News for December 18, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The final lesson of A Savior Is Born will be held this Sunday. Adults, please feel free to join us this week for a video (it will be working this week!) and some discussion. We meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Childcare is provided.
Our mission emphasis for the month of December will be Imagine No Malaria. Malaria is a disease of poverty that strikes hardest at the most vulnerable members of society: pregnant women and children under the age of five. A child dies every minute from this preventable disease. Five dollars provides a lifesaving course of medication, and ten dollars protects an entire family with a bed net. Our Christmas Offering will also be given to Imagine No Malaria. In response to Christ’s saving grace, how many lives will you help save this month?
Worship Service for Sunday, December 20
Advent Wreath Lighting -
Hymns - Angels We Have Heard on High and Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: I Saw Three Ships
Offertory: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Postlude: Herbei, Oh Ihr Glaubigen(O Come, All Ye Faithful)
Anthem - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Scripture- Mark 8:31-9:1
Pastor Mike’s sermon - The Kingdom of God is Powerful
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Please join us for light refreshments following the worship service in our Fellowship Hall. Nancy O. Stafford will be your host for the month of December.
Inside each bulletin this Sunday, you will find an invitation to attend one of our Christmas Eve services on December 24. Our 7:00 pm service will be the traditional candle light service with carols and readings. A nursery will be available at the early service. The 11:00 pm service will begin with a 20 minute piano concert by Olga and will be followed by carols, readings and communion. Please take these cards and share them with a neighbor, a family member, or a friend.
We have 10 Welcome a Neighbor Bags this Sunday that will need to be distributed to new residents in our community.
Monday, December 21, is the deadline for all articles and items to be included in the January 2016 issue of our church newsletter, The Ambassador. Please send your items to Janet at
Are you running a little behind on your financial giving this year? Want to give a few extra dollars this year? In order to have your giving count on your 2015 financial statement, all monies need to be deposited by Tom Wiggins by noon on Thursday, December 31. You may contact him either at home (now that he’s retired!!) or by email at
If you have not had the opportunity to submit your Estimate of Giving Cards, we will gladly accept them at any time. You may place them in the offering, send them via the mail, or send an email to Tom Wiggins at If needed, additional Estimate of Giving Cards are located on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office marked as “2016 Stewardship Campaign.”
A big Thank You to those of you who have already picked up your new 2016 Giving Envelopes. We are down to only 19 sets of them on the shelf outside the church office! Since they cost close to $5.00 each to mail, we would really appreciate your help in getting them picked up by the end of the year.
Two important items to put on your new 2016 calendar…
There will be a Celebration Service for the appointment to District Superintendent for Rev. Scot Ocke on Sunday, January 10 at 3:30 p.m. at the Monroe Street United Methodist Church located at 3616 Monroe Street in Toledo. Our Bishop, Gregory V. Palmer, will be preaching at that service.
Theatre-for-the-World dates have been announced for 2016. Their first show will be, Harmony Romances, a small-cast comedy by local playwright, Ron Hill. Performances are slated for March 4, 5 and 6. The show is a humorous look at how a church funeral committee reacts as one of their own rekindles a romance with her long lost high school sweetheart over the internet. Gossip is not encouraged, but these folks can't resist sharing their crazy thoughts on this relationship. Look for more details in the January 2016 issue of The Ambassador!
And finally, a BIG Church Mouse Thank You to Ted Myers. During this past week, Ted has installed new, updated, faster computers in the church office. It feels like we are now operating at almost Star Wars warp-speed!! Thank you so much for all the time you spend making sure that we are “up and running” in the office and around the church. You are a huge blessing to Waterville United Methodist Church!!!
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy
News for December 11, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Our adult Advent Bible Study, “A Savior Is Born,” continued last Sunday with 24 in attendance. There are two lessons left. Please feel free to join us this week for a video and some discussion. We meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Childcare is provided.
Our mission emphasis for the month of December will be Imagine No Malaria. Malaria is a disease of poverty that strikes hardest at the most vulnerable members of society: pregnant women and children under the age of five. A child dies every minute from this preventable disease. Five dollars provides a lifesaving course of medication, and ten dollars protects an entire family with a bed net. Our Christmas Offering will also be given to Imagine No Malaria. In response to Christ’s saving grace, how many lives will you help save this month?
Worship Service for Sunday, December 13
Advent Wreath Lighting -
Hymns - Away in a Manger and O Little Town of Bethlehem
Olga’s selections –
Prelude: Medley of Angels, from the Realms of Glory and Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Offertory: The First Noel
Postlude: Deck the Halls
Scripture - Luke 2:1-18
Children’s Christmas Program – The Christmas Lizard
Please join us for light refreshments following the worship service in our Fellowship Hall. Nancy O. Stafford will be your host for the month of December.
Inside each bulletin this Sunday, you will find an invitation to attend one of our Christmas Eve services on December 24. Our 7:00 pm service will be the traditional candle light service with carols and readings. The 11:00 pm service will begin with a mini-concert by Olga and will be followed by carols, readings and communion. Please take these cards and share them with a neighbor, a family member, or a friend.
If you would like to order a poinsettia for Christmas Eve, you will find ordering envelopes in the rack with the offering envelopes in each pew or on the table in the entryway. The deadline for orders will be Sunday, December 13. The cost remains at $7.00 per plant. Donations to the church’s new building fund will also be accepted on these forms. Your name and your dedications will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins. As of Friday at noon, we have 10 red plants and 7 white plants that are still available.
If you have not had the opportunity to submit your Estimate of Giving Cards, we will gladly accept them at any time. You may place them in the offering, send them via the mail, or send an email to Tom Wiggins at If needed, additional Estimate of Giving Cards are located on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office marked as “2016 Stewardship Campaign.”
Your 2016 Giving Envelopes are now available on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office. Please make every effort to pick them us, as it is quite expensive to mail them. In addition, the Counting Team appreciates your using these envelopes for your contributions as they help streamline the processing of the weekly offerings.
Please bring your family and friends to our Caravan Christmas Caroling event! We will meet at the church on Sunday, December 13 and depart at 6:30 p.m. Our members that are unable to get to church, or have difficulty doing so, love to have us bring His glory to their doorstep at this time of the year. Children may bring bells to rind as we sing “Jingle Bells.” We will conclude the evening with hot chocolate and cookies in Fellowship Hall. If you enjoy baking this time of year, extra cookies are welcome!!!
The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church. During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks. If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside Room for collecting these items. Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center in mid-January.
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy
News for December 4, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Our adult Advent Bible Study, “A Savior Is Born,” kicked off last week with 24 in attendance. If you missed it, please feel free to join us this week for a video and some discussion. We meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Childcare is provided.
Our mission emphasis for the month of December will be Imagine No Malaria. Malaria is a disease of poverty that strikes hardest at the most vulnerable members of society: pregnant women and children under the age of five. A child dies every minute from this preventable disease. Five dollars provides a lifesaving course of medication, and ten dollars protects an entire family with a bed net. Our Christmas Offering will also be given to Imagine No Malaria. In response to Christ’s saving grace, how many lives will you help save this month?
Worship Service for Sunday, December 6
Prelude - Handbell Choir playing Carol of the Bells in the balcony
Advent Wreath Lighting - Christie & Kyle Wielgopolski
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - Angels from the Realms of Glory and O Come, All Ye Faithful
Sanctuary Choir anthem - A Father’s Love, A Perfect Rose with a solo by Ted Myers
Olga’s selections -
Offertory: Angels We Have Heard on High
Postlude: Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Scripture - Mark 10:13-27
Pastor Mike’s Sermon - Entering the Kingdom of God
Stewardship Update - Tom Wiggins
Celebration of Holy Communion - served by intinction
Liturgist – Tom Quinn
Inside each bulletin this Sunday, you will find an invitation to attend one of our Christmas Eve services on December 24. Our 7:00 pm service will be the traditional candle light service with carols and readings. The 11:00 pm service will begin with a mini-concert by Olga and will be followed by carols, readings and communion. Please take these cards and share them with a neighbor, a family member, or a friend.
Please join us for light refreshments following the worship service in our Fellowship Hall. Nancy O. Stafford will be your host for the month of December.
Our church will be ringing the bell at the Salvation Army Kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store on Saturday, December 12. We have one hour time slots available beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Karen Wiggins.
If you would like to order a poinsettia for Christmas Eve, you will find ordering envelopes in the rack with the offering envelopes in each pew or on the table in the entryway. The deadline for orders will be Sunday, December 13. The cost remains at $7.00 per plant. Donations to the church’s new building fund will also be accepted on these forms. Your name and your dedications will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins.
If you have not had the opportunity to submit your Estimate of Giving Cards, we will gladly accept them at any time. You may place them in the offering, send them via the mail, or send an email to Tom Wiggins at If needed, additional Estimate of Giving Cards are located on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office marked as “2016 Stewardship Campaign.”
Your 2016 Giving Envelopes are now available on the hallway shelf outside the Church Office. Please make every effort to pick them us, as it is quite expensive to mail them. In addition, the Counting Team appreciates your using these envelopes for your contributions as they help streamline the processing of the weekly offerings.
The children continue to practice for their annual Sunday School Christmas Program. It will be presented on Sunday, December 13th during the worship service. Following the program, we will be having a special Fellowship Time which will include lots of yummy Christmas cookies. If you would like to provide a plate of cookies, please place your name and phone number on the signup sheet in the main hallway.
Please bring your family and friends to our Caravan Christmas Caroling event! We will meet at the church on Sunday, December 13 and depart at 6:30 p.m. Our members that are unable to get to church, or have difficulty doing so, love to have us bring His glory to their doorstep at this time of the year. Children may bring bells to rind as we sing “Jingle Bells.” We will conclude the evening with hot chocolate and cookies in Fellowship Hall. If you enjoy baking this time of year, extra cookies are welcome!!!
The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church. During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks. If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside Room for collecting these items. Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center in mid-January.
The Church Mouse reports that the boiler heating system in the Education Wing has been fixed and everything is nice and warm again. Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy
News for November 24, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Here is the final Operation Christmas Child Shoebox count from our
235 boxes
18 + volunteers
68.25 volunteer hours
The Relay Center in the Community Room received 920 boxes which were packed into 53 shipping cartons and then transported to Day Spring Church in Bowling Green on Monday afternoon.
Thanks so much to EVERYONE who made this such a success! Special thanks to Anne Stevens who so graciously leads us through this adventure every year, for Pastor Mike who moved all of the shoeboxes from the Fireside Room to the sanctuary for last Sunday's service, for those many volunteers who moved the boxes from the sanctuary to the Community Room following worship last Sunday, and to Jim Page for driving the boxes down to Bowling Green on Monday. There are 3 volunteers from our congregation who will be traveling with four others from the Whitehouse area next week to work at the Processing Center. Please keep Karen Longnecker, Yvonne Lammon and Sherry Hill in your prayers as they see the shoeboxes through their next steps.
Our Thanksgiving Offering will be given to Operation Christmas Child this
Have you ever thought about the intricate details of the first Christmas? How Mary handled the startling message from the angel Gabriel? Why God sought fit to first appear to the lowly shepherds, and choose a manger in Bethlehem? Or what it would have been like to stand before a multitude of angels? Join us, beginning this Sunday, November 29 at 9:00 a.m. in
Fellowship Hall for a four week adult Bible study entitled "A Savior Is
Born" by Pete Briscoe. We will look at the topics of hope, peace, love and
joy. Childcare will be provided.
Worship Service for Sunday, November 29
Advent Wreath Lighting - Bill & Sue Gregory
Children's Moment - Mission Jar
Hymns - It Came Upon the Midnight Clear and What Child Is This
Sanctuary Choir anthem - A Christmas Thanksgiving
Olga's selections -
Prelude: O Come, All Ye Faithful
Offertory: O Little Town of Bethlehem
Postlude: In the Bleak Midwinter
Scripture - Matthew 6:31-34
Pastor Mike's Sermon - Seek First the Kingdom of God
Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé
Please join us for light refreshments following the worship service in our
Fellowship Hall. Jan Sheridan and Dawn Buskey have been your hosts for the month of November.
If you would like to order a poinsettia for Christmas Eve, you will find
ordering envelopes in the rack with the offering envelopes in each pew or on
the shelf by the office door. The deadline for orders will be Sunday,
December 13. The cost remains at $7.00 per plant. Donations to the
church's new building fund will also be accepted on these forms. Your name
and your dedications will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins.
On December 1, 2015, people from around the world are coming together to
promote giving. Be part of the magic of the season and join in with a
donation to The Friendly Center. Your support connects nearly 12,000 people in the poorest neighborhood of Toledo with resources such as food, hygiene items, educational and nutrition programs, and much more. Giving is easy! Give online, stop by their office, or mail in a check. Just make sure it's received by December 1 to be part of Giving Tuesday. The Friendly Center is located at 1324 North Superior Street, Toledo, OH 43604. Forms with additional information are located on the shelf in the main hallway.
The children have begun to practice for their annual Sunday School Christmas Program. It will be presented on Sunday, December 13th during the worship service. Following the program, we will be having a special Fellowship Time which will include lots of yummy Christmas cookies. If you would like to provide a plate of cookies, please place your name and phone number on the signup sheet in the main hallway.
And finally, the Church Mouse would like to thank all those "elves" who
stayed after church last Sunday to "hang the greens", trim the trees and
string up the Christmas lights. Not only has the sanctuary been "decked"
out for Advent, but also the Fireside Room, the Fellowship Hall and the main
Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! (The church office will be closed on
Thursday and Friday.)
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy
News for November 20, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Today is the deadline for all articles for the December edition of The Ambassador. Please send your items to Janet at
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox collections continue this weekend in the Community Room. We will be accepting boxes on Friday, November 20 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 21 from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Our Thanksgiving Offering will be given to Operation Christmas Child this year.
Worship Service for Sunday, November 22 - Thanksgiving Sunday
Kinder Choir –I Will Give Thanks and Never Forget to Be Thankful
Children’s Moment – Dedication of the OCC Shoeboxes
Hymns - We Gather Together and For the Beauty of the Earth
Sanctuary Choir anthem - Thank You
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: This Is the Day
Offertory: Thanksgiving and Praise
Postlude: All Creatures of Our God and King
Scripture - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-19
Pastor Mike’s Sermon – Thankful In All Circumstances, You’ve got to Be Kidding
Stewardship Moment – Tom Wiggins
Liturgist – Dave Landis
Charlotte Pritchett has requested a Prayer Quilt this Sunday for her friend, Emily Vernon. Please stop by the quilt, tie a knot and say a prayer for Emily this Sunday
This Sunday is Welcome A Neighbor Sunday. We will have 14 gift bags that will need to be distributed to new residents of our community. Please check and see if any of these new neighbors live near you.
There will be poinsettia flower order forms in your worship bulletin this Sunday. The deadline for orders will be Sunday, December 13. The cost remains at $7.00 per plant. Donations to the church’s new building fund will also be accepted on these forms. Your name and your dedications will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins.
November’sMission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. We will be dedicating all of our shoeboxes during the Children’s Moment in our Worship Service this week. If you still don’t have your boxes finished, you may still bring them to church on Sunday evening from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. or on Monday, November 23 from 10:00 a.m. until Noon. Please remember to include your $7.00 for each box to help with the shipping.
Our church will once again serve as a drop off / collection site for the area’s OCC Shoeboxes through Monday, November 23. We are in need of one more volunteer on Monday morning, November 23 from 10-Noon. Please contact Anne Stevens if you are available to help.
Have you ever thought about the intricate details of the first Christmas? How Mary handled the startling message from the angel Gabriel? Why God sought fit to first appear to the lowly shepherds, and choose a manger in Bethlehem? Or what it would have been like to stand before a multitude of angels? Join us, beginning on Sunday, November 29 at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for a four week adult Bible study entitled “A Savior Is Born” by Pete Briscoe. We will look at the topics of hope, peace, love and joy. Childcare will be provided. Watch for a signup sheet on the bulletin board Sunday and an insert in your bulletin with additional information.
The children have begun to practice for their annual Sunday School Christmas Program. It will be presented on Sunday, December 13th during the worship service. Following the program, we will be having a special Fellowship Time which will include lots of yummy Christmas cookies. If you would like to provide a plate of cookies, please place your name and phone number on the signup sheet in the main hallway.
Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday next week. Janet and I will both be in the office on Monday and Tuesday. The bulletin will be printed on Tuesday morning…please make sure you have any items to be included in it turned into the office by Monday!
Be a Blessing,
Church Cathy