News for December 23, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Jerry and Melva picked up the 38 poinsettia plants Thursday morning and have placed them around the base of the altar.  (If you ordered a white plant, we were able to secure the additional few plants.)  Thank you to all who have purchased plants and to Tom Stain & Sons for the lovely flowers.  The sanctuary is stunning!   I have placed a photo of the flowers on our Facebook page.

There is still time to invite a neighbor, friend or family member who might want to experience worship with us on Saturday, December 24 at either 7:00 p.m. or the later service which will begin with a Christmas Concert by Olga and 11:15 p.m. and worship at 11:35 p.m.  There will not be any nursery available at either service, but remember that we do have the Cry Room in the back of the balcony and a television that shows the service in the downstairs Fireside Room.    Janet and Stephanie have also been busy working on activity sheets to be passed out for the children at the early service.  Emma Grace Box, granddaughter of Cindy and Doug Box will be baptized at the 7:00 p.m. service.  There will not be any communion at the late service this year.

Our December Mission Focus will be IMPACT WITH HOPE (formerly ISOH/IMPACT) is a community based organization with a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help children, their families & communities in desperate need wherever we find them (1 Peter 4:10).  They mend broken bodies, bones and spirits by serving the needs of others.

              For over 50 years, IMPACT WITH HOPE has reached out across the globe and touched the lives of the poor, sick, and suffering.  They are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance.  Their medical teams bring hope by providing medical care to children and their families locally, nationally and internationally.  They also supply mission hospitals with supplies and equipment that are desperately needed.

              Their disaster and relief aid programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine.  They offer food, water, and a network to provide temporary shelter for children and their families in need.  Their Bucket Brigade, Kids Against Hunger and Keeping Kids Warm & Kozy ministries reach out to provide the basic essentials for children and their families in crisis. By meeting the critical needs of families in crisis they create hope, and give children and their families a chance to rebuild their lives.

              Through Seeds of Hope, IMPACT WITH HOPE and their international partners work with children, families and entire communities to provide micro-enterprises, job training skills, community feeding programs, and educational opportunities for children. These programs reach out and touch the lives in impoverished villages and neighborhoods help individuals break the cycle of poverty and give them hope for a better tomorrow.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

  The Prayer Group will not be meeting on Christmas Morning or on New Year’s Day at 9:00 a.m.  They will resume on Sunday, January 8, 2017.

Worship Service for Sunday, December 25

              Call to Worship

              Songs of Worship -  Angels From the Realms of Glory, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, and O Come, All Ye Faithful

              Children’s Moment- the children will return to their seats as there is no Sunday School today

              Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Good Christian Men Rejoice

              Olga’s selections:

                             Prelude:  Angels We Have Heard on High

                             Offertory:  What Child Is This?

                             Postlude:  He Is Born

              Scripture-  John 1: 1-5

              Sermon - In the Beginning Was the Word

              Hymn - Joy to the World

              Choral Benediction - Our Christmas Prayer for You

              Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Tehya Collinsworth has requested a Prayer Quilt for Nancy A. Stafford this Sunday.  Nancy was recently moved to a Memory Unit in Bowling Green.  Please take a few minutes on Sunday morning to tie a knot and say a prayer.

Terry Myers and Penny Greenlese have been your Fellowship Hosts for December.  There will not be any Fellowship Time on Christmas Morning.

Just a reminder to please pick up your 2017 offering envelopes when you are at church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  They are located on the shelf outside of the church office. 

If you receive your statement of giving at the end of the year by email, they will be sent out on Saturday, January 7.  If you receive a hard copy, they will be available for you to pick up on the shelf outside the church office on Sunday, January 8.

The Upper Room, a daily devotional book for January and February 2017, is available at both entrances to the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost of each book is $1.00 and may be placed in the offering plate.

The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church.  During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks.  If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside room for collecting these items.  The final day to donate will be January 15.  Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center.

A new eight-week small group study will begin on January 8.  It is called Unstuck – Moving from the Mundane to the Meaningful.  Are you stuck in a rut?  It’s easy for Christians to find themselves caught up in the life of cluttered schedules, rhythms, and routines dictated by our culture. Many feel stuck in the routine of life—their jobs, relationships, and daily circumstances. They know it’s not the life they dreamed of. And they feel stuck in a life yearning for deeper meaning.  The Unstuck Bible study has been designed to help guide you out of the ruts and pitfalls that so often ensnare us all. You will be inspired and equipped through the powerful biblical teaching of Mark Batterson, Francis Chan, Lisa Harper and Rich Stearns.  Each of these teachers will draw from the lessons of the award-winning short film Journey to Jamaa—a true story about two kids who are forced to search for hope in a broken world.  The dynamic combination of the film, profound biblical teaching and powerful real-life stories from everyday people will help you and your group get unstuck and back on the path to a life of purpose that God intends for you!  Classes will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room and then again on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.  Charlene Hansen will be leading the Sunday morning class and Pastor Mike will be leading the Tuesday evening class.

As the year draws to a close, new opportunities for 2017 are just around the corner.  New sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for Greeters and Fellowship Hosts.  Janet is finished with the 2017 Altar Flower calendar.  There is also a new Prayer Partner list on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Where is God calling you to serve?

The church office will be closed on Monday, December 26. 

Randall Reihing visited the WUMC new church building site on Waterville-Monclova on Wednesday afternoon while work was in progress on the 200 foot driveway extension to allow secure passage for the dump trucks that will bring the needed fill dirt.  The picture he took from his vehicle is below:

Starting the 200 ft driveway extension

Merry Christmas,

Church Cathy

News for December 16, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

With the reports of wintery weather again this weekend, now is a good time to review our strategy for inclement weather on Sunday mornings:

Level 1 Snow Emergency – the church service will be held

Level 2 Snow Emergency – Pastor will be at the church, but we urge you to use common sense about whether or not you feel comfortable driving in bad conditions

Level 3 Snow Emergency – Church will be cancelled

Thank you to those who have signed up to be bell ringers on Saturday at the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle.  Here is the schedule and those working at the Waterville Kroger location:

              9:00 a.m. – Pam Cook

              10:00 a.m. – Wayne & Barb Strayer

              11:00 a.m. – John & Ana Nicholson

              Noon – Paul & Lily Croy

              1:00 p.m. – Char Pritchett

              2:00 p.m. – Zach & Jenni Bollinger

3:00 p.m. – Delores Young

4:00 p.m. – Ted & Terry Myers

5:00 p.m. – Barb Crandall & Gage McMillan

Our December Mission Focus will be IMPACT WITH HOPE (formerly ISOH/IMPACT) is a community based organization with a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help children, their families & communities in desperate need wherever we find them (1 Peter 4:10).  They mend broken bodies, bones and spirits by serving the needs of others.

              For over 50 years, IMPACT WITH HOPE has reached out across the globe and touched the lives of the poor, sick, and suffering.  They are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance.  Their medical teams bring hope by providing medical care to children and their families locally, nationally and internationally.  They also supply mission hospitals with supplies and equipment that are desperately needed.

              Their disaster and relief aid programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine.  They offer food, water, and a network to provide temporary shelter for children and their families in need.  Their Bucket Brigade, Kids Against Hunger and Keeping Kids Warm & Kozy ministries reach out to provide the basic essentials for children and their families in crisis. By meeting the critical needs of families in crisis they create hope, and give children and their families a chance to rebuild their lives.

              Through Seeds of Hope, IMPACT WITH HOPE and their international partners work with children, families and entire communities to provide micro-enterprises, job training skills, community feeding programs, and educational opportunities for children. These programs reach out and touch the lives in impoverished villages and neighborhoods help individuals break the cycle of poverty and give them hope for a better tomorrow.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

 The Because of Bethlehem small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Group will meet in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, December 18:  Fourth Sunday of Advent

              Call to Worship

              Lighting the fourth Advent Candle - the Candle of Love

              Call to Worship

              Song of Worship -  Away in a Manger

              Children’s Moment – Mission Jar Collection for IMPACT WITH HOPE (see article above about the December Mission emphasis)

              Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Come, Follow That Star

              Olga’s selections:

                             Prelude:  God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

                             Offertory:  A Medley of Bells with Carol of the Bells, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day and Jingle Bells

                             Postlude:  Deck the Halls

              Scripture-  John 3: 16-17

              Sermon - Every Heart a Manger

              Hymn - O Little Town of Bethlehem

              Choral Benediction - Our Christmas Prayer for You

              Liturgist - Dave Landis

Terry Myers and Penny Greenlese are your Fellowship Hosts for December.

This will be our Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  We have 11 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in our area.  Each bag contains microwave popcorn, a pen and a pad of paper, and information about our church.  Please be sure and check to see if any of these folks live near you!

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Order envelopes are located in the pew racks ,in the attendance pads and in your bulletins this week.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order a plantand have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin. .  Ten red plants are still available; all the white ones have been spoken forThis Sunday will be the final day to order your poinsettia.

The deadline for articles for the January issue of The Ambassador will be on Wednesday, December 21.  Please send any items to Janet at

You will find the Christmas Eve Worship Services invitation card in your church bulletin this Sunday.  Be sure to pass it along to a neighbor, friend or family member who might want to experience worship with us on Saturday, December 24 at either 7:00 p.m. or the later service which will begin with a Christmas Concert by Olga and 11:15 p.m. and worship at 11:35 p.m.  There will not be any nursery available at either service, but remember that we do have the Cry Room in the back of the balcony.  Janet and Stephanie have also been busy working on activity sheets to be passed out for the children at the early service.  Emma Grace Box, granddaughter of Cindy and Doug Box will be baptized at the 7:00 p.m. service.  There will not be any communion at the late service this year.

We will be having our regular Sunday morning worship on Christmas morning, December 25 at 10:30 a.m.  There will NOT be any Sunday School for the children that day.

The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church.  During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks.  If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside room for collecting these items.  The final day to donate will be January 15.  Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center.

A new eight-week small group study will begin on January 8.  It is called Unstuck – Moving from the Mundane to the Meaningful.  Classes will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room and then again on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the same location. 

The Church Mouse was SO impressed with the Children’s Christmas Program last Sunday.  Everyone did such a wonderful job and your singing was just awesome!!!  One of the photos that was taken from the balcony of the entire cast and then posted on the Facebook page of the church has reached 776 people.  THAT is a new record for WUMC!!!!   Thank you to all who “shared” the photo onto your pages also.  Have you “liked” the Waterville United Methodist Church’s Facebook page?  We are getting really close to crossing the 100 mark.

As the year draws to a close, new opportunities for 2017 are just around the corner.  New sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for Greeters and Fellowship Hosts.  Janet is finished with the 2017 Altar Flower calendar.  There is also a new Prayer Partner list on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Where is God calling you to serve?

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for December 9, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Millie Hires has been returned to St. Luke’s Hospital.   Please keep her in your prayers.

Tom Wiggins came through his heart procedure on Thursday with flying colors.  He is to lay low through the weekend and will return to “normal” on Monday. 

Please keep Dave Landis and Family in your prayers as his father, Frank Landis, passed away on Monday afternoon in Omaha, Nebraska. 

With the reports of snow this weekend, now is a good time to review our strategy for inclement weather on Sunday mornings:

              Level 1 Snow Emergency – the church service will be held

Level 2 Snow Emergency – Pastor will be at the church, but we urge you to use common sense about whether or not you feel comfortable driving in bad conditions

Level 3 Snow Emergency – Church will be cancelled

Our December Mission Focus will be IMPACT WITH HOPE (formerly ISOH/IMPACT) is a community based organization with a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help children, their families & communities in desperate need wherever we find them (1 Peter 4:10).  They mend broken bodies, bones and spirits by serving the needs of others.

              For over 50 years, IMPACT WITH HOPE has reached out across the globe and touched the lives of the poor, sick, and suffering.  They are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance.  Their medical teams bring hope by providing medical care to children and their families locally, nationally and internationally.  They also supply mission hospitals with supplies and equipment that are desperately needed.

              Their disaster and relief aid programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine.  They offer food, water, and a network to provide temporary shelter for children and their families in need.  Their Bucket Brigade, Kids Against Hunger and Keeping Kids Warm & Kozy ministries reach out to provide the basic essentials for children and their families in crisis. By meeting the critical needs of families in crisis they create hope, and give children and their families a chance to rebuild their lives.

              Through Seeds of Hope, IMPACT WITH HOPE and their international partners work with children, families and entire communities to provide micro-enterprises, job training skills, community feeding programs, and educational opportunities for children. These programs reach out and touch the lives in impoverished villages and neighborhoods help individuals break the cycle of poverty and give them hope for a better tomorrow.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

The children will be holding their Christmas Program Practice in the sanctuary on Saturday morning.

The Because of Bethlehem small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Children’s Christmas Program will hold their final practice in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Worship Service for Sunday, December 11:  Third Sunday of Advent

              Call to Worship

              Handbell Choir Prelude:  Sleigh Ride

              Lighting the third Advent Candle

              Song of Worship -  We Three Kings

              Sanctuary Choir Anthem sung for the Offertory – We Want to Be Ready

              Scripture-  John 8:12

              Homily - God Guides the Wise

              Children’s Christmas Program - Journey to the Light

              Liturgist - Pastor Mike

 Terry Myers and Penny Greenlese are your Fellowship Hosts for December.

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Order envelopes are located in the pew racks and in the attendance pads this week.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order a plantand have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year.  Fifteen red plants are still available; all the white ones have been spoken for.  The final day to order you plant will be Sunday, December 18.

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board AND ALL OF THE SLOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED!!!  Thank you!!!!!

You will find the Christmas Eve Worship Services invitation card in your church bulletin this Sunday.  Be sure to pass it along to a neighbor, friend or family member who might want to experience worship with us on Saturday, December 24 at either 7:00 p.m. or the later service which will begin with a Christmas Concert by Olga and 11:15 p.m. and worship at 11:35 p.m.  As of right now, there will not be any nursery available at either service,  but that might change.  Will let you know for sure next week.

We will be having our regular Sunday morning worship on Christmas morning at 10:30 a.m.  There will NOT be any Sunday School for the children that day.

The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church.  During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks.  If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside room for collecting these items.  The final day to donate will be January 15.  Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center.

As the year draws to a close, new opportunities for 2017 are just around the corner.  New sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for Greeters and Fellowship Hosts.  Janet is finished with the 2017 Altar Flower calendar.  There is also a new Prayer Partner list on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Where is God calling you to serve?

                                                                                                                    Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for December 2, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Just heard from Bob Hires.  He reports that Millie has been released from St. Luke’s Hospital and has been moved to Otterbein on Black Road in Monclova and is in room #10.   

Our December Mission Focus will be IMPACT WITH HOPE (formerly ISOH/IMPACT) is a community based organization with a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help children, their families & communities in desperate need wherever we find them (1 Peter 4:10).  They mend broken bodies, bones and spirits by serving the needs of others.

For over 50 years, IMPACT WITH HOPE has reached out across the globe and touched the lives of the poor, sick, and suffering.  They are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance.  Their medical teams bring hope by providing medical care to children and their families locally, nationally and internationally.  They also supply mission hospitals with supplies and equipment that are desperately needed.

Their disaster and relief aid programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine.  They offer food, water, and a network to provide temporary shelter for children and their families in need.  Their Bucket Brigade, Kids Against Hunger and Keeping Kids Warm & Kozy ministries reach out to provide the basic essentials for children and their families in crisis. By meeting the critical needs of families in crisis they create hope, and give children and their families a chance to rebuild their lives.

 Through Seeds of Hope, IMPACT WITH HOPE and their international partners work with children, families and entire communities to provide micro-enterprises, job training skills, community feeding programs, and educational opportunities for children. These programs reach out and touch the lives in impoverished villages and neighborhoods help individuals break the cycle of poverty and give them hope for a better tomorrow.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

The Because of Bethlehem small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

 Worship Service for Sunday, December 4:  Second Sunday of Advent

              Call to Worship

              Lighting the second Advent Candle

              Song of Worship -  O Come, All Ye Faithful

**There will not be a Children’s Moment this Sunday.  All the children should report to their Sunday School classrooms at 10:20 a.m. and then will proceed to the Community Room at     10:30 to practice for the Children’s Christmas Program.

              Olga’s Selections:

                             Prelude:  Go, Tell It on the Mountain

                             Offertory:  Sing We Now of Christmas

                             Postlude:  Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

              Stewardship Campaign Report - Tom Wiggins

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Who Would Send a Baby?

              Scripture-  Luke 1: 46-47, 49

              Sermon - Worship Works Wonders

              Celebration of Holy Communion - Passed in the pews

              Closing Hymn - To God Be the Glory

              Choral Benediction - Our Christmas Prayer for You

              Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Parents of Sunday School children - please have your child bring their Greatest Journey folder with them to church.  Stephanie Shelton will be keeping the folders at church until January and updating them for 2017. 

 Terry Myers is your Fellowship Host for December.

Theatre for the World is HERE!!  The show will be presented tonight at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.  There is still time to invite your family, friends and neighbors to this family-friendly show that is filled with music of the season. 

This Sunday is the second Sunday in Advent.  We began a new Advent study last week.  Because of Bethlehem, written by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and again on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.  Sign-up sheets for the studies are located on the bulletin board in the main hallway and you are welcome to jump into the study at any time.  The cost of the study book is $10.00.


WUMC has contracted with Total Ground Solutions (TGS) to move the donation of dirt by the Browning Masonic Community to our property on Waterville Monclova Road.  While TGS was the lowest bidder, they were selected due to their existing reputation with Browning as they are the contractor for their villas phase 1 and 2.  Other factors in the selection were their ability to meet our timeline and they offered a do not exceed cost in their quotation.  TGS also offered an opportunity to further reduce costs by donating equipment for our congregation to lay the EPA regulated erosion control.  A group of 29 people joined together on Nov. 19th to perform this work- which only took 1 hour thanks to the blessing of many hands!  This saved us $2,800!  Thank you to everyone who served at this event!  We thank the Waterville Fire Department for the use of their warm space for our fellowship!  We thank the Mirror for coming- check this past week's Mirror for our photo & article!  We also thank TGS & the contractor Matt Gruber for bringing the skid loader and staying the entire time to operate it to help us lay the erosion control.  This made the job go quickly!

The excavation was tentatively set to begin 11/28, but rain this week has delayed the crew.  Currently they have staked the property and are waiting for utilities to be marked.  Then they will move dirt.  You can also see the new erosion control, a black "tube", all around the property.  We will update next week on the work happening.

 Any further updates will be found weekly on the back of your church bulletin and in the Friday E-Blast.

PNO follow up from Cara McMillan:  WUMC hosted another Parent's Night Out on Saturday Nov 19th.  The evening was a great success filled with lots of smiles and laughter!  39 kids attended & enjoyed crafts, science experiments, & fun activities!  We also welcomed a special guest, Eli Martin, for a magic show that delighted all ages!  It was a wonderful night serving God and extending WUMC into the community.  We want to give a HUGE thank you to the 11 amazing WUMC volunteers who made the evening fun & safe for all!  And thank you to Thrivent Financial for sponsoring a portion of the cost & giving us awesome "LIVE GENEROUSLY" shirts!

Christmas cookies are needed for the Fellowship Time following the Children’s Christmas Program on December 11.  If you would like to provide a plate of cookies please sign-up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway or contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035.  She asks that you have your cookies to church by 10:00 a.m. on that morning.  If you are dropping them off earlier, please label “For Children’s Christmas Program.” 

 The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Order envelopes are located in the pew racks, in the attendance pads and in your bulletins this week.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order either a red or white plantand have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year.  (Five red plants and three white plants have already been spoken for.)

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  We are looking for folks to volunteer for one hour slots during the day.

Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church.  During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks.  If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside room for collecting these items.  The final day to donate will be January 15.  Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center.

As the year draws to a close, new opportunities for 2017 are just around the corner.  New sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for Greeters and Fellowship Hosts.  Janet is almost finished with the 2017 Altar Flower calendar.  There is also a new Prayer Partner list on the Prayer Table in the sanctuary.  Where is God calling you to serve?

Be a Blessing and “Break a Leg” TFTW Gang,

Church Cathy

News for November 27, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Happy to report that Millie Hires is now out of the hospital and is regaining her strength at Otterbein on Black Road in Room 204. 

November’s Mission Focus will continue to be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We dedicated 276 shoeboxes at WUMC last Sunday.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

The Because of Bethlehem small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, November 27:  First Sunday of Advent

              Call to Worship

              Lighting the first Advent Candle

              Song of Worship -  O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Children’s Moment - Mission Jar for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Olga’s Selections:

              Prelude:  Joy To The World

              Offertory:  Medley – Angels, from the Realms of Glory and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

              Postlude:  O Come, All Ye Faithful

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Is Your Heart Prepared for a King?

              Scripture  -  John 1: 10-14

              Sermon - God Has a Face

              Closing Hymn - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

              Liturgist - Tom Quinn


Parents of Sunday School children - please have your child bring their Greatest Journey folder with them to church.  Stephanie Shelton will be keeping the folders at church until January and updating them for 2017.  

Dawn Buskey and Barb & Steve Crandall are your Fellowship Hosts for November.

Our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection has wrapped up as of Monday afternoon.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who staffed the room and loaded the shoeboxes into the shipping boxes, baked the cookies, unloaded boxes out of cars and trucks, loaded the shipping boxes into the trailer and delivered the boxes to the church in Bowling Green.  A big Thank You to Anne Stevens for heading up this project each year.  Keep praying for the shoeboxes and the children who will be receiving them.  If you are tracking your boxes, please let the church office know when you find out their destination.  

Theatre for the World is almost here!  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship. 

You will find invitations to No Ordinary Christmas Miracle in your bulletins again this week.  Please share them with your friends, family or neighbors.

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent.  We will be offering a new Advent small group study beginning that day.  Because of Bethlehem, written by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and again on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.  Sign-up sheets for the studies are located on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Here is an update on the Site Development for the property on Waterville-Monclova Road:

WUMC SITE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - WUMC has contracted with Total Ground Solutions (TGS) to move the donation of dirt by the Browning Masonic Community to our property on Waterville Monclova Road.  While TGS was the lowest bidder, they were selected due to their existing reputation with Browning as they are the contractor for their villas phase 1 and 2.  Other factors in the selection were their ability to meet our timeline and they offered a do not exceed cost in their quotation.  TGS also offered an opportunity to further reduce costs by donating equipment for our congregation to lay the EPA regulated erosion control.  We are particularly excited about this as it not only saves us $2,800, but also gives us all an opportunity to participate in the project, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and God’s grace.  Twenty-eight brave people showed up last Saturday to lay down the erosion control and we finished the job in a little over an hour.  A time of food and fellowship followed in the room in the Fire Station.  Thank you to the Fire Chief for the use of the room and for allowing us to park in their lot.

Any further updates will be found weekly on the back of your church bulletin and in the Friday E-Blast.

Christmas cookies are needed for the Fellowship Time following the Children’s Christmas Program on December 11.  If you would like to provide a plate of cookies please sign-up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway or contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035.  She asks that you have your cookies to church by 10:00 a.m. on that morning.  If you are dropping them off earlier, please label “For Children’s Christmas Program.”  

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  Your response has been overwhelming!  That being said, the woman that was collecting the books now has an apartment full of books and she needs to stop the collection of the donated books for now.  She may want us to resume at some point in time, and when that happens, we will let you know.

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Order envelopes are located in the pew racks and in the attendance pads.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order either a red or white plant  and have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year.  

Parents of children in Sunday School – Next Sunday, December 4, we would like to have the children come straight to the Community Room at 10:30 a.m.  There will not be any Children’s Moment during the worship service.  This will allow for an extended time of Christmas Program practice.

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  We are looking for folks to volunteer for one hour slots during the day.

The Friendly Center serves Toledo’s inner city children and is a ministry of The United Methodist Church.  During the cold winter months, they have extra need for NEW hats, gloves/mittens and socks.  If you would like to support this ministry, there will be a basket in the Fireside room for collecting these items.  The final day to donate will be January 15.  Our Women’s Ministry will deliver them to the Friendly Center.

And finally, the Church Mouse would like to thank the following folks who stayed after church last Sunday to “hang the greens” in and around the sanctuary and downstairs in the Fireside Room and Fellowship Hall :  Kyle and Lisa Galton, Frank and Robin Lipinski, Penny Greenlese, Barb Page, Jason and Sandi Hood, Charlotte Pritchett, Karl and Connie Kirkman, Christie Wielgopolski, Terry Myers, Ann McVicker, Jerry and Melva Robinson and Doug and Cindy Box.  The church is all decorated for Christmas and it looks fantastic!!!!

Be a Blessing and Happy Thanksgiving,

Church Cathy

News for November 20, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

November’s Mission Focus will continue to be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks. 

The Living Generously small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, November 20:  Consecration Sunday and OCC Shoebox dedication

              Call to Worship

              Song of Worship -  Above All

              Kinder Choir - Thanksgiving Day and Every Day

              Dedication of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Children’s Moment -  

Olga’s Selections:

              Prelude:  Thanksgiving and Praise

              Offertory:  We Gather Together

              Postlude:  For the Beauty of the Earth

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Consecration

              Scripture  -  Galatians 6:7-10

              Sermon - Gathering the Harvest - Final sermon in the Living Generously series

              Living Generously - Planting Our Seeds (Bringing forward our Estimate of Giving Cards)

              Closing Hymn - How Great Thou Art

              Liturgist - Dave Landis


Parents of Sunday School children - please have your child bring their Greatest Journey folder with them to church.  Stephanie Shelton will be keeping the folders at church until January and updating them for 2017.  

Dawn Buskey and Barb & Steve Crandall are your Fellowship Hosts for November.

This Sunday is Welcome a Neighbor Sunday.  We will have 11 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in our community.  Please check to see if any of these new neighbors live close to you!

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  You will find invitations to No Ordinary Christmas Miracle on the shelf in the main hallway.  Please share them with your friends, family or neighbors.

This week is the last week of the Living Generously, a 5-week video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series:

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Monday evenings at 7:15 p.m. at the home of Stephanie & Adam Shelton (171 Freedom Lane, Waterville) 

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins (1040Farmview Drive, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement 

Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent.  We will be offering a new Advent small group study beginning that day.  Because of Bethlehem, written by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and again on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.  Sign-up sheets for the studies are located on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection began on Monday. Following worship on Sunday, you will only have two additional opportunities to drop off your boxes at the church:

              Sunday, November 20 from 5-8:00 p.m.  

              Monday, November 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

Thank you to all who have volunteered their time to be in the Community Room this week to accept Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.


Please remember Waterville United Methodist’s OCC shoebox collection and dedication will be this Sunday, November 20, during the worship service.  If you will be out of town for Thanksgiving week, please be sure to get your boxes to the church before you leave!  If you bring your box prior to the November 20, please take your shoeboxes downstairs to the shelves in the Fireside Room and we will make sure that they are brought forward on Sunday, November 20 for the dedication.

Here is an update on the Site Development for the property on Waterville-Monclova Road:

WUMC SITE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - WUMC has contracted with Total Ground Solutions (TGS) to move the donation of dirt by the Browning Masonic Community to our property on Waterville Monclova Road.  While TGS was the lowest bidder, they were selected due to their existing reputation with Browning as they are the contractor for their villas phase 1 and 2.  Other factors in the selection were their ability to meet our timeline and they offered a do not exceed cost in their quotation.  TGS also offered an opportunity to further reduce costs by donating equipment for our congregation to lay the EPA regulated erosion control.  We are particularly excited about this as it not only saves us $2,800, but also gives us all an opportunity to participate in the project, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and God’s grace.  

              The excavation is tentatively set to begin the week of 11/14 and TGS has set the date to lay the erosion control for Saturday, November 19th.  (Yes, we’ve seen the weather forecast and we are still going to proceed with this project tomorrow.)  We are excited to invite you to participate and celebrate this progress for the future building of WUMC.  The event will begin at noon with prayer on the new church property on Waterville-Monclova Road (next to the Fire Station) before beginning work (which should take 2-3 hours).  The Fire Chief has given us permission to park in the back and on the north side of the Fire Station and the use of a room in the Fire Station to eat and have a time of fellowship.  The Mirror newspaper will be there to report on our progress and to take photos.  If you can help lay the erosion control, have a mean recipe for chili or a snack, or want to join the prayer at the property as a group, please reach out to Brian McMillan.  Call, text or email:, 419-490-0779 for more information and to RSVP.  All are welcome!

              Any further updates will be found weekly on the back of your church bulletin and in the Friday E-Blast.


WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  We are in need of volunteers (ages 14+).  Volunteers will be given areas to lead such as games, crafts, dinner, the nursery, etc.  There will be a magician performance by Eli Martin.  Your time commitment will be from 4:15 to 7:30 pm.  Volunteers will receive a "LIVE GENEROUSLY" super-soft t-shirt from Thrivent Financial.  Everyone loved their shirts last time!  If you want to join the fun, but can only attend for a portion of the evening,  please reach out to us & we'll fit you in!  Background checks are required for all volunteers.  Please contact Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or


WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  Treat yourself to a night out, or get an early start on Christmas shopping, while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is a free child care evening for children ages 6 months to 6th grade.  Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, a magician performance by Eli Martin &  dinner (pizza, fruit/veggies, & dessert).  We would love for you to invite friends and neighbors to experience WUMC via PNO too!  Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or  Registration required, space is limited to 35 children.


Christmas cookies are needed for the Fellowship Time following the Children’s Christmas Program on December 11.  If you would like to provide a plate of cookies please sign-up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway or contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035.  She asks that you have your cookies to church by 10:00 a.m. on that morning.  If you are dropping them off earlier, please label “For Children’s Christmas Program.”  

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Beginning on Sunday, November 13, you will find order envelopes in the racks in the pews and in the attendance pads.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order either a red or white plant  and have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year.  

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  We are looking for folks to volunteer for one hour slots during the day.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for November 13, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

November’s Mission Focus will continue to be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  Have you noticed the bars of soap by the empty OCC boxes in the entryway and on the table in Fellowship Hall? We received them from an organization called “Clean the World.”  They are a non-profit organization that collects and recycles soap from the hotel industry and sends the bars of soap that they manufacture all over the world to combat hygiene-related deaths in impoverished countries.  You are welcome to help yourself to some of these bars of soap.  Please place these bars of soap in a baggie and perhaps include a washcloth in the bag before you add them to your OCC shoeboxes.

 The Living Generously small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, November 13:  Veterans Day observance

              Recognition of our Veterans

Pledge of Allegiance

Veterans Day Litany

Prayer for our Veterans

              Song of Worship -  America the Beautiful

              Reflections of a Veteran - by Lt. Colonel, Retired, Steve Letzring, U.S. Army

Children’s Moment -  OCC short video about shoeboxes

Olga’s Selections:

              Prelude:  America the Beautiful with God Bless the USA and Battle Hymn of the Republic

              Offertory:  Patriotic Medley (in the style of Bach)

              Postlude:  To God Be the Glory

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Onward Christian Soldiers

              Scripture-  John 14:27-29

              Sermon - Living More Stress-free Lives - Fourth sermon in the Living Generously series

              Closing Hymn - America

              Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Parents of Sunday School children - please have your child bring their Greatest Journey folder with them to church.  Stephanie Shelton will be keeping the folders at church until January and updating them for 2017. 

Dawn Buskey and Barb & Steve Crandall are your Fellowship Hosts for November.

The Operation Christmas Child Packing Party will be held during Fellowship Time this Sunday, November 13 in the Fireside Room.   Everyone is invited to help (especially children and their parents)  We will be packing shoeboxes with all the items that have been donated throughout the year.  Some supervision will be required to assist the kids so items from all categories get into the boxes and that the items are appropriate to one age group. 

The Visitation Team will be meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  You will find invitations to No Ordinary Christmas Miracle on the shelf in the main hallway.  Please share them with your friends, family or neighbors.

Theatre-for-the-World is looking to borrow four 50 to 75-foot grounded extension cords for some of the lighting for the play.  It doesn’t matter what color they are.  If you have some that the crew could borrow for a couple of weeks, please talk to Tom Wiggins.  (Be sure to put your name on your cords.)

Living Generously, a 5-week video series, began on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series:

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Monday evenings at 7:15 p.m. at the home of Stephanie & Adam Shelton (171 Freedom Lane, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins (1040Farmview Drive, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

When you decide which one works best for your schedule, please be sure and add your name to the sign-up sheets that are located on the bulletin boards in the main hallway.

Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection begins on Monday.  We still need volunteers to staff the collection room during the following times:

              Tuesday, November 15 from 5-8:00 p.m. – still need two volunteers

              Wednesday, November 16 from 4-7:00 p.m.  – still need one volunteer to work with Char Pritchett

              Friday, November 18 from 1-4:00 p.m.  – still need two volunteers

              Sunday, November 20 from 5-8:00 p.m.  – still need one volunteer to work with Pam Denman

              Monday, November 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – still need two volunteers

              Monday, November 21 – need two volunteers to load boxes and deliver them

We would like to serve Christmas cookies to all who bring Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes to our collection site.  If you would be willing to do some baking, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Please remember Waterville United Methodist’s OCC shoebox collection and dedication will be Sunday, November 20 during the worship service.  If you will be out of town for Thanksgiving week, please be sure to get your boxes to the church before you leave!  If you bring your box prior to the November 20, please take your shoeboxes downstairs to the shelves in the Fireside Room and we will make sure that they are brought forward on Sunday, November 20 for the dedication.

Here is an update on the Site Development for the property on Waterville-Monclova Road:

WUMC SITE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - WUMC has contracted with Total Ground Solutions (TGS) to move the donation of dirt by the Browning Masonic Community to our property on Waterville Monclova Road.  While TGS was the lowest bidder, they were selected due to their existing reputation with Browning as they are the contractor for their villas phase 1 and 2.  Other factors in the selection were their ability to meet our timeline and they offered a do not exceed cost in their quotation.  TGS also offered an opportunity to further reduce costs by donating equipment for our congregation to lay the EPA regulated erosion control.  We are particularly excited about this as it not only saves us $2,800, but also gives us all an opportunity to participate in the project, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and God’s grace. 

 The excavation is tentatively set to begin the week of 11/14 and TGS has set the date to lay the erosion control for Saturday, November 19th.  We are excited to invite you to participate and celebrate this progress for the future building of WUMC.  The event will begin at noon with prayer before beginning work (which should take 2-3 hours). If you can help lay the erosion control, have a mean recipe for chili or a snack, or want to join the prayer at the property as a group, please reach out to Brian McMillan.  Call, text or email:, 419-490-0779 for more information and to RSVP.  All are welcome!  Any further updates will be found weekly on the back of your church bulletin and in the Friday E-Blast.

Volunteers needed: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  We are in need of volunteers (ages 14+).  Volunteers will be given areas to lead such as games, crafts, dinner, the nursery, etc.  There will be a magician performance by Eli Martin.  Your time commitment will be from 4:15 to 7:30 pm.  Volunteers will receive a "LIVE GENEROUSLY" super-soft t-shirt from Thrivent Financial.  Everyone loved their shirts last time!  If you want to join the fun, but can only attend for a portion of the evening,  please reach out to us & we'll fit you in!  Background checks are required for all volunteers.  Please contact Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or

Families: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  Treat yourself to a night out, or get an early start on Christmas shopping, while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is a free child care evening for children ages 6 months to 6th grade.  Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, a magician performance by Eli Martin &  dinner (pizza, fruit/veggies, & dessert).  We would love for you to invite friends and neighbors to experience WUMC via PNO too!  Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or  Registration required, space is limited to 35 children.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Volunteers are needed to help with projects for the children’s Christmas Program.  Stephanie Shelton is looking for individuals who would like to help with art/craft projects and costumes that will be used in this year’s program.  You do not need to be a regular part of the Children’s Ministry team to help with this.  If interested, please contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035 or

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Beginning on Sunday, November 13, you will find order envelopes in the racks in the pews and in the attendance pads.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order either a red or white plantand have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year. 

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at the Waterville Kroger Store.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  We are looking for folks to volunteer for one hour slots during the day.

And finally, here’s a great way to celebrate making it through the recent election!  The Haskins Community Church, located at 209 West Main Street in Haskins, will be holding their Annual Ham Loaf Dinner on Saturday, November 12th from 4-7 p.m.   Delicious homemade ham loaf or turkey, salad, mashed potatoes, green beans or corn, rolls, drink and dessert are on the menu for the evening.  Carry-outs are available, the church is handicapped accessible and they will have a Country Store where you may purchase baked goods and crafts.  The cost is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children ages 4-10.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for November 4, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Please lift upJim Simpson and his son, Jim, in your prayers with health concerns.  (The prayer request that was sent out earlier this week asked for prayers for his other son, Mike, by mistake.)

IMPORTANT – Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, as Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 a.m.

November’s Mission Focus will continue to be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  Have you noticed the bars of soap by the empty OCC boxes in the entryway and on the table in Fellowship Hall? We received them from an organization called “Clean the World.”  They are a non-profit organization that collects and recycles soap from the hotel industry and sends the bars of soap that they manufacture all over the world to combat hygiene-related deaths in impoverished countries.  You are welcome to help yourself to some of these bars of soap.  Please place these bars of soap in a baggie and perhaps include a washcloth in the bag before you add them to your OCC shoeboxes.

The Living Generously small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, November 6

              Prelude - O Be Joyful In the Lord by the Hand bell Choir

              Song of Worship -  He Is Exalted

Children’s Moment - 

Olga’s Selections:

              Offertory: I Worship You, Almighty God with I Sing Praises

              Postlude:  Great Is the Lord

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - It Is Well with My Soul

              Scripture-  2 Corinthians 8:15

              Sermon - Giving Our Hearts to God - Third sermon in the Living Generously series

              Communion - by intinction

              Closing Hymn - My Hope Is Built

              Liturgist - Dave Landis

There will be a Prayer Quilt this Sunday for Richard Dehm. Richard is the brother of new member, Bobbie Long.

Parents of Sunday School children - please have your child bring their Greatest Journey folder with them to church.  Stephanie Shelton will be keeping the folders at church until January and updating them for 2017. 

 Dawn Buskey and Barb & Steve Crandall are your Fellowship Hosts for November.

The Upper Room, a daily devotional booklet for November and December, will be available at both entrances of the sanctuary this Sunday.  The cost is $1.00 and may be placed in the offering plate.

For the past two weeks, a blue sheet of paper entitled General Information & Service Opportunities has been placed in your bulletin.  To date, we have only received 11 completed forms in the church office.  Please, take a few minutes and fill out your form this week and either put it in the offering plate or return it to the church office.  Thank you!

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  You will find an invitation to No Ordinary Christmas Miracle in you bulletin this Sunday.  Please share it with your friends, family or neighbors.

Living Generously, a 5-week video series, began on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series:

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Stephanie & Adam Shelton (171 Freedom Lane, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins (1040Farmview Drive, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

When you decide which one works best for your schedule, please be sure and add your name to the sign-up sheets that are located on the bulletin boards in the main hallway.

The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you! 

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.

Waterville UMC will once again be a collection station for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in Waterville.  There is now a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board asking for volunteers to assist with collection and delivery of these shoeboxes.  All collection centers have been asked to have additional hours this year, so we really need your help.  Collection week this year will take place November 14 - November 21.  We will be delivering the boxes to Bowling Green on Monday, November 21.  Click here to go to the website and get some suggestions about what to include in your shoebox -

We would like to serve Christmas cookies to all who bring Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes to our collection site.  If you would be willing to do some baking, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.  This year’s packing party will take place during Fellowship Time on Sunday, November 13. 

Volunteers needed: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  We are in need of volunteers (ages 14+).  Volunteers will be given areas to lead such as games, crafts, dinner, the nursery, etc.  The Toledo Zoo is also coming with a live animal presentation.  Your time commitment will be from 4:15 to 7:30 pm.  Volunteers will receive a "LIVE GENEROUSLY" super-soft t-shirt from Thrivent Financial.  Everyone loved their shirts last time!  If you want to join the fun, but can only attend for a portion of the evening,  please reach out to us & we'll fit you in!  Background checks are required for all volunteers.  Please contact Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or

Families: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  Treat yourself to a night out, or get an early start on Christmas shopping, while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is a free child care evening for children ages 6 months to 6th grade.  Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, a Toledo Zoo live animal presentation, &  dinner (pizza, fruit/veggies, & dessert).  We would love for you to invite friends and neighbors to experience WUMC via PNO too!  Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or  Registration required, space is limited to 35 children.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Volunteers are needed to help with projects for the children’s Christmas Program.  Stephanie Shelton is looking for individuals who would like to help with art/craft projects and costumes that will be used in this year’s program.  You do not need to be a regular part of the Children’s Ministry team to help with this.  If interested, please contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035 or

The Christmas poinsettia plants have been ordered for December.  Beginning on Sunday, November 13, you will find order envelopes in the racks in the pews.  The price will remain $7.00 this year.  You may order either a red or white plantand have it be in honor of or in memory of someone or make a donation to our Building Fund.  All plants will be displayed during our Christmas Eve Worship Service and you will be able to take the plants home following the service.  Your name and your flower’s dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.  We have ordered 30 red plants and 5 white plants this year. 

A date has been set for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army kettle.  We will be volunteering on Saturday, December 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  Karen Wiggins has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  We are looking for folks to volunteer for one hour slots during the day.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 13, when we will be celebrating Veterans Day at Waterville United Methodist Church.  All Veterans will be invited to come to the front of the sanctuary to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  Steve Letzring, retired U.S. Army, will be our special guest speaker that Sunday and we will be singing patriotic music.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for October 28, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

Please lift up Bill Gregory, Sr. today, as he is having knee surgery at St. Luke’s Surgicare.

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH !!!  While we appreciate Pastor Mike every day, the month of October has been designated as the month to celebrate his ministry here at Waterville United Methodist Church.   Please let him know, sometime during the month, how much you appreciate his service to this congregation and his love for Christ.  Join us this Sunday, October 30, as the Staff / Parish Relations Committee will be hosting Fellowship Time to honor Pastor Mike.

October’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  Have you noticed the bars of soap by the empty OCC boxes in the entryway and on the table in Fellowship Hall? We received them from an organization called “Clean the World.”  They are a non-profit organization that collects and recycles soap from the hotel industry and sends the bars of soap that they manufacture all over the world to combat hygiene-related deaths in impoverished countries.  You are welcome to help yourself to some of these bars of soap.  Please place these bars of soap in a baggie and perhaps include a washcloth in the bag before you add them to your OCC shoeboxes.

The Living Generously small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.

Worship Service for Sunday, October 30:  All Saints’ Day

            Song of Worship -  Open the Eyes of My Heart

Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar for Operation Christmas Child

Honoring the Saints - A time of remembering those members of our congregation who have entered their Eternal Home in the past year.

Olga will be leaving to go on tour with the Bowling Green State University Men’s Choir on Sunday morning.  Joel will be playing the piano in her           absence. 

Sanctuary Choir Anthem - More Than Amazing

            Scripture  -  James 5:1-6

            Sermon - Money Talks - Second sermon in the Living Generously series

            Closing Hymn - For All the Saints

            Liturgist - Tom Quinn

The children in Sunday School will be busy preparing for their Christmas Program this week.  This will involve doing some more painting.  Please dress the kiddos accordingly!!!

The Staff / Parish Relations Committee are your Fellowship Hosts for the last Sunday in October.  We will be celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month and honoring Pastor Mike following worship

Your 3rd quarter giving statements were e-mailed to you on Saturday, October 1.  If you receive a hard copy, they are available this Sunday on the shelf outside the church office.  

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  

Living Generously, a 5-week video series, began on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series:

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Stephanie & Adam Shelton (171 Freedom Lane, Waterville) – not meeting this week because of Halloween.

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins (1040Farmview Drive, Waterville)

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement –not meeting this week because of Seagate Food Bank

When you decide which one works best for your schedule, please be sure and add your name to the sign-up sheets that are located on the bulletin boards in the main hallway.

The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you!

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.

Waterville UMC will once again be a collection station for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in Waterville.  There is now a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board asking for volunteers to assist with collection and delivery of these shoeboxes.  All collection centers have been asked to have additional hours this year, so we really need your help.  Collection week this year will take place November 14 - November 21.  We will be delivering the boxes to Bowling Green on Monday, November 21.

Did you know that there are three OCC box sizes this year?  You have most likely seen the red and green boxes that we have been supplied for several years; we also have quite a few of the larger white boxes we have had in previous years; and now there is a new box size – 9” x 12” that coloring books and binder notebooks will fit in with space on both sides for additional items.  You are always welcome to use your own shoebox and wrap, or leave unwrapped, or use plastic shoeboxes from discount store for later use by their recipients.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of October, we are asking you to donate hats, gloves and scarves.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.  This year’s packing party will take place during Fellowship Time on Sunday, November 13.  

Volunteers needed: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  We are in need of volunteers (ages 14+).  Volunteers will be given areas to lead such as games, crafts, dinner, the nursery, etc.  The Toledo Zoo is also coming with a live animal presentation.  Your time commitment will be from 4:15 to 7:30 pm.  Volunteers will receive a "LIVE GENEROUSLY" super-soft t-shirt from Thrivent Financial.  Everyone loved their shirts last time!  If you want to join the fun, but can only attend for a portion of the evening,  please reach out to us & we'll fit you in!  Background checks are required for all volunteers.  Please contact Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or

Families: WUMC is planning a Parents' Night Out for Saturday, November 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.  Treat yourself to a night out, or get an early start on Christmas shopping, while your children are cared for in a fun, safe environment!  This is a free child care evening for children ages 6 months to 6th grade.  Your children will have a blast with crafts, games, a Toledo Zoo live animal presentation, &  dinner (pizza, fruit/veggies, & dessert).  We would love for you to invite friends and neighbors to experience WUMC via PNO too!  Please register by contacting Cara or Brian McMillan at 419-344-2171 (text or call) or  Registration required, space is limited to 35 children.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Volunteers are needed to help with projects for the children’s Christmas Program.  Stephanie Shelton is looking for individuals who would like to help with art/craft projects and costumes that will be used in this year’s program.  You do not need to be a regular part of the Children’s Ministry team to help with this.  If interested, please contact Stephanie at 567-202-5035 or

The “new” copier arrived in the church office today.  Please be patient as we still need to connect all of the computers to the Canon.  The technician will be coming back to the office sometime next week to fully complete the installation.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for October 21, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH !!!  While we appreciate Pastor Mike every day, the month of October has been designated as the month to celebrate his ministry here at Waterville United Methodist Church.   Please let him know, sometime during the month, how much you appreciate his service to this congregation and his love for Christ.  On Sunday, October 30, the Staff / Parish Relations Committee will be hosting Fellowship Time to honor Pastor Mike.

October’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  Have you noticed the bars of soap by the empty OCC boxes in the entryway and on the table in Fellowship Hall? We received them from an organization called “Clean the World.”  They are a non-profit organization that collects and recycles soap from the hotel industry and sends the bars of soap that they manufacture all over the world to combat hygiene-related deaths in impoverished countries.  You are welcome to help yourself to some of these bars of soap.  Please place these bars of soap in a baggie and perhaps include a washcloth in the bag before you add them to your OCC shoeboxes.

The Living Generously small group study begins on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, October 23: 

             Song of Worship -  Here I Am to Worship

 Children’s Moment -  Memory verse check this week!!!  “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.  Anyone who believes in           him will not die but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

             Olga’s selections: 

                     Prelude:  Rejoice In the Lord Always

                     Offertory:  Glorify Thy Name

                     Postlude:   All Creatures of Our God and King

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - I Worship You, Almighty God

             Stewardship Moment - Tom Wiggins

             Scripture  -  Matthew 22:34-39

             Sermon - Loving God First – First sermon in the Living Generously series

             Closing Hymn - I Sing the Almighty Power of God

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

The children in Sunday School will be painting with fabric paint on Sunday, October 23.  They will be painting hats and tote bags to include in the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes as a part of our Project with a Purpose.  We have paints shirts at church, but just wanted to make parents aware so they could plan outfits accordingly.

Jerry and Melva Robinson are your Fellowship Hosts for the month of October.

Your 3rd quarter giving statements were e-mailed to you on Saturday, October 1.  If you receive a hard copy, they are available this Sunday on the shelf outside the church office.  

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  

Living Generously, a 5-week video series, will begin on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series:

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Monday evenings at 7:15 p.m. in the church Community Room

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Tom and Karen Wiggins

Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement

Thursday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room in the church basement.

When you decide which one works best for your schedule, please be sure and add your name to the sign-up sheets that are located on the bulletin boards in the main hallway.

The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you!  

This Sunday is the deadline for the Youth Group’s Mission Trip deposit.  Also, please note that the date for the trip has changed to Sunday, June 25 through Friday, June 30.

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.

Waterville UMC will once again be a collection station for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in Waterville.  There is now a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board asking for volunteers to assist with collection and delivery of these shoeboxes.  All collection centers have been asked to have additional hours this year, so we really need your help.  Collection week this year will take place November 14 - November 21.  We will be delivering the boxes to Bowling Green on Monday, November 21.

Did you know that there are three OCC box sizes this year?  You have most likely seen the red and green boxes that we have been supplied for several years; we also have quite a few of the larger white boxes we have had in previous years; and now there is a new box size – 9” x 12” that coloring books and binder notebooks will fit in with space on both sides for additional items.  You are always welcome to use your own shoebox and wrap, or leave unwrapped, or use plastic shoeboxes from discount store for later use by their recipients.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of October, we are asking you to donate hats, gloves and scarves.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.  This year’s packing party will take place during Fellowship Time on Sunday, November 13.  

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News from October 14, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH !!!  While we appreciate Pastor Mike every day, the month of October has been designated as the month to celebrate his ministry here at Waterville United Methodist Church.   Please let him know, sometime during the month, how much you appreciate his service to this congregation and his love for Christ.

October’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Please place your completed boxes on the storage cabinets in the Fireside Room in the church basement.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, October 16: 

             Song of Worship -  In Christ Alone

Reception of New Members - We will be welcoming Amy & Josh Hankins, Barbara & Ben Long and Anne & John Mason into our congregation 

 Children’s Moment -  

             Olga’s selections: 

                     Prelude:  Praise Him!  Praise Him!

                     Offertory:  You Are My Hiding Place

                     Postlude:   Seek Ye First

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Here I Am, Lord

             Scripture  -  2 Timothy 3: 14 - 4:5

             Sermon - Commissioned to Share the Gospel

             Closing Hymn - This Is a Day of New Beginnings

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

This is the third Sunday of the month and that means it’s a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday!  We will have 20 gift bags that will need to be delivered to new residents in our area.

Jerry and Melva Robinson are your Fellowship Hosts for the month of October.

Your 3rd quarter giving statements were e-mailed to you on Saturday, October 1.  If you receive a hard copy, they will be available this Sunday on the shelf outside the church office.  

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  

Living Generously, a 5-week video series, will begin on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series.  There is an insert in your bulletin this week with a listing of the six small groups and the day, time and place they will be meeting.  When you decide which one works best for your schedule, please be sure and add your name to the sign-up sheets that are located on the bulletin boards in the main hallway.

The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you!  

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of October, we are asking you to donate hats, gloves and scarves.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

A Dine 2 Donate event will take place this Sunday, October 16 at Granite City at Fallen Timbers.  Twenty percent of your total tab will be donated to the Waterville Historical Society.  You will need to pick up one of the small flyers on the bulletin board in the main hallway and take it with you to the restaurant.  If you don’t have the time to sit down and dine, this flyer is also good for to go orders. 

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News from October 7, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH !!!  While we appreciate Pastor Mike every day, the month of October has been designated as the month to celebrate his ministry here at Waterville United Methodist Church.   Please let him know, sometime during the month, how much you appreciate his service to this congregation and his love for Christ.

October’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   We will dedicate our shoeboxes at WUMC on Sunday, November 20.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, October 9: 

              Prelude - Jesus’ Name by the Handbell Choir

              Song of Worship -  How Great Is Our God

              Kinder Choir will be singing The Golden Rule and Awesome God

  Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:  

                     Offertory:  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

                     Postlude:   All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Be Thou My Vision

             Scripture  -  2 Timothy 2:8-15

             Sermon - Enduring This Life

             Closing Hymn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

 No one has signed up to be Fellowship Hosts for the month of October.

Your 3rd quarter giving statements were e-mailed to you on Saturday, October 1.  If you receive a hard copy, they will be available this Sunday on the shelf outside the church office.  

Theatre for the World will be here before we know it.  Brian has placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the main hallway for ushers and folks to host the Intermission Cookies/Coffee time.  We will also be in need of cookies, brownies, etc. for those times of fellowship.  

Living Generously, a 5 week video series, will begin on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series.  Watch for more details concerning the day and time of these meetings.

 The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you!  

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of October, we are asking you to donate hats, gloves and scarves.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Happy to report that Ardis Cullen is now home from her stint in rehab for her broken pelvis.

Please continue to lift Penny Greenlese and Family in your prayers.  Visitation for Rob will be held on Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Maison-Dardenne-Walker Funeral Home in Maumee.  There will also be an hour of visitation on Monday morning at the church from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. with the service beginning at 10:00 a.m.  Interment will be in Wakeman Cemetery.  In lieu of flowers, please send memorial donations to Kairos Prison Ministries or the Lucas county Veterans’ Burial Corps.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News from September 30, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH !!!  While we appreciate Pastor Mike every day, the month of October has been designated as the month to celebrate his ministry here at Waterville United Methodist Church.   Please let him know, sometime during the month, how much you appreciate his service to this congregation and his love for Christ.

October’s Mission Focus will be Operation Christmas Child.  OCC delivers great joy to millions of children around the world through shoeboxes lovingly and prayerfully packed with gifts that will bring delight to a child. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!   Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, October 2: World Wide Communion Sunday

              Song of Worship -  Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

  Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections: 

                     Prelude:  Holy, Holy, Holy / Worthy of Worship

                     Offertory:  There Is a Fountain

                     Postlude:   To God Be the Glory

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - This Do In Remembrance of Me

             Scripture  -  2 Timothy 1:1-14

             Sermon - Living Out God’s Purpose

             Celebration of Holy Communion with full liturgy.  Served at the altar.

             Closing Hymn - One Bread, One Body

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn   

We will have a prayer quilt on the wall this Sunday for Rob Greenlese.  Please take a few minutes, either before or after the worship service, to tie a knot in the yarn and say a prayer for Rob.  

No one has signed up to be Fellowship Hosts for the month of October.  

Your 3rd quarter giving statements will be e-mailed to you on Saturday, October 1.  If you receive a hard copy, they will be available this Sunday on the shelf outside the church office.   

Living Generously, a 5 week video series, will begin on Sunday, October 23 and will be the launch of our Stewardship campaign.  It will feature the same cast of characters from our last video series.  There will also be small group meetings during the series.  Watch for more details concerning the day and time of these meetings.

The youth will be raking leaves on Sunday, November 6 following worship.  If you or someone you know needs help with this fall project, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516 or  There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The youth would appreciate any donations to help support their summer mission trip. Thank you! 

Once again our church will offer a Free Election Day Lunch to our church and our community on Tuesday, November 8 from 11:00 till 1:00.  Dust off your favorite soup, sloppy joe or dessert recipe and go directly to the bulletin board and sign up.  If cooking is not your gift, we need people to set-up, serve and clean up afterwards.  We also need to spread the word, invite your neighbors and your friends to meet you for lunch at WUMC.  We on the Sharing Team thank you for all your help in making this outreach ministry a success. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Pritchett.  

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of October, we are asking you to donate hats, gloves and scarves.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.  

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.                                                                                                                                           

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News from September 23. 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  The children will be collecting for the Mission Jar this Sunday during the Children’s Moment.   

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  

Worship Service for Sunday, September 25: 

              Song of Worship -  Come, Now is the Time to Worship 

Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar collection  

              Olga’s selections: 

                     Prelude:  O Worship the King

                     Offertory:  Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

                     Postlude:   Shine On Us

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Shine, Jesus, Shine     

             Scripture  -  1 Timothy 6:6-19

             Sermon - Pursuing the Good Life

             Closing Hymn - I Surrender All

             Liturgist - Dave Landis 

Please join us, following worship, for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  Jerry and Melva Robinson have been your hosts for the month of September.

The Tuesday evening Women’s Bible Study has changed their meeting day to Wednesday starting  September 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Nancy O. Stafford (306 Ridgepoint in Waterville).  They will be using When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story for their study book this fall.  Please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 for additional information. 

The M & Ms Women’s Bible Study group began again on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room of the church.  They will be using the book Life Lessons from Women in the Bible by Rhonda H. Kelley.  You may contact Connie Kirkman at 419-878-6096 or Cindy Box at 419-877-5031 with any questions concerning this study.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of September, we are asking you to donate dental hygiene items.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Thank you to all who have signed up to help at the Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Day.  We could still use one additional person from 1:00-3:00 p.m. to work with Mary Williams.  Please call the church office by 3:30 today if you’d be willing to help.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Church Council Update:  

The City of Waterville will be constructing a sidewalk across the front of our new building property located on Waterville-Monclova Road.   WUMC is required to pay one-half of the cost and the Council approved the $8,800 expenditure, from the new building fund.  We agreed to utilize the City’s contractor and align our property driveway/access across from Pray Blvd.

The Browning Community is willing to provide WUMC with approximately 5,000 cubic square yards of fill dirt at no cost to our Church.  We estimate this to be valued at about $75,000 as built into previously submitted costs for the site preparation.   Council created a check list regarding “Fill Dirt” for the property on Waterville Monclova Road.  A small group of volunteers met with the Lucas County Engineer, Waterville Zoning & Public Works and the Browning developer to determine requirements and potential next steps.

There are many teams that need to be formed as we continue to pray about the next steps with our new building and our Mission to “Nurture discipleship by celebrating, teaching and sharing God’s love”.  Council is asking members of the congregation to pray about your role in this new phase in the life of our Church and consider what role will you take on?  Where is God leading you to engage and participate?   We need volunteers for our Building project as we continue to plan and explore God’s unexpected gifts – like the fill dirt.

Council is holding an All Church Meeting at 5 pm on Sunday, September 25th in Fellowship Hall (refreshments provided) to have open dialogue about expanding our Ministries within our community, planning for our new building and your role.   “Start thinking about where God is calling you to serve.”  

A Memorial Service for former member, Audrey Entenman, will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at the Church of St. Andrew United Methodist.  The church is located at 3620 Heatherdowns Boulevard in Toledo Ohio.  The service is scheduled from 2-4 p.m.  

JoAnn Lucas has been admitted to St. Luke’s hospital.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  

We extend our Christian love and sympathy to Delores Young upon the death of her cousin, John Peeples, on Wednesday, September 21 in South Carolina.                                                                                                                                

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for September 16, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, September 18: Youth Mission Trip Sunday

              Song of Worship -  The Heart of Worship

              Kinder Choir will be singing Wonderful Book of God’s People and B-I-B-L-E

Children’s Moment -  Presentation of Bibles to Third Grade Students Maddock Hires, Trevor Letzring, Frances Lockyer, Eliana Richards and Jonathan Schutte 

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  How Majestic Is Your Name

                     Postlude:   Majesty

             Offertory - Sasha Meade will be singingYou Are A Holy God

             Special Music - Caitlin May will be singing Start A Fire     

             Scripture-  Ephesians 2:10

             The Youth will tell of their Mission Trip experiences and present a slide show of some of their photos

             Closing Hymn - Here I Am, Lord

A note to parents of Sunday School aged children:  On Sunday, there will only be Sunday School for the children ages 4 through third grade.  We would like for the older kids in 4th through 6th grades to stay in the service to hear about the mission trip experiences.  We will have a fully staffed nursery. 

This Sunday will be a Welcome A Neighbor Sunday.  We will have 9 gift bags that will need to be distributed to new neighbors in our community.      

Please join us, following worship, for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall. 

The Tuesday evening Women’s Bible Study will CHANGE to Wednesday evenings startingSeptember 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Nancy O. Stafford (306 Ridgepoint in Waterville).  They will be using When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story for their study book this fall.  Please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 for additional information.

The M & Ms Women’s Bible Study group will begin again on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. in the balcony of the church.  They will be using the book Life Lessons from Women in the Bible

By Rhonda H. Kelley.  You may contact Connie Kirkman at 419-878-6096 or Cindy Box at 419-877-5031 with any questions concerning this study.

Our church has begun hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA in our Community Room.  Classes began on Monday, September 12 and run through October 17 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of September, we are asking you to donate dental hygiene items.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

We are in need of volunteers to staff our Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Festival on Saturday, September 24.  Anne Stevens is in need of 12 people to work for two hour shifts throughout the day.  The first shift would begin at 7:00 a.m. with the set-up of the tent and tables.  The last shift at 5:00 p.m. would be taking down the tent and bringing the items back to the church.  A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  There are some new items that have been requested by Operation Paperbook.  Those include puzzle books, large print mysteries, books for toddlers, inspirational stories, recent magazines, textbooks of all subjects, DVDs and CDs.  The collection box for these items in on the shelf outside the church office.

Church Council Update: 

The City of Waterville will be constructing a sidewalk across the front of our new building property located on Waterville-Monclova Road.   WUMC is required to pay one-half of the cost and the Council approved the $8,800 expenditure, from the new building fund.  We agreed to utilize the City’s contractor and align our property driveway/access across from Pray Blvd.

The Browning Community is willing to provide WUMC with approximately 5,000 cubic square yards of fill dirt at no cost to our Church.  We estimate this to be valued at about $75,000 as built into previously submitted costs for the site preparation.   Council created a check list regarding “Fill Dirt” for the property on Waterville Monclova Road.  A small group of volunteers met with the Lucas County Engineer, Waterville Zoning & Public Works and the Browning developer to determine requirements and potential next steps.

There are many teams that need to be formed as we continue to pray about the next steps with our new building and our Mission to “Nurture discipleship by celebrating, teaching and sharing God’s love”.  Council is asking members of the congregation to pray about your role in this new phase in the life of our Church and consider what role will you take on?  Where is God leading you to engage and participate?   We need volunteers for our Building project as we continue to plan and explore God’s unexpected gifts – like the fill dirt.

Council is holding an All Church Meeting at 5 pm on Sunday, September 25th in Fellowship Hall (refreshments provided) to have open dialogue about expanding our Ministries within our community, planning for our new building and your role.   “Start thinking about where God is calling you to serve.”   

A Memorial Service for Audrey Entenman will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at the Church of St. Andrew United Methodist.  The church is located at 3620 Heatherdowns Boulevard in Toledo Ohio.  The service is scheduled from 2-4 p.m.                                                                                                                                            

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for September 9, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, September 11

              Prelude - Battle Hymn of the Republic by the Handbell Choir and Olga on piano

              Songs of Worship -  I Love You, Lord and I Exalt Thee

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Offertory:  Tribute to America

                     Postlude:   America the Beautiful

             Special Music - Karen Wiggins and Charlene Hansen will be singing 9-11 Memorial Medley

             Sanctuary Choir Anthem - Litany for America

             Scripture-  Ephesians 1: 3-8

             Pastor Mike’s message -  The Cost of Freedom

             Closing Hymn - To God Be the Glory

             Choral Benediction - Blessing II

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Please join us, following worship, for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall. 

The Tuesday evening Women’s Bible Study will resume on September 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Nancy O. Stafford (306 Ridgepoint in Waterville).  They will be using When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story for their study book this fall.  Please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 for additional information.

The M & Ms Women’s Bible Study group will begin again on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. in the balcony of the church.  They will be using the book Life Lessons from Women in the Bible

By Rhonda H. Kelley.  You may contact Connie Kirkman at 419-878-6096 or Cindy Box at 419-877-5031 with any questions concerning this study.

Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA in our Community Room.  Classes will begin on Monday, September 12 and run through October 17 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of September, we are asking you to donate dental hygiene items.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

We are in need of volunteers to staff our Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Festival on Saturday, September 24.  Anne Stevens is in need of 12 people to work for two hour shifts throughout the day.  The first shift would begin at 7:00 a.m. with the set-up of the tent and tables.  The last shift at 5:00 p.m. would be taking down the tent and bringing the items back to the church.  A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  Another large donation was dropped off on Thursday.  I think that we are making Ellen smile!


Church Council Update: 

The City of Waterville will be constructing a sidewalk across the front of our new building property located on Waterville-Monclova Road.   WUMC is required to pay one-half of the cost and the Council approved the $8,800 expenditure, from the new building fund.  We agreed to utilize the City’s contractor and align our property driveway/access across from Pray Blvd.

The Browning Community is willing to provide WUMC with approximately 5,000 cubic square yards of fill dirt at no cost to our Church.  We estimate this to be valued at about $75,000 as built into previously submitted costs for the site preparation.   Council created a check list regarding “Fill Dirt” for the property on Waterville Monclova Road.  A small group of volunteers met with the Lucas County Engineer, Waterville Zoning & Public Works and the Browning developer to determine requirements and potential next steps.

There are many teams that need to be formed as we continue to pray about the next steps with our new building and our Mission to “Nurture discipleship by celebrating, teaching and sharing God’s love”.  Council is asking members of the congregation to pray about your role in this new phase in the life of our Church and consider what role will you take on?  Where is God leading you to engage and participate?   We need volunteers for our Building project as we continue to plan and explore God’s unexpected gifts – like the fill dirt.

Council is holding an All Church Meeting at 5 pm on Sunday, September 25th in Fellowship Hall (refreshments provided) to have open dialogue about expanding our Ministries within our community, planning for our new building and your role.   “Start thinking about where God is calling you to serve.” 

Remember, Janet and I will be switching office days the week of September 12.  Any items that need to be in the bulletin on Sunday, September 18 for Youth Sunday will need to be turned into the church office by Tuesday, September 13 at noon.  Thank you for your cooperation.                                                                                                                                            

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for September 2, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

September’s Mission Focus will be to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget.  None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves.  And, unlike the rest of Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs.  So, in order to keep this wonderful world-wide blessing going we felt the need to support their behind-the-scene efforts that keep all the “balls rolling” for UMCOR.  Mission envelopes are available in the pew racks.  

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, September 4

              Song of Worship -  Come, Christians, Join to Sing

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  And Can It Be

                     Offertory:  Holy, Holy, Holy

                     Postlude:   For the Beauty of the Earth

             Special Music - Pam Denman will be singing Mercy

             Scripture-  Luke 14: 25-33

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Counting the Cost

             Celebration of Holy Communion by intinction

             Closing Hymn – Have Thine Own Way, Lord

             Liturgist - Dave Landis


Please join us, following worship, for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  ( We still don’t have any volunteers to host in September, October, November or December.) 

The Trustees will be refinishing the floor in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Labor Day week.  If any of you would be able to help fold up the chairs and tables after fellowship time is finished on Sunday, it would be much appreciated.

Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA in our Community Room.  Classes will begin on Monday, September 12 and run through October 17 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of September, we are asking you to donate dental hygiene items.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

We are in need of volunteers to staff our Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Festival on Saturday, September 24.  Anne Stevens is in need of 12 people to work for two hour shifts throughout the day.  The first shift would begin at 7:00 a.m. with the set-up of the tent and tables.  The last shift at 5:00 p.m. would be taking down the tent and bringing the items back to the church.  A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Thank you to all who have donated paperback books for the military in the box in the main hallway.  Another large donation was dropped off on Thursday.  I think that we are making Ellen smile!

Church Council Update: 

The City of Waterville will be constructing a sidewalk across the front of our new building property located on Waterville-Monclova Road.   WUMC is required to pay one-half of the cost and the Council approved the $8,800 expenditure, from the new building fund.  We agreed to utilize the City’s contractor and align our property driveway/access across from Pray Blvd.

The Browning Community is willing to provide WUMC with approximately 5,000 cubic square yards of fill dirt at no cost to our Church.  We estimate this to be valued at about $75,000 as built into previously submitted costs for the site preparation.   Council created a check list regarding “Fill Dirt” for the property on Waterville Monclova Road.  A small group of volunteers met with the Lucas County Engineer, Waterville Zoning & Public Works and the Browning developer to determine requirements and potential next steps.

There are many teams that need to be formed as we continue to pray about the next steps with our new building and our Mission to “Nurture discipleship by celebrating, teaching and sharing God’s love”.  Council is asking members of the congregation to pray about your role in this new phase in the life of our Church and consider what role will you take on?  Where is God leading you to engage and participate?   We need volunteers for our Building project as we continue to plan and explore God’s unexpected gifts – like the fill dirt.

Council is holding an All Church Meeting at 5 pm on Sunday, September 25th in Fellowship Hall (refreshments provided) to have open dialogue about expanding our Ministries within our community, planning for our new building and your role.   “Start thinking about where God is calling you to serve.” 

Plan on attending worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 11.  We will be having a very patriotic service to remember the 15th anniversary of the attacks on 9-11-01.  There will be lots of special music and I’m sure it will be a very moving service.

And finally, some office housekeeping…I will be printing the September 11 bulletin and putting together the PowerPoint slides on Tuesday, September 6 and then taking off the remainder of the week to get ready for Andy’s wedding.  Please, please, please…..if you have any slides or information that will need to be included in the bulletin, I will need to have that information by noon on Tuesday.  Janet and I will be switching office days the week of September 12.  Any items that need to be in the bulletin on Sunday, September 18 will need to be turned into the church office by Tuesday, September 13 at noon.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Enjoy your holiday Weekend!!!                                                                                                                                            

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for August 26, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

We  express our Christian love and sympathy to the family and friends of LaDonna Maia VerSteeg who passed away peacefully on August 18, 2016 in Bowling Green, Ohio.  She was married to the late Rev. Robert VerSteeg, who served Waterville United Methodist Church in 2003.  She is survived by her son, Rick Stevens and his family.  A private, family funeral service was held.

Some prayer request updates for you:

              Jane Robertson (daughter of Ed Golding) is now back in Ohio at a rehab facility in Findlay.  Cards may be sent to her at 15100 Birchaven Lane, Room #126, Findlay, OH   45840

              Ardis Cullen has left St. Luke’s and is now at The Lakes of Monclova, 6935 Monclova Rd., Maumee, OH43537 in Room #309.

Our mission emphasis for the month of August will be Hygiene Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits that make all the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents for each of the gallon-sized Zip-lock plastic bags can be found in your August issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month. To date, 23 Health Kits have been brought to the church.

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

On Tuesday evenings, the Book of the Revelation study is meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Worship Service for Sunday, August 28

              Song of Worship - You Are My All in All

              Children’s Moment -  Mission Jar

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  Crown Him with Many Crowns

                     Offertory:  O, How I Love Jesus

                     Postlude:   His Name is Wonderful

             Special Music - Keith Colyer will be singing O Church Arise

             Scripture-  Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Living the Good Life

             Closing Hymn - O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (first three verses)

             Liturgist - Dave Landis

Glen and Yvonne Lammon have requested a prayer quilt for the brother of their good friend who is in his final stages of battling cancer.  The man’s name is Otto Schropp.  Please stop by the quilt and tie a knot and say a prayer for Otto and his family.

Please join us, following worship for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  Sara Kirby and Lisa Galton were your hosts this month.  This Sunday, Char Pritchett and Ann Nightingale will be substituting for them.

You will find two special inserts in your bulletin this Sunday.  Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA in our Community Room.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

The second insert is Bishop Palmer’s call for action after the historic Louisiana flooding.  For one more week, we will be including envelopes in the bulletin for donations to the UMCOR United States Disaster Response Advance #901670.  Your checks will need to be made payable to Waterville UMC and please put LA-Flooding in the memo line.  If you pay with cash, please remember to write your name or your offering envelope number on the outside of the envelope. The monies donated will be added to your end-of-year financial statements.  The collected monies will then be sent to the West Ohio Conference Office.

The Kinder Choir will begin the rehearsals on Wednesday, August 31 from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  All boys and girls are invited to attend.  The choir normally sings once a month.  They will be singing for the first time this fall on Sunday, September 18.  If you have any questions, please talk to Barb Page or Bobbie Westfall.

The Sanctuary Choir rehearsals will resume next week.   The new choir year will begin on Thursday, September 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  They are beginning a little early this year because of the special September 11 Remembrance Service that has been planned.  New members are always welcome!!!

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of August, we are asking you to donate school supplies.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Here’s a new, quick project to get involved with during the hot, dog days of summer.  Don’t want to go outside in the heat?  Looking for an excuse to stay inside?  There is a box on the shelf outside the church office for the collection of paperback books.  These books are being collected for our servicemen and military families.  There is a story as to how this all came about.  Melva Robinson’s former neighbors gave up their home and moved to Perrysburg Commons.  About six months later, the husband died.  Since his death, Melva could sense the physical and mental health of the wife, Ellen, going downhill.  Then, several weeks ago, Melva noticed a marked difference in Ellen’s attitude.  Ellen then told Melva how she had become involved in collecting paperback books for the military and military families.  She said that “at last, she was again a contributing member to society and was doing something worthwhile.”  Melva told her that she would try to help.  Who better to ask for help than her church family?  So, if you have any paperback books on your shelves you haven’t read in a while, would you consider bringing them to church and filling Ellen’s box?  Melva will see that they are delivered to Ellen. 

 know that it is still a couple of weeks away, but please mark your calendars and be sure to attend our worship service on Sunday, September 11.  We will be having a very patriotic service to remember the 15th anniversary of the attacks on 9-11-01.  There will be lots of special music and I’m sure it will be a very moving service.

And finally, the Church Mouse would like to give a big “Thank You” to all who helped with the Maumee Watershed District Pre-Charge Conference Meeting that was held at our church on Wednesday afternoon.  Delicious cookies and brownies were made by Karen Wiggins, Charlotte Pritchett, Pam Denman, Barb Page and Melva Robinson.  The kitchen helpers and servers were Charlotte & Penn Pritchett and Jim & Barb Page.  Jim Page filled in for Pastor Mike (who was attending a family member’s funeral.)  Ted Myers provided his expertise with the computer and also recorded the event and Art Meade handled the sound system and the microphones.   Thank you for a job well done!!!

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for August 19, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

A Memorial Service for Kenneth Wiggins, father of Tom, will be held in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. this  Saturday.

Our mission emphasis for the month of August will be Hygiene Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits that make all the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents for each of the gallon-sized Zip-lock plastic bags can be found in your August issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month. 

The Book of the Revelation study continues on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.   Pastor Mike is teaching this class.

The Tuesday night War Room study will be finishing up the last half of Chapter 5 on Tuesday.  At the conclusion of the War Room study, they also will be moving into The Book of the Revelation study.  Pastor Mike is also teaching this class.

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Worship Service for Sunday, August 21

              Song of Worship - Give Thanks

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise

                     Offertory:  Count Your Blessings

                     Postlude:   Lord, Be Glorified

             Special Music - none this week

             Scripture-  Hebrews 12:18-29

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Showing Gratitude to God

             Closing Hymn - There’s Something About That Name

             Liturgist - Tom Quinn

Keith and Elaine Colyer have requested a prayer quilt for their friend, Gail Edwards and her family this week.  Gail’s daughter was killed in a car accident 3 weeks ago.  Keith, Elaine and Gail are members of the Maumee Community Band.  Please stop by the quilt and tie a knot and say a prayer for Gail and her family.

Please join us, following worship for a time of light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.  Sara Kirby and Lisa Galton are your hosts this month.

 August 21 is a Welcome a Neighbor Sunday.  There will be almost 20 gift bags that will need to be delivered after the worship service to new residents in our area.  Please check the bulletin board with the map in the entryway to see if any of them live close to you.  The bags include some microwave popcorn, a notepad, a pen and information about our church.

You will find two special inserts in your bulletin this Sunday.  Our church will be hosting a FREE 6 week diabetes education class by the YMCA.  Certified Diabetes Educators, Dieticians and YMCA wellness staff will provide education for diabetes management.  Participants are eligible to receive up to 3 months FREE YMCA/JCC Membership.  A physician’s referral will be required to participate.  Call Susan Ruff at 419-725-7844 for more information and registration.

The second insert is Bishop Palmer’s call for action after the historic Louisiana flooding.  For two weeks, we will be including envelopes in the bulletin for donations to the UMCOR United States Disaster Response Advance #901670.  Your checks will need to be made payable to Waterville UMC and please put LA-Flooding in the memo line.  If you pay with cash, please remember to write your name or your offering envelope number on the outside of the envelope. The monies donated will be added to your end-of-year financial statements.  The collected monies will then be sent to the West Ohio Conference Office.

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of August, we are asking you to donate school supplies.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Our church has been asked to host the Pre-Charge Conference Briefing for the Maumee Watershed District.  It will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.  We would like to provide light refreshments and beverages for those attending this meeting.  I have placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for cookies, brownies, etc. and for a few folks who would be able to help with set-up, serving and clean-up that day.  The meeting is expected to last for about an hour, so we should be able to leave by 5:00-5:30 p.m. 

Here’s a new, quick project to get involved with during the hot, dog days of summer.  Don’t want to go outside in the heat?  Looking for an excuse to stay inside?  Beginning this Sunday, you will find a box on the shelf outside the church office for the collection of paperback books.  These books are being collected for our servicemen and military families.  There is a story as to how this all came about.  Melva Robinson’s former neighbors gave up their home and moved to Perrysburg Commons.  About six months later, the husband died.  Since his death, Melva could sense the physical and mental health of the wife, Ellen, going downhill.  Then, several weeks ago, Melva noticed a marked difference in Ellen’s attitude.  Ellen then told Melva how she had become involved in collecting paperback books for the military and military families.  She said that “at last, she was again a contributing member to society and was doing something worthwhile.”  Melva told her that she would try to help.  Who better to ask for help than her church family?  So, if you have any paperback books on your shelves you haven’t read in a while, would you consider bringing them to church and filling Ellen’s box?  Melva will see that they are delivered to Ellen. 

Are you missing some of your favorite dishes?  Can’t find them anywhere?  Have you checked the counter by the dishwasher in the church’s kitchen?  We have a small community of dishes that were left over from funeral dinners, the Waterville Teacher’s Luncheon and Vacation Bible School that are waiting to get back to their owners. 

We are still in need of Fellowship Hosts for September through December.  The refreshments are provided and the coffee is already made.  All you have to do is to put the food out on the table and then clean up afterwards.  The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy

News for August 12, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

The family of Joe Becker will receive friends at the Peinert Dunn Funeral Home, 7220 Dutch Rod., Waterville, Ohio on Friday, August 12 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.  Funeral service will be on Saturday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m. at the Waterville United Methodist Church.  Joe had been a member of WUMC since April 4, 1954.

Our mission emphasis for the month of August will be Hygiene Kits For several years, WUMC has gathered items for hygiene kits that make all the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.  Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  A listing of the contents for each of the gallon-sized Zip-lock plastic bags can be found in your August issue of The Ambassador and on the back of the worship bulletin each Sunday this month.  

The Prayer Time in the sanctuary will resume this week at 9:00 a.m.

Worship Service for Sunday, August 14

              Song of Worship - How Great Is Our God

              Children’s Moment -  

              Olga’s selections:

                     Prelude:  How Firm a Foundation

                     Offertory:  In the Name of the Lord

                     Postlude:   Our God Reigns

             Special Music - Shall We Gather at the River will be sung by Anna Banachowski, daughter Alaina Hem, and Anna’s brothers, Joe and Nelson Scheub

             Scripture-  Hebrews 11:29 -12:2

             Pastor Mike’s message -  Running the Race

             Closing Hymn - Soon and Very Soon

One of our ministries is the transporting of Browning Masonic residents to our Sunday morning worship services.  We need three additional drivers to fill out the driving rotation and to provide substitutes when needed.  Prayerfully consider if God is calling you for this ministry.  Contact Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Our Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was such a success last year that we would like to continue it this year.  So, for the month of August, we are asking you to donate school supplies.  Anne Stevens has placed a box by the main entrance for your donations.

Our church has been asked to host the Pre-Charge Conference Briefing for the Maumee Watershed District.  It will be held on Wednesday, August 24 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.  We would like to provide light refreshments and beverages for those attending this meeting.  I have placed a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for cookies, brownies, etc. and for a few folks who would be able to help with set-up, serving and clean-up that day.  The meeting is expected to last for about an hour, so we should be able to leave by 5:00-5:30 p.m. 

Here’s a new, quick project to get involved with during the hot, dog days of summer.  Don’t want to go outside in the heat?  Looking for an excuse to stay inside?  Beginning this Sunday, you will find a box on the shelf outside the church office for the collection of paperback books.  These books are being collected for our servicemen and military families.  There is a story as to how this all came about.  Melva Robinson’s former neighbors gave up their home and moved to Perrysburg Commons.  About six months later, the husband died.  Since his death, Melva could sense the physical and mental health of the wife, Ellen, going downhill.  Then, several weeks ago, Melva noticed a marked difference in Ellen’s attitude.  Ellen then told Melva how she had become involved in collecting paperback books for the military and military families.  She said that “at last, she was again a contributing member to society and was doing something worthwhile.”  Melva told her that she would try to help.  Who better to ask for help than her church family?  So, if you have any paperback books on your shelves you haven’t read in a while, would you consider bringing them to church and filling Ellen’s box?  Melva will see that they are delivered to Ellen. 

Are you missing some of your favorite dishes?  Can’t find them anywhere?  Have you checked the counter by the dishwasher in the church’s kitchen?  We have a small community of dishes that were left over from funeral dinners, the Waterville Teacher’s Luncheon and Vacation Bible School that are waiting to get back to their owners. 

We are still in need of Fellowship Hosts for September through December.  The refreshments are provided and the coffee is already made.  All you have to do is to put the food out on the table and then clean up afterwards.  The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the main hallway.

And finally, counting today, there are only 20 more Fridays until Christmas.  Hope that will cool all of you down a little bit!!!

Be a Blessing,

Church Cathy