order tickets visit  either or .

We were struck this week by the sheer weight of bad news in the headlines, particularly bad news where there appears to be little we can do as individuals to prevent further such occurrences.  For this week’s lesson of The Wired Word, we will mention three of those bad-news stories, but will also consider what our Christian faith says about times when there seems to be nothing we can do to either improve the situation or prevent new instances of such harm.  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion. 

Worship Service for Sunday, April 26th  - 

                 Children’s Moment – Mission Jar collection

            Hymns -  I Am Thine, O Lord  and People Need the Lord  

            Olga’s selections – Brethren, We Have Met To Worship and My Faith Looks Up To Thee

            Scripture -  Acts 2: 42-47

            Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Above All

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Having Faith That Grows

            Liturgist  - Aaron Berseé


Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Intentional Faith Development.           

Be sure to join us for a time of light refreshments and conversation following worship in Fellowship Hall.  The mother/daughter duo of Barb Page and Christy Wielgopolski will be your hosts for this final Sunday in April. 

Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse.  Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall.  The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed.  When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village.  Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals. 

The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for the months of May and June, will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00. 

Next Sunday, May 3rd, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day during our worship service.  Plan to join us following the service for cake and punch in the Fellowship Hall. 

Stephanie Shelton is still in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department.  She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church.  There are three different positions still available.  Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day.  If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at .

Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7.  We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school.  If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information:  where you are graduating from and any future plans (example:  what college you are attending and your major).  We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7.  If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24.  We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too.  Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.   

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy