News for December 1, 2017

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2017:                                  


Prelude – The First Noel – Handbell Choir

Lighting of the Advent Wreath

Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Great is Thy Faithfulness

Anthem – Who Would Send a Baby? -  Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Luke 1:26-38

Sermon – Do Not Be Afraid – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Angels from the Realms of Glory and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion

Prayer of Confession

Hymn – Angels We Have Heard on High


Postlude – Come, Thou Long-Expect Jesus - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Brandon Chase – Active Duty

The Family of Bill Baldridge

Betty Cole & Family

Ardis Cullen – She is out of surgery and recovering well.

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan

David Nicholson & Family

Vonnie and Bernie Utz

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Follow Up on Sunday, November 26 Worship Service - UTube – I Have a New Name – Hosanna Poetry

Nadia Taylor had mentioned a video during Sunday’s Sermon.  Below is the address you can copy and paste to your URL.   It is about 7 minutes and encourages us to understand that the Lord gives us our name, not the world or the mirror or our past.  Choose today to answer to a NEW NAME.

December 2017 MISSION FOCUS


 Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   


They have been particularly busy this fall since the two recent hurricanes, Harvey & Irma, that devastated much of Puerto Rico and other islands.  As of October, they had already sent over ½ million meals to Puerto Rico, and had 3 forty-foot containers of supplies ready to go.  One of their most urgent needs is for the funds to aid in shipping.  Please give generously to our December Mission Focus! 

 Christmas Program to be held NEXT SUNDAY December 10 During the Church Service – Hope to see you there!


1.  Sunday, December 3 at 10:15 (Meet in the Sunday School rooms.  The kids will NOT come up to church this Sunday)

2.  Wednesday, December 6 at 5:15-6:00 pm (Meet in the sanctuary).

3.  Saturday, December 9 at 9:30-11:30 am (Meet in the sanctuary).  We will run through the whole program.

4.  Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 am (Meet in the sanctuary).  Last time to run through the whole program.

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Tomorrow, we will be ringing the Salvation Army Bell at the Waterville Kroger location!    Stop by and place your change in the kettle! 

Poinsettia Orders

Envelopes for poinsettia orders have been placed in each pew and inside the attendance pads.  Please use them to place your order; making sure to note the quantity, the color and to whom you are dedicating the flower to.  The cost is $7.00.  Place your envelope and money in the offering or drop it off at the church office. The last day to order is Sunday, December 17.

2018 Stewardship Campaign

If you haven't had the opportunity to complete and return your 2018 Estimate of Giving Card or General Information & Service Opportunities form, we will gladly accept them at any time.  You may place them in the offering, send via US Mail or drop off at church office.

Adult Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am the adult study will be A Savior is Born. This is a great Study. You will not want to miss it.  During this Study, we will focus on four interactions of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and the Shepherds as God spoke to them through angels. In each instance their first response was a fear so great the scripture says they were terrified.

Sunday Morning A Few Changes for Security:

Following will be the changes on Sunday morning related to security to further protect our children and all attenders and to provide as safe a place as possible.

  *  At 10:40 am all exterior doors will be locked.

  *  Clear signage will be installed directing anyone arriving after 10:40 to the office and courtyard door near the offices as an usher will be posted there to let people in and assist with the elevator if needed.

  *   Training will be given to the ushers and others to understand what needs to be done if an intruder situation would occur.

  *  Watch for more information as this plan continues to unfold.

These are not big changes and many of us will not be impacted by them in any way at all. Let us remember the families of the Texas church shooting of recent weeks and continue to pray for each of them and the whole congregation. Also, to pray for all the churches that have been targeted by evil persons by mass shooting, bombs fires and vandalism.

Altar Flowers Update from Melva Robinson, Chairman Altar Guild  

WUMC has been very fortunate these many years to bring the creativity of our Lord into our presence at each worship service in a number of ways but especially with the flower arrangements on our altar.  These arrangements give us the opportunity to enjoy the flowers and along with the spoken word and music be reminded of who we are worshiping.  They also provide an occasion to honor and celebrate family, friends and our Lord. 

I take this time to tell you Third Street Blooms in Waterville is the florist who prepares each order for our altar as requested.  The Sign Up sheet for flowers is on the bulletin board by the church office.  The cost of each arrangement will be increased to forty ($40.00) dollars beginning the first of 2018.  If you have ordered flowers recently you realize the cost.  Our florist has been very generous with the arrangements and delivery.  Please send your payment to the church and indicate altar flowers. 

Don't forget you may take your arrangement home after the service. 

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.   Please consider helping with this ministry.  A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.   Please copy and paste the link into your browser.


Happy tails wagging saying “THANK YOU!” to all who have donated peanut butter jars for the Humane Society.  A special thank you to Karen Longnecker for the photo, as a picture is so often worth a thousand words.  Please continue to place un-scraped jars in the basket on the shelf by the church office.


Copies of the Upper Room for January – February 2018 are located on the table at the entrance to the Sanctuary.

 Lost and Found

There was a bracelet found in the last row of pews in the left side, front section.  Please contact the church office, if you have lost one.

In closing, please note that I now have a church email address, see below!

The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!  Joshua 1:9

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday


News for November 24, 2017

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2017:                               


Prelude – Thanksgiving and Praise Medley

Presentation of Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Operation Christmas Child Boxes Dedication Prayer

Song of Worship – Open Up The Heavens

Anthem – Sing Now, the Mighty Power of God - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Genesis 12:2-3

Sermon – You Are Created to be a Blessing – Pastor Mike

Consecration of Our 2018 Service of God

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Give Thanks - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Where He Leads Me


Choral Benediction – Go Now In Peace

Postlude – For the Beauty of the Earth - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Dave Landis



Brandon Chase – Active Duty

David Nicholson & Family

Betty Cole & Family

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan

The Family of Bill Baldridge


November 2017 MISSION FOCUS


 1.       A reminder that are still in need of 2 people to man the collection site the morning of Nov. 20 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Also, we still need several to help move the filled crates into the trailer that afternoon (Monday, 11/20 approx 1:00-4:00pm). Please stop by or call the church office and have your name added to the Volunteer list. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

 2.       WUMC collection/dictation app OCC shoeboxes will be November 19 – but if you’re not in attendance that day please bring them in to church anytime during collection week We will pray over these boxes for the children that will receive them on the 19th.

Youth Fall Fundraiser -  Sunday, November 19  (Rescheduled Due to Rain)

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip, the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome.   Thank you!

Welcome A Neighbor

There are several Welcome A Neighbor bags on the table at the entrance.  Please consider participating in this important ministry.

 “Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


Pool noodles (will not be returned),

Large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

Small to medium seashells (nothing huge),

Curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

Long skinny balloons (the kind that are twisted to make animals);

Bubble machine

NEW Request:  4 Binders ½ to 1” – Used is fine

Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.  There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!


 *Sunday, November 26 during Sunday School

*Wednesday, November 29 at 5:15-6:00 pm

   in the Community Room

*Sunday, December 3 at 10:15 – New Time!

  (Meet in the Sunday School rooms)

*Wednesday, December 6 at 5:15-6:00

   in the Community Room

*Saturday, December 9 at 9:30 – 11:30 am - 

       New Time!  Meet in the sanctuary.

*Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 am - Sanctuary

Program is December 10 during the church service


Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

There are still opened slots for 2:00 pm  to 3:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

God’s Blessings to All

News for November 17, 2017




Prelude – Thanksgiving and Praise Medley

Presentation of Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Operation Christmas Child Boxes Dedication Prayer

Song of Worship – Open Up The Heavens

Anthem – Sing Now, the Mighty Power of God - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Genesis 12:2-3

Sermon – You Are Created to be a Blessing – Pastor Mike

Consecration of Our 2018 Service of God

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Give Thanks - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Where He Leads Me


Choral Benediction – Go Now In Peace

Postlude – For the Beauty of the Earth - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Dave Landis



Brandon Chase – Active Duty

David Nicholson & Family

Betty Cole & Family

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan

The Family of Bill Baldridge


November 2017 MISSION FOCUS


 1.       A reminder that are still in need of 2 people to man the collection site the morning of Nov. 20 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Also, we still need several to help move the filled crates into the trailer that afternoon (Monday, 11/20 approx 1:00-4:00pm). Please stop by or call the church office and have your name added to the Volunteer list. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

 2.       WUMC collection/dictation app OCC shoeboxes will be November 19 – but if you’re not in attendance that day please bring them in to church anytime during collection week We will pray over these boxes for the children that will receive them on the 19th.

Youth Fall Fundraiser -  Sunday, November 19  (Rescheduled Due to Rain)

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip, the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome.   Thank you!

 Welcome A Neighbor

There are several Welcome A Neighbor bags on the table at the entrance.  Please consider participating in this important ministry.

 “Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


Pool noodles (will not be returned),

Large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

Small to medium seashells (nothing huge),

Curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

Long skinny balloons (the kind that are twisted to make animals);

Bubble machine

NEW Request:  4 Binders ½ to 1” – Used is fine

Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.  There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!



 *Sunday, November 26 during Sunday School

*Wednesday, November 29 at 5:15-6:00 pm

   in the Community Room

*Sunday, December 3 at 10:15 – New Time!

  (Meet in the Sunday School rooms)

*Wednesday, December 6 at 5:15-6:00

   in the Community Room

*Saturday, December 9 at 9:30 – 11:30 am - 

       New Time!  Meet in the sanctuary.

*Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 am - Sanctuary

Program is December 10 during the church service


Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 


Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 


There are still opened slots for 2:00 pm  to 3:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

God’s Blessings to All,

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News from November 10, 2017



Prelude – Battle Hymn of the Republic – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call To Worship

Recognition of Our Veterans

Song of Worship – As the Deer

Kinder Choir – Clap Your Hands All You People & I’m Thankful to Be An American

Children’s Moment 

Anthem – Litany For America - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – 1 Kings 19:1-9

Sermon – Facing the Challenges of Life – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – America the Beautiful - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Stand by Me


Choral Benediction – Go Now In Peace

Postlude – Onward Christian Soldiers - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Brandon Chase – Active Duty

David Nicholson & Family

Betty Cole & Family

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan


Good News!

The Church Wedding Coordinator position has been filled by Tom Quinn.  Thank you Tom!


Youth Fall Fundraiser

This Sunday November 12

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip, the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome. 


If you are interested in having the youth rake your leaves or know of a neighbor who could use their help, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton Shelton or sign-up sheet on hall bulletin board. 

Thank you!



 1.A reminder that there are still open slots for operation Christmas child collection week at WUMC/ for November 13-20. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board – We are still looking for volunteers to help on Sunday afternoon/evening of Nov 19, and Monday, Nov 20 10:00-1:00.  It takes many volunteers to fill these timeslots. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

2 Our annual Operation Christmas child packing party will be after church during fellowship on Sunday November 12.  Would love to have help packing items that have been brought in during the year. If you have extra items that didn’t fit in your shoe boxes – please bring them along that morning. All ages welcome to help!

 3. WUMC collection/dictation app OCC shoeboxes will be November 19 – but if you’re not in attendance that day please bring them in to church anytime during collection week We will pray over these boxes for the children that will receive them on the 19th.


The children’s Sunday School classes participated in a “Project with a Purpose” in which they made noisemakers (maracas and jingle sticks) to be included in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Beginning on October 29th, there will be baskets of these noisemakers in the Community Room and Fellowship Hall.  Please feel free to take one noisemaker for each box that you plan on packing. 


Some Beanie Babies have been donated. Please feel free to take one and place in your Operation Chritmas Child Shoeboxes.  They are located in the Fireplace Room.

“Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


Pool noodles (will not be returned),

Large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

Small to medium seashells (nothing huge),

Curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

Long skinny balloons (the kind that are twisted to make animals);

Bubble machine


Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.  There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!

Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

October & November 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the Operation Christmas Child logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.


In His Steps, fearfully and wonderfully walking.

Leanne Dunn

News from November 3, 2017

It’s time to fall back!




Prelude – A Joyous Psalm- Handbell Choir

Call To Worship

Song of Worship – In Christ Alone

Roll Call of the Victorious

Children’s Moment 

Anthem Thank You for the Song - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Psalm 51:7-11

Sermon – Experiencing New Life Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory – Old Time Religion/ Swing Low, Sweet Chariot- Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion by Intinction

 Hymn – Victory In Jesus


 Postlude – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Dave Landis



Harriet Nafzinger ( Bob Hires Sister)

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Dan Rigal

Mike Allison

Sharon Schulk

SPRC News:

When God speaks, we need to listen.  Leanne Dunn has resigned the position as secretary to pursue another ministry opportunity God has chosen for her.  As a committee, we regretfully accepted her resignation.  With that being said, God is good as he has provided a replacement for us within our own church.  Starting on November 9, Sandy Clark will be replacing Leanne in the position as secretary.  There will be a transition period with Leanne and Sandy.

The Staff Parish Relations Committee is grateful to Leanne for her service to our church and the Lord.  We wish her the best in this new ministry opportunity.  Please join us in expressing gratitude by dropping off or mailing a card to her.  We are blessed to have Sandy available and willing to serve the Lord in this capacity.  Gratitude is also expressed to Janet for assisting during the transition.  Together we can do more to serve Him.

Free Election Day Lunch This Tuesday

Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

Youth Fall Fundraiser

November 12

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip,

the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome. 

 If you are interested in having the youth rake your leaves or know of a neighbor who could use their help, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton Shelton or sign-up sheet on hall bulletin board. 

Thank you!


 1.A reminder that there are still open slots for operation Christmas child collection week at WUMC/ for November 13-20. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board – quite a few open spots remain. It takes many volunteers to fill these timeslots. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

 2 Our annual Operation Christmas child packing party will be after church during fellowship on Sunday November 12. . Would love to have help packing items that have been brought in during the year. If you have extra items that didn’t fit in your shoe boxes – please bring them along that morning. All ages welcome to help!

3. WUMC collection/dictation app OCC shoeboxes will be November 19 – but if you’re not in attendance that day please bring them in to church anytime during collection week We will pray over these boxes for the children that will receive them on the 19th.


The children’s Sunday School classes participated in a “Project with a Purpose” in which they made noisemakers (maracas and jingle sticks) to be included in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Beginning on October 29th, there will be baskets of these noisemakers in the Community Room and Fellowship Hall.  Please feel free to take one noisemaker for each box that you plan on packing. 


Some Beanie Babies have been donated. Please feel free to take one and place in your Operation Chritmas Child Shoeboxes.  They are located in the Fireplace Room.

 “Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

 Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


10 umbrellas (preferably solid color, no golf umbrellas, dome shaped would be ideal, but doesn’t have to be);

pool noodles (you wouldn’t get these back),

large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

small to medium shells (nothing huge),

curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

long skinny balloons (like they kind that are twisted to make animals);

bubble machine.

There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!

Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

In His Steps, fearfully and wonderfully walking.

Leanne Dunn

News from October 27, 2017


 Prelude - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Olga Topuzova - Meade                                      

Welcome Call To Worship

Song of Worship – 10,000 Reasons

Children’s Moment – Mission Jar – Karen Longnecker

Anthem – Surely the Lord Is In This Place - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Hebrews 11:1-6

Sermon – Trusting God’s Provision by Faith Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory – Majesty, Crown Him With Many Crowns/How Majestic Is Your Name- Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn – All My Hope Is Firmly Grounded


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude – Blessed Assurance - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Harriet Nafzinger ( Bob Hires Sister)

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Dan Rigal

Mike Allison

Sharon Schulk

Patty Dempsey


Harry and Andrea Stover( Fred’s cousin and wife living in NAPA, CA.)

They are safe from the Fire! PTL!

MISSION JAR this Sunday October, 29!

Pastor Appreciation Reception this Sunday.

The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be hosting an Appreciation reception for Pastor Mike this Sunday, October 29 after church during fellowship. We hope you will join us at this time and take the opportunity to personally show your appreciation for Pastor Mike and Pam."

Please show your gratitude for Pastor Mike with a card or something else of your choosing.

Youth Fall Fundraiser

November 12

In June 2018, the youth will be going to Burtonsville, MD, for a mission trip with Group Mission Trips.  In order to help with the cost of the trip,

the youth will be raking leaves in order to raise funds.

Donations to the Youth Mission Trip Fund are welcome. 

 If you are interested in having the youth rake your leaves or know of a neighbor who could use their help, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton Shelton or sign-up sheet on hall bulletin board. 

Thank you!

 “Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Christmas Program:

 Stephanie Shelton is looking for any volunteers to help with creating costumes or helping with set design for the program.


10 umbrellas (preferably solid color, no golf umbrellas, dome shaped would be ideal, but doesn’t have to be);

pool noodles (you wouldn’t get these back),

large pieces of cardboard or foam board,

small to medium shells (nothing huge),

curling ribbon; wide, bendable ribbon,

long skinny balloons (like they kind that are twisted to make animals);

bubble machine.

There will be a box for donations outside of the Community Room.  Thank you!

Free Election Day Lunch

"It is that time of year to begin planning our annual Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 


The children’s Sunday School classes participated in a “Project with a Purpose” in which they made noisemakers (maracas and jingle sticks) to be included in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Beginning on October 29th, there will be baskets of these noisemakers in the Community Room and Fellowship Hall.  Please feel free to take one noisemaker for each box that you plan on packing. 


Some Beanie Babies have been donated. Please feel free to take one and place in your Operation Chritmas Child Shoeboxes.  They are located in the Fireplace Room.

Thank you for the Candy Donations.

Thank you for the  candy station so the youth could have a successful time at the Sunshine Community’s “Spooky Boardwalk.”  

 Prayer Time Focus

I’d like to take a minute to highlight the Prayer Time we have available to all of you from 9-10:00 on Sunday mornings.  We encourage you to come for the whole time or come for just a portion, but give some thought to participating in this important ministry. 

There has been a faithful 3-4 persons who have been supporting this for a year and a half now.   We come together in the Sanctuary and pray silently for the concerns on our hearts, concerns of our church, community, and world.  Recently we have come to feel that our prayers need to be more focused.  We are concerned for the health of this church and the new directions we are facing, that we must first and always be a praying church (I Thess. 5:17-18) – praying continually and with thanks in all circumstances. 

Pastor Mike said in his September Ambassador article we have 3 primary concerns at this moment: 

              Church growth

              Serving the needs of our community

              New building

Let us all commit ourselves to concentrated and focused prayer in each of these areas.  And add our prayers to those golden bowls so that they are overflowing!

The perfect opportunity arrives each week on Sunday mornings between 9 and 10:00. 

Please See attached Word Document for Full Details on Prayer Time Focus

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house. After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church:

  • Entry and hallway
  • Fireside Room (basement)
  • Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use, or if you have your own ideas, you can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; after church on the 26th to before church on Dec.3rd.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


Come and Join Kinder Choir. Practice is @ 5:15-6:00 PM.

It’s going to be another great year. Please come and join us!

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News from October 20, 2017


 Prelude - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Olga Topuzova - Meade                                      


Opening Prayer

Song of Worship – The Heart of Worship

Children’s Moment 

Anthem – You Raise Me Up - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Matthew 15:32-38

Sermon – God Will Provide – The God Guarantee Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory – Standing On the Promises- Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn – My Hope Is Built


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude – He Is Exalted - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Dave Landis


Natalie Fuller Family for their loss of Natalie (Sue Gregory’s cousin)

Harriet Nafzinger ( Bob Hires Sister)

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Harry and Andrea Stover( Fred’s cousin and wife living in NAPA, CA. no contact since fire started)

Jamie Reye There is a prayer quilt hanging in the sanctuary, please tie a knot in the quilt as you pray.

MISSION Jar next Sunday October, 29!


This Sunday we have 14 “Welcome a Neighbor” Bags to deliver.

Sermon Series, Sunday School , and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement The God Guarantee  This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Finding Freedom from the Fear of Not Having Enough

Do you ever suffer from the, I don’t have enough syndrome? Not enough time, energy, friendships, family support, community, faith, peace, patience, money or all the things you can personally add to this list.

During the next 5 weeks we are going to study how God desires to provide for our every need. This is a part of our 2018 Stewardship focus. A basic question for the study is this; What would life be like if I believed, trusted and lived out of faith that God will provide for my every need? Ask yourself now, do I trust God to provide for all my needs? 


The children’s Sunday School classes participated in a “Project with a Purpose” in which they made noisemakers (maracas and jingle sticks) to be included in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Beginning on October 29th, there will be baskets of these noisemakers in the Community Room and Fellowship Hall.  Please feel free to take one noisemaker for each box that you plan on packing. 

Donations of Candy Needed:  Please bring candy this Sunday.

 On October 22, the youth group has an opportunity to sponsor and volunteer at a candy station at the Sunshine Community’s “Spooky Boardwalk.”  The event is open to the public and runs from 2:30-4:30.  We are asking for donations of candy.  The youth will be handing out the candy at the event.  We will accept candy donations until Sunday morning, October 22.  There will be a drop-off box placed near the Community Room.  Questions?  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or

 Prayer Time Focus

I’d like to take a minute to highlight the Prayer Time we have available to all of you from 9-10:00 on Sunday mornings.  We encourage you to come for the whole time or come for just a portion, but give some thought to participating in this important ministry. 

There has been a faithful 3-4 persons who have been supporting this for a year and a half now.   We come together in the Sanctuary and pray silently for the concerns on our hearts, concerns of our church, community, and world.  Recently we have come to feel that our prayers need to be more focused.  We are concerned for the health of this church and the new directions we are facing, that we must first and always be a praying church (I Thess. 5:17-18) – praying continually and with thanks in all circumstances. 

Pastor Mike said in his September Ambassador article we have 3 primary concerns at this moment: 

              Church growth

              Serving the needs of our community

              New building

Let us all commit ourselves to concentrated and focused prayer in each of these areas.  And add our prayers to those golden bowls so that they are overflowing!

The perfect opportunity arrives each week on Sunday mornings between 9 and 10:00. 

Please See attached Word Document for Full Details on Prayer Time Focus

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

“It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Bell Ringing!    Our date is set for Saturday, December 2, 2017 at the Waterville Kroger location.  Times are one-hour slots running from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.   Grab a buddy (it’s always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, and you don’t need to bring anything but yourself……bells, kettle, and sign provided.  Dress warmly, as you will be standing in the Kroger lobby. 

"October is Pastor Appreciation Month - Please show your gratitude for Pastor Mike with a card or something else of your choosing over the next few weeks. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be hosting an Appreciation reception for Pastor Mike on Sunday, October 29 after church during fellowship. We hope you will join us at this time and take the opportunity to personally show your appreciation for Pastor Mike and Pam."

 CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house: After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church;

·       Entry and hallway

·       Fireside Room (basement)

·       Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use; or if you have, your own ideas. You can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; and after church on the 26 before church on Dec. 3.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


Come and Join Kinder Choir. Practice is @ 5:15-6:00 PM.

It’s going to be another great year. Please come and join us!

Free Election Day Lunch

"It is that time of year to begin planning our annual Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

 Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News from October 13, 2017



Prelude – O Worship the King - Olga Topuzova Mead


Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

Children’s Moment 

Anthem They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Gospel of John 12:37- 43

Sermon – Can I Trust God Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory – In The Name Of The Lord  - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn – God Will Take Care of You


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Don’t forget to pick up the New Edition of  “Better Families” on the Foyer table.

"October is Pastor Appreciation Month - Please show your gratitude for Pastor Mike with a card or something else of your choosing over the next few weeks. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be hosting an Appreciation reception for Pastor Mike on Sunday, October 29 after church during fellowship. We hope you will join us at this time and take the opportunity to personally show your appreciation for Pastor Mike and Pam."

 CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house: After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church;

·       Entry and hallway

·       Fireside Room (basement)

·       Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use; or if you have, your own ideas. You can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; and after church on the 26 before church on Dec. 3.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


Come and Join Kinder Choir. Practice is @ 5:15-6:00 PM.

It’s going to be another great year. Please come and join us!

Donations of Candy Needed:  On October 22, the youth group has an opportunity to sponsor and volunteer at a candy station at the Sunshine Community’s “Spooky Boardwalk.”  The event is open to the public and runs from 2:30-4:30.  We are asking for donations of candy.  The youth will be handing out the candy at the event.  We will accept candy donations until the Sunday morning, October 22.  There will be a drop-off box placed near the Community Room.  Questions?  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or

Free Election Day Lunch

"It is that time of year to begin planning our annual Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

Waterville Historical Society presents "Ghostly Encounters IV", Wednesday, October 11, 6:30pm @ Wakeman Cemetery.  Local re-enactors will portray notable Waterville residents from the past, who are currently resting in the cemetery. Fun and informative for all ages.  Bring lawn chairs.  Refreshments to follow performance.  

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study explores what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27. This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

 Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for October 6, 2017



 Prelude - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Olga Topuzova Mead


Opening Prayer

Song of Worship – What a Beautiful Name

Children’s Moment 

Anthem – I Love You  Lord - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Philippians 4:4-9

Sermon – How To Find Victory Over Anxiety Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory - Count Your Blessings  - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn – I Surrender All


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude – His Name is Wonderful - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Dave Landis

Peace in North Korea

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Joe Scheub

Natalie Przybylski

"October is Pastor Appreciation Month - Please show your gratitude for Pastor Mike with a card or something else of your choosing over the next few weeks. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be hosting an Appreciation reception for Pastor Mike on Sunday, October 29 after church during fellowship. We hope you will join us at this time and take the opportunity to personally show your appreciation for Pastor Mike and Pam."


Come and Join Kinder Choir. Practice starts this Wednesday 10/11//2017 5:15-6:00 PM.

It’s going to be another great year. Please come and join us!

Donations of Candy Needed:  On October 22, the youth group has an opportunity to sponsor and volunteer at a candy station at the Sunshine Community’s “Spooky Boardwalk.”  The event is open to the public and runs from 2:30-4:30.  We are asking for donations of candy.  The youth will be handing out the candy at the event.  We will accept candy donations until the Sunday morning, October 22.  There will be a drop-off box placed near the Community Room.  Questions?  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or

Free Election Day Lunch

"It is that time of year to begin planning our annual Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

Waterville Historical Society presents "Ghostly Encounters IV", Wednesday, October 11, 6:30pm @ Wakeman Cemetery.  Local re-enactors will portray notable Waterville residents from the past, who are currently resting in the cemetery. Fun and informative for all ages.  Bring lawn chairs.  Refreshments to follow performance.  

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement will Start a 3 part Study, Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study will explore what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27. This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location. Only 2 more Sundays left to get in on this study.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.


Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. There are 2 weeks remaining. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Please copy and paste the link into your browser.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

 Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for September 29, 2017



 World Communion Sunday

Prelude - We Bow Down / Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / O Worship the King / Praise Him!  Praise Him!


Mission Moment - Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - Karen Wiggins

Call to Worship

Song of Worship - Revelation Song

Children’s Moment 

Anthem - I Worship You Almighty God - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture - Matthew 6:25-34

Sermon - Trusting God, the Key to Peace Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory - There Is a Fountain - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Sacrament of Holy Communion served in the pews

 Hymn - What Wondrous Love Is This


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude - To God Be the Glory - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Continue to pray for Victims of Natural Disasters

Peace in North Korea

Barb Page

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Joe Scheub

Stafford Family- Loss of Nancy

Natalie Przybylski


The summer hiatus of the Kinder Choir will soon be ending.  Mrs. Page is hoping to get the group together again in October. Stay tuned to the Friday E-Blast for further information.

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

This Sunday, October 1, Adult Sunday School, in the church basement will Start a 3 part Study, Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study will explore what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27. This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

 Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. There are 3 weeks remaining. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

 Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for September 21, 2017


This is a great opportunity

Heart-to-Heart: As Your Parents Age

This coming Sunday!

September 24, 2017 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Caring for your aging parents can have a significant impact on your personal finances as well as your family relationships.Recent surveys of caregivers revealed that many caregivers put aside their own needs in order to assist their parents.Starting conversations with your parents before there is an emergency can help make this situation be smoother and less stressful for everyone. However, having those conversations may not be easy. Heart-to-Heart: As your parents Age is a workshop designed to give you tips and tools to help start  those necessary conversations.  In this workshop you will gain a better understanding of:

The impact caregiving can have on your relationships and finances.

What key information is helpful so you can provide support when needed.

Tips to help initiate healthy conversations with your parents.

Through sharing information and understanding your parents’ vision at this point in their life, you can deepen your relationship with them and become more prepared to help provide the support they need when –and how- they want it, while maintaining your life and goals.

While this workshop is designed for adult children who will become caregivers for their parents, it can also be helpful for the parents with adult children to attend to help them understand the issues as well.  It is also written to be general enough for senior citizens without children who are concerned about how to arrange for the care they may need in the future.  In short, there is relevant information in this workshop for everyone who looks forward to living well into their retirement years.

ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. TOMORROW! Saturday Sept 23rd.

 We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project.! Stop by and see us!

National Collection week is Nov. 13-30     





Prelude – Canon of Grace –Bell Choir  


Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Lord, I Lift Your Name On High.

Children’s Moment – Mission Jar

Anthem- Assurance –Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Matthew 6:25-34            

Sermon – Overcoming Anxiety – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – All Creatures of Our God and King/ All Hail the Power of Jesus Name - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn - This is My Fathers World


Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer -  Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude - Great Is the Lord - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist - Dave Landis

Continue to pray for Victims of Natural Disasters

Peace In North Korea

Barb Page

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Joe Scheub

Stafford Family- Loss of Nancy

Natalie Przybylski

Nancy Stafford Family

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Tuesday, September 26 at 7:00 pm in the church basement and on Sunday, October 1, Adult Sunday School, in the church basement will Start a 3 part Study, Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study will explore what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the balcony room.  All ladies are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church community room on the first floor.

This is a YMCA program that is free. It is a very helpful program. There are 4 weeks remaining.

Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday Mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.  ,

Please copy and paste the link into your browser.


Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at


UMCOR Operating Budget

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating

Budget. None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency

(school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the

rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs. In order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing we need to support their behind-the-scene efforts for UMCOR.   Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of September is socks, gloves, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, pajamas, scarves, mini umbrellas, any small clothes items.


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn

News for September 14, 2017



Prelude –I Will Enter His Gates/ This Is The Day - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Choir Introduction My Life Is In You Lord

Call to Worship

Song of Worship – My Life Is in You Lord.

Children’s Moment – 3rd Grade Bible presentation. Stephanie Shelton

Anthem As the Deer- Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Matthew 18:21-35            

Sermon –How to Forgive

Offertory - Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Olga Topuzova Meade

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings


 Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn- My Hope is Built


 Postlude- Shine On Us- Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


September Copy of Better Families is now located in the Church Foyer. Pick your copy up this Sunday.


Continue to pray for Victims of Natural Disasters

Peace In North Korea

Barb Page

Brandon Chase – Active Duty

Joe Scheub

Stafford Family- Loss of Nancy

Natalie Przybylski




We need 18-20 Volunteers to help remove leaves & debris from bushes, AC units, window wells and surrounding areas. We need to trim bushes & Low hanging branches, clean entrance lights; elevator, front porch. Wash windows. Painting (remove kitchen/fellowship hall storms-clean and paint. Clean and remove flowerbeds for the winter, and other duties as assigned. Donuts and Coffee Provided!


Please let Penn Pritchett know you will help and /or sign the volunteer sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.               


Thank you, Trustees


Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Tuesday, September 26 at 7:00 pm in the church basement and on Sunday, October 1, Adult Sunday School, in the church basement will Start a 3 part Study, Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study will explore what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their first Bible Study session this coming Wednesday at 9:30 AM in the balcony room.  All ladies are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule,  please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.



Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church community room on the first floor.

This is a YMCA program that is free. It is a very helpful program. There are 5 weeks remaining.

Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.


This is a great opportunity

Heart-to-Heart: As Your Parents Age

September 24, 2017 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Caring for your aging parents can have a significant impact on your personal finances as well as your family relationships.

Recent surveys of caregivers revealed that many caregivers put aside their own needs in order to assist their parents.

Starting conversations with your parents before there is an emergency can help make this situation

be smoother and less stressful for everyone. However, having those conversations may not be easy. 

Heart-to-Heart: As your parents Age is a workshop designed to give you tips and tools to help start

those necessary conversations.  In this workshop you will gain a better understanding of:

  1. The impact caregiving can have on your relationships and finances.

  2. What key information is helpful so you can provide support when needed.

  3. Tips to help initiate healthy conversations with your parents.

Through sharing information and understanding your parents’ vision at this point in their life, you can deepen

your relationship with them and become more prepared to help provide the support they need when –and how- they want it, while maintaining your life and goals.

While this workshop is designed for adult children who will become caregivers for their parents, it can also be helpful for the parents with adult children to attend to help them understand the issues as well.  It is also written to be general enough for senior citizens without children who are concerned about how to arrange for the care they may need in the future.  In short, there is relevant information in this workshop for everyone who looks forward to living well into their retirement years


Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at



UMCOR Operating budget

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating

Budget. None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency

(school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of

the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the

rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds

to cover its administrative costs. In order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing we need to support

their behind-the-scene efforts for UMCOR.   Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts.

ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project. We are asking volunteers to help cover the booth for two-hour shifts on Sept 23. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please consider helping us impact more children around the worlds and share God’s word with this unique ministry!



- Our collection items for the month of September will be socks, gloves, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, pajamas, scarves, mini umbrellas, any small clothes items.

 National Collection week is Nov. 13-30


We need Fellowship host. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.



We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut butter left in the jar.


In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn

News for September 7, 2017

 Prelude –Exalted Medley Olga Topuzova-Meade
 Song of Worship – You Are My King.
Children’s Moment – 3rd Grade Bible presentation. Stephanie Shelton
Special Music- Nadia Taylor
 Scripture – Romans 13: 8-14            
Sermon –How Do I Love My Neighbor
Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
Offertory  O, How I Love Jesus - Olga Topuzova Meade
 Offertory and Dedication Prayer -
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
 Hymn Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
 Postlude- All Creatures of Our God and King- Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – Dave Landis
Please meet at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary

Now is the time to come together and pray. God desires for us to be faithful and call out to him in a time of need.  It Says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
Please join us this Sunday @ 9:00 am with a heart of compassion, coming forth before the Throne of God, and lifting those up who need our desperate prayers right now. 
Hurricane Victims
North Korea Issues
Mexico Earthquake
Barb Page – 
Natalie Przybylski
John Scheub – 
Brandon Chase- Active duty
Theresa Heslett-  Damaged Home in Texas
Exciting News!!!!
Nadia Taylor has been hired as our Minister of Music.  Please join us this Sunday for a Reception to welcome Nadia to our church immediately following service. Nadia will be sharing in special music this Sunday
The weekly B&B Bible Study will be getting back together on Thursday, Sept 14, 7:30am at the Pub & Grubb in Whitehouse (formerly known as Papoo’s).  Everyone is welcome. Please join our us.
Upper Room is available on the Table in Church Foyer
 Church Wedding Coordinator
Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!
WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at
UMCOR Operating budget
September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget by making a donation.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  
So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing we need to support their behind-the-scene efforts for UMCOR.   Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts. There will be a special Offering taking place Sept 10 for UMCOR.
We need 18-20 Volunteers to help remove leaves & debris from bushes, AC units, window wells and surrounding areas. We need to trim bushes & Low hanging branches, clean entrance lights; elevator, front porch. Wash windows. Painting (remove kitchen/fellowship hall storms-clean and paint. Clean and remove flowerbeds for the winter, and other duties as assigned. Donuts and Coffee Provided! Please let Penn Pritchett know you will help and /or sign the volunteer sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.                
Thank you, Trustees
ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project. We are asking volunteers to help cover the booth for two-hour shifts on Sept 23. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please consider helping us impact more children around the worlds and share God’s word with this unique ministry! 

National Collection week is Nov. 13-30      
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of September will be socks, gloves, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, pajamas, scarves, mini umbrellas, any small clothes items.
We need Fellowship host. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after. 
We need ushers to greet. This is an important ministry in the church. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway. 
We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut butter left in the jar.
In His Steps, 
Leanne Dunn

News for September 1, 2017



 Prelude –Old Time Religion Olga Topuzova-Meade 


Mission Moment – John Nicholson

Song of Worship – This Is the Day Of New Beginnings.

Children’s Moment – 

Scripture – Romans 12:1-8             

Sermon –Am I Of Any Value 

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory  Jesus Is All the World to Me - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People 

The Lord’s Prayer 

Celebration of Holy Communion – Prayer of Confession

 Hymn - Bind Us Together


 Postlude- Holy, Holy, Holy- Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Sanctuary.  Prayer is a vital part of ministry. 

Hurricane Victims 

Barb Page – 

Natalie Przybylski

John Scheub – Injury’s due to a fall off of a ladder. 

Brandon Chase- Active duty 

Robin Cutcher & Family – Loss of a Brother

Exciting News!!!!

Nadia Taylor has been hired as our Minister of Music.  Please join us Sept 10th for a Reception to welcome Nadia to our church immediately following service. Nadia will be sharing in special music Sept. 10

Don’t forget to pick up your August Copy of “ Better Families” Located on the table in church Foyer.

Upper Room is now available on the Table in Church Foyer

Image result for wedding coordinator            

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at


Stephanie needs a volunteer to make 36 cupcakes for Sunday School on September 10.  They can just be plain cupcakes with frosting and Stephanie will add an animal decoration on top.  If interested, please contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035 or


UMCOR Operating budget

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating 

budget by making a donation.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency

(school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of 

the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the

rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds 

to cover its administrative costs.  

So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing we need to support their behind-the-scene efforts for UMCOR.  

 Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gifts. 

There will be a special Offering taking place Sept 10 for UMCOR.



We need 18-20 Volunteers to help remove leaves & debris from bushes, AC units, window wells and surrounding areas. 

We need to trim bushes & Low hanging branches, clean entrance lights; elevator, front porch. Wash windows. Painting 

(remove kitchen/fellowship hall storms-clean and paint. Clean and remove flowerbeds for the winter,

and other duties as assigned. Donuts and Coffee Provided!

Please let Penn Pritchett know you will help and /or sign the volunteer sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.                

Thank you, Trustees

ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project. We are asking volunteers to help cover the booth for two-hour shifts on Sept 23. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please consider helping us impact more children around the worlds and share God’s word with this unique ministry! 



Our collection items for the month of September will be socks, gloves, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, pajamas, scarves, mini umbrellas, any small clothes items.

National Collection week is Nov. 13-30



We need Fellowship host. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We need ushers to greet. This is an important ministry in the church. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway. 


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut butter left in the jar.

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday

Waterville UMC 

102 North Fifth Street 

Waterville, OH 43566

News for August 25, 2017


 Prelude –Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus/Trust and Obey/This is the Day- Olga Topuzova-Meade
Opening prayer
 Song of Worship – Here I Am, Lord
Children’s Moment – Mission Jar
Special Music- Ted Myers
 Scripture – Romans 12:1-8             
     Sermon –“Becoming New” 
    Hymn – I am Thine O Lord
 Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
 Offertory and Dedication Prayer -
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
 Hymn –“Take My Life and Let it Be”
 Postlude- His Name is Wonderful - Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – Dave Landis

Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Sanctuary.  Prayer is a vital part of ministry. 

Barb Page – Recovery from Surgery
Natalie Przybylski
John Scheub – Radiation for lymphoma
Cathy Landis is requesting prayer for her son-in-law his wife Alissa and the boys. He     is serving our country for the next 9 Months.
Peg Briggs-  
Exciting News!!!!
Nadia Taylor has been hired as our Minister of Music.  She will be starting in September.

Don’t forget to pick up your August Copy of “ Better Families” Located on the table in church Foyer.

Upper Room is now available on the Table in Church Foyer


Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!
WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

Stephanie needs a volunteer to make 36 cupcakes for Sunday School on September 10.  They can just be plain cupcakes with frosting and Stephanie will add an animal decoration on top.  If interested, please contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035 or


In the Face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty Hygiene kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits and this month we will be asking for your help in donating items from the list below. 
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within. . 
•    One hand towel measuring approximately 15x20 to 16x 32 (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)
•    One Washcloth
•    One wide-tooth comb removed from the package
•    One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package
•    One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper
•    One toothbrush in the package
•    10 standard size Band-Aids

All items need to fit inside a one-gallon zipper closure bag with air removed. 
DO NOT add any extra items. DO NOT add any toothpaste. Toothpaste has an expiration date and would expire before possible delivery.

    5K Run/Walk UPDATE

    The Waterville UMC Team walked with approximately 250 other Participants to raise     $29,000 and counting. All proceeds go to The Pregnancy Center of Toledo. The team would like to thank everyone who supported them in this endeavor. The support and contributions you gave are  appreciated. Our team won an award for the Best Financial     Support! Way to go Waterville UMC!

ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project. We are asking volunteers to help cover the booth for two-hour shifts on Sept 23. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please consider helping us impact more children around the worlds and share God’s word with this unique ministry! 
National Collection week is Nov. 13-30      

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of August will be School Supplies – crayons, pencils, sharpeners, paper, ruler, colored pencils, scissors, calculators, learning books, index cards, small notebooks, pencil cases, small paint kits with brushes

The sign-up sheet is on hallway bulletin board. 

We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut butter left in the jar.

In His Steps, 
Leanne Dunn
Secretary Thursday/Friday
Waterville UMC
102 North Fifth Street
Waterville, OH 43566


News for August 18, 2017

Good Afternoon!!



              Prelude –Brethren, We have met to Worship- Olga Topuzova-Meade


Call to Worship

              Song of Worship – Freely, Freely

Children’s Moment – With Pastor Mike

               Scripture – Mathew 15:21-28             

              Sermon –“Persistent Faith”

              Hymn - Standing on the Promises

              Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – On the Jericho Road- Olga Topuzova-Meade


              Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

              Closing Song –“This is a Day of New Beginnings”


              Postlude- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise - Olga Topuzova-Meade

              Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Sanctuary.  Prayer is a vital part of ministry.

Barb Page

Bob Lammon- Fireworks accident - reconstruction of left side of face

Natalie Przybylski

John Scheub – Radiation for lymphoma

            Cathy Landis is requesting prayer for her son-in-law, his wife Alissa and the boys. He is serving our country for the next 9 Months.

            Peg Briggs- 

            Don Williams – Hip Surgery and Cancer

           ** Bernie Utz – Broken elbow & bruises due to a fall


**Don’t forget to pick up your August Copy of “ Better Families”

Located on the table in church Foyer.








In the Face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty Hygiene kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits and this month we will be asking for your help in donating items from the list below.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within. .

·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15x20 to 16x 32 (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One Washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the package

·       10 standard size Band-Aids


All items need to fit inside a one-gallon zipper closure bag with air removed.

DO NOT add any extra items. DO NOT add any toothpaste. Toothpaste has an expiration date and would expire before possible delivery.



***ANNUAL ROCHE DE BOUEF FESTIVAL in Waterville. We are inviting the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry. We will be       handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project. We are asking volunteers to help cover the booth for two-hour shifts on Sept 23. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please consider helping us impact more children around the worlds and share God’s word with this unique ministry!

         National Collection week is Nov. 13-30     



OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of August will be School Supplies – crayons, pencils, sharpeners, paper, ruler, colored pencils,           scissors,             calculators, learning books, index cards, small notebooks, pencil cases, small paint kits with brushes.


Seeking a Wedding Coordinator.

More information is located on the church bulletin board in the hallway

The Church Wedding Coordinator position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at



The sign-up sheet is on hallway bulletin board.



We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society. There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut butter left in the jar.

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday


News for June 23, 2017



ATTENTION: The Mission Team will be meeting at 9:45 on SUNDAY.


JOIN THEM IN PRAYER @10:10 AM THIS SUNDAY in Parking lot located in back of the sanctuary.



              Dr. Mathis, Professor of Trombone and Dean of the College of Musical Arts at Bowling Green State University, will be sharing his gifts with us during the worship service.      

              Prelude “Sonata in A Minor by Benedetto Marcello” Dr. Mathis & Olga Topuzova-Meade


Opening Prayer

Call to Worship

              Song of Worship – “Amazing Grace”

Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar

Special Music –“Waltz, Op.39, No 15 by Johannes Brahms ”- Dr. Mathis & Olga Topuzova-Meade

              Scripture – Romans 6:1b-11

              Sermon –“We Too, Can Walk in Newness of Life”

              Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory –“Adagio from : Concerto for Cello and Orchestra by Joseph Haydn”

Dr. Mathis & Olga Topuzova-Meade


              Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

              Closing Song –“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”


              Postlude – “On Wings of Song by Felix Mendelssohn” Dr. Mathis & Olga Topuzova-Meade

              Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Sanctuary.  Prayer is a vital part of ministry.

Elaine Colyer - recovery

Paul Hem – pneumonia

Roger Hertzman-rehab for strength

Ruby Metzger-lymphoma

Natalie Przybylski

Walter Scheub- broken hip

John Scheub – lymphoma

David Youngquist- Employment

Congratulations to Ana for her 3rd Great Grandchild born June 18.


Thank you Joel for the time you have served as Music Minister for Waterville.

There are so many great things we could say. Please know that you will be missed.

While this transition is taking place, We will be looking for  a part time Music Minister.

Here is a link to our District Website ad.  Part time Music Minister Needed

There is a lot going on at Waterville!    

 Please see all the opportunities below


Service will begin around 10:25. Please bring a folding chair and dress comfortable for the weather. 

Let’s enjoy this time as we worship with outdoor communion and Patriotic hymns.

              You will not want to miss this.  Don’t forget to bring something yummy for the indoor picnic to share.

              Our Mission Team is leaving this Sunday. Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gift.

The Mission Jar will be passed this Sunday in worship. Join us in prayer for them Sunday @ 10:10 AM in parking lot behind the sanctuary.

VBS Registration is happening on line, Click here to register. Vacation Bible School Registration

There are a few more needs for VBS Painters drop cloths ( paint on them is fine) white rope lighting, 5 gallon bucket, and an old style broom.

Please see Stephanie Shelton for additional items still needed for VBS. Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035

VBS crew leaders still needed If you are interested.

We also need volunteers to purchase and/or make dinner and snack items for VBS. Sign-up sheet on bulletin board.

We need 4 Adults to help serve the VBS dinner on July 12. Please contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035

Here are some areas we need volunteers.

Media Slides volunteer to help on Sunday morning. Contact the office staff

Bus Driver to Browning bus to and from our worship services on Sunday mornings.  Please contact Paul Croy at 419-261-5953.

Fellowship Host  The sign-up sheet is on hallway bulletin board.

Freedom School- Waterville UMC will be serving breakfast Tuesday July 18, 2017 @ Monroe Street UMC Please See Pam Cook for information.

The sign-up sheet is on bulletin board in the hallway.



We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of June will be “girl items” - Something to Love (Stuffed animal, doll, Beanie Babies), hair bows and ties, headbands, purses, jewelry, sewing kits, small water bottles and deflated soccer balls and pumps Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop.  Each month: Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November. 


ADULT BIBLE STUDY - If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. This Bible Study will be meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00, April 23 – June 25 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00, April 25 – June 27 in the Fireside Room. 


News for June 16, 2017




              Prelude “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise”


Opening Prayer

Call to Worship

              Song of Worship – “God, Whose Love is Reigning o’er Us”

Children’s Moment - 

Special Music –“Assurance”- Men’s Ensemble

              Scripture – Romans 5:1-8

              Sermon –“While We Were Sinning, Jesus Dies for Us”

              Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

              Offertory –“O, How I love Jesus”


              Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

              Closing Song –“Blessed Assurance”


              Postlude – “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”

              Liturgist – Dave Lanis


Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Sanctuary.  Prayer is a vital part of ministry.

 Anna Nicholson

John Scheub - Lymphoma

Ardis Cullen - recent fall

Walter Scheub - Broken Hip

Lowell Crabtree, father of Pam Denman.

Sally Waggoner  Family

Alta Damron - heart and lung issues

Natalie Przybylski

Sharon Schulte - mother of Char Hansen who has some re-occurring

              Elaine Colyer – recovery

John Scheub - lymphoma

Pastor Mike and Pam

Paul Hem - pneumonia - in ICU on ventilator in Hawaii

Elaine Colyer - recovering from shoulder surgery

Sally Wagoner - Family


          OUR JUNE MISSION FOCUS is The Week of Hope Community Service Youth Mission Trip.  Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gift.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY - If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. This Bible Study will be meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00, April 23 – June 25 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00, April 25 – June 27 in the Fireside Room. 

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FELLOWSHIP HOSTS? We are still in need of fellowship hosts this year.


We are in need of someone to run the media. The media slides will be completed for you by the office staff. If you are interested, please contact the church office during business hours.

BUS DRIVERS NEEDED -  Would you be a volunteer to drive the  Browning bus to and from our worship services on Sunday mornings If you would be willing to volunteer for this ministry, you may contact Paul Croy at 419-261-5953.          

CREW LEADERS FOR WATERVILLE COMMUNITY VBS ARE NEEDED – Come be a crew leader at Waterville Community VBS. We need adult and youth crew leaders Crew leaders will also receive a free t- shirt. If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or email


Crayola Washable markers; toilet paper tubes; small plastic plates.  Items can be given to Stephanie Shelton or placed in a box by the Community Room.  Thank you!  

VBS DONATIONS - This year’s theme for VBS is “Maker Fun Factory - Created by God/Built for a Purpose.”  We are looking for donations of Spirographs, Gear Sets, Magnet and other building sets.  These items would not be returned.  The items would either go to a church in Toledo at the conclusion of our VBS or to our Sunday School program here at WUMC.  Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton. 

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of June will be “girl items” - Something to Love (Stuffed animal, doll, Beanie Babies), hair bows and ties, headbands, purses, jewelry, sewing kits, small water bottles and deflated soccer balls and pumps Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop.  Each month: Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November. 


CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS help teachers in the classrooms (9:00-noon).

              • READING TUTORS read one-on-one or in small groups with children from 11a.m. till noon.

LUNCH BUDDIES bring your own sack lunch and eat and chat with the children while they eat  lunch. Lunch begins at noon and ends with a group activity.

              • ENRICHMENT VOLUNTEERS participate from 1:00-3:00 p.m. each afternoon in enrichment activities with the children. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the children will rotate through arts  On Tuesdays, they will be outside planting a butterfly garden. On Thursdays, they will participate in creative writing and music and other special events.

FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES chaperone our Friday afternoon field trips. We will take the children to Widewater on our last day of Freedom School for our only all-day field trip.

Sign-up NOW at:

Mark your calendars:  Our church will be serving breakfast to the children and staff of The Freedom School on Tuesday, July 18 at Monroe Street United Methodist Church.  Pam Cook has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for volunteers. 


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office.

News for June 2, 2017


You will not want to miss this Sunday!  Look at the great worship service lined up.


              Prelude - Every Time I Feel the Spirit


Opening Prayer

Mission Moment- Pam Denman

Call to Worship

              Song of Worship – Spirit Song

              Recognition of Graduates- Stephanie Shelton

Children’s Moment - 

Special Music – Karen Wiggins- What Can Separate You?

              Scripture - Acts 2:1-21

              Sermon – I Will Pour out My Spirit on All People- Pastor Mike

              Celebration of Holy Communion

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

              Offertory – Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus, Sweet, Sweet Spirit


              Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

              Closing Song – Spirit of the Living God


              Postlude – Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart

              Liturgist – Dave Landis

GRADUATION SUNDAY – Congratulations to our graduates!

              We will be honoring our graduates this Sunday, June 4.  Graduates from high school, college, technical school, and higher education will receive a special recognition during our worship   service.  Please join us for a time of celebration in the fellowship hall following the service.


              Prayer group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday.  This is a vital part of ministry.

              Ardis Cullen –recent fall

              Walter Scheub- Broken Hip

              Lowell Crabtree, father of Pam Denman, recovering from infection following heart surgery and        has returned to his home

              Sally Waggoner - suffered a stroke, now in rehab

              Alta Damron - heart and lung issues

              Natalie Przybylski

              Sharon Schulte - mother of Char Hansen who has some re-occurring issues

              John Scheub - lymphoma

              Pastor Mike and Pam

              Paul Hem - pneumonia - in ICU on ventilator in Hawaii

              Elaine Colyer - recovering from shoulder surgery

              Wayne and Barb Strayer - his mother passed away

              Skip Decker - father of Church Cathy, is now home and improving every day.  Thanks for your      prayers!


Today as I was walking around the church, I heard something. I looked and looked inside but I didn’t’ see anything, so I opened a window and looked outside. As I started to look I smelled something so nice! I peered over the edge to see what it was I smelled!  It was flowers!  I got so excited how beautiful it looked that I nearly fell off the ledge of the window.  Then, I jumped back a moment because I heard that sound again! What is it? PEOPLE!   I ran back inside, and made a sharp turn around the windows trim. They were smiling and happy! I realized at that very moment that they were making the churchpretty! They all seemed very kind. I saw them all working on the yard with great diligence.  I decided to go back to the window ledge. They did not see me sitting there or they may have jumped! I am a mouse after all! How wonderful that our God put people on the earth to help in and around His kingdom. The altar last week was phenomenal! All of the flags were beautiful!  I guess I will go back inside to see if there is anything else happening that I need to be aware of. I am looking forward to this week, I hear there are people celebrating graduation, and Pastor Mike has a great sermon on the Holy Spirit. I will see you there, although, you will not see me!

Signing off for now,

Mouse in the House                                          

OUR JUNE MISSION FOCUS is The Week of Hope Community Service Youth Mission Trip.  Twelve youth        and three adults will be serving in Cincinnati, Ohio with Group Mission Trips from June 25-30 this   year.  In addition to these folks, we also have two of our youth that have been going on mission             trips since seventh grade that will be on staff with Group this year.  Youth and adults may serve homeless peoplewith volunteers at a community garden, teach dance and literature to inner-city children at a local gospel mission, pack/sort supplies for needy families in developing nations, lead activities for inner-city youth at local Boys & Girls Club, prep food and take meals to feeding locations, interact with the kids, and help elderly at Assisted Living Centers with activities, games, and other needs.   Mission envelopes are located in the pew racks for your financial gift.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY - Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus.  In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, “Come”?  Author John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.  Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God.  The experience is terrifying.  It is thrilling beyond belief.  It is everything you would expect of someone worthy to be called Lord.  The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life in the process.  There is just one requirement: If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. This Bible Study will be meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00, April 23 – June 25 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00, April 25 – June 27 in the Fireside Room. 

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FELLOWSHIP HOSTS? We are still in need of fellowship hosts. 


              We are in need of someone to run the media. The Power Point slides will be completed for you            by the office staff. This requires you to be at the church by 10:00 a.m. to show the     announcements and run the slides that go with the worship service.  If you are interested, please contact the church office during business hours.

BUS DRIVERS NEEDED - We have growing numbers of our congregation moving into the Browning Masonic Complex. We would like to staff fully a number of people who would be willing to drive               the Browning bus to and from our worship services on Sunday mornings.  Paul Croy has               graciously volunteered to head up this effort.  If you would be willing to volunteer for this       ministry, you may contact Paul Croy at 419-261-5953.


Each night of VBS the children get to make a creative craft to go along with the VBS theme.  In order to help with the costs of providing craft materials for around 150 kids, we are hoping to get some of the items donated.  The following items are needed for donation:  Crayola Washable markers; toilet paper tubes; Bubbles (4 fl. oz. bottles); small plastic plates.  Items can be given to Stephanie Shelton or placed in a box by the Community Room.  Thank you!  

VBS DONATIONS - This year’s theme for VBS is “Maker Fun Factory - Created by God/Built for a           Purpose.”  After the children finish their nightly craft at VBS, they have the opportunity to participate in a variety of stations set up in the craft room.  This year’s stations will go along with the Fun Factory theme.  We are looking for donations of Spirographs, Gear Sets, Magnet and other building sets.  These items would not be returned.  The items would either go to a church in Toledo at the conclusion of our VBS or to our Sunday School program here at WUMC.    Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton. 

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of June will be “girl items” - Something to Love (Stuffed animal, doll, Beanie Babies), hair bows and ties, headbands, purses, jewelry, sewing kits, small water bottles and deflated soccer balls and pumps Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop.  Each month: Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November.  The Lord knows the children who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping adventures to exactly what will meet needs and give joy.

EACH MONTH:  Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your       own boxes for the collection in November.  The Lord knows the children who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping adventures to exactly what will meet needs and give joy.


              •CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS help teachers in the classrooms (9:00-noon). Come at 8:30 for Harambe, the opening circle time and enjoy the children!

              • READING TUTORS read one-on-one or in small groups with children from 11a.m. till noon. Tutors should bring their own books to read, as well because at 11:45 until noon, everyone in     the building stops to read!

              • LUNCH BUDDIES bring your own sack lunch and eat and chat with the children while they eat          lunch. Lunch begins at noon and ends with a group activity.

              • ENRICHMENT VOLUNTEERS participate from 1:00-3:00 p.m. each afternoon in enrichment activities with the children. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the children will rotate through arts        On Tuesdays, they will be outside planting a butterfly garden. On Thursdays, they will participate in creative writing and music and other special events.

              • FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES chaperone our Friday afternoon field trips. We will take the children             to Widewater on our last day of Freedom School for our only all-day field trip.

Sign-up NOW at:

Mark your calendars:  Our church will be serving breakfast to the children and staff of The Freedom School on Tuesday, July 18 at Monroe Street United Methodist Church.  Pam Cook has            volunteered to be in charge of this event, but will need volunteers to help. She will be placing a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for volunteers. 

Yummy Peanut Butter

              The Dogs at theHumane Society thank all of you who donated peanut butter jars.  This is an easy project that perhaps should be continued until further notice.  There is a basket on the shelf by the church office for the jars.  By the way, it seems like choosy mothers do choose Jif!

Dave and Paulette Hogg, a former pastor and his wife at Waterville United Methodist           Church,  will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a Renewal of their Vows on Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 1-4 p.m.  The renewal of vows will take place at 1:30 p.m.  The event will take place at the Church of the Master United Methodist Church in Westerville, Ohio. The church is located at 24 N. Grove Street (Corner of Grove and Main Streets.)  Dr. Carl L. Wiley officiated at their wedding 50 years ago and will be doing the renewal ceremony.  A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.  In lieu of gifts, please bring a canned food item. These will be divided between two local food pantries.  If you plan to attend, please R.S.V. P. by June 1 to Dave’s cell phone: 614-208-4105.  Their actual 50th Wedding Anniversary is Saturday, April 29.  You may send cards to Dave and Paulette Hogg, 6202 Willowcrest Dr., Columbus, OH   43229. There is a signup sheet on our bulletin board in the main hallway for those who plan on attending.

In addition, celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in June is James and Barbara         Stewart.  James is a former pastor of Waterville UMC. Their children, Jennifer and Jay, will be hosting an Open House on Sunday, June 11, 2017 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Maumee United Methodist Church’s Fellowship Hall located at 405 Sackett St., Maumee, Ohio.  No RSVPs are necessary.  If you are unable to attend, but want to send a note of congratulations or a memory, please do so by sending it to this address:  Jennifer Wuertz,         5320 Brown Road, Oregon, Ohio, 43616.  The invitation with their original wedding photo is now on display on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Administrative Council:

  • Council has approved a YMCA sponsorship for 5 years duration.  This sponsorship gives WUMC a banner at the Waterville Y with our name on it, displayed in a prominent location for public recognition of our support.  The sponsorship money goes towards scholarships for family memberships, camps, & classes for our local community members who can otherwise not afford them.

Building team updates:

  • A group of members on the Project Leadership team & Pastor Mike visited a local church, Blessed John XXIII, to learn more about their tremendous growth in membership while in their present multi-purpose facility. So successful that after just 8 years in this building, they have started on a huge expansion project. We thank Blessed John's Father Herb for sharing their success story with our group that day.

  • The Project Leadership team learned of an organization called "Building God's Way (BGW)."  BGW is a Christian building organization that provides guidance or a full boat of services up to and including architectural, project management, construction, and building material supply.  BGW wants to insure Christians are building for God’s purposes as well as building structures that can pay for themselves by being used as an income stream to help cover construction and operating costs.  BGW says their organization can bring plan drawing costs in at 1/10th the traditional architect’s charges and up to 30% less total construction cost.  BGW has 700+ Christian buildings under their belt which allows them a unique perspective and much experience in the process of church building.

  • Two members attended a seminar in Fairlawn, OH to learn more about this organization.  They now have a great opportunity for our Administrative Council & Project Leadership team to meet 2 people from BGW's team.  A BGW architect happened to be driving through town and the director of BGW's Ohio builder, Weaver Commercial Contractor, has agreed to drive here.  We look forward to sharing an update after this meeting.  In the meantime, please visit to learn more about this organization.                                                                                               

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn

News for May 26, 2017

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Please continue to pray for the following folks:

              Lowell Crabtree, father of Pam Denman, recovering from infection following heart surgery and has returned to his home

              Sally Waggoner - suffered a stroke, now in rehab

              Alta Damron - heart and lung issues

              Natalie Przybylski

              Sharon Schulte - mother of Char Hansen who has some reoccurring issues

              John Scheub - lymphoma

              Paul Hem - pneumonia - in ICU on ventilator in Hawaii

              Elaine Colyer - recovering from shoulder surgery

              Dr. Roger Hertzman -  St. Luke’s ICC

              Jim Simpson - back at Kingston in Perrysburg, Room #207

Our May Mission Focus is The Week of Hope Community Service Youth Mission Trip.  Twelve youth and three adults will be serving in Cincinnati, Ohio with Group Mission Trips from June 25-30 this year.  In addition to these folks, we also have two of our youth that have been going on mission trips since seventh grade will be on staff with Group this year.  Youth and adults may serve homeless with volunteers at a community garden, teach dance and literature to inner-city children at a local gospel mission, pack/sort supplies for needy families in developing nations, lead activities for inner-city youth at local Boys & Girls Club, prep food and take meals to feeding locations and interact with the kids, and help elderly at Assisted Living Centers with activities, games, and other needs.   Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

The Prayer Group will meet at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday.  

Adult Bible Study - Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus.  In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, “Come”?  Author John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.  Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God.  The experience is terrifying.  It is thrilling beyond belief.  It is everything you’d expect of someone worthy to be called Lord.  The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life in the process.  There’s just one requirement:  If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.   This Bible Study will be meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00, April 23 – June 25 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00, April 25 – June 27 in the Fireside Room.

Thank you to all who have shared their folded flags so that they can be displayed in the Chancel area on Sunday.  An insert has been placed in the bulletin with the names of those who the flags honor. 

We welcome Pastor Mike back to the church and to the pulpit this Sunday.

Worship Service for Sunday, May 28

              Prelude -  Eternal Father, Strong to Save  (The Navy Hymn)

              Welcome -

Opening Prayer -

Call to Worship -

              Song of Worship - America the Beautiful

Children’s Moment-  Mission Jar – There will be no Sunday School this Sunday

Special Music - Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones with special slide show honoring those who have given their lives for our freedom

              Scripture-  John 17:1-11

              Sermon - This Is Eternal Life:  To Know You, the Only True God

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

              Offertory - Battle Hymn of the Republic

              Doxology -

              Offertory and Dedication Prayer -

Prayers of God’s People -

The Lord’s Prayer -

              Closing Song – God Bless America


              Postlude - Onward, Christian Soldiers

              Liturgist - Tom Quinn


There will be no Fellowship Time following worship on Sunday.

Fellowship hosts are still needed.   All of the months are still available except for May and July.

Administrative Council update:

  • Council has approved a YMCA sponsorship for 5 years duration.  This sponsorship gives WUMC a banner at the Waterville Y with our name on it, displayed in a prominent location for public recognition of our support.  The sponsorship money goes towards scholarships for family memberships, camps, & classes for our local community members who can otherwise not afford them.

Building team updates:

  • Site development: We are excited to report our contractor, Total Ground Solutions, has completed the hauling of donated dirt as of Wednesday, May 24th.  Approximately 6,000 cubic yards of donated dirt is now on our site, which fulfills our future needs for site preparation.

  • A group of members on the Project Leadership team & Pastor Mike visited a local church, Blessed John XXIII, to learn more about their tremendous growth in membership while in their present multi-purpose facility. So successful that after just 8 years in this building, they have started on a huge expansion project. We thank Blessed John's Father Herb for sharing their success story with our group that day.

  • The Project Leadership team learned of an organization called "Building God's Way (BGW)."  BGW is a Christian building organization that provides guidance or a full boat of services up to and including architectural, project management, construction, and building material supply.  BGW wants to insure Christians are building for God’s purposes as well as building structures that can pay for themselves by being used as an income stream to help cover construction and operating costs.  BGW says their organization can bring plan drawing costs in at 1/10th the traditional architect’s charges and up to 30% less total construction cost.  BGW has 700+ Christian buildings under their belt which allows them a unique perspective and much experience in the process of church building.  Please visit to learn more about this organization.

  • Two members attended a seminar in Fairlawn, OH to learn more about this organization.  They also found a great opportunity for our Administrative Council & Project Leadership team to meet 2 people from BGW's team.  A BGW architect happened to be driving through town and the director of BGW's Ohio builder, Weaver Commercial Contractor, agreed to drive here.  The meeting happened on Friday May 19th at 11:30am.

  • The meeting was a success with all attendees impressed with the architect & builder.  Administrative Council & the Project Leadership team held a follow up meeting on May 24th to discuss our thoughts on the meeting from the 19th & our next steps.  We all felt impressed with BGW & that God has placed them in our path.  The next step to move forward with BGW is to hire them to do a demographic study & design charrette.    

  • BGW Architects utilize a unique design process called a “charrette”, an intense and highly collaborative effort that takes place over a 2 – 3 day period at the ministry site.  This process allows design solutions to evolve quickly with direct participation of key ministry leaders and real-time adaptations by the architect.  During this process, between 75 – 90% of the preliminary design is completed and the vision of the ministry is captured and translated into preliminary site plans, floor plans, seating diagrams, sketches and exterior renderings.  A motion was made and approved by Administrative Council to hire BGW to do a demographic study and design charrette.  We desire to complete this within 1-2 months & will update soon on the date we are able to book with BGW.  It is also important to note that there is no contract with BGW and the only commitment being made is to the demographic study & design charrette.  We will make further decisions after the charrette.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes -  Our collection items for the month of May will be “boy items” – tools, duct tape, flashlights and batteries, work gloves, wallets, handkerchiefs, ball glove, stuffed animal, small water bottles, deflated soccer balls and pumps or other balls and Matchbox or Hot Wheel cars. Let’s always remember that the most needed boxes are those for age 10-14 boys – please keep that in mind as you shop.  Each month:  Pray for shopping wisdom as you purchase these monthly items and the items for your own boxes for the collection in November.  The Lord knows the children who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping adventures to exactly what will meet needs and give joy.

Bus Drivers Needed  - With the growing numbers of our congregation moving into the Browning Masonic Complex, we would like to fully staff the number of people who would be willing to drive the Browning bus to and from our worship services on Sunday mornings.  Paul Croy has graciously volunteered to head up this effort.  If you would be willing to volunteer for this outreach project,  please contact Paul at 419-261-5953.

Project With a Purpose - During March through May 2017, the children in our Sunday School will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NW Ohio.  Beginning Sunday, March 19, you will have the opportunity to pull the tabs off aluminum cans, and save them in a provided Ronald McDonald cardboard house.  Return your houses to Waterville UMC by no later than Sunday, May 28.  The tabs will be sold to a recycling station for the market price of recycled aluminum.  They send a check to the Ronald McDonald House, and the funds are used for the guest food budget.  Thank you for collecting the tabs!

Graduation Sunday - We will be honoring our graduates on Sunday, June 4.  Graduates from high school, college, technical school, and higher education will be recognized during the church service.  We will also have a time of celebration after the service in the fellowship hall.  

Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch - We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Tuesday, May 30th at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

Freedom School Volunteers Needed from June 19 –June 28 at Monroe Street UMC:

CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS help teachers in the classrooms (9:00-noon). Come at 8:30 for Harambe, the opening circle time and enjoy the children!

READING TUTORS read one-on-one or in small groups with children from 11a.m. till noon. Tutors should bring their own books to read, as well because at 11:45 until noon, everyone in the building stops to read!

LUNCH BUDDIES bring your own sack lunch and eat and chat with the children while they eat lunch. Lunch begins at noon and ends with a group activity.

ENRICHMENT VOLUNTEERS participate from 1:00-3:00 p.m. each afternoon in enrichment activities with the children. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the children will rotate through arts activities. On Tuesdays, they will be outside planting a butterfly garden. On Thursdays, they will participate in creative writing and music and other special events.

FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES chaperone our Friday afternoon field trips. We will take the children to Widewater on our last day of Freedom School for our only all-day field trip.

Sign-up NOW at:

Mark your calendars: Our church will be serving breakfast to the children and staff of The Freedom School on Tuesday, July 18 at Monroe Street United Methodist Church.  Pam Cook has volunteered to be in charge of this event, but will need volunteers to help. She will be placing a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for volunteers. 

VBS Donations for Crafts - Each night of VBS the children get to make a creative craft to go along with the VBS theme.  In order to help with the costs of providing craft materials for around 150 kids, we are hoping to get some of the items donated.  The following items are needed for donation:  toilet paper tubes; Bubbles (4 fl. oz. bottles); small plastic plates.  Items can be given to Stephanie Shelton or placed in a box by the Community Room.  Thank you!  

VBS Donations - This year’s theme for VBS is “Maker Fun Factory - Created by God/Built for a Purpose.”  After the children finish their nightly craft at VBS, they have the opportunity to participate in a variety of stations set up in the craft room.  This year’s stations will go along with the Fun Factory theme.  We are looking for donations of Spirographs, Gear Sets, Magnet and other building sets.  These items would not be returned.  The items would either go to a church in Toledo at the conclusion of our VBS or to our Sunday School program here at WUMC.    Any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton. 

Dave and Paulette Hogg, a former pastor and his wife at Waterville United Methodist Church,  will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a Renewal of their Vows on Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 1-4 p.m.  The renewal of vows will take place at 1:30 p.m.  The event will take place at the Church of the Master United Methodist Church in Westerville, Ohio which is located at 24 N. Grove Street (Corner of Grove and Main Streets.)  Dr. Carl L. Wiley officiated at their wedding 50 years ago and will be doing the renewal ceremony.  A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.  In lieu of gifts, please bring a canned food item to be divided between the two local food pantries.  If you plan to attend, please R.S.V. P. by June 1 to Dave’s cell phone: 614-208-4105.  Their actual 50th Wedding Anniversary is Saturday, April 29.  Cards may be sent to them at the following address:  Dave and Paulette Hogg, 6202 Willowcrest Dr., Columbus, OH   43229.  We have placed a signup sheet on our bulletin board in the main hallway for those who plan on attending this event.  This will help them know how much food is needed.

James (a former Pastor of Waterville UMC) and Barbara Stewart will also be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in June.  Their children, Jennifer and Jay, will be hosting an Open House forJim and Barbara on Sunday, June 11, 2017 from Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Maumee United Methodist Church’s Fellowship Hall, 405 Sackett St., Maumee, Ohio.  No RSVPs are necessary.  If you are unable to attend, but want to send a note of congratulations or a memory, please do so by sending it to this address:  Jennifer Wuertz, 5320 Brown Road, Oregon, Ohio, 43616.  The invitation with their original wedding photo is now on display on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

The dogs (and humans) at the Humane Society thank all of you who donated peanut butter jars.  This is an easy project that perhaps should be continued until further notice.  There is a basket on the shelf by the church office for the jars.  By the way, it seems like choosy mothers do choose Jif!

We are still in need of folks to run the PowerPoint slides on Sunday mornings.  The slides will be completed during the week by the office staff, but you would need to be at the church by 10:00 a.m. to show the announcements and run the slides that go with the worship service.  If you are interested, please contact the church office during business hours. talk to me on Sunday mornings or better yet, come and sit with me in the balcony this Sunday to see what the job entails.

Finally, thank you for all of the kind words, cards and gestures as I leave this position and move on towards the next phase of my life.  I has been a wonderful experience and I will treasure the time spent as a secretary at Waterville United Methodist Church.  I have spent the past two days working with my successor – Leanne Dunn.  I am so excited for you to meet her!!  She and her husband live in Portage, Ohio, where her husband is a Methodist minister to two churches.  She is full of energy and talent and we will be blessed to have her working with this congregation.  Be sure to stop by the office and welcome her to WUMC.                                         

Always….Be A Blessing,

Church Cathy