News for August 5, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of August will be Hygiene Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits that make all the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents for each of the gallon-sized Zip-lock plastic bags can be found in your August issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.  

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will not be held at the church this Sunday….but keep praying!

The Sanctuary Choir will be singing this Sunday for our worship service at Browning.  Choir members should meet at Browning at 10:00 a.m. to run through the songs before the service begins.

Remember, we are taking our worship on the road this Sunday.  We will be having our Sunday worship at Harmony Hall at the Browning Masonic Community.  They are located at 8883 Browning Drive in Waterville, just off old US24.  The service will begin at 10:25 a.m.  If you forget and come to the church, there will be signs on the doors to remind you to jump back in your car and travel three miles down the road.

Worship Service for Sunday, August 1 at the Browning Masonic Community

              Song of Worship - For the Beauty of the Earth

              Children’s Moment -  There will not be any Sunday School or Nursery provided this Sunday

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  Just a Closer Walk with Thee

                     Offertory:  Faith Is the Victory

                     Postlude:  His Name Is Wonderful

             Special Music - Your First Day In Heaven sung by The Sanctuary Choir

             Scripture-  Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

             Pastor Mike’s message -  A Life of Faith

             Celebration of Holy Communion - Please assist those residents of Browning pass the trays if they are seated near you and need help

             Closing Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy!  Lord God Almighty

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please help us save on postage by picking up your statement.  (You are welcome to stop Monday through Friday during office hours also.)

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of August, we are asking you to donate school supplies.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Karen  W. and Pam D. were at the church on Friday to sort, check, and pack up the School Kits from July.  There are 95 completed kits and with a stop at Dollar General, we should have enough items and bags to complete another handful.  We should have over 100 bags!!!  Well done!!!!!

Our church has been asked to host the Pre-Charge Conference Briefing for the Maumee Watershed District.  It will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.  We would like to provide light refreshments and beverages for those attending this meeting.  I have placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for cookies, brownies, etc. and for a few folks who would be able to help with set-up, serving and clean-up that day.  The meeting is expected to last for about an hour, so we should be able to leave by 5:00-5:30 p.m. 

Are you missing some of your favorite dishes?  Can’t find them anywhere?  Have you checked the counter by the dishwasher in the church’s kitchen?  We have a small community of dishes that were left over from funeral dinners, the Waterville Teacher’s Luncheon and Vacation Bible School that are waiting to get back to their owners. 

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for July 29, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

The Browning Masonic Community is having their annual Huge Inside Sale on Saturday, July 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 8883 Browning Drive in Waterville.  They will be offering used furniture, household items, lots of one-of-a-kind treasures and much more for sale.

Also on Saturday, the second annual Blues, Brews & Brats event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to midnight on South Third Street in Waterville.  Proceeds benefit the Waterville Rotary Foundation, which provides scholarships for students and funding for Rotary programs.  Tickets to the event are $10.00.  Guests are encouraged to bring chairs to enjoy the three great Blues bands.  The event chairman is our own Paul Croy.

Our mission emphasis for the month of July will be School Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for school kits that give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.  Thanks to a family in this congregation, we already have over 100 cloth bags that will be used to hold these school items.  Let’s see if we can collect enough items to fill all the available bags!  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents of each bag can be found in your July issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.   To date, 54 completed school kits that have been returned to the table in the Community Room.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Pastor Mike and Pam continue their vacation this weekend as they are attending the wedding of Pam’s niece, Suzanne. You will remember that we had been praying for Suzanne earlier this year as she dealt with a growth in her abdomen and subsequent surgery.  Please be lifting up the bride and groom as they tie the knot on Saturday. 

Rev. Joel will be stepping into the pulpit for Pastor Mike this Sunday and will be providing the Special Music during our worship.

Worship Service for Sunday, July 31

              Song of Worship - In Christ Alone

              Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  Shine, Jesus Shine

                     Offertory:  Day by Day

                     Postlude:   Holy, Holy, Holy

             Special Music - You Lift Me Up sung by Rev. Joel

             Scripture-  Colossians 3:1-11

             Pastor Joel’s message -  You Lift Me Up   (He has also prepared an outline of the scripture/sermon and places for you to take notes that will be included in the bulletin this week.)

             Closing Hymn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

Chris May has requested a Prayer Quilt for Sherman Bradshaw of Austin, TX this Sunday.  Sherman is a 20 year heart transplant recipient who is waiting for another heart.  Please take a few minutes, either before or after worship, to stop at the quilt, say a prayer and tie a knot.

Following worship, please join us for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  During the month of July, Bobbie Westfall and Ann Nightingale have been your hosts. 

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please help us save on postage by picking up your statement.

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of July, we are asking you to donate clothing items, socks, underwear, flip flops, summer clothing that is on sale and shoes.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Are you missing some of your favorite dishes?  Can’t find them anywhere?  Have you checked the counter by the dishwasher in the church’s kitchen?  We have a small community of dishes that were left over from funeral dinners, the Waterville Teacher’s Luncheon and Vacation Bible School that are waiting to get back to their owners. 

Mark your calendars!  We are taking our worship service “on the road” on Sunday, August 7.  We will be traveling to Harmony Hall at the Browning Masonic Community in Waterville to join with the residents in worship and praise to God.  The service will begin at 10:25 a.m. and we will celebrate Holy Communion with them.  Your Celebration Team has been hopeful to have this off-site worship with the members of the Browning Masonic Community in order that we, as a congregation, can reach out to these folks that have not had the opportunity to come and worship with us on a Sunday morning.  We want all of our congregation, including our kids, to go to them.  (There will not be any children’s Sunday School or Nursery at Browning, but the service will be kid friendly.) 

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for July 22, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of July will be School Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for school kits that give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.  Thanks to a family in this congregation, we already have over 100 cloth bags that will be used to hold these school items.  Let’s see if we can collect enough items to fill all the available bags!  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents of each bag can be found in your July issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.   To date, 22 completed school kits that have been returned to the table in the Community Room.

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Mike will be leading a study about prayer entitled War Room.   War Room is a Christian film released in 2015 that was rated poorly by critics yet became a surprise hit as the Christian community responded in good numbers.  Can’t make it on Sunday?  A similar discussion group will be held on Tuesday evenings  in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Worship Service for Sunday, July 24

              Song of Worship - In Christ Alone

              Children’s Moment -  There will not be any Sunday School this week.  The nursery is available for children in preschool through first grade.

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  He Keeps Me Singing

                     Offertory:  All Creatures of Our God and King

                     Postlude:  I Sing the Mighty Power of God

             Special Music - Miss Sasha Meade will be singing this Sunday

             Scripture-  Colossians 2:6-15

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Canceling Our Debt

             Closing Hymn - Seek Ye First

             Liturgist - Dave Landis


This Sunday will be a Welcome a Neighbor Sunday.  We will have 11 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in our area.  Please check the addresses on the bags and see if any of these new neighbors live close to you.             

Following worship, please join us for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  During the month of July, Bobbie Westfall and Ann Nightingale will be your hosts. 

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office.

Charlene Hansen has posted the schedule for the Wayward Walkers for the month of July:

Thursday, July 28, meet at Farnsworth Park in the Indianola parking lot at 7:00 p.m.

Look for a black Toyota RAV 4.  For additional information, please call 419-277-2779

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of July, we are asking you to donate clothing items, socks, underwear, flip flops, summer clothing that is on sale and shoes.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Mark your calendars!  We are taking our worship service “on the road” on Sunday, August 7.  We will be traveling to Harmony Hall at the Browning Masonic Community in Waterville to join with the residents in worship and praise to God.  The service will begin at 10:25 a.m. and we will celebrate Holy Communion by intinction with them.  Your Celebration Team has been hopeful to have this off-site worship with the members of the Browning Masonic Community in order that we, as a congregation, can reach out to these folks that have not had the opportunity to come and worship with us on a Sunday morning.  We want all of our congregation, including our kids, to go to them.  (There will not be any children’s Sunday School or Nursery at Browning, but the service will be kid friendly.)                                                                                                                                                   

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for July 14, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of July will be School Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for school kits that give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.  Thanks to a family in this congregation, we already have over 100 cloth bags that will be used to hold these school items.  Let’s see if we can collect enough items to fill all the available bags!  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents of each bag can be found in your July issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.  

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Mike will be leading a study about prayer entitled War Room.   War Room is a Christian film released in 2015 that was rated poorly by critics yet became a surprise hit as the Christian community responded in good numbers.  Can’t make it on Sunday?  A similar discussion group will be held on Tuesday evenings  in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.Worship Service for Sunday, July 17

              Songs of Worship - An old fashioned Hymn Sing

              Children’s Moment -  There will not be any Sunday School this week.  The nursery is available for children in preschool through first grade.

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

                     Offertory:  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Diadem, Miles Lane and Coronation)

                     Postlude:  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

             Special Music - Pastor Joel will be singing In Christ Alone (with the words on the screen)

             Scripture-  Colossians 1:15-28

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Knowing the Presence of God

             Closing Hymn - It Is Well with My Soul

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

We will have two prayer quilts on Sunday.  The first one is for Jeff Viola.  Jeff, a co-worker of Anna Banachowski, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.  The second quilt is for Jane Robertson, the daughter of Ed Golding, who was recently in an accident.  Jane had successful surgery last Friday, but will have a long recovery period.  Please take a minute and say a prayer and tie a knot on each of these quilts on Sunday morning.

      Following worship, please join us for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  During the month of July, Bobbie Westfall and Ann Nightingale will be your hosts. 

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office.

The months are flying by this year!!!  Thursday, July 21 will be the deadline for all items and articles for the August issue of the church newsletter, The Ambassador.  Please send your items to Janet at by Thursday.

Charlene Hansen has posted the schedule for the Wayward Walkers for the month of July:

Thursday, July 14, meet at the Waterville Primary School on the Farmview/backside/playground side at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 21, meet at the Fallen Timbers Battlefield on Jerome Road at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 28, meet at Farnsworth Park in the Indianola parking lot at 7:00 p.m.

Look for a black Toyota RAV 4.  For additional information, please call 419-277-2779

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of July, we are asking you to donate clothing items, socks, underwear, flip flops, summer clothing that is on sale and shoes.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Mark your calendars!  We are taking our worship service “on the road” on Sunday, August 7.  We will be traveling to Harmony Hall at the Browning Masonic Community in Waterville to join with the residents in worship and praise to God.  The service will begin at 10:25 a.m. and we will celebrate Holy Communion by intinction with them.  Your Celebration Team has been hopeful to have this off-site worship with the members of the Browning Masonic Community in order that we, as a congregation, can reach out to these folks that have not had the opportunity to come and worship with us on a Sunday morning.  We want all of our congregation, including our kids, to go to them.  (There will not be any children’s Sunday School or Nursery at Browning, but the service will be kid friendly.) 

 Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for July 7, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of July will be School Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for school kits that give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.  Thanks to a family in this congregation, we already have over 100 cloth bags that will be used to hold these school items.  Let’s see if we can collect enough items to fill all the available bags!  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents of each bag can be found in your July issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.  

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Mike will be leading a study about prayer entitled War Room.   War Room is a Christian film released in 2015 that was rated poorly by critics yet became a surprise hit as the Christian community responded in good numbers.  Can’t make it on Sunday?  A similar discussion group will be held on Tuesday evenings  in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Worship Service for Sunday, July 10

              Song of Worship - Mighty to Save

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  O Worship the King

                     Offertory:  Take My Life and Let It Be(In the setting of Rachmaninoff’s Piano concerto #2)

                     Postlude:  My Tribute

             Special Music - Charlene Hansen will be singing The Potter’s Hand

             Scripture-  Colossians 1:1-14

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Praying for Fruit Production

             Closing Hymn - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian

Following worship, please join us for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  During the month of July, Bobbie Westfall and Ann Nightingale will be your hosts. 

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on Sunday, July 10 on the shelf outside the Church Office.

The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide for July and August, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00.

Charlene Hansen has posted the schedule for the Wayward Walkers for the month of July:

Thursday, July 7, meet at the church at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 14, meet at the Waterville Primary School on the Farmview/backside/playground side at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 21, meet at the Fallen Timbers Battlefield on Jerome Road at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 28, meet at Farnsworth Park in the Indianola parking lot at 7:00 p.m.

Look for a black Toyota RAV 4.  For additional information, please call 419-277-2779

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of July, we are asking you to donate clothing items, socks, underwear, flip flops, summer clothing that is on sale and shoes.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School, Cave Quest – Following Jesus the Light of the World, will be held on Sunday, July 10 through Thursday, July 13 at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church for all children ages 4 through completed 6th grade.  They will meet from 6:15 -8:30 p.m. each evening.  Here is a list of items that are needed for the craft time this year:  Cool Whip containers, washable Crayola markers, Elmer’s glue sticks, plastic milk or juice caps, clear packing tape and black Sharpie markers.  (No additional egg cartons are needed.)  Stephanie has placed a box above the coat rack by the Community Room for your donations.

VBS DINNER on July 12 at 5:30 - Our church’s night to feed the VBS volunteers and their families (around 75-100 people)!  Individuals are needed to make a crock pot of sloppy joes, cheesy potatoes, cookies.  Or you can sign up to provide hamburger buns, individual bags of chips, paper plates, napkins, or forks.  We also will need 4 volunteers to serve the dinner at Zion Lutheran on July 12th.  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or if you are interested in helping.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin in the hallway if you can assist with this project.

VBS SNACK - On Tuesday, July 12, our church is responsible for providing the Compass Cupcake snacks for Vacation Bible School.  We will need 175 white frosted cupcakes.  Please use yellow or white cake mix and white vanilla frosting.  We also need donations of pretzel sticks (not rods), plain M&Ms, and gum drops.  Please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or or place your name on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway if you can help with this project.

A CD of the Vacation Bible School music is now available to purchase.  They are located on the shelf outside of the church office.  The cost is $10.00.  Please make your check payable to Waterville Community Fund and drop it off in Stephanie Shelton’s mailbox at the church.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for June 30, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of July will be School Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for school kits that give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.  Thanks to a family in this congregation, we already have over 100 cloth bags that will be used to hold these school items.  Let’s see if we can collect enough items to fill all the available bags!  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents of each bag can be found in your July issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.  

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Mike will be leading a study about prayer entitled War Room.   War Room is a Christian film released in 2015 that was rated poorly by critics yet became a surprise hit as the Christian community responded in good numbers.  Can’t make it on Sunday?  A similar discussion group will be held on Tuesday evenings  in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Worship Service in the church courtyard for Sunday, July 3

              Song of Worship - God Bless America

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  Patriotic Medley in the style of Bach

                     Offertory:  God of Our Fathers

                     Postlude:  You’re a Grand Old Flag

             Special Music - Ted Myers will be singing a patriotic song

             Scripture-  Galatians 6:7-16

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Sharing Christ by Doing Good

             Celebration of Holy Communion - served at the altar

             Closing Hymn - Battle Hymn of the Republic

             Liturgist - Rev. Joel Schutte

Following worship, please join us for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  During the month of July, Bobbie Westfall and Ann Nightingale will be your hosts. 

Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Wednesday July 6.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on Sunday, July 10 on the shelf outside the Church Office.

The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide for July and August, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00.

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of July, we are asking you to donate clothing items, socks, underwear, flip flops, summer clothing that is on sale and shoes.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School, Cave Quest – Following Jesus the Light of the World, will be held on Sunday, July 10 through Thursday, July 13 at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church for all children ages 4 through completed 6th grade.  They will meet from 6:15 -8:30 p.m. each evening.  Space is limited this year, so they are accepting advance registrations only.  Please submit your registrations by Sunday, July 3.  Registration forms may be found on the bulletin board by the red double doors.   Here is a list of items that are needed for the craft time this year:  Cool Whip containers, washable Crayola markers, Elmer’s glue sticks, plastic milk or juice caps, clear packing tape and black Sharpie markers.  (No additional egg cartons are needed.)  Stephanie has placed a box above the coat rack by the Community Room for your donations.

VBS DINNER on July 12 at 5:30 - Our church’s night to feed the VBS volunteers and their families (around 75-100 people)!  Individuals are needed to make a crock pot of sloppy joes, cheesy potatoes, cookies.  Or you can sign up to provide hamburger buns, individual bags of chips, paper plates, napkins, or forks.  We also will need 4 volunteers to serve the dinner at Zion Lutheran on July 12th.  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or if you are interested in helping.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin in the hallway if you can assist with this project.

VBS SNACK - On Tuesday, July 12, our church is responsible for providing the Compass Cupcake snacks for Vacation Bible School.  We will need 175 white frosted cupcakes.  Please use yellow or white cake mix and white vanilla frosting.  We also need donations of pretzel sticks (not rods), plain M&Ms, and gum drops.  Please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or or place your name on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway if you can help with this project.

A CD of the Vacation Bible School music is now available to purchase.  They are located on the shelf outside of the church office.  The cost is $10.00.  Please make your check payable to Waterville Community Fund and drop it off in Stephanie Shelton’s mailbox at the church.

Several folks asked for the yummy meatball recipe that Pam Denman brought to the Potluck last Sunday.  She has graciously shared it:

Cranberry Chili Meatballs Recipe


1 can (14 ounces) jellied cranberry sauce

1 bottle (12 ounces) chili sauce

¾ cup packed brown sugar

½ teaspoon chili powder

½ teaspoon ground cumin

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 package (32 ounces) frozen fully cooked home-style meatballs, thawed


In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine the first six ingredients; stir until sugar is dissolved.  Add meatballs; cook for 20-25 minutes or until heated through, stirring occasionally.

Yield:  about 6 dozen.

The church office will be closed on Friday, July 1, as I am taking a vacation day.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!                                                                                                                                                   

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for April 29, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

 Our mission emphasis for the month of May will be our Youth Group’s Mission Trip in June.  Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.  

Two small group Bible Studies will begin this week.  On Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room, Pastor Mike will be leading a class about The Armor of God which will compliment his sermon series that started last Sunday.  If that time doesn’t work for you, he will be leading the same study on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room. 

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC. 

Worship Service for Sunday, May 1:

              Hymns - The Heart of Worship and This Is My Father’s World

              Mission Moment-

              Children’s Moment – Memory verse check in Sunday School this week!  “Give as freely as you have received.”  Matthew 10:8

              Olga’s selections-

                     Prelude: Mighty Is Our God

                     Offertory:  Praise Him!  Praise Him!

                     Postlude:  Spirit Song

  Anthem -  Fairest Lord Jesus


             Jerry Lucas’ message -  Improving Family Relationships

Jerry Lucas, known today as Dr. Memory, and before that an Ohio State and professional basketball legend, will be preaching on Sunday morning on the topic of “Improving Family Relationships.”  On Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., he will teach a one-hour session entitled “Learning Made Fun and Easy” using his Automatic Learning concepts.  Then on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., Jerry will teach another one-hour session entitled “Names and Faces Made Easy.”  Jerry will also give his testimony during this session to reach as many as possible.  This is a great outreach opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and students to learn with us how to remember scripture, names and faces and the endless lists of things we want to remember.   

We are in need of hosts for the month of May for our Fellowship Time following worship.  All the food is provided.  You will need to put items on serving plates or baskets.  The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  This Sunday, Fellowship Time will be hosted by the men and women of the Thursday morning Bible Study Group…the B&Bs.   

Boy Scout Troop #101 is in the midst of their annual flower sale.  You will find order forms and information sheets on the shelf outside the church office.  You may turn in your orders and your payment to either Doug Smith, Keith Colyer, the Sisler’s, the Kirby’s or Craig Varner.  Ordered flowers will be available for you to pick up at the Fire Station in Waterville on Saturday, May 7.   

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of May, we are asking you to purchase hygiene items such as hand soap, washcloths, small towels, hairbrushes, combs and deodorant.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations. 

Waterville Rotary Pancake Supper will take place on Monday, May 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the Waterville Primary School.  Entertainment will be provided by the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio.  Proceeds from this event support community projects and scholarships.  Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students and may be purchased from any of the following Rotarians in our congregation:  Pastor Mike, Jim Page, Jim Pease, Paul Croy, Steve Letzring, Paul Buskey and Gail McNeely.  (They each have 10 tickets to sell.) 

General Conference Watch Party - On Wednesday, May 11 at 11:30 a.m., our West Ohio Conference’s Bishop Gregory V. Palmer will be giving the Episcopal Address to the General Conference in Portland, Oregon.  For those who are interested in watching this speech in the company of others, we will gather in Fellowship Hall at 11:00 a.m. and then have a session of prayer for the church before his speech begins.  We are asking that everyone brings their own sack lunch.  Beverages will be provided. Following the speech, we will gather for discussion and dessert. 

We will join together as a congregation on May 15 to celebrate our ministry and service during our worship service.  Following the service, we will continue our celebration with a potluck meal in Fellowship Hall.  More details to come next week. 

We will be honoring our graduates during the church service on May 22.  (Please note the change of date.) There will be a special slideshow featuring the graduates and cake and punch after the service.  If you are graduating from high school, college, or vocational school, please contact Stephanie Shelton.  If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send 8-10 photos of yourself at different ages.  The photos should be sent electronically to Stephanie at  Photos need to be received by May 11. 

Volunteer opportunity with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has one date left for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On May 13, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.., they will be making lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join them!  Please meet at the church at 5:00 p.m. and plan to leave the church at 5:10 p.m.  There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.   

It’s Back!!!!! - WUMC is planning a Parents Night Out for Saturday, May 14 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm.  Treat yourself to a night out while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is a free child care evening for children up thru 6th grade.  We would love for you to invite friends and neighbors to experience our church by having a night out together while your children have a blast with crafts, games, bounce houses, & dinner (pizza & snacks).  Please register by contacting Cara at 419-344-2171 (call or text) or  Registration required, space is limited to 40 children.  Please spread the word to friends/neighbors! 

Operation Christmas Child is requesting that all relay collection centers have a representative from their congregation willing to assist as a "Community Relations Volunteer" in their own community.  The volunteer position would entail being willing to contact area schools, civic and service clubs, businesses, Boy and Girl Scout Troops and other community organizations to encourage them to pack shoe boxes. We would then supply them with pamphlets and boxes if they so desire.  Please prayerfully consider the few hours this task would take, while greatly helping expand this outreach. If you have a passion for OCC and have considered helping in some other way, we welcome your prayerful consideration of assistance in this ministry.  Please contact Anne Stevens at 419.367.7379. 

The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for May and June, is available at both entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00. 

Waterville Primary School Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - We will be honoring the 55 teachers and staff at Waterville Primary School on Friday, May 27th at 11am.  As before, we will need salads, desserts, and helpers at the school that morning.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway outside of the church offices.  Please consider being part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!! 

The Youth Group Garage Sale will once again be held at the Shelton House during the Waterville Community Garage Sale on June 9-11 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Donated items to sell can be dropped off at the Shelton House (171 Freedom Lane) on June 7 & 8.  They are also in need of donations of bottled water, cans of pop, bags of chips, hot dogs, hot dog buns, snow cone flavoring and baked goods.                                                                                                                                                                  

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for April 22, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Our mission emphasis for the month of April will be The Daughter ProjectThe Daughter Project, a local charity, provides holistic healing services in an extremely safe, home-like environment to girls/women who have been freed from sex traffickers at no cost to them or their families. The services include; abuse & addiction counseling, family/friend restoration, health & nutrition education, medical/dental/vision care, legal counsel and spiritual mentorship. This help is provided by caring & competent professionals and volunteers. They have recruited doctors, counselors and other professionals to provide medical services to their girls. In addition to medical services, TDP collaborates with various local community organizations to provide healthy, educational and recreational opportunities for our girls. Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.  

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC. 

Worship Service for Sunday, April 24:

              Hymns -  God of Wonders and All Creatures of Our God and King

              Celebration of Teacher Appreciation Sunday

              Children’s Moment - Mission Jar for The Daughter Project

              Olga’s selections-

                     Prelude: I Will Call Upon the Lord

                     Offertory:  Medley of Praise

                     Postlude: Bind Us Together 

  Anthem -  Immortal, Invisible

             Scripture-  Ephesians 6:10-18

             Pastor Mike’s sermon -  Becoming Strong in the Lord

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

This Sunday is Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  We will have 11 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new neighbors in this area.  Please check the bulletin board by the elevator entrance in the narthex to see if any of these residents live close to you.   

Please join us following the worship service for cake and punch in Fellowship Hall to honor all of our Sunday School Teachers, Nursery Caregivers, Youth Leaders, Kinder Choir Directors and Youth Volunteers.  This month’s fellowship hosts have been Cindy Box and Penny Greenlese. 

We are in need of hosts for the month of May for our Fellowship Time following worship.  All the food is provided.  You will need to make the coffee and put items on serving plates or baskets.  The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway. 

We are also in need of greeters for the month of May.   

Your First Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Saturday, April 9.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for you to pick up on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at 419-878-5503 or  

For those of you who were in warmer location or not able to see Harmony Romances by Ron Hill, you will have one more chance!  On Sunday, April 24, we will be having a potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall with the meal starting at 6:15 p.m., followed by a recorded presentation of this year’s play in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.  Note:  Recommended audience is for middle school age and above.  

Boy Scout Troop #101 is in the midst of their annual flower sale.  You will find order forms and information sheets on the shelf outside the church office.  You may turn in your orders and your payment to either Doug Smith, Keith Colyer, the Sisler’s, the Kirby’s or Craig Varner.  Ordered flowers will be available for you to pick up at the Fire Station in Waterville on Saturday, May 7.   

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of April, we are asking you to purchase stuffed animals.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations. 

If anyone is interested in going on the Operation Christmas Child trip to the Charlotte processing center, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, please see Karen Longnecker as soon as possible.  They will be taking 2 buses but space fills up fast.  Reservations need to be sent in soon. 

NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF HEALTH CARE is the name of the St. Luke’s Hospital’s next special presentation on how to successfully navigate the challenges of health care and life planning.  The event will take place on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to Noon at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium.  A light lunch will be provided compliments of Elizabeth Scott community.  Featured speaker, Diana Waugh, Waugh Consulting, LLC, will help you better understand how to advocate for yourself and what you can do to prepare your family for a health care crisis and more.  Other topics to be discussed include ICE (In Case of Emergency) – helping first responders find the most important information about you, and the importance of Life Planning – where are you spiritually and do you have an advance directive or a living will?  Does your family know about what your wishes are?  Do they agree with you?  There is no fee to attend this free community forum; however, pre-registration is required.  You may register by calling 419-897-8484 (please leave your name, the names of those attending the presentation with you, and your phone number) or e-mailing no later than Monday, April 25. 

Waterville Rotary Pancake Supper will take place on Monday, May 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the Waterville Primary School.  Entertainment will be provided by the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio.  Proceeds from this event support community projects and scholarships.  Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students and may be purchased from any of the following Rotarians in our congregation:  Pastor Mike, Jim Page, Jim Pease, Paul Croy, Steve Letzring, Paul Buskey and Gail McNeely.  (They each have 10 tickets to sell.) 

Jerry Lucas to speak at WUMC - Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 1 and Monday, May 2.  Jerry Lucas, known today as Dr. Memory, and before that an Ohio State and professional basketball legend, will be preaching on Sunday morning on the topic of “Improving Family Relationships.”  On Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., he will teach a one-hour session entitled “Learning Made Fun and Easy” using his Automatic Learning concepts.  Then on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., Jerry will teach another one-hour session entitled “Names and Faces Made Easy.”  Jerry will also give his testimony during this session to reach as many as possible.  This is a great outreach opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and students to learn with us how to remember scripture, names and faces and the endless lists of things we want to remember.  (There will be an invitation card in your bulletin this Sunday to share with your family and friends.) 

Volunteer opportunity with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  This evening, they will be working from 5:30-7:30 p.m.  On May 14, from 9:15-12:15, they will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join them! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.   

We will be honoring our graduates during the church service on June 12.  There will be a special slideshow featuring the graduates and cake and punch after the service.  If you are graduating from high school, college, or vocational school, please contact Stephanie Shelton.  If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send 8-10 photos of yourself at different ages.  The photos should be sent electronically to Stephanie at  Photos need to be received by May 22.                                                                                                                                        

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for April 15, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Our mission emphasis for the month of April will be The Daughter ProjectThe Daughter Project, a local charity, provides holistic healing services in an extremely safe, home-like environment to girls/women who have been freed from sex traffickers at no cost to them or their families. The services include; abuse & addiction counseling, family/friend restoration, health & nutrition education, medical/dental/vision care, legal counsel and spiritual mentorship. This help is provided by caring & competent professionals and volunteers. They have recruited doctors, counselors and other professionals to provide medical services to their girls. In addition to medical services, TDP collaborates with various local community organizations to provide healthy, educational and recreational opportunities for our girls. Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.  

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC. 

Worship Service for Sunday, April 17:

              Prelude -  Canon of Grace by the Handbell Choir

              Hymns -  Open the Eyes of My Heart and Precious Lord, Take My Hand

              Kinder Choir - Clap Your Hands, All You People

              Children’s Moment -

              Olga’s selections-



  Anthem -  Lift High the Cross

             Scripture-  2 Timothy 1:3-7

             Rev. Joel Schutte’s sermon -  Living Life by the Spirit of Self-Discipline

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn


Please join us following the worship service for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  This month’s hosts are Cindy Box and Penny Greenlese. 

We are in need of hosts for the month of May for our Fellowship Time following worship.  All the food is provided.  You will need to make the coffee and put items on serving plates or baskets.  The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway. 

Your First Quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Saturday, April 9.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 10 on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at 419-878-5503 or  

For those of you who were in warmer location or not able to see Harmony Romances by Ron Hill, you will have one more chance!  On April 24, we will be having a potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall with the meal starting at 6:15 p.m., followed by a recorded presentation of this year’s play in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.  So mark your calendars!  In addition, if you require child care, please contact the Church Office, Terry Myers or Tom Wiggins by Sunday, April 21, so arrangements can be made.  Watch for more details in the coming weeks.  Note:  Recommended audience is for middle school age and above.  

Boy Scout Troop #101 is in the midst of their annual flower sale.  You will find order forms and information sheets on the shelf outside the church office.  You may turn in your orders and your payment to either Doug Smith, Keith Colyer, the Sisler’s, the Kirby’s or Craig Varner.  Ordered flowers will be available for you to pick up at the Fire Station in Waterville on Saturday, May 7.   

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of April, we are asking you to purchase stuffed animals.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations. 

If anyone is interested in going on the Operation Christmas Child trip to the Charlotte processing center, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, please see Karen Longnecker as soon as possible.  They will be taking 2 buses but space fills up fast.  Reservations need to be sent in soon. 

NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF HEALTH CARE is the name of the St. Luke’s Hospital’s next special presentation on how to successfully navigate the challenges of health care and life planning.  The event will take place on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to Noon at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium.  A light lunch will be provided compliments of Elizabeth Scott community.  Featured speaker, Diana Waugh, Waugh Consulting, LLC, will help you better understand how to advocate for yourself and what you can do to prepare your family for a health care crisis and more.  Other topics to be discussed include ICE (In Case of Emergency) – helping first responders find the most important information about you, and the importance of Life Planning – where are you spiritually and do you have an advance directive or a living will?  Does your family know about what your wishes are?  Do they agree with you?  There is no fee to attend this free community forum; however, pre-registration is required.  You may register by calling 419-897-8484 (please leave your name, the names of those attending the presentation with you, and your phone number) or e-mailing no later than Monday, April 25. 

Waterville Rotary Pancake Supper will take place on Monday, May 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the Waterville Primary School.  Entertainment will be provided by the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio.  Proceeds from this event support community projects and scholarships.  Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students and may be purchased from any of the following Rotarians in our congregation:  Pastor Mike, Jim Page, Jim Pease, Paul Croy, Steve Letzring, Paul Buskey and Gail McNeely.  (They each have 10 tickets to sell.) 

Jerry Lucas to speak at WUMC - Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 1 and Monday, May 2.  Jerry Lucas, known today as Dr. Memory, and before that an Ohio State and professional basketball legend, will be preaching on Sunday morning on the topic of “Improving Family Relationships.”  On Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., he will teach a one-hour session entitled “Learning Made Fun and Easy” using his Automatic Learning concepts.  Then on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., Jerry will teach another one-hour session entitled “Names and Faces Made Easy.”  Jerry will also give his testimony during this session to reach as many as possible.  This is a great outreach opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and students to learn with us how to remember scripture, names and faces and the endless lists of things we want to remember. 

Volunteer opportunity with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.                                                              

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for April 8 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Our mission emphasis for the month of April will be The Daughter ProjectThe Daughter Project, a local charity, provides holistic healing services in an extremely safe, home-like environment to girls/women who have been freed from sex traffickers at no cost to them or their families. The services include; abuse & addiction counseling, family/friend restoration, health & nutrition education, medical/dental/vision care, legal counsel and spiritual mentorship. This help is provided by caring & competent professionals and volunteers. They have recruited doctors, counselors and other professionals to provide medical services to their girls. In addition to medical services, TDP collaborates with various local community organizations to provide healthy, educational and recreational opportunities for our girls. Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.  

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC. 

Worship Service for Sunday, April 10:

              Hymn -  Here I Am, Lord

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  Come, Christians, Join to Sing

                    Postlude:   Great Is the Lord

             Offertory - The Glorious Unfolding sung by Keith Colyer

  Anthem -  This Do In Remembrance of Me

             Scripture-  Hebrews 12:1-4

             Pastor Mike’s sermon -  Running the Race

              Celebration of Confirmation for 12 of our youth

             Receiving of Jason, Sandi and Brad Hood into membership at Waterville United Methodist Church

              Holy Communion by intinction

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

There will be a reception following the worship service in Fellowship Hall to celebrate the Confirmation Class.  Please join us for cake and punch and a time of fellowship hosted by the Celebration Team.  Members of the Confirmation Class include Caroline and Nick Amspaugh, Lexi Galton, Blake Hood, Jacob Kahl, Chase Kirby, Hanna Letzring, Caitlin and Lauren May, Cari and Jake Varner and Kyle Wielgopolski. 

Your First Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 9.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 10 on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at 419-878-5503 or  

CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF NORTHWEST OHIO will be presenting at concert on Sunday, April 10 at 4:00 p.m. at the Maumee Performing Arts Center entitled “I am You, and You Are Me, and We Are One.”  The event will feature 13 ABC personality Tony Geftos.  Our own Mia Przybylski sings in this choir. 

For those of you who were in warmer location or not able to see Harmony Romances by Ron Hill, you will have one more chance!  On April 24, we will be having a potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall with the meal starting at 6:15 p.m., followed by a recorded presentation of this year’s play in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.  So mark your calendars!  In addition, if you require child care, please contact the Church Office, Terry Myers or Tom Wiggins by Sunday, April 21, so arrangements can be made.  Watch for more details in the coming weeks.  Note:  Recommended audience is for middle school age and above.  

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of April, we are asking you to purchase stuffed animals.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations. 

If anyone is interested in going on the Operation Christmas Child trip to the Charlotte processing center, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, please see Karen Longnecker as soon as possible.  They will be taking 2 buses but space fills up fast.  Reservations need to be sent in soon. 

NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF HEALTH CARE is the name of the St. Luke’s Hospital’s next special presentation on how to successfully navigate the challenges of health care and life planning.  The event will take place on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to Noon at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium.  A light lunch will be provided compliments of Elizabeth Scott community.  Featured speaker, Diana Waugh, Waugh Consulting, LLC, will help you better understand how to advocate for yourself and what you can do to prepare your family for a health care crisis and more.  Other topics to be discussed include ICE (In Case of Emergency) – helping first responders find the most important information about you, and the importance of Life Planning – where are you spiritually and do you have an advance directive or a living will?  Does your family know about what your wishes are?  Do they agree with you?  There is no fee to attend this free community forum; however, pre-registration is required.  You may register by calling 419-897-8484 (please leave your name, the names of those attending the presentation with you, and your phone number) or e-mailing no later than Monday, April 25. 

Waterville Rotary Pancake Supper will take place on Monday, May 2 from 5-7 p.m. at the Waterville Primary School.  Entertainment will be provided by the Children’s Choir of Northwest Ohio.  Proceeds from this event support community projects and scholarships.  Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students and may be purchased from any of the following Rotarians in our congregation:  Pastor Mike, Jim Page, Jim Pease, Paul Croy, Steve Letzring, Paul Buskey and Gail McNeely.  (They each have 10 tickets to sell.) 

Jerry Lucas to speak at WUMC - Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 1 and Monday, May 2.  Jerry Lucas, known today as Dr. Memory, and before that an Ohio State and professional basketball legend, will be preaching on Sunday morning on the topic of “Improving Family Relationships.”  On Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m., he will teach a one-hour session entitled “Learning Made Fun and Easy” using his Automatic Learning concepts.  Then on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., Jerry will teach another one-hour session entitled “Names and Faces Made Easy.”  Jerry will also give his testimony during this session to reach as many as possible.  This is a great outreach opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and students to learn with us how to remember scripture, names and faces and the endless lists of things we want to remember. 

Volunteer opportunity with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.  

The dates for Community Vacation Bible School have been announced.  Please mark your calendars for Sunday, July 10 through Thursday, July 14.  Waterville United Methodist Church will be responsible for the meal and snacks on Tuesday, July 12.  We will also need 5 adults to be crew leaders for that week.                                                                                                                                                                    

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for April 1, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of April will be The Daughter ProjectThe Daughter Project, a local charity, provides holistic healing services in an extremely safe, home-like environment to girls/women who have been freed from sex traffickers at no cost to them or their families. The services include; abuse & addiction counseling, family/friend restoration, health & nutrition education, medical/dental/vision care, legal counsel and spiritual mentorship. This help is provided by caring & competent professionals and volunteers. They have recruited doctors, counselors and other professionals to provide medical services to their girls. In addition to medical services, TDP collaborates with various local community organizations to provide healthy, educational and recreational opportunities for our girls. Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Worship Service for Sunday, April 3:

              Hymns -  Amazing Grace and  I Surrender All

              Children’s Moment

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  Crown Him with Many Crowns

                    Offertory:  I Worship You, Almighty God with I Sing Praises

                    Postlude:   We Will Glorify

  Anthem -  Beloved, Let Us Love One Another

             Scripture-  Acts 5:27-32

             Pastor Mike’s sermon -  Changing the Heart of a Nation

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Fred Stover has requested a Prayer Quilt for Barbara Korecki this Sunday.  Please stop by the quilt, either before or after the worship service, tie a knot and say a prayer for her quick healing and recovery from her broken ankle.

Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal office hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

Your First Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 9.  For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 10 on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at 419-878-5503 or

The M&Ms Bible Study Group started a new study last Wednesday morning at 9:30.  They are reading “Seamless – Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story” by Angie Smith.  This Wednesday however, they will be working at the Seagate Food Bank beginning at 10:00 a.m.  All are welcome to come and participate in the packing of Senior Food Boxes for those in need in the Toledo area. 

The Thursday morning B & B Bible Study has started a new book. They have decided to go with a classic!  Beginning this past Thursday, at 7:30 a.m. in the side room at Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse, they began reading from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  This book provides thought-provoking (That’s an understatement!!!!) meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship to Him.  All are welcome to join this co-ed group to share in the Bible, a delicious breakfast and fellowship. 

CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF NORTHWEST OHIO will be presenting at concert on Sunday, April 10 at 4:00 p.m. at the Maumee Performing Arts Center entitled “I am You, and You Are Me, and We Are One.”  The event will feature 13 ABC personality Tony Geftos.  Our own Mia Przybylski sings in this choir.

For those of you who were in warmer location or not able to see Harmony Romances by Ron Hill, you will have one more chance!  On April 24, we will be having a potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall with the meal starting at 6:15 p.m., followed by a recorded presentation of this year’s play in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.  So mark your calendars!  In addition, if you require child care, please contact the Church Office, Terry Myers or Tom Wiggins by Sunday, April 21, so arrangements can be made.  Watch for more details in the coming weeks.  Note:  Recommended audience is for middle school age and above.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of April, we are asking you to purchase stuffed animals.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF HEALTH CARE is the name of the St. Luke’s Hospital’s next special presentation on how to successfully navigate the challenges of health care and life planning.  The event will take place on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to Noon at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium.  A light lunch will be provided compliments of Elizabeth Scott community.  Featured speaker, Diana Waugh, Waugh Consulting, LLC, will help you better understand how to advocate for yourself and what you can do to prepare your family for a health care crisis and more.  Other topics to be discussed include ICE (In Case of Emergency) – helping first responders find the most important information about you, and the importance of Life Planning – where are you spiritually and do you have an advance directive or a living will?  Does your family know about what your wishes are?  Do they agree with you?  There is no fee to attend this free community forum; however, pre-registration is required.  You may register by calling 419-897-8484 (please leave your name, the names of those attending the presentation with you, and your phone number) or e-mailing no later than Monday, April 25.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.  

The dates for Community Vacation Bible School have been announced.  Please mark your calendars for Sunday, July 10 through Thursday, July 14.  Waterville United Methodist Church will be responsible for the meal and snacks on Tuesday, July 12.  We will also need 5 adults to be crew leaders for that week.  

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

 P.S.  Make plans to be in church next Sunday, April 10.  It will be a wonderful worship service with communion and the confirmation of 12 of our youth!  A reception in Fellowship Hall will follow the service.

News for March 25, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

 The Community Sunrise Easter Service will take place at 7:15 a.m. on March 27 by the old primary school on the river.  The Presbyterian church will be in charge of the service.  A breakfast will be served at their building following the service.

 Our mission emphasis for the month of March will be a continuation of our Theatre-for-the-World projects.  We will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the three local food banks in our area.  Items especially appreciated are canned fruits, peanut butter and cereals.  Monetary donations are also welcome.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Worship Service for Easter Sunday, March 27:

              Hymns -  Christ the Lord Is Risen Today and  Up from the Grave He Arose

              Children’s Moment

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  Christ Is Risen!

                    Offertory:  The Old Rugged Cross

                    Postlude:   To God Be the Glory

  Anthems -  We Have Seen Him and Lord of Glory

             Scripture-  John 12:47-50

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - The Greatest Gift – New Life in God’s Grace

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

There will be a nursery provided on Sunday, but there will not be any Sunday School.  Janet has put together an additional activity sheet for the children, but parents, you may want to bring some books, etc. to help the kids get through the church service.

 Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

The Thursday morning B & B Bible Study is starting a new book following Easter.  They have decided to go with a classic!  Beginning on Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 a.m. in the side room at Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse, they will be reading from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship to Him.  All are welcome to join this co-ed group to share in the Bible, a delicious breakfast and fellowship. 

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of March, we are asking you to purchase quality craft kits and toys.  Our April item will be stuffed animals.  Anne Stevens will be placing a box by the main entrance for your donations.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.                                                           

Happy Easter,

Church Cathy

News for March 18, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of March will be a continuation of our Theatre-for-the-World projects.  We will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the three local food banks in our area.  Items especially appreciated are canned fruits, peanut butter and cereals.  Monetary donations are also welcome.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  You will find the Prayer Kit, compiled by Alaire Rothhaas, on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.

Last Sunday, Pastor Mike asked all of us to look up all of the “One Another” scriptures to guide how we live.  You will find a yellow insert in your bulletin this Sunday with 59 of those verses. 

Worship Service for Palm Sunday, March 20:

               Processional - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

              Hymns -  The Wonderful Cross and  O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

              Kinder Choir - Mantos y Palmas (Filled with Excitement) and Little Donkey

              Children’s Moment - Mission Jar

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  Hosanna!

                    Offertory:  We Shall Behold Him

                    Postlude:   Rock of Ages

  Anthem -  The King of Glory

             Scripture-  Philippians 2:5-11

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - Grace as God is Our Master

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

The Children’s Easter Egg Hunt will take place immediately after the worship service.  Please remember to bring a basket for your child.  All egg hunters will be awarded a sackful of goodies. Please find your egg-hunting location below.  There will be someone there to "start" everyone together for your age group & if you forgot a basket/bag, please ask them for one. 

 Nursery, Preschool, Kindergarten:   Courtyard

First - Third:  Front of Church

Fourth - Sixth:   Side of Church                                                  

 In case of rain:

Nursery, Preschool, Kindergarten:  Youth Room

First - Third:   Community/Choir Room

Fourth - Sixth:   Fireside Room

Sunday is also Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  We have 4 gift bags that need to be delivered to new neighbors in our community following our worship service.  Please check and see if any of these new residents live near you.

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Jenny Kahl and Julie Croy will be your hosts for the month of March.   Thank you!

The congregation is invited to attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the sanctuary at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday for Zachary David Sisler.  For his Eagle Project, Zachary reworked the cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  There will be a reception in Fellowship Hall immediately following the ceremony.  Congratulations Zachary, on a wonderful accomplishment!  And congratulations to his parents, Dave and Sue, brother Austin and grandmother Sally Waggoner as well, for your encouragement in helping Zachary attain this honor. 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

 We have four Easter lilies that are still available to purchase for next Sunday.  The cost is $8.00 each.  Please fill out one of the white envelopes on the shelf outside the church office or call/email the office before Thursday so you may be included on the list in the bulletin next week.

We will have a 7:00 p.m. worship service with communion on Maundy Thursday, March 24.

Our second annual Cross Walk will take place on Good Friday, March 25 at noon.  Meet in the church courtyard at 11:45 a.m.  Wear your walking shoes as we carry the cross around our community and pray along the way.

The Community Sunrise Easter Service will take place at 7:15 a.m. on March 27 by the old primary school on the river.  The Presbyterian church will be in charge of the service.  A breakfast will be served at their building following the service.

The Thursday morning B & B Bible Study is starting a new book following Easter.  They have decided to go with a classic!  Beginning on Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 a.m. in the side room at Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse, they will be reading from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship to Him.  All are welcome to join this co-ed group to share in the Bible, a delicious breakfast and fellowship. 

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of March, we are asking you to purchase quality craft kits and toys.  Anne Stevens will be placing a box by the main entrance for your donations.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.                                                                                                                                                                   

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for March 11, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend.  Please remember to “Spring Ahead” one hour on all of your clocks before you go to bed on Saturday night.  This is also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. 

Our mission emphasis for the month of March will be a continuation of our Theatre-for-the-World projects.  We will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the three local food banks in our area.  Items especially appreciated are canned fruits, peanut butter and cereals.  Monetary donations are also welcome.

Worship Service for Sunday, March 13:

              Hymns -  The Wonderful Cross and  Take My Life, and Let It Be

              Children’s Moment -

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude:  O How I Love Jesus

                    Offertory:  There Is a Fountain

                    Postlude:  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

  Anthem -  Take and Eat

             Scripture-  Matthew 7:1-5, 12

             Pastor Mike’s sermon -  One to Another

             Celebration of Holy Communion - served by intinction by members of the Confirmation Class.

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Jenny Kahl and Julie Croy will be your hosts for the month of March.   Thank you!

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

We are still taking orders for Easter lilies.  You will find the order form on an envelope in the pew racks in the sanctuary.  Please complete the information on the envelope, place your check or money inside, seal it and place it in the offering plate.  The cost is $8.00 per plant.  You may also order them through the March issue of The Ambassador.  We have ordered 25 flowers this year.  As of Friday afternoon, we still have 7 flowers left to sell.  This Sunday will be the final day to order your flowers.

The Lenten Study……Loving Generously is continuing until March 17.  Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. Small group sessions will take place on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.  If you can’t make the session that you signed up for, please feel free to attend any of the other classes.  We are asking, that if you are able, for a donation of $10 to cover the cost of the book that accompanies the lessons.  If you have missed one of the sermons and the video that goes along with the sermon, you may watch/listen to both on the church website under “Recent Sermons.” 

A new ministry open to everyone is forming in our church!   We are starting a Prayer Time on Sunday mornings from 9-10:00, just before the Worship Service, and would like to invite everyone who is interested, no matter your age, to join us.  We are going to gather in the Sanctuary and, making use of a Prayer Kit compiled by Alaire Rothhaas plus some other resources, pray scripture as a group for that hour.   There will be many things to pray for:  the Worship Service and all its participants; WUMC and all its various components; our community and all its divisions; the AW School community, students, teachers, etc.; our county, state, and country and the multitude of issues facing us in this regard.  Besides, whatever other things God places on your heart that morning, whether they be personal and private or larger and general.   Though we are together as a group, we will each be praying individually however God leads.   This is a new adventure for us and we are following the instruction from Luke in Acts 4:24 – “Then all the believers were united as they lifted their voices in prayer.”  We profess ourselves to be a praying church, so this is just another element to increase that commitment to touch others, reach across barriers, and seek God’s mission for this congregation.  If you have any questions, please call Karen Wiggins (419-350-1211).  Or perhaps you would simply like to come and observe the group for a time or two.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.   

EGG-CITING NEWS - Join us for an Easter egg hunt on March 20th (Palm Sunday) following church.  Children up to 6th grade are welcome to participate in this egg-citing event and adults are encouraged to "egg" them on.  All egg hunters will be awarded a sackful of goodies. Please bring your own baskets. If you have questions, want to donate candy or goodies for the sacks, or would like to help hide eggs on the day of the event, please contact Cara McMillan at 419-344-2171.  There is a basket on the shelf outside the church office where you may place your candy or goodies for the sacks this Sunday.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of March, we are asking you to purchase quality craft kits and toys.  Anne Stevens will be placing a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Ted Myers did an audio recording of Rev. Jim Stewart’s portion of Fritzie Schifferly’s funeral service.  This may be heard by going to the church’s website,, and selecting “Recent Services.”  You will also find a link there to connect you with the entire service.

We are pleased to announce that Arthur Meade has been hired as the new custodian for Waterville United Methodist Church.  Welcome to the church staff!!!

 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.  

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for March 4, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


Well, it’s almost time for the show!  Theatre-for-the-World will present Harmony Romances tonight at 7:30, Saturday evening at 7:30 and then again on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.  The Youth Group’s Lasagna Dinner is completely sold out!!!  Thank you so much for making this such an exciting weekend at Waterville United Methodist Church.  Don’t forget to bring your canned goods and non-perishable food items! 

Brian has written a song that promotes the play Harmony Romances. Instead of attaching it to this e-blast, Ted will be posting the song on the Church’s website later today:  Our mission emphasis for the month of March will be a continuation of our Theatre-for-the-World projects.  We will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for the three local food banks in our area.  Items especially appreciated are canned fruits, peanut butter and cereals.  Monetary donations are also welcome.


Worship Service for Sunday, March 6:

              Hymns -  Spirit Song and  Love Diving, All Loves Excelling

              Children’s Moment –

              Caitlin May will be singing Just Be Held for the Offertory

              Olga’s selections

                    Prelude: The Church’s One Foundation

                    Postlude:  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

  Anthem -  You Are the Christ!

             Scripture-  John 15:18-27

             Pastor Mike’s sermon -  God’s Calling

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn


Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Jenny Kahl and Julie Croy will be your hosts for the month of March.   Thank you! 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday. 

We are now taking orders for Easter lilies.  You will find the order form on an envelope in the pew racks in the sanctuary.  Please complete the information on the envelope, place your check or money inside, seal it and place it in the offering plate.  The cost is $8.00 per plant.  You may also order them through the March issue of The Ambassador or on the form that will be included in your bulletin this week.  We have ordered 25 flowers this year.  Next Sunday, March 13, will be the final day to order your flowers. 

The Lenten Study……Loving Generously is continuing until March 17.  Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. Small group sessions will take place on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.  If you can’t make the session that you signed up for, please feel free to attend any of the other classes.  We are asking, that if you are able, for a donation of $10 to cover the cost of the book that accompanies the lessons.  If you have missed one of the sermons and the video that goes along with the sermon, you may watch/listen to both on the church website.  

A new ministry open to everyone is forming in our church!   We are starting a Prayer Time on Sunday mornings from 9-10:00, just before the Worship Service, and would like to invite everyone who is interested, no matter your age, to join us on Sunday, March 6 for our initial kick-off.  We are going to gather in the Sanctuary and, making use of a Prayer Kit compiled by Alaire Rothhaas plus some other resources, pray scripture as a group for that hour.   There will be many things to pray for:  the Worship Service and all its participants; WUMC and all its various components; our community and all its divisions; the AW School community, students, teachers, etc.; our county, state, and country and the multitude of issues facing us in this regard.  Besides, whatever other things God places on your heart that morning, whether they be personal and private or larger and general.   Though we are together as a group, we will each be praying individually however God leads.   This is a new adventure for us and we are following the instruction from Luke in Acts 4:24 – “Then all the believers were united as they lifted their voices in prayer.”  We profess ourselves to be a praying church, so this is just another element to increase that commitment to touch others, reach across barriers, and seek God’s mission for this congregation.  If you have any questions, please call Karen Wiggins (419-350-1211).  Or perhaps you would simply like to come and observe the group for a time or two.  Remember, this is new to all of us, but we are aiming for it to be a blessing and the start of a renewal both within and without the walls of WUMC.    

EGG-CITING NEWS - Join us for an Easter egg hunt on March 20th (Palm Sunday) following church.  Children up to 6th grade are welcome to participate in this egg-citing event and adults are encouraged to "egg" them on.  All egg hunters will be awarded a sackful of goodies. Please bring your own baskets. If you have questions, want to donate candy or goodies for the sacks, or would like to help hide eggs on the day of the event, please contact Cara McMillan at 419-344-2171. 

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with “Food for Thought” -  Food for Thought is an organization in Toledo that provides volunteer opportunities to serve at a mobile food pantry, warehouse stocking, and also packing lunches on Friday evenings and delivering the lunches on the streets of Toledo on Saturday mornings.  You can find out more about the organization at  The WUMC Youth Group has set two dates for this spring to volunteer with this organization.  On April 22 from 5:30-7:30, we will be making sandwiches and packing lunches that will be delivered in Toledo on Saturday morning.  Then, on May 14 from 9:15-12:15, we will be delivering lunches in Toledo.  The WUMC Youth would like to invite anyone who is interested in volunteering to join us! Please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton if you are interested.                                                                                                                        Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for February 5, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Our mission emphasis for the month of February will be The S.O.W.E.R.  Project (Sharing Our Witness - Enriching Relationships.) Our monies will go towards the cost of materials for a house that will set a family free from their very poor housing situation in southern Kentucky.  It is a mission of the United Methodist Church through Henderson Settlement Ministries.  For
more information, you may visit   <>  and

Worship Service for Sunday, February 7:

              Recognition of Boy Scouts

              Hymns -  Shine, Jesus, Shine andBe Thou My Vision

              Special Music - Jesus in the Morning (sung by the children's
Sunday School classes)

              Children's Moment -

              Olga's selections -

                  Prelude:  Praise Him!  Praise Him! Medley

                  Offertory:  My Savior's Love

                  Postlude:  His Name Is Wonderful       

  Anthem - What Wondrous Love

Celebration of Holy Communion by intinction

            Scripture-  1 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2

            Pastor Mike's sermon - Turning to God - Repentance

            Liturgist - Tom Quinn

There is a Prayer Quilt on the wall in the sanctuary this Sunday.  JoAnn Lucas has requested a quilt for Roger Hertzman.  Please take a few minutes before or after the worship service to say and prayer and tie a knot on the
quilt for Roger.    

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday's worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Penny Greenlese and Terry Myers will be your hosts for the month of February.

Your 2015 giving statements were emailed on Thursday, January 7th.  Those receiving hardcopies are on the shelf outside the church office.  Please make every effort to pick them up in order to save mailing costs.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at <>  

A dvd is available (on the shelf outside the church office) of the December 13 presentation of The Christmas Lizard.  Bill Plassmann is making these
available to members of the congregation for a donation to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund.

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday.

Pastor Mike ministers to the residents at Browning Masonic Community in Waterville and is extending an opportunity for the children to join him.  On the first Sunday of the month, he leads a church service for the residents who would like to attend.  We would like for the children at our church to consider coming to sing a song together for the residents during this church
service.  This would be a great way to extend our outreach ministry to the people in the Browning community. The service is Sunday, February 7, at 1:30.  A lunch will be offered after our church service at WUMC and then we can caravan to Browning and arrive there around 1:15.  The service will be no longer than an hour and the kids are free to go after they sing the song
at the beginning of the service.  During Sunday School time, the children will spend a few minutes practicing one song to sing for the residents.  We will be singing, Jesus in the Morning.  Along with the song, four kids will
read a short scripture verse that goes along with the song.  Please contact Stephanie Shelton if your child will be attending the service to sing.  (You would be responsible for getting them to and from Browning Masonic Community).  Also, please respond with how many will be attending the lunch after our church service so we know how much food to plan for.  Lunch is for the whole family.

On Wednesday, February 10 at 7:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, our Ash Wednesday service will be a service of personal reflection and the imposition of ashes.  The service will conclude at 7:30 a.m. so folks can get to work on time.  There will also be an Ash Wednesday service at the Browning Masonic   Complex in their Harmony Hall at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon.  You are
invited to join with their residents as we join together for the beginning of Lent.

Coming soon......Loving Generously - A Five Week study during Lent - From February 14 to March 17

Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. This sermon series and small group experience will begin on February 14. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. The information sheet and a registration form will be included in your bulletin this Sunday.  Small group sessions will take place on
Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.

Harmony Romances, a small-cast comedy by local playwright, Ron Hill, is slated to be presented by the Theatre-for-the-World cast and crew on March
4, 5 & 6.  The show is a humorous look at how a church funeral committee reacts as one of their own rekindles a romance with her long lost high school sweetheart over the internet.  Gossip is not encouraged, but these
folks can't resist sharing their crazy thoughts on this relationship. Brian, the cast and crew would greatly appreciate any assistance with volunteering.  A signup sheet has been posted for ushers, food runners and
hostesses for intermission. Mark your calendar now for a fun weekend at Waterville United Methodist Church!

Help us spread the word about the upcoming Theatre-for-the World performance!  Char Hansen has printed up some posters that she would like placed around the community and shared with your office co-workers, your barber shop, beauty salon or favorite restaurant.  Be on the lookout for the pink posters on Sunday.

Stephanie has placed two sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  One is asking for volunteers to provide either a pan of lasagna or a dessert (both 9" x 12") for the Youth Group's annual Lasagna Dinner on
Saturday, March5 in Fellowship Hall.  There is also a sheet to make your reservations to attend the dinner.  Reservations must be made by March 2 or until they have 78 people.  The cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children.

You have one more week to go through the items that were cleaned out of some of the closets at the church.  You will find them in the Fireside Room on the table and on the small pew.  If you can use any of these items, please consider them yours!

The Church Mouse would like to thank Jerry Robinson and Tom Quinn for the installation of a new coat rack in the Sonshine Room.  We have moved all of the tablecloths (that were hanging up by the elevator door) to this new rack behind the door in the Sonshine Room. 

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for January 29, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Thank you to Ted, who was able to get Outlook up and running again this afternoon.  Here is your E-Blast!! 

Our mission emphasis for the month of January will be The Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo.  Their goal is to lovingly share the truth about life, relationships and faith.  They help men and women make life-saving, life-changing decisions by sharing information about options, consequences and available services.  With the exception of a small amount of grant funding for abstinence education, all funds come from donations.  Over 32,000 women have already received help.  The Pregnancy Center continues to be a community outreach committed to expressing the compassion of Christ through support and education in pregnancy related issues. We can help keep the doors open!  

Worship Service for Sunday, January 31:

              Prelude - Handbell Choir playing Simple Gifts  

              Hymns -  Spirit of the Living God and  Here I Am, Lord

              Children’s Moment - Mission Jar

              Olga’s selections -

                   Offertory:  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

                   Postlude:  I Worship You, Almighty God          

  Anthem - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship

             Scripture-  1 Corinthians 13:1-13

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - God’s Standard for Disciples

             Liturgist - Dave Landis    

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Charlotte Pritchett and Melva Robinson have been your hosts for the month of January.  

Your 2015 giving statements were emailed on Thursday, January 7th.  Those receiving hardcopies are on the shelf outside the church office.  Please make every effort to pick them up in order to save mailing costs.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions. 

A dvd is available (on the shelf outside the church office) of the December 13 presentation of The Christmas Lizard.  Bill Plassmann is making these available to members of the congregation for a donation to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund. 

Friday, February 5 will be our next day of Prayer and Fasting.  This month, the emphasis is on our upcoming General Assembly.  Bulletins for that day are located on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary with the list of all of our delegates and suggested prayers for their gathering in May. 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday. 

Pastor Mike ministers to the residents at Browning Masonic Community in Waterville and is extending an opportunity for the children to join him.  On the first Sunday of the month, he leads a church service for the residents who would like to attend.  We would like for the children at our church to consider coming to sing a song together for the residents during this church service.  This would be a great way to extend our outreach ministry to the people in the Browning community. The service is Sunday, February 7, at 1:30.  A lunch will be offered after our church service at WUMC and then we can caravan to Browning and arrive there around 1:15.  The service will be no longer than an hour and the kids are free to go after they sing the song at the beginning of the service.  During Sunday School time, the children will spend a few minutes practicing one song to sing for the residents.  We will be singing, Jesus in the Morning.  Along with the song, four kids will read a short scripture verse that goes along with the song.   Please contact Stephanie Shelton if your child will be attending the service to sing.  (You would be responsible for getting them to and from Browning Masonic Community).  Also, please respond with how many will be attending the lunch after our church service so we know how much food to plan for.  Lunch is for the whole family. 

Coming soon……Loving Generously – A Five Week study during Lent

Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. This sermon series and small group experience will begin on February 14. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. Continue to watch for additional information. 

Harmony Romances, a small-cast comedy by local playwright, Ron Hill, is slated to be presented by the Theatre-for-the-World cast and crew on March 4, 5 & 6.  The show is a humorous look at how a church funeral committee reacts as one of their own rekindles a romance with her long lost high school sweetheart over the internet.  Gossip is not encouraged, but these folks can’t resist sharing their crazy thoughts on this relationship.  Brian, the cast and crew would greatly appreciate any assistance with volunteering.  A signup sheet has been posted for ushers, food runners and hostesses for intermission. Mark your calendar now for a fun weekend at Waterville United Methodist Church! 

Stephanie has placed two sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  One is asking for volunteers to provide either a pan of lasagnaor a dessert (both 9” x 12”) for the Youth Group’s annual Lasagna Dinner on Saturday, March5 in Fellowship Hall.  There is also a sheet to make your reservations to attend the dinner.  Reservations must be made by March 2 or until they have 78 people.  The cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. 

And finally, some closets at the church have been cleaned out this week and there are many items that need to be purged from our storage areas at the church.  Items have all been place on the table and on the small pew in the Fireside Room.  If you, or someone you know, would like to adopt any of these items, please feel free to do so.  After two weeks, the items will be removed.                                       

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for January 22, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Fellowship Hall is reserved on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 

Our mission emphasis for the month of January will be The Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo.  Their goal is to lovingly share the truth about life, relationships and faith.  They help men and women make life-saving, life-changing decisions by sharing information about options, consequences and available services.  With the exception of a small amount of grant funding for abstinence education, all funds come from donations.  Over 32,000 women have already received help.  The Pregnancy Center continues to be a community outreach committed to expressing the compassion of Christ through support and education in pregnancy related issues. We can help keep the doors open! 

Worship Service for Sunday, January 24:   

              Hymns -  How Great Is Our God and  How Great Thou Art

              Kinder Choir – We Are the Church and The Body Song

              Children’s Moment -

              Olga’s selections -

                   Prelude:  O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

                   Offertory:  Bind Us Together with Blest Be the Tie That Binds

                   Postlude:  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty          

  Anthem - His Eye Is On the Sparrow

             Scripture-  1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - The Body Living In Community

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn    

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Charlotte Pritchett and Melva Robinson will be your hosts for the month of January.  

Your 2015 giving statements were emailed on Thursday, January 7th.  Those receiving hardcopies are on the shelf outside the church office.  Please make every effort to pick them up in order to save mailing costs.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions.

 A dvd is available (on the shelf outside the church office) of the December 13 presentation of The Christmas Lizard.  Bill Plassmann is making these available to members of the congregation for a donation to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund. 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday. 

Pastor Mike ministers to the residents at Browning Masonic Community in Waterville and is extending an opportunity for the children to join him.  On the first Sunday of the month, he leads a church service for the residents who would like to attend.  We would like for the children at our church to consider coming to sing a song together for the residents during this church service.  This would be a great way to extend our outreach ministry to the people in the Browning community. The service is Sunday, February 7, at 1:30.  A lunch will be offered after our church service at WUMC and then we can caravan to Browning and arrive there around 1:15.  The service will be no longer than an hour and the kids are free to go after they sing the song at the beginning of the service.  During Sunday School time, the children will spend a few minutes practicing one song to sing for the residents.  We will be singing, Jesus in the Morning.  Along with the song, four kids will read a short scripture verse that goes along with the song.   Please contact Stephanie Shelton if your child will be attending the service to sing.  (You would be responsible for getting them to and from Browning Masonic Community).  Also, please respond with how many will be attending the lunch after our church service so we know how much food to plan for.  Lunch is for the whole family. 

Coming soon……Loving Generously – A Five Week study during Lent

Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. This sermon series and small group experience will begin on February 14. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. Continue to watch for additional information. 

Harmony Romances, a small-cast comedy by local playwright, Ron Hill, is slated to be presented by the Theatre-for-the-World cast and crew on March 4, 5 & 6.  The show is a humorous look at how a church funeral committee reacts as one of their own rekindles a romance with her long lost high school sweetheart over the internet.  Gossip is not encouraged, but these folks can’t resist sharing their crazy thoughts on this relationship.  Brian, the cast and crew would greatly appreciate any assistance with volunteering.  A signup sheet has been posted for ushers, food runners and hostesses for intermission. Mark your calendar now for a fun weekend at Waterville United Methodist Church! 

Stephanie has placed two sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  One is asking for volunteers to provide either a pan of lasagnaor a dessert (both 9” x 12”) for the Youth Group’s annual Lasagna Dinner on Saturday, March5 in Fellowship Hall.  There is also a sheet to make your reservations to attend the dinner.  Reservations must be made by March 2 or until they have 78 people.  The cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. 

With the tragic death of former church member, Eric Ramlow last week, many of you have asked for an address for his wife.  If you would like to send a card to the family, please mail them to:  Meg Ramlow, 1605 Wren Road, Bowling Green, OH    43402

The Trustees continue to improve areas in the building.  You will notice on Sunday that a new coat rack has been installed in the hallway across from the kitchen and a new coat of paint will soon be added to the walls.

 Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for January 15, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church, 

Our mission emphasis for the month of January will be The Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo.  Their goal is to lovingly share the truth about life, relationships and faith.  They help men and women make life-saving, life-changing decisions by sharing information about options, consequences and available services.  With the exception of a small amount of grant funding for abstinence education, all funds come from donations.  Over 32,000 women have already received help.  The Pregnancy Center continues to be a community outreach committed to expressing the compassion of Christ through support and education in pregnancy related issues. We can help keep the doors open!  

Worship Service for Sunday, January 17   

              Hymns -  Majesty, Holy, Holy, Holy! and  Great Is Thy Faithfulness

              Children’s Moment -

              Olga’s selections -

                   Prelude:  All Hail the Power Of Jesus’ Name!

                   Offertory:  May Jesus Christ Be Praised

                   Postlude:  Bind Us Together          

  Anthem - Here I Am, Lord

             Scripture-  Philippians 3:10-14

             Pastor Mike’s sermon - God’s Equipping of Disciples

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

We have 7 Welcome a Neighbor gift bags that will need to be distributed following our worship service on Sunday.  Please check and see if any of these new residents live near you and then make a quick stop on your way home to drop it off at their front door.            

Please join us for light refreshments following Sunday’s worship service in our Fellowship Hall.  Charlotte Pritchett and Melva Robinson will be your hosts for the month of January.  

Your 2015 giving statements were emailed on Thursday, January 7th.  Those receiving hardcopies are on the shelf outside the church office.  Please make every effort to pick them up in order to save mailing costs.  Please contact Tom Wiggins if you have any questions at or (419) 878-5503. 

This Sunday will be the final day to support The Friendly Center by donating NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks for the children they serve in Toledo’s inner city.  There is a basket in the Fireside Room for collecting these items.  After Sunday,  they will be delivered to The Friendly Center.  Thank you to all who are helping to fill the basket. 

A cd is available (on the shelf outside the church office) of the December 13 presentation of The Christmas Lizard.  Bill Plassmann is making these available to members of the congregation for a donation to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund. 

Effective January 13, the Wednesday church office hours will be from 8:00 am until 10:30am.  Beginning on April 6, we will return to the normal hours of 8:00 am until noon on Wednesday. 

Pastor Mike ministers to the residents at Browning Masonic Community in Waterville and is extending an opportunity for the children to join him.  On the first Sunday of the month, he leads a church service for the residents who would like to attend.  We would like for the children at our church to consider coming to sing a song together for the residents during this church service.  This would be a great way to extend our outreach ministry to the people in the Browning community. The service is Sunday, February 7, at 1:30.  A lunch will be offered after our church service at WUMC and then we can caravan to Browning and arrive there around 1:15.  The service will be no longer than an hour and the kids are free to go after they sing the song at the beginning of the service.  During Sunday School time, the children will spend a few minutes practicing one song to sing for the residents.  We will be singing, Jesus in the Morning.  Along with the song, four kids will read a short scripture verse that goes along with the song.   Please contact Stephanie Shelton if your child will be attending the service to sing.  (You would be responsible for getting them to and from Browning Masonic Community).  Also, please respond with how many will be attending the lunch after our church service so we know how much food to plan for.  Lunch is for the whole family. 

Coming soon……Loving Generously – A Five Week study during Lent

Loving Generously focuses upon loving God and one another. This sermon series and small group experience will begin on February 14. Personal and congregational vitality grows as we grow to know, love and serve the least and the lost. Continue to watch for additional information. 

Harmony Romances, a small-cast comedy by local playwright, Ron Hill, is slated to be presented by the Theatre-for-the-World cast and crew on March 4, 5 & 6.  The show is a humorous look at how a church funeral committee reacts as one of their own rekindles a romance with her long lost high school sweetheart over the internet.  Gossip is not encouraged, but these folks can’t resist sharing their crazy thoughts on this relationship.  Brian, the cast and crew would greatly appreciate any assistance with volunteering.  They will post a sheet outside the office in January with opportunities for you to help.  Mark your calendar now for a fun weekend at Waterville United Methodist Church! 

Stephanie has placed two sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  One is asking for volunteers to provide either a pan of lasagnaor a dessert (both 9” x 12”) for the Youth Group’s annual Lasagna Dinner on Saturday, March5 in Fellowship Hall.  There is also a sheet to make your reservations to attend the dinner.  Reservations must be made by March 2 or until they have 78 people.  The cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. 

Church member, Grace Russell, passed away on January 9 at Pathways at Browning Masonic Community at age 94.  The family will receive friends at the Coyle Funeral Home in Toledo (1770 South Reynolds Road) on Friday, January 15 from 3-7:00 p.m.  The funeral service will be held on Saturday, January 16 at 10:30 a.m. at Coyle, followed by burial in Woodlawn Memorial Park.                                                                                                                                  

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy