News For March 27, 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Please remember to pray for those volunteers and inmates who are involved in this weekend’s Kairos program at the Toledo Correctional Institute.  Thank you to all who baked cookies for this outreach ministry…Eric Ramlow wrote a note of thanks on the cookie signup sheet when he picked up the cookies last Friday. 

This week’s installment of The Wired Word will explore how a group of student athletes put the needs of their opponents before their own in order to provide much-needed encouragement and support.  We will see how the actions of one coach have borne fruit year after year as students and staff of other schools gain inspiration and “pay it forward.”  Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.   

Worship Service for Sunday, March 29th  -  Palm Sunday           

            Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar for Dig a Well in Africa

            Hymns -  This is the Day,  Hosanna, Loud Hosanna and All Glory, Laud, and Honor  

            Anthem -   The King of Glory

            Choral Benediction - Who Is This King?

            Olga’s selections – Hosanna! and All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

            Scripture -  Mark 11:1-11

            Pastor Mike’s sermon title -  Following God…No Matter What.

            Liturgist  - Dave Landis

            Prayer Quilt - Glen & Yvonne Lammon have requested a quilt for the Jim McQuillin Family.  Jim has cancer and is in treatment and Janet and Jim recently lost her parents and grandparents in a fatal accident.  Janet and Jim have a sweet daughter, Ava, who just turned 13.  They could use prayers for healing, peace, strength and mercy.           

Following the worship service, please join us in Fellowship Hall for a time of light refreshments and conversation.  Julie Croy & Jenny Kahl will be your hosts during the month of March. 

With Easter soon upon us, it’s time to get the Sanctuary in tip-top shape.  If you would like to help with this semi-annual chore, let’s come together on Tuesday, March 31st at 9:00 a.m.  The wood floors need to be mopped, the pews need to be cleaned, the wood needs to be polished, the window sills dusted and the cobwebs removed.  It should only take a few hours to get the Sanctuary ready for Easter company.   

Inside the bulletin this week, you will find updates for our upcoming Holy Week Worship Schedule:

           On Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, at 6:00 p.m. we will be having a potluck dinner with a Christian Seder.  We ask that those attending arrive prior to 6:00 pm so the food can be set out on the tables.  Simple food is preferable and there will be a period of time prior to filling our plates as a part of this remembrance of the gift of God’s Grace in Christ.  This will be a family experience.  Please RSVP on the signup sheet on the bulletin board this Sunday if you plan to attend.

          This year we are observing Good Friday with a Cross Walk of our community.  We will gather at the church prior to noon on Friday, April 3rd.  At noon, we will begin our Prayer Walk for our community led by a cross.  Stops along the way will include the city building, the Chamber of Commerce, the downtown businesses, several churches and other stops along the way.  This will be a family friendly opportunity to pray for our community and to be witnesses of our faith.

          The Community Sunrise Easter Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. at the park by the old elementary school.  Rev. Mike O’Shea, from the Waterville Community Church, will be leading the service.  There will not be a breakfast following the service this year.   

The church has always tremendously supported Operation Christmas Child.  This year we’d like to initiate a yearlong collection for filling shoeboxes.  When the time gets closer, we will then have a packing party in addition to our conventional way of packing shoeboxes on our own or with our families.  We do this in the hope of generating even more boxes and reaching even more children.  For the months of April and May – we ask that you collect and donate small toys, coloring books, crayons, markers, tops, and any other small toy items.  Any toy items are welcome that are allowed by Samaritans Purse.  Anne Stevens will be placing a collection box under the table in the foyer for your items. 

Join us following worship on Sunday, April 12th, in Fellowship Hall for a Pancake Breakfast.  All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes in memory of Marny and Tony Mazzarella’s first daughter Sophia.  Adult tickets may be purchased from Marny on Easter Sunday for $6.00; Children (12 and under) tickets will be sold for $4.00.  If you are not able to be here on Easter to purchase tickets, please contact her here  

There will not be any Fellowship Time following the Easter Sunday worship or on Sunday, April 12th due to the above mentioned Pancake Breakfast. 

Stephanie Shelton is in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department.  She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church.  There are eight different positions available.  Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day.  If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her here.

Your first quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 4th.  For those who receive hard copies, they will be available for your pickup on Easter Sunday on the shelf outside the Church Office. 

And finally, when we ordered Easter lilies several weeks ago, we ordered a few extras.  If you missed ordering a lily, we still have three that are unspoken for.  The cost is $8.00 each.  They will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  Please call the church office if you are interested in obtaining a flower. 

Be a blessing,

Church Cathy