Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
This week’s The Wired Word Adult Bible Fellowship class concerns a court ruling that allows a pro-Israel group to run ads on New York city subways and buses that test the limits of free speech. The ad itself is one that can be easily misunderstood and taken in ways opposite to those intended by the ad creators, and then, even if understood, could be construed as hate speech. Nonetheless, this news gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of thinking critically about the messages that come at us every day, as well as to consider what limits we might voluntarily place on our own speech and actions. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, May 3 -
Teacher Appreciation and Recognition
Children’s Moment
Hymns - To God Be the Glory and Lord, Be Glorified
Olga’s selections - How Firm a Foundation and Lord, Be Glorified
Scripture - Matthew 25:34-40
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Around This Table
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Serving the Least and the Lost
Celebration of Holy Communion by intinction
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Risk-taking Mission and Service.
Our mission emphasis for May is the upcoming youth group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
The financial numbers are in from April’s mission emphasis: The Mission Jar coins have been counted and we collected $2,500 for the Small Animal Project through Samaritan’s Purse. That will purchase 125 pairs of rabbits for needy families and will bless entire villages. Thank you for your generous support of this project!
The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for the months of May and June, will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday. The cost is $1.00.
This Sunday we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day during our worship service. Plan to join us following the service for cake and punch in the Fellowship Hall to honor all who serve as teachers in our church. Cara McMillan and Barb Page will be your hosts.
Thursday, May 7 will be the National Day of Prayer. Our sanctuary will be open for prayer from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. that day. You are welcome to stay for as long as you like. You are encouraged to pray for our local, state, and national leaders; for the churches and church leaders; for our Military and it’s leaders; for families in our nation, state and throughout our community; pray for God’s presence in our schools, colleges, and universities; pray for Christian influence in the media industry, from movies, television, and radio station, to newspaper and magazine publishers; and finally, pray for divine intervention in our national, state, and local economies. Pastor Mike will be having a Service of Prayer at 12:15 p.m. in the sanctuary that day also.
Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7. We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school. If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information: where you are graduating from and any future plans (example: what college you are attending and your major). We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7. If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24. We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too. Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.
Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it. As part of their theme this year, the kids will be making snowflakes using salt dough. Stephanie Shelton is looking for metal snowflake cookie cutters that could be used for this project in mid-July. Do you happen to have any???
Enjoy this beautiful weekend and the spring weather!!
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy