Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Here is the schedule for our Good Friday Cross Walk:
Waterville United Methodist 11:45 am Meet at the church – Pray – Leave church at 12:05
Waterville City Building 12:12 pm 25 N. 2nd, City Building
Zion Lutheran 12:15 pm 22 N. 2nd
Chamber of Commerce 12:20 pm 122 Farnsworth
Business District 12:25 pm Corner of Anthony Wayne and Farnsworth
First Presbyterian 12:33 pm 611 Farnsworth
Waterville Library 1:00 pm 800 Michigan
Waterville YMCA 1:05 pm 808 Michigan
Waterville Primary 1:25 pm 457 Sycamore Lane
Waterville UMC 1:50 pm
The times above are approximates. Please dress for the weather.
The total distance of the walk is 2.8 miles. Please feel free to walk as far as you are able or meet us at a specific location for prayer.
After our prayer walk we will drive to the Fire House to pray there and then walk to our property next door. We have been given permission by the Fire Department to park in their back lot. There are no sidewalks. An approximate time of arrival at the Fire House would be 2:05 pm. The fire station will have their front doors open and have made their restrooms available for our use.
The Waterville Community Easter morning Sunrise Service will be taking place at the park next to the old Waterville Primary School by the river. That service will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will be led by Rev. Mike O’Shea from the Waterville Community Church. There will not be a breakfast following the service this year.
The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall on Sunday.
We will be having our traditional Easter worship service at 10:30 a.m. There will not be any children’s Sunday School. (Parents, it might be a good idea to bring some books or other quiet activities for the children.)
Pastor Mike will be conducting an Easter service at the Waterville Browning Masonic Community at 1:00 p.m. on Easter Sunday afternoon. All are invited to attend.
Watch your email for our usual Friday E-Blast tomorrow,
Church Cathy