News for August 14, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
On Saturday evening, the Waterville Rotary will be having their “Blues, Brews & Brats Street Festival” on Third Street in downtown Waterville. The event starts at 6:00 p.m. and goes until midnight. There will be three bands to entertain you. Tickets are on sale now for the party at Third Street Cigar for $10 each. The funds raised will go towards the Waterville Rotary Foundation. Bring a chair and enjoy the festivities!
For this Sunday’s The Wired Word Adult Bible Fellowship Class, we are going to look at the inspiring story of a Turkish couple who elected to use money designated for their wedding reception to feed 4,000 refugees instead. We will explore the purpose of marriage and how Christians can use their resources to serve others. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
Sunday School for our children will return this week. The nursery will be available for those children 3 and under.
Pastor Mike is on vacation and will be out of the office until Monday, August 17. If there is an emergency and you need Pastoral Care, please contact the church office.
In Pastor Mike’s absence, we welcome Rev. Joel Schutte to our pulpit again this Sunday. Rev. Schutte currently serves as the Director of Christian Emphasis for the YMCA of Greater Toledo. Folks, if you missed hearing this young man preach last week, you won’t want to miss him this week! I’m sure that everyone who heard him last week would agree…they gave him a round of applause at the end of the service.
Worship Service for Sunday, August 16
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - O Spirit of the Living God; Take Time to Be Holy and Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Special Music - Jennifer Reihing will be singing Lamb of God
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Christians, We Have Met to Worship
Offertory: He Is Exalted
Postlude: Shine, Jesus, Shine
Scripture - Ephesians 5:3-21 (New Living Translation)
Sermon title - Living Out Our Lives in Love
Prayer Quilt - Charlotte Pritchett has requested a quilt for her brother, Frank Fischer, who has cancer.
This is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday at Waterville United Methodist Church. We will have 18 gift bags that will need to be taken to new residents in our community following our worship service. Please check and see if any of these new neighbors live close to you. The addresses will be on each bag and each location will be marked on the map on the bulletin board at the main office entrance by the elevator.
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. The sister team of Lisa Galton and Sara Kirby will be your hosts for the month of August.
Our mission emphasis for August is UMCOR School Kits. You will find information on the kits in the August issue of The Ambassador and in the envelopes on the side of each of the three collection boxes located at the church entrances. A special thanks to Carl and Marilyn Fox for sewing all of our cloth bags again this year. As of this morning, we have collected 31 completed School Kits.
During the month of August we would like to collect school supplies for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
Speaking of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes…Karen Longnecker has found a really cute knitted teddy bear pattern. Are there any members of the congregation that would be interested in making some of them for our “extra” shoeboxes that we will be packing later in the year? The pattern for making the bear has been placed on the shelf outside the church office along with the sample bear that Karen made. If you have any questions, please talk to Karen. If you would like me to email a scanned copy of the pattern, please let me know.
The church’s Finance Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m. and the Church Council will be meeting in Fellowship Hall the same night, but at 7:15 p.m.
All articles for the September issue of The Ambassador are due into the church office by Friday, August 21. You may send them via email to Janet at
Run, Baby, Run and Walk 2015, a fund-raiser benefitting the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo, will be held on August 22, 2015 at Secor Metropark. You are welcome to join a group of ladies from our church for this one mile walk. Please contact Melva Robinson or Connie Kirkman for additional information. They welcome contributions to be given to this worthwhile cause and will have pledge sheets available during Fellowship following worship on Sunday.
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens would like to recruit a few adults to dress up in oversized OCC Shoeboxes to walk in the parade. She would also like some children to walk with the adults and carry some of the actual sized OCC Shoeboxes and hand out information. If this is something you might be interested in, please place your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.
Summer is winding down and soon our Fall schedule will kick into full gear:
The Tuesday evening Women’s Bible Study at the home of Nancy O. Stafford will begin again on September 8 at 7:00 p.m.
The Wednesday morning M&Ms (Mary & Martha) Women’s Bible Study at the church will being again on September 9 at 9:30 a.m. They will be studying “Twelve Women of the Bible.” All women are invited to attend. Please contact Cindy Box or Connie Kirkman if you are planning to attend so a book may be purchased for you.
The Thursday morning B&B (Bible and Breakfast) co-ed group continues to meet year-round at 7:30 a.m. and will resume meeting in the back room at Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse (following the summer road construction work) on Thursday, August 20.
Please continue to lift up in prayer:
Katherine Smith (Aunt of Marilyn Simpson) as she is at home and receiving Hospice Care
Barbara Jones and Family upon the death of her mother, Leona Sherer, on August 7.
Carolyn Myerholtz and Family upon the death of her father, Marvin Strayer, on August 9.
Our former Pastor, Rev. Warren Wilson, called the church this morning. He said to please say “hello” to the congregation. He asked if anyone knows the address for Paul and Darlene Smith. If you know where they are located, would you please let me know and I will get that information back to Rev. Wilson.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For August 7, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The killing of Cecil the lion – whom most of us didn’t even know of until his death made the news – has captured attention around the world in the last several days. So, for this week’s The Wired Word, we are going to look at that story for what we as Christians might learn about how we choose what issues to respond to. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
There will be no Sunday School for children this Sunday. The nursery will be available for those children 3 and under.
Pastor Mike will be taking some vacation beginning this weekend and will be out of the office until Monday, August 17. If there is an emergency and you need Pastoral Care, please contact the church office.
In Pastor Mike’s absence, we welcome Rev. Joel Schutte to our pulpit for the next two Sundays. Rev. Schutte currently serves as the Director of Christian Emphasis for the YMCA of Greater Toledo.
Worship Service for Sunday, August 9
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - We Are the Church; The Church’s One Foundation and I Am Thine, O Lord
Special Music - Charlene Hanse will be singing Healing Is In Your Hands
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Offertory: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Postlude: Great Is the Lord
Scripture - Ephesians 4:25 -5:2 (New Living Translation)
Sermon title - Living Into the Community of Faith
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. The sister team of Lisa Galton and Sara Kirby will be your hosts for the month of August.
Our mission emphasis for August is UMCOR School Kits. You will find information on the kits in the August issue of The Ambassador. A special thanks to Carl and Marilyn Fox for sewing all of our cloth bags again this year.
During the month of August we would like to collect school supplies for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
Run, Baby, Run and Walk 2015, a fund-raiser benefitting the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo, will be held on August 22, 2015 at Secor Metropark. You are welcome to join a group of ladies from our church for this one mile walk. Please contact Melva Robinson or Connie Kirkman for additional information. They welcome contributions to be given to this worthwhile cause and will have pledge sheets available during Fellowship following worship on Sunday.
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens would like to recruit a few adults to dress up in oversized OCC Shoeboxes to walk in the parade. She would also like some children to walk with the adults and carry some of the actual sized OCC Shoeboxes and hand out information. If this is something you might be interested in, please place your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.
Please continue to lift up in prayer:
Katherine Smith who is now at home and receiving Hospice Care
Pastor Dave Hogg and family upon the unexpected death of their daughter Tonia Hogg Drake on this past Tuesday. Funeral services will be held on Saturday.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For July 31, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Last week, before a crowd of some 400 supporters, a satanic “church” in Detroit unveiled a large bronze statue representing Satan. They have plans to transport it to challenge a monument of the Ten Commandments on the capitol grounds in Arkansas. While we recognize that displaying the statue is probably more a publicity ploy than a worship of evil, this news gives us an opportunity to look at how Satan is identified in scripture and to see what the Bible’s witness is that good is immortal and evil is not. So, those will be the topics of this week’s The Wired Word. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
There will be no Sunday School for children this Sunday or next. The nursery will be available for those children 3 and under.
Worship Service for Sunday, August 2
Children’s Moment - Pam Denman will be sharing with the children about UMCOR School Kits
Hymns - Bind Us Together; One Bread, One Body and Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone
Special Music - Sasha Meade will be singing Hungry (Falling On My Knees)
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise
Offertory: Holy, Holy, Holy / Worthy of Worship
Scripture - Ephesians 4:1-16 (New Living Translation)
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Living As One with Christ and One Another
Sharing the sacrament of Holy Communion by intinction
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Lisa Galton will be your host for the month of August.
Our mission emphasis for August is UMCOR School Kits. You will find information on the kits in the August issue of The Ambassador. There will also be an insert in your bulletin this Sunday with a list of items that are needed to complete each kit. A special thanks to Carl and Marilyn Fox for sewing all of our cloth bags again this year.
During the month of August we would like to collect school supplies for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens would like to recruit a few adults to dress up in oversized OCC Shoeboxes to walk in the parade. She would also like some children to walk with the adults and carry some of the actual sized OCC Shoeboxes and hand out information. If this is something you might be interested in, please place your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.
The Church Mouse would like to thank Mike, Troy, Sherry and Trish Hill, Tom Quinn and Randy Reihing for the tree trimming that was done last Saturday at the church. They will return tomorrow and take care of the two final trees in front of the Community/Choir Room. Also, a special thanks to John Nicholson for the use of his trailer for hauling away all the limbs.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For July 24,2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
While a wildfire was raging last week in drought-stricken California, a rare summer rainstorm arose and dampened the blaze, enabling firefighters to get the inferno under control. Some people view this unexpected rain as a "Godsend," while others wonder why, if God intended to help, he didn't send enough rain to end the drought altogether. This news gives us an opportunity to think about what a Godsend is and also what it means to "let God be God." So those will be the topics of this week’s installment of The Wired Word. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
Worship Service for Sunday, July 26
David and Nancy O. Stafford will be sharing about their recent mission trip to Henderson Settlement
Children’s Moment - Mission Jar collection for UMCOR Health Kits
Hymns - Jesus Loves Me; Spirit of the Living God and Only Trust Him
Special Music - Karen Wiggins will be singing What Can Separate You?
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Come, Christians Join to Sing
Offertory: Immortal, Invisible
Postlude: Lord, Be glorified
Scripture - Ephesians 3:14-21 (New Living Translation)
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Making Christ at Home in Our Hearts
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Ann Nightingale and Bobbie Westfall will be your hosts for the month of July.
Our mission emphasis for July is UMCOR Health Kits. You will find information on the kits in the July issue of The Ambassador. I have also included (as an attachment to this e-blast) the list of items that you will need to complete each kit. As of today, only 10 kits have been placed in the boxes at church….
Our mission focus for August will be School Kits – so keep your eyes open for those good “back-to-school” prices on school supplies!! (Notebooks, pencils, scissors, erasers, pencil sharpeners, rulers and crayons)
During the month of July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens is wondering if there are any who would like to design, plan and build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox float for the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26. If so, please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We will also need volunteers to staff our booth that day…more details to come!
The Church Mouse has been busy watching all the work that has been going on in the Fireside Room this week. If you were in church last Sunday, you will remember Pastor Mike announcing that Zach Sisler would be restoring and repairing the old wooden cabinet in that room as his Eagle Scout Service Project with Scout Troop #101 members and leaders. The work has progressed during the week and it’s almost completed. Thank you Zach, Scouts, Leaders and our Trustees for helping with this improvement project. It looks (and smells) so much better!!!
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For July 17, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class will be looking at the apology Pope Francis offered to indigenous people during his recent visit to the Americas. The event allows us to explore the practice and meaning of confession of communal sins. Among the big questions this week: To what degree is it possible for one generation to take responsibility for – and to atone for—the wrongs of an earlier generation? How should we feel about victims who want us to apologize for wrongs we personally did not commit? Is there a point at which the past should simply be acknowledged as the past and move on without taking responsibility for it? Is a verbal apology sufficient, or are actions, especially restitution of some sort, necessary to prove the sincerity of repentance, to attempt to undo the harm caused to victims, and to pave the way to forgiveness and healing? Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
This week is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday and we will have 21 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in our area. Please, please, please, check and see if any of these new neighbors live near you and help us deliver the bags following worship.
There will not be any Sunday School for the children this week. Following the Children’s Moment, the children will be asked to return to the pews and remain there for the rest of the church service. The Nursery will be available.
Worship Service for Sunday, July 19
Children’s Moment - A video with music and photos from VBS will be shown during the Children’s moment.
Hymns - Through It All; To God Be the Glory and Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Rejoice In the Lord Always
Offertory: I Will Call Upon the Lord
Postlude: His Name Is Wonderful
Scripture - Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 (New Living Translation)
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Faith Can Change Everything
Liturgist - Aaron Berseé
Prayer Quilt – Melva Robinson has requested a prayer quilt for her lifelong friend, Judy Garis, who is now dealing with stage 4 colon cancer. Please stop by the quilt, say a prayer and tie a knot for Judy this Sunday.
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Ann Nightingale and Bobbie Westfall will be your hosts for the month of July.
All articles for the August issue of The Ambassador are due in the church office on Tuesday, July 21. Please send them to
Our mission emphasis for July is UMCOR Health Kits. You will find information on the kits in the July issue of The Ambassador. For a list of items needed to make a Health Kit, please visit any of the three collection boxes found by the church entrances. You will find the sheets containing this information in the large envelopes on the outside of the boxes.
Our mission focus for August will be School Kits – so keep your eyes open for those good “back-to-school” prices on school supplies!! (Notebooks, pencils, scissors, erasers, pencil sharpeners, rulers and crayons)
During the month of July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens is wondering if there are any who would like to design, plan and build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox float for the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26. If so, please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We will also need volunteers to staff our booth that day…more details to come!
The Trustees has been busy installing glass windows in the solid wood interior doors of the main entryway this week. You will also notice that the trim around the windows that were installed earlier this month in the Education classroom doors, community room doors and office doors have been painted. Thank you for all of your hard work!!!
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For July 10, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
There seems to be a glitch with the Servant Keeper Program that we use to send out the quarterly giving statements. They will be sent out electronically and printed for those of you who receive hard copies as soon as possible. Please contact Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.
The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class will be looking at the altruistic actions of Sir Nicholas Winton, who rescued 669 Czechoslovakian Jewish children from almost certain death in the days leading up to World War II. He was memorialized as a humanitarian following his death in Maidenhead, England on July 1 at the age of 106. The selflessness of this man’s actions and, further, his humility about his efforts provide us the chance to consider what it means to let our light shine in the world without drawing undue attention to ourselves. Join us for scripture, coffee and discussion at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall.
Worship Service for Sunday, July 12
Children’s Moment - Pam Denman will be sharing about UMCOR Health Kits with the children
Hymns - Hallelujah!; We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Go, Tell It on the Mountain; All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name and To God Be the Glory
(John Nicholson will be leading the first four songs listed above and telling us about some of their history during our Opening Hymns.)
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Offertory: O Worship the King
Scripture - Ephesians 1: 3-14 (New Living Translation)
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - What Does It Mean To Be a Child of God
Liturgist - Tom Quinn
Prayer Quilt – Charlotte Pritchett has requested a Prayer Quilt for a friend in her Garden Club named Sandy Pifer. Sandy has liver and stomach cancer.
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Ann Nightingale and Bobbie Westfall will be your hosts for the month of July.
The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for July and August, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary on Sunday morning. The cost is $1.00.
Our mission emphasis for July is UMCOR Health Kits. You will find an insert in your bulletin this week listing instructions for packing each kit. You will also find information on the kits in the July issue of The Ambassador. Pam Denman will be sharing about UMCOR Health Kits during the Welcome portion of the church service this week.
During the month of July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities. One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service. For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC. As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry. Please contact Pastor Mike for further information at 419-469-0156 or
Have you checked your information in one of the three copies of the church directories yet? ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing. If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed.
The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School will be held Sunday evening through Thursday evening this week at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Waterville.
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support!
Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening. Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th. The snack will be heart cut-out cookies. We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies. Any recipe is fine. We still need 11 dozen of these cookies!!! Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested. Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th. Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner! Thank you very much for all your support of this great outreach ministry!
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens is wondering if there are any who would like to design, plan and build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox float for the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26. If so, please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We will also need volunteers to staff our booth that day…more details to come!
Congratulations to Ben & Lindsay (Young) Watson upon the birth of their daughter this past Wednesday, July 8. Megan Grace was born at 1:54 p.m. and weighed in at 6 pounds and was 19” long. Grandparents are Delores Young and Squire Young.
And finally, please keep David and Nancy Stafford in your prayers this coming week as they travel to Henderson Settlement to help build two houses. They will be doing drywall and insulation work all week.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For July 2, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The church office will be closed on Friday, July 3.
Your second Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Friday, July 3. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for you to pick up on Sunday, July 5 on the shelf outside the Church Office. Please contact Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.
There will not be a Wired Word Adult Bible Fellowship Class this week.
There will not be any Sunday School or Nursery offered for the children this Sunday.
Our worship service will be held in the courtyard (weather permitting). Please bring a lawn chair with you on Sunday.
Worship Service for Sunday, July 5
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - America; America the Beautiful; Onward, Christian Soldiers and The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Olga’s selections -
Prelude: America the Beautiful with God Bless the U.S.A.; The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Offertory: Onward, Christian Soldiers
Special Music - Ted Myers
Scripture - 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 (New Living Translation)
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Serving the Least and the Lost
Communion will be celebrated by intinction
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Ann Nightingale and Bobbie Westfall will be your hosts for the month of July.
The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for July and August, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary on Sunday morning. The cost is $1.00.
Our mission emphasis for July is UMCOR Health Kits. Watch your church bulletin next Sunday for the list of items needed to complete one of these kits. You will also find information on the kits in the July issue of The Ambassador which was sent on Tuesday.
During the month of July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities. One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service. For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC. As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry. Please contact Pastor Mike for further information at 419-469-0156 or
I’ve printed 3 copies of the new church directory which will be in different locations throughout the church during the next few weeks. ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing. If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed. I’m sorry that this process has taken so long. We updated the software about 3 months ago and I didn’t realize what a time consuming project this would be. Depending on the workload, I hope to have it ready for everyone by August. To help defray printing costs, we are asking everyone to pay $5.00 per copy. I’ll keep you updated on its progress.
Time is running out to register for Vacation Bible School!! You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office. This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. You may register by going to Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton .
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support!
Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening. Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th. The snack will be heart cut-out cookies. We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies. Any recipe is fine. We need at least 225 cookies. Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested. Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th. Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner! Thank you very much for all your support of these great outreach ministry!
The Roche de Bout (or Roche de Boeuf) Parade is fast approaching. Anne Stevens is wondering if there are any who would like to design, plan and build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox float for the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26. If so, please put your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We will also need volunteers to staff our booth that day…more details to come!
The Church Mouse would like to thank the following for all their work around the church this week:
- The Youth Group members who came to church and cleaned up the yard after Saturday’s storm
- Penn for cleaning out the gutters in the courtyard
- Randy Reihing for edging around the walks and parking areas and blowing the driveway clean
- Jenni and Zach Bollinger and Kyle Breymaier for painting the walls in the nursery
- Ted Myers for getting the sound system working for our Courtyard Worship Service this Sunday
Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend and don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs with you on Sunday.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For June 26, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Youth Group and their sponsors will be leaving for their Mission Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin at 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Please join us at 6:45 a.m. in the parking lot for a time of prayer before their departure.
The prison break by two convicted murderers has been high in the news this week, especially because they have not been apprehended and because a female prison employee has been arrested and charged with aiding them in their escape. Her decision to help them seems incredibly unwise and costly to her, and yet, none of us is immune from being manipulated by others and from making bad decisions. So we will use this news as an opportunity to think about our bad decisions and what we need to do to recover from them. That will be the topic of this week’s lesson of The Wired Word. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
This Sunday is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday at WUMC. We have 8 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in the area following worship. Please check and see if any of these new neighbors live close to you.
Worship Service for Sunday, June 21 - Father’s Day
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - He Is Exalted; Come, Now Is The Time to Worship; Faith of Our Fathers and It Is Well with My Soul
Olga’s selections - Praise Him! Praise Him!; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and Our God Reigns
Scripture - 3 John 1: 1-15 (New Living Translation)
Special Music by JoAnn Lucas - It Is No Secret with the congregation joining in on the chorus
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Demonstrating That We Are God’s Children
Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Melva Robinson and Charlotte Pritchett will be your hosts for the month of June.
Our mission emphasis for June is the Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
Someone dropped off their items for the Youth garage sale in 2 clear Sterilite plastic tubs. Adam and Stephanie still have the tubs and ask that you contact them or come to their home to pick them up.
During the months of June and July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities. One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service. For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC. As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry. Please contact Pastor Mike for further information at
I’ve printed 3 copies of the new church directory which will be in different locations throughout the church during the next few weeks. ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing. If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed. I’m sorry that this process has taken so long. We updated the software about 3 months ago and I didn’t realize what a time consuming project this would be. Depending on the workload, I hope to have it ready for everyone by August. To help defray printing costs, we are asking everyone to pay $5.00 per copy. I’ll keep you updated on its progress.
The deadline for articles for the July edition of The Ambassador will be Monday, June 22nd. Please email your items to by the end of the day on Monday.
Our church’s Finance Committee and Church Council will be meeting on Wednesday, June 24. Council Members should check their church mailbox on Sunday for copies of any reports that were turned in this week.
It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School. You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office. This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. Advance registration by July 1 will help to make certain this year’s VBS is really cool. You may also register by going to Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton.
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, baby wipes, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support!
Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening. Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th. The snack will be heart cut-out cookies. We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies. Any recipe is fine. We need at least 225 cookies. Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested. Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th. Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner! Thank you very much for all your support of these great outreach ministry!
The Church Mouse reports that some of the Trustees have been busy installing windows in many of the interior doors around the church. Be sure and check out the doors in the Education Wing, the Community Room, the church office and the pastor’s office. Many thanks to Jerry Robinson, Karl Kirkman, Tom Quinn and Penn Pritchett for their work that will allow us to comply with Safe Sanctuary Policies & Standards.
And finally, we express our Christian love and sympathy to Jean and Dick Warner on the death of their nephew, Larry Tornai, in Florida on Tuesday, June 16. Larry had been on our Prayer List for a few months as he battled jaw and lung cancer.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For June 19, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Youth Group and their sponsors will be leaving for their Mission Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin at 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Please join us at 6:45 a.m. in the parking lot for a time of prayer before their departure.
The prison break by two convicted murderers has been high in the news this week, especially because they have not been apprehended and because a female prison employee has been arrested and charged with aiding them in their escape. Her decision to help them seems incredibly unwise and costly to her, and yet, none of us is immune from being manipulated by others and from making bad decisions. So we will use this news as an opportunity to think about our bad decisions and what we need to do to recover from them. That will be the topic of this week’s lesson of The Wired Word. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
This Sunday is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday at WUMC. We have 8 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in the area following worship. Please check and see if any of these new neighbors live close to you.
Worship Service for Sunday, June 21 - Father’s Day
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - He Is Exalted; Come, Now Is The Time to Worship; Faith of Our Fathers and It Is Well with My Soul
Olga’s selections - Praise Him! Praise Him!; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and Our God Reigns
Scripture - 3 John 1: 1-15 (New Living Translation)
Special Music by JoAnn Lucas - It Is No Secret with the congregation joining in on the chorus
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Demonstrating That We Are God’s Children
Liturgist - Priscilla Berseé
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Melva Robinson and Charlotte Pritchett will be your hosts for the month of June.
Our mission emphasis for June is the Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
Someone dropped off their items for the Youth garage sale in 2 clear Sterilite plastic tubs. Adam and Stephanie still have the tubs and ask that you contact them or come to their home to pick them up.
During the months of June and July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas Child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
The Browning Masonic Home has many ministry opportunities. One of these opportunities is providing transportation to our weekly Sunday morning worship service. For this to happen, we are looking for 6 persons who are called to serve the residents of Browning who desire to attend church here at WUMC. As Waterville UMC continues to seek God’s leading in every ministry, one of our great opportunities is through this transportation ministry. Please contact Pastor Mike for further information.
I’ve printed 3 copies of the new church directory which will be in different locations throughout the church during the next few weeks. ( One will be in Fellowship Hall, one in the church office and the final one will be on the shelf outside the church office.) Please stop and look at your information in any of the copies and let me know if it is correct by placing your initials by your listing. If it is not correct, please make the corrections needed. I’m sorry that this process has taken so long. We updated the software about 3 months ago and I didn’t realize what a time consuming project this would be. Depending on the workload, I hope to have it ready for everyone by August. To help defray printing costs, we are asking everyone to pay $5.00 per copy. I’ll keep you updated on its progress.
The deadline for articles for the July edition of The Ambassador will be Monday, June 22nd. Please email your items to by the end of the day on Monday.
Our church’s Finance Committee and Church Council will be meeting on Wednesday, June 24. Council Members should check their church mailbox on Sunday for copies of any reports that were turned in this week.
It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School. You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office. This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. Advance registration by July 1 will help to make certain this year’s VBS is really cool. You may also register by going to Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton.
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, baby wipes, colorful Sharpie markers and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support!
Each night of VBS, a different church is responsible for a snack that goes along with the Bible Point/Lesson for the evening. Our church’s night is Tuesday, July 14th. The snack will be heart cut-out cookies. We are in need of volunteer bakers to make the heart cut-out cookies. Any recipe is fine. We need at least 225 cookies. Please sign-up on the bulletin board or contact Stephanie Shelton or Stephani Letzring if you are interested. Our church is also responsible for providing dinner to all the volunteers on the evening of the 14th. Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to find ways you can help with the dinner! Thank you very much for all your support of these great outreach ministry!
The Church Mouse reports that some of the Trustees have been busy installing windows in many of the interior doors around the church. Be sure and check out the doors in the Education Wing, the Community Room, the church office and the pastor’s office. Many thanks to Jerry Robinson, Karl Kirkman, Tom Quinn and Penn Pritchett for their work that will allow us to comply with Safe Sanctuary Policies & Standards.
And finally, we express our Christian love and sympathy to Jean and Dick Warner on the death of their nephew, Larry Tornai, in Florida on Tuesday, June 16. Larry had been on our Prayer List for a few months as he battled jaw and lung cancer.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For June 12, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Friends of the Library are sponsoring a Book Sale during Waterville Garage Sale Days. While you are out hunting bargains, be sure and stop in to see their great deals on all kinds of items at the Waterville Branch Library next to the railroad tracks in Conrad Park. The sale runs today and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Be sure and stop at the Youth Group Garage Sale and Bake Sale at the Shelton’s house (171 Freedom Lane) today and Saturday and purchase something. All proceeds will go towards their Mission Trip on June 21-26.
The Wired Word Sunday School Class will be looking at American Pharoah, the first Triple Crown winner in horse racing in 37 years. We’ll explore what the Bible has to say about crowns and ask what we are racing to win in our spiritual lives. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, June 14 -
Children’s Moment
Hymns - What a Mighty God We Serve; Shine, Jesus, Shine; He Touched Me and I Am thine, O Lord
Olga’s selections - Come Into His Presence and There’s Something About That Name
Scripture - Colossians 3:12-14 (New Living Translation)
Special Music by Sasha Meade - You Are A Holy God by Brian Duane & Kathryn Scott
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - The Practice of Love
Liturgist – Pricilla Berseé
Please join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the worship service. Melva Robinson and Charlotte Pritchett will be your hosts for the month of June.
Our mission emphasis for June is the upcoming Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
During the months of June and July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School. You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office. This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. Advance registration by July 1 will help to make certain this year’s VBS is really cool. You may also register by going to Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035.
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-lock bags, baby wipes, flour, salt, colorful Sharpie markers, colored plastic straws, and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support! (No painter’s tape, paint or card stock is needed now.)
There are quite a few prayer requests that were sent out this week. If you would like to be included in their distribution, please contact Mary Williams or Pam Plassmann. Here are some updates that we’ve received in the church office:
Marilyn Simpson has returned home from her recent stay at St. V’s.
Katherine Smith is currently in St. Luke’s with pneumonia
Julie Vanuka’s (a former member) husband, Ron, passed away on June 5
Nancy Davidson fell while washing windows and broke her foot
Chris Major’s niece, Christina Hurst, fell and broke her back last Sunday
Katie Martin (one of our graduates from last Sunday) had knee surgery on Thursday
Michael Steele, who had been on our Prayer List for many months, lost his battle and passed away yesterday.
And finally, our Christian love and sympathy are extended to the family and friends of Mary Ann Parker. Mary Ann passed away on Wednesday, June 10 of pancreatic cancer. The funeral service will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday at the church with Pastor Mike officiating. The family suggests memorials to the Waterville Historical Society or Hospice of Northwest Ohio.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
It's Back - News For June 5. 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
I’m back! Thank you to Janet for filling in for me in the office while Dave and I enjoyed spending some time at Ft. Polk, Louisiana with our grandsons, our daughter and our son-in-law. We had a wonderful time!
The Wired Word Sunday School Class will be looking at the plight of aging nuns in the Roman Catholic Church this Sunday. We explore biblical examples of loving relationships and examine our responsibilities toward those most vulnerable among us. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, June 7 -
Celebrating 100 years of worship in our sanctuary with a special litany
Recognition of our graduates with a slide show and a special responsive prayer
Children’s Moment - This Sunday will be the ticket raffle and the Memory Verse check during Sunday School. The verse is “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Hymns - O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing and Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Olga’s selections – The Church’s One Foundation and Ye Servants of God
Scripture - 2 Corinthians 4:13 - 5:1
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - You Raised Me Up with Be Still My Soul
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - How to Experience Thankfulness to God
Liturgist - Tom Quinn
Please join us for a cake and punch reception in Fellowship Hall following the worship service to honor all of our graduates.
Our mission emphasis for June is the upcoming Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
During the months of June and July we would like to highlight toiletries and hygiene items for our Operation Christmas child extra shoebox collection. The collection basket is under the table in the foyer.
Time is running out for your Spring cleaning!!! Remember that the Youth Group will be having their annual garage sale on June 11-13 at the Shelton house (171 Freedom Lane.) If you have any items to donate, you may drop them off at the Shelton home beginning on Sunday, June 7. The youth will also selling food at the garage sale and would appreciate any donations of the following items: cans of pop, bottled water, individual bags of chips/snacks, plastic 8 oz. cups, Snow cone flavoring (Jelly Belly), plastic spoons, and baked goods. Please put the baked goods in sandwich size zip-loc bags to sell individually (2 items in a bag or one large item). Brownies, cookies or Rice Krispie Treats sell best during the garage sale. They will also need lots of help at the Food Stand and also for the sale days. They will also need help on June 10 to help price items. If you have any questions please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton (419-205-2516 or 567-202-5035). All monies raised will go toward the Youth Group mission trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin. (They still need to raise nearly $3,000.)
It’s time to sign up for Vacation Bible School. You will find Student Registration Forms and Volunteer Sign Up Forms on the bulletin board outside of Pastor Mike’s Office. This year we will embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Kids will be anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. Advance registration by July 1 will help to make certain this year’s VBS is really cool. You may also register by going to Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton.
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-loc bags, baby wipes, flour, salt, colorful Sharpie markers, colored plastic straws, and battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support! (No painter’s tape, paint or card stock is needed now.)
Pastor Mike and Keith Colyer will be attending the West Ohio Annual Conference at Lakeside beginning on Sunday afternoon. You will be able to view the proceedings live on your home computer by going to: or
Here is a listing of some of the important sessions you may be interested in viewing:
•Laity Session, Sunday @ 6pm
•Memorial Service with Gospel Mass, Sunday @ 7:30pm
•Guest Teacher, Dr. Thomas Long, Monday @ 2pm and Tuesday @ 10:55am
•Episcopal Address, Monday @ 8pm
•Global Praise Worship & Imagine No Malaria Offering, Tuesday @ 9am
•Celebration of Ministry Service, Tuesday @ 4:30pm
•Hymn Sing, Wednesday @ 8:30am
•Fixing of Appointments, Commissioning of Elected Delegates, Wednesday
They will live stream from Hoover Auditorium continuously, including during business sessions, ministry reports, election of delegates, and during voting on recommendations. Former Pastor Steve Rath will be playing the piano during parts of the conference – so you might enjoy listening to him again!
Peg Walker has been able to return to her home following her heart procedure. Please continue to keep she and Dave in your prayers as she heals from her recent surgery.
Please continue your prayers for Mary Ann Parker and her family.
And finally, our Christian love and sympathy are extended to Karen Longnecker upon the death of her sister, Eileen R. Dayton, last Sunday. Funeral services were held this morning at Zion United Methodist Church.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For May 15, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Westgate Chapel will be presenting a Kairos* Benefit Concert on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 pm. The concert will consist of all contemporary music featuring the music of Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Hill Song, David Crowder, and others. The songs will be performed by the Westgate Chapel Worship Team and Choir. There is no admission charge, but a freewill offering will be taken. (*Kairos is a ministry that works in prisons by personally sharing the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families.)
Four years of severe drought in California has killed 12.5 million trees, reduced the number of fish in lakes and rivers and taken a half million acres of farmland out of production. All of this has led Governor Jerry Brown to announce water conservation requirements for municipalities and townships. His controversial new policy has regions and economic sectors in the state crying foul over what many view as unfair and uneven application of the conservation rules. So for this week’s installment of The Wired Word, we will examine what scripture teaches us regarding our responsibility to be good stewards of earth’s resources, such as water, and how stewardship relates to our relationship with God and with other residents of our planet. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion. Karen Wiggins will be teaching the class.
Worship Service for Sunday, May 17 -
Handbell Choir - Flow Gently Sweet Afton
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - He Is Exalted and I’ll Fly Away
Olga’s selections - Blessed Be the Name
Scripture - Ephesians 1:15-23
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - River In Judea
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Blessing Others
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Praying for Others.
This Sunday is a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday. There are 11 gift bags on the table in the entryway that will need to be delivered to new residents in our community following worship. Please check and see if any of the new neighbors live close to you.
Our mission emphasis for May is the upcoming Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
The Maumee Community Band will be presenting Spring Blast of Music Concert on Tuesday, May 19 at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center of Maumee United Methodist Church. Admission to free and there is plenty of parking. Church members Elaine Colyer and John Nicholson play instruments in this band.
All items/articles for the June issue of The Ambassador, our monthly newsletter, are due in the church office on Thursday, May 21.
The Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 3 at 11:00 a.m. Our church will be feeding around 50 of the staff at the school that day. Charlotte Pritchett has placed a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. We are in need of spinach salads, lettuce salads, vegetable salads, and pasta salads. Also needed are 4 desserts which will each serve 10 to 12 people. Please have your salads and desserts to the church by 9:00 am or to the school by 10:00 am on the day of the luncheon. We are also in need of folks to help set up, serve and clean up at the school beginning at 10:00 am.
Do you struggle to pray? Do you feel like your personal prayer time is like a desert? Come be refreshed by learning to pray God's Word. Let the living waters of the Word wash over your soul! Alaire Rothhaas will be presenting “The Practice of Prayer Workshop” on Friday, June 5 from 7-9 pm and on Saturday, June 6 from 9-Noon at Zion United Methodist Church located at 10926 Maumee Street in Whitehouse, Ohio. You may register by emailing Registrations will also be taken at the door. The cost for this workshop is $10 (for the workbook).
Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7. We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school. If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information: where you are graduating from and any future plans (example: what college you are attending and your major). We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7. If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24. We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too. Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.
How’s your Spring Cleaning coming along? Remember that the Youth Group will be having their annual garage sale on June 11-13 at the Shelton house (171 Freedom Lane.) If you have any items to donate, you may drop them off at the Shelton home beginning on June 7. The youth will also selling food at the garage sale and would appreciate any donations of the following items: cans of pop, bottled water, individual bags of chips/snacks, plastic 8 oz. cups, Snow cone flavoring (Jelly Belly), plastic spoons, and baked goods. Please put the baked goods in sandwich size zip-loc bags to sell individually (2 items in a bag or one large item). Brownies, cookies or Rice Krispie Treats sell best during the garage sale. They Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion. Karen Wiggins will be teaching the class. will also need lots of help at the Food Stand and also for the sale days. They will also need help on June 10 to help price items. If you have any questions please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton (419-205-2516 or 567-202-5035). All monies raised will go toward the Youth Group mission trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin. (They still need to raise nearly $3,000.)
The following items are needed to help with the VBS Crafts this summer, July 12-16: Toilet paper rolls, sandwich size zip-loc bags, baby wipes, painters tape (blue, thin), flour, salt, colorful Sharpie markers, containers of washable craft paint (any color besides black), colored plastic straws, colored cardstock or battery operated tea lights. If you would like to donate an item, please get it to Stephanie Shelton or there will be a collection box in or near the Community Room. Thank you for your support!
I will be out of the office for the next two weeks. Janet will be filling in for me on Thursdays while I am gone. The church office will be closed on Friday, May 22, Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day and Friday, May 29. There will not be any Friday E-blasts until I return in June.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For May 8, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
On Saturday, May 9, letter carriers in our community will be collecting food for families in need. You may help with this project by donating non-perishable food items (canned meats, fish, soup, juice, vegetables, pasta, cereal, peanut butter and rice) and placing them in bags. Then, place your bags of food by your mailbox for your letter carrier to deliver to the Seagate Food Bank…the same place where our M&Ms Bible Study group volunteers! The staff at Seagate will be working a 12 hour day on Saturday as they unload the trucks that are delivering the donations. (By the way, the seven ladies from M&Ms were able to pack 300 Senior food boxes this past Wednesday at Seagate Food Bank.)
News has dominated the headlines concerning both peaceful and violent protests in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray, an African-American, as a result of injuries he suffered while in police custody in April. The atmosphere has changed since Maryland’s attorney for the city, Marilyn J. Mosby, brought charges on May 1 against the six police officers involved in Gray’s arrest and transport. For this week’s lesson from The Wired Word, we will examine the role of civic leaders to work for justice and peace in times of crisis. We will also explore how believers can help defuse volatile emotions in such situations. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, May 10 -
Kinder Choir - Hymn of Promise and The Butterfly Song
Children’s Moment
Hymns - Bless His Holy Name, O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing and Take Time to Be Holy
Olga’s selections – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing and To God Be the Glory
Scripture - 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Sweet, Sweet, Spirit
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - The Blessing of Generosity
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Extravagant Generosity.
To honor all the mothers of Waterville United Methodist Church, a special monetary gift has been sent to Journey of the Heart Ministries for their Center of Hope. They are located on South Byrne Road in Toledo. The Center of Hope is a safe and confidential place in the community where women can discover a new way to live in Hope. The purpose of the center is to provide a beautiful place where women’s lives are changed and where they learn they are not alone in their struggles. There is an insert in the bulletin this Sunday that will provide you with additional information about this ministry in our community.
You may want to come to church a few minutes early on Sunday for a special Power Point slideshow. During Sunday School the past two weeks, the children that were present were asked “why they love their mom” or “why they are thankful for their mom.” Their responses will be shown on the screens before the church service this week. These responses will also be included in your bulletins on a special insert.
Our mission emphasis for May is the upcoming Youth Group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7. We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school. If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information: where you are graduating from and any future plans (example: what college you are attending and your major). We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7. If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24. We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too. Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.
How’s your Spring Cleaning coming along? Remember that the Youth Group will be having their annual garage sale on June 11-13 at the Shelton house (171 Freedom Lane.) If you have any items to donate, you may drop them off at the Shelton home beginning on June 7. The youth will also selling food at the garage sale and would appreciate any donations of the following items: cans of pop, bottled water, individual bags of chips/snacks, plastic 8 oz. cups, Snow cone flavoring (Jelly Belly), plastic spoons, and baked goods. If you have any questions please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton. All monies raised will go toward the Youth Group mission trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin. (They still need to raise nearly $3,000.)
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For May 1, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
This week’s The Wired Word Adult Bible Fellowship class concerns a court ruling that allows a pro-Israel group to run ads on New York city subways and buses that test the limits of free speech. The ad itself is one that can be easily misunderstood and taken in ways opposite to those intended by the ad creators, and then, even if understood, could be construed as hate speech. Nonetheless, this news gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of thinking critically about the messages that come at us every day, as well as to consider what limits we might voluntarily place on our own speech and actions. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, May 3 -
Teacher Appreciation and Recognition
Children’s Moment
Hymns - To God Be the Glory and Lord, Be Glorified
Olga’s selections - How Firm a Foundation and Lord, Be Glorified
Scripture - Matthew 25:34-40
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Around This Table
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Serving the Least and the Lost
Celebration of Holy Communion by intinction
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Risk-taking Mission and Service.
Our mission emphasis for May is the upcoming youth group mission trip to Wisconsin in June.
The financial numbers are in from April’s mission emphasis: The Mission Jar coins have been counted and we collected $2,500 for the Small Animal Project through Samaritan’s Purse. That will purchase 125 pairs of rabbits for needy families and will bless entire villages. Thank you for your generous support of this project!
The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for the months of May and June, will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday. The cost is $1.00.
This Sunday we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day during our worship service. Plan to join us following the service for cake and punch in the Fellowship Hall to honor all who serve as teachers in our church. Cara McMillan and Barb Page will be your hosts.
Thursday, May 7 will be the National Day of Prayer. Our sanctuary will be open for prayer from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. that day. You are welcome to stay for as long as you like. You are encouraged to pray for our local, state, and national leaders; for the churches and church leaders; for our Military and it’s leaders; for families in our nation, state and throughout our community; pray for God’s presence in our schools, colleges, and universities; pray for Christian influence in the media industry, from movies, television, and radio station, to newspaper and magazine publishers; and finally, pray for divine intervention in our national, state, and local economies. Pastor Mike will be having a Service of Prayer at 12:15 p.m. in the sanctuary that day also.
Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7. We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school. If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information: where you are graduating from and any future plans (example: what college you are attending and your major). We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7. If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24. We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too. Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.
Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it. As part of their theme this year, the kids will be making snowflakes using salt dough. Stephanie Shelton is looking for metal snowflake cookie cutters that could be used for this project in mid-July. Do you happen to have any???
Enjoy this beautiful weekend and the spring weather!!
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For Friday 24, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Waterville Playshop will be presenting Guys & Dolls at the Maumee Indoor Theatre beginning tonight. Show times are tonight at 8:00 p.m., Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. To order tickets visit either or .
We were struck this week by the sheer weight of bad news in the headlines, particularly bad news where there appears to be little we can do as individuals to prevent further such occurrences. For this week’s lesson of The Wired Word, we will mention three of those bad-news stories, but will also consider what our Christian faith says about times when there seems to be nothing we can do to either improve the situation or prevent new instances of such harm. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, April 26th -
Children’s Moment – Mission Jar collection
Hymns - I Am Thine, O Lord and People Need the Lord
Olga’s selections – Brethren, We Have Met To Worship and My Faith Looks Up To Thee
Scripture - Acts 2: 42-47
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Above All
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Having Faith That Grows
Liturgist - Aaron Berseé
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Intentional Faith Development.
Be sure to join us for a time of light refreshments and conversation following worship in Fellowship Hall. The mother/daughter duo of Barb Page and Christy Wielgopolski will be your hosts for this final Sunday in April.
Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse. Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall. The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed. When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village. Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals.
The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for the months of May and June, will be available at the entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday. The cost is $1.00.
Next Sunday, May 3rd, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day during our worship service. Plan to join us following the service for cake and punch in the Fellowship Hall.
Stephanie Shelton is still in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department. She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church. There are three different positions still available. Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day. If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at .
Graduation Sunday will be Sunday, June 7. We will be recognizing our graduates from high school, college, and technical school. If you are graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton ( with the following information: where you are graduating from and any future plans (example: what college you are attending and your major). We also will be having our annual slideshow of graduates during the service on June 7. If you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send about 8 photos (ranging in age from infant to current) to Char Hansen at by Sunday, May 24. We would appreciate digital photos, but if your photos need scanned we can do that, too. Just get Char Hansen or Stephanie Shelton your hard copies and we will get them returned to you.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For Friday April 17, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
This week, we’ll be looking at two recent news items. The first is about the “demise” of an online company that promised “eternal life” to its users’ avatars, each loaded with data from the person and able to interact with that person’s real-life friends, even after he or she dies. The other story regards the possibility – within the next two years – of the world’s first head transplant onto a donor body. Both stories give us an opportunity to think about the fear of death and about eternal life as taught by the Bible and by Jesus. So those will be the topics of this week’s installment of The Wired Word. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, April 19th -
Baptism of Aiden David Wittenmyer. Aiden is the son of Brian & Kelly (Crandall) Wittenmyer
Kinder Choir sings Come Bless the Lord and Luke 10:27
Children’s Moment -
Hymns - We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise and He Touched Me
Olga’s selections - Mighty Is Our God and Jesus’ Name Medley
Scripture - Exodus 8:1-8
Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Then Will the Very Rocks Cry Out
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - Why Worship God?
Liturgist - Dave Landis
Sunday’s sermon will address the topic of Passionate Worship. Daily worship is one of the ways that we honor God. Romans 12:1-2 states: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s Mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Go – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mine. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Our daily worship of God is practiced in the way that we serve others. Public worship is the gathering of the body of Christ as a community of faith for the honor and praise of God. One key to passionate worship is directly impacted by the time that is spent with God each day. How much time do you intentionally spend with God each day? Do you pray for God to direct both personal and public worship in your life? God desires to bless you; our worship is an expression of thanksgiving to God for all our blessings.
JoAnn Lucas has requested a prayer quilt this Sunday for her friends Muriel & Jim Connolly of Troy, Ohio. Muriel had an ocular stroke in her one good eye and will be having eye surgery. Please be sure and stop by the quilt, say a prayer and tie a knot for Jeanette this Sunday.
Parents – Remind your children that they will be checked during Sunday School this week for their Memory Verse. “You are the God of great wonders!” Psalm 77:14
Our regular fellowship time following worship will return this Sunday. The mother/daughter duo of Barb Page and Christy Wielgopolski will be your hosts for the month of April.
All articles are due in the church office on Tuesday, April 21st for the May issue of The Ambassador.
Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse. Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall. The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed. When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village. Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals.
Stephanie Shelton is still in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department. She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church. There are three different positions still available. Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day. If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at or 567-202-5035.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For Friday April 10, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Anthony Wayne High School Interact Club (the high school division of Rotary Club) will be co-sponsoring the first annual Kids Against Hunger Food Build on Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and then from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Gateway Middle School. The school is located at 900 Gibbs Street in Maumee. Meals packaged will go to feed the refugees affected by ISIS in Israel. Volunteers are needed during both time periods. They hope to make 40,000 meals during this four hour period.
Now that Holy Week and Easter are behind us, we may be inclined to put on hold until next year thinking any more about what those events on the church calendar represent. But before we move on to the next thing, it’s worth taking time to notice an event that is happening more and more in churches during Holy Week: Christians hosting a Passover seder – a Jewish observance. And even more importantly, this news gives us a chance to consider how such celebrations symbolize a growing awareness among Christians of the common heritage we share with Jews. So for this week’s installment of The Wired Word, we will look at those common roots with the goal of increasing our understanding of the importance of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) for Christians, as well as enlivening our connection with people of the Jewish faith. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, April 12th -
Prelude - Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho by the Handbell Choir
Call to Worship - Majesty, Worship His Majesty
Hymns - Blest Be the Tie That Binds, I Worship You, Almighty God and ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Olga’s selections - I Worship You, Almighty God and Our God Reigns
Scripture - Romans 15:1-13
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - The Acceptance of Others
Liturgist - Tom Quinn
There will be a prayer quilt this Sunday for Rhonda Amspaugh’s mother Jeanette Mehring. Jeanette has been hospitalized this week while she has undergone some heart procedures. Please be sure and stop by the quilt, say a prayer and tie a knot for Jeanette this Sunday.
There will not be any Fellowship Time following worship on Sunday. Instead, join us following worship in Fellowship Hall for a Pancake Breakfast. All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes in memory of Marny and Tony Mazzarella’s first daughter Sophia. Adult tickets may be purchased from Marny for $6.00; Children (12 and under) tickets will be sold for $4.00. If you were not able to be here on Easter to purchase tickets, please contact her at 419-308-2084.
Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse. Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall. The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed. When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village. Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals.
The church has always tremendously supported Operation Christmas Child. This year we’d like to initiate a yearlong collection for filling shoeboxes. When the time gets closer, we will then have a packing party in addition to our conventional way of packing shoeboxes on our own or with our families. We do this in the hope of generating even more boxes and reaching even more children. For the months of April and May – we ask that you collect and donate small toys, coloring books, crayons, markers, tops, and any other small toy items. Any toy items are welcome that are allowed by Samaritans Purse. Anne Stevens will be placing a collection box under the table in the foyer for your items.
Your first quarter Giving Statements were emailed on Saturday, April 4th. For those who receive hard copies, they are available for your pickup on the shelf outside the Church Office. Please help us save on postage costs by picking your statement up this Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Wiggins at
Stephanie Shelton is still in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department. She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church. There are five different positions still available. Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day. If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at or 567-202-5035.
Parents – mark your calendars! The Waterville Community Vacation Bible School will take place on Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in the evenings. Our church will be responsible for providing the evening meal and the snacks on Tuesday, July 14th.
And finally, with Spring finally here (as we witnessed last evening), many of you might be undertaking the task of some Spring Cleaning. This is a reminder that the Youth Group will be holding their annual fund raiser during the Waterville Community Garage Sale Days from Thursday, June 11th to Saturday, June 13th. It will be here before you know it!!
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For Friday - April 3, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The new church website should be up and running by the time you read this. Check out the site at If, for some reason, it doesn’t work for you, please email the church office and let us know. Many thanks to Ted Myers for taking charge of this major project. He has spent many, many hours working on this!
Your first quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 4th. For those who receive hard copies, they will be available for your pickup on Easter Sunday on the shelf outside the Church Office.
The Community Sunrise Easter Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. at the park by the old elementary school. Rev. Mike O’Shea, from the Waterville Community Church, will be leading the service. There will not be a breakfast following the service this year.
News came from Europe this week that grocery chains in Britain are balking at selling Easter eggs that provide a Christian interpretation of Easter. So for this installment of The Wired Word, we will explore how believers can effectively witness to non-Christians and teach their own children about their faith in an increasingly secular society. Join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday for coffee, scriptures and discussion.
Worship Service for Sunday, April 5th - Easter Sunday
Children’s Moment -
Prelude - Christ Is Risen!
Introit - Christ Is Risen sung by the Sanctuary Choir
Hymns - Up from the Grave He Arose and Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Anthem - Crown Him, the Risen King!
Choral Benediction - The refrain of He Lives will be sung by the choir and the congregation
Olga’s selections - Behold the Lamb and Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Scripture - John 20:1-18
Pastor Mike’s sermon title - The Greatest Gift of All Time
Liturgist - Dave Landis
There will not be any Fellowship Time following worship on Sunday.
Pastor Mike will be holding an Easter worship service at the Waterville Browning Masonic Complex at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. All are welcome to attend.
Our mission emphasis for April is the small animal project through Samaritan’s Purse. Many of you will recognize Samaritan’s Purse with our Operation Christmas Child ministry each fall. The small animal project provides sheep, goats, chickens and other small animals to families so that they can become self-sufficient, but not only the family, but the whole village will be blessed. When these animals have offspring, the family must give the offspring to another family in the village. Please prayerful consider what God is asking of you to transform people who will be blessed by the gift of life through the gift of small animals.
The church has always tremendously supported Operation Christmas Child. This year we’d like to initiate a yearlong collection for filling shoeboxes. When the time gets closer, we will then have a packing party in addition to our conventional way of packing shoeboxes on our own or with our families. We do this in the hope of generating even more boxes and reaching even more children. For the months of April and May – we ask that you collect and donate small toys, coloring books, crayons, markers, tops, and any other small toy items. Any toy items are welcome that are allowed by Samaritans Purse. Anne Stevens will be placing a collection box under the table in the foyer for your items.
Join us following worship on Sunday, April 12th, in Fellowship Hall for a Pancake Breakfast. All proceeds will go to the March of Dimes in memory of Marny and Tony Mazzarella’s first daughter Sophia. Adult tickets may be purchased from Marny on Easter Sunday for $6.00; Children (12 and under) tickets will be sold for $4.00. If you are not able to be here on Easter to purchase tickets, please contact her HERE.
Stephanie Shelton is in need of some volunteer help in the Children’s Ministry Department. She has placed a list of volunteer positions that are currently open in this area of our church. There are eight different positions available. Some of the positions are ongoing, while others are just for one day. If you are interested, please add your name to the list on the bulletin board signup sheet or contact her at
The Church Mouse would like to thank Sherry Hill, Pam Cook, Jim Page, Janet Poling, Terry Myers, Penn & Charlotte Pritchett and Larry & Jan Sheridan for cleaning the Sanctuary on Tuesday morning. Pam and Sherry cleaned the stained glass windows and window sills and, along with Janet, took charge of cleaning in the balcony. Jim got rid of all the cobwebs in the ceiling light fixtures, got the dust off of the ceiling fan, tightened loose screws, repaired loose flooring tiles in the choir loft and mopped the floors. Janet, Terry, Charlotte, Larry and Jan spent most of their energy cleaning and polishing the pews. Larry also cleaned the glass doors and windows and hunted for cobwebs in light fixtures. Penn made arrangements to have the church grounds cleaned on Wednesday. It looks like we’re ready for company!!!
Church Mouse thanks also go out to Jerry and Melva Robinson for making the trip to the nursery on Friday to pick up all the Easter lilies that were ordered and will be placed near the altar on Sunday.
Be a blessing,
Church Cathy
News For April 2, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
Here is the schedule for our Good Friday Cross Walk:
Waterville United Methodist 11:45 am Meet at the church – Pray – Leave church at 12:05
Waterville City Building 12:12 pm 25 N. 2nd, City Building
Zion Lutheran 12:15 pm 22 N. 2nd
Chamber of Commerce 12:20 pm 122 Farnsworth
Business District 12:25 pm Corner of Anthony Wayne and Farnsworth
First Presbyterian 12:33 pm 611 Farnsworth
Waterville Library 1:00 pm 800 Michigan
Waterville YMCA 1:05 pm 808 Michigan
Waterville Primary 1:25 pm 457 Sycamore Lane
Waterville UMC 1:50 pm
The times above are approximates. Please dress for the weather.
The total distance of the walk is 2.8 miles. Please feel free to walk as far as you are able or meet us at a specific location for prayer.
After our prayer walk we will drive to the Fire House to pray there and then walk to our property next door. We have been given permission by the Fire Department to park in their back lot. There are no sidewalks. An approximate time of arrival at the Fire House would be 2:05 pm. The fire station will have their front doors open and have made their restrooms available for our use.
The Waterville Community Easter morning Sunrise Service will be taking place at the park next to the old Waterville Primary School by the river. That service will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will be led by Rev. Mike O’Shea from the Waterville Community Church. There will not be a breakfast following the service this year.
The Wired Word Adult Sunday School Class will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall on Sunday.
We will be having our traditional Easter worship service at 10:30 a.m. There will not be any children’s Sunday School. (Parents, it might be a good idea to bring some books or other quiet activities for the children.)
Pastor Mike will be conducting an Easter service at the Waterville Browning Masonic Community at 1:00 p.m. on Easter Sunday afternoon. All are invited to attend.
Watch your email for our usual Friday E-Blast tomorrow,
Church Cathy