Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,
The Gathering of God’s People
Prelude – Brethren, We Have Met to Worship – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Opening Prayer
Song of Worship – I Will Follow
Children’s Moment
Anthem –Thank You - Sanctuary Choir
Scripture – 1 John 3:16-24
Sermon – Love is Action – Pastor Mike
Hymn – Go Forth for God #670
Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings
Offertory – Take My Life and Let It Be – Olga Topuzova Meade
Offering Dedication Prayer
Prayers of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – The Servant Song #2222
Benediction – Pastor Mike
Choral Benediction – Go in Love – Sanctuary Choir
Postlude – For The Beauty Of The Earth – Olga Topuzova-Meade
Liturgist – David Landis
Brandon Chase– Returning home - Praise the Lord and “Thank You” for your prayers!
The Family and Friends of Larry Croy
Praise to God for his care and to the church family for their support – Sue Gregory
Mildred Hires
Donna Marie Lucas
The Family and Friends of Anne Mason
Louise Munich
Gabriel, Ana’s son
Jim Russell
Psalm 66:20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.
A new Bible Study has begun! Join Us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am or Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room:
Contact Persons: Pastor Mike or Charlene Monroe
NEW Study: “Whisper” by Mark Batterson
Summary: Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks. We’ve learned from Scripture that God spoke to His people in ancient times and in mysterious ways, but how do we hear His voice now? The truth is God still communicates with His people, but He often speaks in a whisper—not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close. In this 4-session series, Mark Batterson teaches what it means for Christians to discern the voice of God in their lives. He will introduce the seven love languages of God—each of them unique and entirely divine. By learning to tune in and decipher each language, Mark equips believers to hear God’s guidance and grow closer to Him. God is speaking. Do you know how to listen?
Everyone – Please join us for our Volunteer “Taco Bar” Appreciation Lunch this Sunday, April 22 at 11:30 am
Let us all show our appreciation to the many volunteers at WUMC! Join us for a lunch after the service this Sunday to say thank you to all those who serve in volunteer roles at the church!
If you serve in any area of the church, many listed below, we INVITE YOU to be our special guests at the Volunteer Appreciation Lunch! Hope to see everyone there!
Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word. A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person! We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms. The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday. Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board. Tickets sell quickly! For more information, look on line at under Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.
Good News!
Freedom School is coming soon! The school is from June 18 to July 27. WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays: June 26, July 10 and July 24. It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day! The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit. Watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Look at your calendar and help out where you can. Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer. Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!
Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter
The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky. This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word. If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation). We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip. If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.
Vacation Bible School is coming!
Mark your calendar…Tell your friends! July 9th – July 12th - Ages 4 to Sixth Grade
Donation Items Needed for VBS:
1. Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)
2. Quart size zip-loc baggies
3. Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers
4. Hot Glue sticks
5. Bags of white rice
6. 1 package of cone shaped Dixie cups
7. 2 Hot Glue Guns
You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room. The list will be updated each week as items are donated. If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.
Operation Christmas Child
**OCC April Collection Items** Hygiene items – toothbrushes, hair brush, combs, deodorant, soap in plastic bag, wash cloths, lip balm, Band-Aids, finger nail care
We had a safe, fun bus trip to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Thank you to all who made it happen, who joined us, who prayed for a safe trip, and to all those who have served our country and continue to serve.
Quarterly Statements: Your 1st Quarter Giving Statements was emailed on Saturday, April 7th. For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick up on the shelf outside the Church Office. Please contact Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions.
Cell Phone – A neighbor reported yesterday a cell phone was found along the grass outside the church earlier this week and has taken it to the local Verizon store, in case someone has lost their phone.
The Upper Room for May–June 2018 is available at the sanctuary entrance.
Better Families – April 2018 is also available at both entrances. Take a copy and share!
Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.
Sandy Clark
Secretary Thursday/Friday