News for September 7, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

WORSHIP SERVICE THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM:                               

The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Christian’s, We Have Met To Worship – Olga Topuzova-Meade


Song of Worship – I Will Follow –

Children’s Moment and Third Grade Bible Presentation – Stephanie Shelton

Scripture – Genesis 12:1-4 and Hebrews 11:8-12

Sermon – God’s Call – Pastor Mike

Hymn of Worship – Take Up Thy Cross – vs 1&4 #415

Sharing of God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho – Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn – Jesus Calls Us - #398


Postlude – To God Be The Glory – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Pastor Mike and Nadia Taylor

Counters – Anna Banachowski & Pam Cook


The Amspaugh Family  -- John, Rhonda, Nick and Caroline

Delores Davies

Pastor Mike Denman

Alex Hansen

Chris May’s Mom and family

Ana Nicholson's son


Isabella and Gabriella are doing great!  Thank you for all your prayers.

God is so good!  Praises that the “unexpected” procedure Dan Breen had was a success!


THIS Sunday, September 9 there will be a Trade Fair immediately following the Worship Service.  Join us to see new building presentation with all the updates and budget numbers.

The following Sunday, September 16 there will be a Special Church Conference immediately following the worship service.  We will be voting on the New Building Design and reviewing the next steps.

Operation Christmas Child - We Are Collecting!!!

Socks, gloves, t-shirts and soft clothing. 

Roche de Beouf

Your help is needed to staff the Operation Christmas Child booth at the Roche de Boeuf Festival on September 22. 

New Bible Studies begin next week!  Was your plan to start one in the fall?  Join us for fellowship and help to learn God’s Call for your life.  See below:

 Group:  Adult Bible Study

Meeting Place and Time:  Fireside Room – Sundays at 9:00 am   Contact Person:  Pastor Mike – 419-469-0156

New Study: Facing the Unknown – Mark Batterson

Summary:  Many people feel like their life leads them from one path to the next with no certainty. Is this the right job?  Is he or she “the one?” Is now the time to have kids? What do I do now?  Am I even on the right path?  In this study, we see Abraham living in the 21st century and ask, what might he think and feel with the incredible steps of faith God asked him to take. The Study will begin with a focus on God’s Call; then on to God’s Covenant, God’s Timing and God’s Provision. 

Group:  Woman’s Bible Study

Meeting Place and Time:  306 Ridgepoint Circle, Waterville- Mondays at 7:00 pm–September 10 through November 26

Contact Person:  Delores Young 419-878-8238. 

New Study:  Finding God in Desperate Moments

Summary:  Jesus demonstrated the presence and power of God by performing miracles.   Yet these miracles also have in common human desperation. This study will open our eyes to our need for Him and how weakness is an invitation for God to work powerfully in our lives.

Group:  Adult Bible Study

Meeting Place and Time:  Fireside Room –Tuesday at 7:00 pm   Contact Person:  Pastor Mike – 419-469-0156

New Study: Facing the Unknown – Mark Batterson

Summary:  Many people feel like their life leads them from one path to the next with no certainty. Is this the right job?  Is he or she “the one?” Is now the time to have kids? What do I do now?  Am I even on the right path?  In this study, we see Abraham living in the 21st century and ask, what might he think and feel with the incredible steps of faith God asked him to take. The Study will begin with a focus on God’s Call; then on to God’s Covenant, God’s Timing and God’s Provision. 

 Group:  M&M (Mary and Martha) Bible Study

Meeting Place and Time:  Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Contact Persons:  Connie Kirkman at 419-878-6096 or Cindy Box at 419-877-5031

Current Study:  We will pick our new study this week.

 Group:  Thursday Morning B & B (Bible and Breakfast)

Meeting Place and Time: Dales in Waterville/Thursdays at 7:30 am

Contact Persons:  Jim Page – 419-343-0714; Tom Wiggins – 419-304-2254

Current Study: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Summary:  This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God.  Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship in Him. 

In days to come, please walk the new building site, praying for the project, new opportunities and activities it will bring and for God’s continuing guidance and direction in all that we do.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for August 31, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



 The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Song of Worship – I Will Rise – here is the utube to listen to this beautiful song before Sunday --- 

Special Music – Tell Your Heart to Beat Again – Nadia Taylor

Children’s Moment

Scripture – James 1:17-27

Sermon – Demonstrating Our Love for God

Sharing of God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Jesus’ Name Medley – Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion

Prayer of Confession

Closing Hymn – Victory In Jesus - #370


Postlude – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Counters – Ted Myers & Dan Breen


The Amspaugh Family  -- John, Rhonda, Nick and Caroline

The Family of Virginia Black

Delores Davies

Alex Hansen

Chris May’s Mom and family

Ana Nicholson's son

Sarah Shoemaker

The Family of Rhoda Scheub


NEXT Sunday, September 9 there will be a Trade Fair immediately following the Worship Service.  Join us to see new building presentation with all the updates and budget numbers.

Sunday, September 16 there will be a Special Church Conference immediately following the worship service.  We will be voting on the New Building Design and reviewing the next steps.

In days to come, please walk the new building site, praying for the project, new opportunities and activities it will bring and for God's continuing guidance and direction in all that we do.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for August 24, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

 This Sunday’s Worship Service will be held at the new church site under the tent…AUGUST 26 @ 10:30 am at 7115 Waterville-Monclova Road.  We hope to see you there!  



•       Parking Attendants

•       Parking available behind, and on North side of Fire Station

•       StoryPoint parking with bus service; look for the  Browning Bus

Additional things to know:

•       Worship in a tent with sides

•       Wheel chair accessible

•       Dress for the weather and location

•       Chairs will be provided

•       Restrooms available at the Fire Station

•       Refreshments available starting at 10:00 am



The Gathering of God’s People

Call to Worship – How Great is Our God


Hymn of Worship – Come, Christians, Join to Sing

Children’s Moment

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Scripture – 1 Corinthians 5:16

Sermon – A New Beginning – Pastor Mike

Hymn – Victory in Jesus

A Time of Prayer

Closing Hymn – Standing on the Promises

Benediction – Pastor Mike



 Alice Jackway – struggling with chemo – prayer concern of Neil & Bobbie Westfall

Makenna Jervis – father drown in Lake Erie on 8/17/18 (Prayer quilt for her this Sunday)

Mel Fruchey – prayer concern of Gloria Fruchey

Mary Goodenow and Family – Mary is in hospice – prayer concern of Bobbie & Neil Westfall

Carol Royal – new doctors and starting chemo soon – prayer concern of Ann McVicker

Those attending Priscilla Shirer event today and tomorrow – may you be blessed and have safe travels

New Bible Studies beginning in September!

Facing the Unknown

Starting Tuesday, September 4 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, September 9 at 9:00 am.  Held in the Fireside Room at WUMC.

 The Miracles of Jesus

  Starting Monday, September 10 at 7:00 pm.  Contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 for additional details.

 Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for August 17, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship – Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart #500

Special Music – Blessings – Nadia Taylor

Children’s Moment and Mission Jar

Scripture – Ephesians 5:15-20

Sermon – Living a Life of Thanksgiving – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Give Thanks - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn – Alleluia, Alleluia #162

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – He Is Exalted – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Pastor Mike

Counters – Tom Quinn and Jerry Robinson

***A little change J - This Sunday is Mission Jar Sunday!***



The family of Joe Branson

Joe Brown

Bev Curtis

Delores, cousin of Melva Robinson and Delores’ friend, Mr. Irwin

Jennifer Drake

Dorsay Evans

Frances and her family, friend at Sue Gregory’s work

Victoria Gracia, Jim and Barb Pages’ granddaughter

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Liz Shearer

Our Worship and Prayer service will be held at the new church site under the tent…AUGUST 26 @ 10:30 am at 7115 Waterville-Monclova Road.  We hope to see you there!  

Welcome A Neighbor - We have 20 WAN bags to be delivered!  Take a welcome bag to a new neighbor and make a difference in their lives for the Lord.

Baby Blankets Grace the Altar -   I would love to collect 100 blankets and deliver them to the Pregnancy Center.  Would you help me?  Melva Robinson

  Roche de Bouef Festival – September 22 - WUMC will be having a booth at the annual Roche de Bouef Festival here in Waterville.  There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board to assist with coverage in the booth for two-hour shifts that day.

August Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits! – Now is the time!!!


·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids



§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

Operation Christmas Child  - August Collection Items - School supplies, calculator, scissors, learning books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, stamp ink pads.

  The first Sanctuary Choir rehearsal will be Thursday, August 30th @ 7:00 p.m. 

 New Bible Study

  Starting Monday, September 10 at 7:00 pm.  Contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238!

 An Ongoing Ministry-We Welcome Pop Tabs!

The children’s Sunday School classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans.  Bring the tabs you have collected to church any Sunday and place them in the large wooden house in the community/choir room.  Or you can give them to Stephanie Shelton or any child in the Sunday School program.  We just recently donated 7.5 pounds of tabs to the Ronald McDonald House!  These tabs are turned into recycling centers for money to help pay for the families’ food during their stay the RMD House.  What a blessing the RMD House is in times of need.  Thank you!

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request if:          You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for August 10, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,




The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – You Are Crowned With Many Crowns – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship - Breathe on Me, Breath of God #420

Special Music – If We’re Honest – Charlene Monroe

Celebration of Baptism – Callahan Thomas Cox and Piper Quinn Sickler

Children’s Moment

Scripture – Ephesians 4:25-5:2

Sermon – Becoming Imitators of God – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – To God Be The Glory - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn – Take My Life, and Let It Be #399

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise – Olga Topuzova-Meade


Liturgist – Terry Myers

Counters – Anna Banachowski and Pam Cook




Bev Curtis

Doug Hansen

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Kay McClure (Prayer quilt for her this Sunday)

Dan and Hope McPherson and their sons, Ezra and Emmett

Ann Mishka, Marc Banachowski’s sister (Prayer quilt for her this Sunday)

Rhoda Scheub

Bonne Spychalski

The Tipping Family

Praises for Karl Kirkman!

This Sunday, please stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer at the quilt for Kay McClure and Ann Mishka.  May the warmth of the quilt remind them that God’s loving presence is with them always and that our caring prayers continue.

 Exciting News!  Our August 26 Worship Service will be held at the new church site under the tent!  AUGUST 26 @ 10:30 am at 7115 Waterville-Monclova Road.  Worship, Prayer and Praise!

 We still have the opportunity to serve our community by assisting a family in need of school supplies and clothing.  We are asking for gift cards.  Examples would be Target, Walmart or Meijer.  If the Lord is calling you to help, please bring your gift card to the church office next week.  Thank you.

 As my church has always been very supportive of the Pregnancy Center of Toledo in the past, I’m coming to you once again on their behalf.  This August will be the first time the Center’s Walk for Life will not take place.  Several of us have participated in that walk for 15-20 years and you have supported that walk generously.  Savannah Martin, Executive Director, has alerted me of the Center’s need for baby blankets. Such a small need but one God can use to connect to the spiritual life of their clients.  They give about 800 blankets a year and are very low at this time.  I would love to collect 100 blankets and deliver them to the Center.  Would you help me?  There will be a box for the blankets in the Community/Choir room.  We ask that they are in colors that can be for both girls and boys since they may not know what gender they are expecting!  For more information, see  Thank you.  Melva Robinson

 Roche de Bouef Festival!

On September 22, WUMC will once again be having a booth at the annual Roche de Bouef Festival here in Waterville.  We’d like to invite the community to join us in the Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox ministry by handing out OCC shoeboxes and flyers about the project with suggestions and instructions.

 There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board to assist with coverage in the booth for two-hour shifts that day. Please consider helping us impact more children around the world and share God’s word with this unique ministry!  Remember National Collection Week is November 12-19 this year!

 August Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits! – We have enough bags!  Time to fill them!!!


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

 One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids


Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

Operation Christmas Child  - August Collection Items - School supplies, calculator, scissors, learning books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, stamp ink pads.

 Let Your Voice Be Heard!    Anyone that would like to give a gift of service of their time and talent to sing music or play bells to our Lord and His church, please consider joining one of our choir ministries. The first Sanctuary Choir rehearsal will be Thursday, August 30th @ 7:00 p.m.  Stay tuned for the meeting date and time for our Bell Choir. All are welcome to join these two wonderful families of musicians. Thank you for your consideration!

 Join Us!  Fall Women’s Bible Study starting Monday, September 10 at 7:00 pm.  Please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 if you are interested!


Be watching for it! More mobile friendly, and it will have the ability for easy access links, “ read more” links

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for August 3, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



 The Gathering of God’s People


Mission Moment – Karen Wiggins

Prelude – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Opening Prayer

Hymn of Worship – Fill My Cup, Lord #641 (twice)

Special Music – This Little Light of Mine – Christian Taylor

Children’s Moment

Scripture – Ephesians 4:1-16

Sermon – Living a Worthy Life – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Holy, Holy, Holy - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Communion Hymn - There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood - #622

Celebration of Holy Communion

Prayer of Confession

Closing Hymn – I Surrender All #354

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Bind Us Together– Olga Topuzova-Meade


Liturgist – Christian Taylor

Counters – Ted Myers and Tom Quinn


 Bev Curtis, sister of Yvonne Lammon (Prayer Quilt for her this Sunday)

Doug Hansen

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Kay McClure- Open heart surgery- Friend of Char Hansen

Kay McClure’s father, George

The family of Tom Nicholson for the loss of his mother-in-law

Bonne Spychalski

Wayne and Barb Strayer and their family for the loss of his father

Praises and prayers for Pam Denman's niece, Hope McPherson, who gave birth to identical twin boys on August 1---Ezra (8 lbs.) & Emmett (6.7 lbs.).  Continued prayers for Hope, and her husband, Dan and the boys.

This Sunday, please stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer at the quilt for Bev Curtis.  May the warmth of the quilt remind her that God’s loving presence is with her always and that our caring prayers continue.

 Exciting News!  Our August 26 Worship Service will be held at the new church site under a tent!  AUGUST 26 @ 10:30 am at 7115 Waterville-Monclova Road.  Worship, Prayer and Praise!

 We have the opportunity to serve our community by assisting a family in need of school supplies and clothing.  We are asking for gift cards.  Examples would be Target, Walmart or Meijer.  If the Lord is calling you to help, please bring your gift card to the church office next week.  Thank you.

 Join Us!  Fall Women’s Bible Study starting Monday, September 10 at 7:00 pm.  Please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 if you are interested!

 August Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits! – We have enough bags!  Time to fill them!!!


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids


Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

Operation Christmas Child  - August Collection Items - School supplies, calculator, scissors, learning books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, stamp ink pads.

 Let Your Voice Be Heard!    Anyone that would like to give a gift of service of their time and talent to sing music or play bells to our Lord and His church, please consider joining one of our choir ministries. The first Sanctuary Choir rehearsal will be Thursday, August 30th @ 7:00 p.m.  Stay tuned for the meeting date and time for our Bell Choir. All are welcome to join these two wonderful families of musicians. Thank you for your consideration!


Be watching for it! More mobile friendly, and it will have the ability for easy access links, “ read more” links

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request if:         You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.


Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for July 27, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude –All Creatures of Our God and King– Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship –#176 Majesty, Worship His Majesty (twice)

Children’s Moment Mission Jar

Special Music – Come, Follow Me – Tom & Karen Wiggins and Nadia Taylor

Scripture – Joshua 5:10-15

Sermon – When the Ground is Holy – Pastor Daniel R. Schilling

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory –Holy Ground- Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – O How I love Jesus   #170

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name– Olga Topuzova-Meade


Liturgist – Tom Quinn  

Counters – Doug Smith & Larry Sheridan


Kay McClure- Open heart surgery- Friend of Char Hansen

Debbie Thompson-Rotator Cuff Surgery – Friend of Char Hansen

Jim Lehnert- Browning- Pray he can walk again without any assistance.

Tornado Victims in Iowa

Tragic boat incident in Missouri

Gabriel Unspoken Health Concerns

Lisa Galton’s Friend, Tim’s his Family in their mourning process

Doug Hansen

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Father Herb’s surgery

Bonne Spychalski

There will be no adult Bible Study with Pastor Mike this Sunday morning, however, this would be a great opportunity to join in silent prayer time in the sanctuary at 9:00.

There are prayer books with sample prayers in them on the table in the front of the sanctuary.



Be watching for it! More mobile friendly, and it will have the ability for easy access links, “ read more” links

This Sunday, please stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer at the quilt for Jim Lehnert.  May the warmth of the quilt remind them that God’s loving presence is with them always and that our caring prayers continue.

July Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits! – We have enough bags!  Time to fill them!!!

This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month.  Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  Please donate only the items from the lists below.  The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids


Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

Operation Christmas Child  - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!

 Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Pastor Mike will be on vacation from July 26 through August 4.  Please contact the church office at 419-878-3645 for any pastoral care needs.  Thank you!

In all things give thanks! Come out this Sunday, and be a part of this great ministry!

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn


News for July 20, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church


 The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Jesus Loves Me with O, How He Loves You and Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship – Open My Eyes, That I May See  #454

Children’s Moment

Special Music – Nadia Taylor

Scripture – Ephesians 2:11-22

Sermon – Belonging to God’s Family – Pastor Mike

Hymn – Jesus Loves Me #191

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Just a Closer Walk with Thee - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – God Will Take Care of You  #130

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified – Olga Topuzova-Meade


Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Counters – Tom Quinn and Jerry Robinson


Browning workers who serve selflessly

Lisa Galton’s Friend, Tim

Doug Hansen

Chris Kirby’s Mother, Anita

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Ana Nicholson’s Father, Herb

Bonne Spychalski

Friend of Tom & Karen Wiggins

This Sunday, please stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer at the quilt for Connie and Karl Kirkman.  May the warmth of the quilt remind them that God’s loving presence is with them always and that our caring prayers continue.

July Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits! – We have enough bags!  Time to fill them!!!

This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month.  Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  Please donate only the items from the lists below.  The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids


Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

 Wayward Walkers

one more chance!  Join us next Thursday for walking and praying around our church neighborhood.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray.  We will meet at 7 pm on the date shown below:

July  26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

 Operation Christmas Child  - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!

   Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Pastor Mike will be on vacation from July 26 through August 4.  Please contact the church office at 419-878-3645 for any pastoral care needs.  Thank you!

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for July 13, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

A reminder….

in the Courtyard and In the Fellowship Hall after worship.  Please join us for both!


The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Praise Him! Praise Him! – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship – Freely, Freely  #389

Children’s Moment

Special Music – Bradley Piri

Scripture – Ephesians 1:3-14

Sermon – God’s Down Payment – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Count Your Blessings - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Amazing Grace -  #378, Vs. 1-4

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – I Sing the Mighty Power of God – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Pastor Mike

Counters – Anna Banachowski and Pam Cook


Chris Kirby’s Mother, Anita

The Family of Joan Gilbert on the passing of Dick Gilbert

Doug Hansen

Karl & Connie Kirkman

Sharon Schulte

Bonne Spychalski

Friend of Tom & Karen Wiggins

Praises to God for the successful rescue and protection of the soccer team and the rescue teams in Thailand.

A special thank you to our dear church family who have been so faithful in prayer for Karl Kirkman.  He still has a long road to go.  He loves you and misses you all and Connie appreciates you so much.

July Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits!

This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month.  Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  Please donate only the items from the lists below.  The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids



Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

 Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

July  19 Meet at Farnsworth Park (1st entrance)

July  26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

 Operation Christmas Child  - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!

Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Quarterly Statements: Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements were emailed July 7. For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick-up on the shelf outside the Church Office. 

Volunteer needed to make 24 cupcakes (Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix - no frosting) for the Children’s Sunday School on August 19.  Cupcake liners provided.  Please contact Stephanie Shelton if you are interested.  Thank you!  

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.  Romans 10:17 (NLT)

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for July 6, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Faith is the Victory – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Opening Prayer

Hymn of Worship – My Hope Is Built  #368

Children’s Moment

Special Music – Encircle Me With Love – Pam Denman, Charlene Monroe & Nadia Taylor

Scripture – Mark 6:1-13

Sermon – Beware of Disbelief – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Only Believe - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus #462

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Counters – Ted Myers and Dan Breen



Chris Kirby’s Mother, Anita

Bonne Spychalski

Friend of Tom and Karen Wiggins

John Wittenmyer

Vacation Bible School next week

Vacation Bible School – NEXT WEEK!!!  July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade.  Contact Stephanie Shelton  if you have any questions.

VBS Food Donations Needed For NEXT Wednesday, July 11 – Please sign up on the bulletin board NO LATER THAN THIS SUNDAY!

1.           Crockpots of Sloppy Joe

2.           Hamburger Buns

3.           Cheesy Potatoes

4.           Cookies

5.           Individual Bags of Chips

6.           Fruit or Salad

7.          People to Help Serve


  VBS Crew Leaders Still Needed!

Crew Leaders are still needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton      

Outdoor Worship & Indoor Potluck – Sunday, July 15 - Please join us and bring your favorite picnic food to share.  Browning residents will be our special guests!!!

July Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits!

This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month.  Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  Please donate only the items from the lists below.  The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids


Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

Like the PowerPoint part of the service?  Understand the importance of recording the Worship Service?  Able to help some Sundays during the Worship Service?  We are in need of back-ups to show the morning announcements and order of worship and videotape the service so it can be viewed in the Fireside Room.  The PowerPoints are already created; you just advance them with a click of a button, it’s that easy!  And, training will be provided.    Please see Pastor Mike if the Lord is leading you to help in this area.

Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

July  12 Meet at Battlefield  (off Jerome Rd./mall side)

July  19 Meet at Farnsworth Park (1st entrance)

July  26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Operation Christmas Child  - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!

Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Quarterly Statements: Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed tomorrow, Saturday, July 7. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on this Sunday, July 8 on the shelf outside the Church Office. 

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News of June 29, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Mission Moment – Karen Wiggins

Prelude – America, the Beautiful / God Bless the U.S.A. / Battle Hymn of the Republic – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Opening Prayer

Hymn of Worship – Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us #381

Children’s Moment

Special Music – Child of God – Alexandra Meade

Scripture – Mark 5:21-35

Sermon – Does God Still Heal? – Pastor Mike

Hymn – Heal Me, Hands of Jesus  - vs 1 & 4 #262

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Onward, Christian Soldiers - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion

Prayer of Confession

Hymn – Healer of Our Every Ill #2213

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Holy, Holy, Holy – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Terry Myers

Counters – Doug Smith & Ted Myers



The Family of Terry Jessie

The Page Family as they travel

Bonne Spychalski

John Wittenmyer

The Family of Ed Wronkowicz

Praises for the birth of Zora Ariel Odette Bollinger on Thursday, June 28.  Zora weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. and is 21 inches long.  Mom and baby are doing well.  Blessings to happy parents Zach and Jenni Bollinger along with big sister, Ainsley!

Prayer Quilt Ministry – This Sunday, there will be a prayer quilt for Luella Craig.  Please stop by and say a prayer of comfort and tie a knot.  May the warmth of the quilt remind her that God’s loving presence is with her and that our caring prayers continue.

Quarterly Statements: Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, July 7. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on Sunday, July 8 on the shelf outside the Church Office.

Outdoor Worship & Indoor Potluck - Sunday, July 15 - Please join us and bring your favorite picnic food to share.  Browning residents will be our special guests.

July Mission FocusHygiene Kits and School Kits!

This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month.  Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.  Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.  Please donate only the items from the lists below.  The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.


Our most needed Kits!  These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean & healthy.  From toothbrushes to washcloths, you’re making sure that someone’s needs are going to be met in the wake of an emergency whenever the most basic supplies can be hard to come by.

·       One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x20” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel, or microfiber)

·       One washcloth

·       One wide-tooth comb removed from the package

·       One finger nail or toenail clipper removed from the package

·       One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper

·       One toothbrush in the original package

·       Ten standard size Band-Aids



Remember how it felt to start a new school year with all the right supplies?  Help give the same feeling to students around the world recovering from a disaster or living in tough circumstances.

§  One pair of blunt scissors removed from package (rounded tip only)

§  Three 70 - count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose leaf or filler paper)

§  One 30- centimeter, 12”ruler

§  One hand held pencil sharpener removed from the package

§  One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)

§  Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers, removed from the package

§  One box of 24 crayons

§  One 12” x 14” to 14” x 17” finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with handles (solid color or kid friendly, no logos, no reusable shopping bags, no backpacks)

Like the PowerPoint part of the service?  Understand the importance of recording the Worship Service?  Able to help some Sundays during the Worship Service?  We are in need of back-ups to show the morning announcements and order of worship and record the service.  The PowerPoints are already created; you just advance them with a click of a button, it’s that easy!  And, training will be provided.    Please see Pastor Mike if the Lord is leading you to help in this area.

Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

July    5 Meet at Fallen Timbers Monument

July  12 Meet at Battlefield  (off Jerome Rd./mall side)

July  19 Meet at Farnsworth Park (1st entrance)

July  26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood

Additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Vacation Bible School - July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration closes JULY 1 so register today!!!  Please use this link:  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

VBS Food Donations Needed For Wednesday, July 11 – Please sign up on the bulletin board.

1.           Crockpots of Sloppy Joe

2.           Hamburger Buns

3.           Cheesy Potatoes

4.           Cookies

5.           Individual Bags of Chips

6.           Fruit or Salad

7.          People to Help Serve

8.         “Castaway Crackers” – Rainbow Goldfish Crackers


VBS Crew Leaders Still Needed!

Crew Leaders are still needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

Operation Christmas Child  - July Collection Items - Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!

Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

 You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News of June 22, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


 The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Rejoice In The Lord Always – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship

Hymn of Worship – Great Is Thy Faithfulness #140

Children’s Moment and Mission Jar

Special Music – It Is Well With My Soul - Christian Taylor

Scripture – Mark 4:35-41

Sermon – Finding God’s Peace in the Midst of the Storms of Life – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Ole Time Religion & Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn - Be Still, My Soul #534

diction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Counters – Tom Quinn and Jerry Robinson


Marc Banachowski’s daughter Amy’s boyfriend Chris

Lisa Galton’s Co Worker, Tim

Bob Hires

Karl and Connie Kirkman

The Family of Priscilla Schlingman

Bonne Spychalski

John Wittenmyer

Ed Wronkowicz

Youth Group returning from Burtonsville, MD – See photo:

Outdoor Worship & Indoor Potluck - Sunday, July 15 - Please join us and bring your favorite picnic food to share.  Browning residents will be our special guests.


Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   

Like the PowerPoint part of the service?  Understand the importance of recording the Worship Service?  Able to help some Sundays during the Worship Service?  We are in need of back-ups to show the morning announcements and order of worship and record the service.  The PowerPoints are already created.  Training will be provided.    Please see Pastor Mike if the Lord is leading you to help in this area.

Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

June 28 Meet at Story Point and walk around community

July    5 Meet at Fallen Timbers Monument

July  12 Meet at Battlefield  (off Jerome Rd./mall side)

July  19 Meet at Farnsworth Park (1st entrance)

July  26 Meet at church and walk around neighborhood

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Vacation Bible School - July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton if you have any questions.

VBS Food Donations Needed For Wednesday, July 11 – Please sign up on the bulletin board.

1.           Crockpot of Sloppy Joe

2.           Hamburger Buns

3.           Cheesy Potatoes

4.           Cookies

5.           Individual Bags of Chips

6.           Fruit or Salad

7.           Paper Plates

8.           Napkins

9.           Forks

10.         People to Help Serve

11.         “Castaway Crackers” – Rainbow Goldfish Crackers

VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

Donation Item Needed for VBS:    4 Empty plastic ice cream pails, no lids needed – Still time to eat ice cream!!!!

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC June Collection Items**  Girls items- purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).   Add an item to your regular shopping list!

Fellowship Ministry

Ø  We are in need of a volunteer to oversee the Fellowship Ministry.  This is an important ministry time when we visit with guest, members, friends and family; share our concerns or a story over a cup of coffee, before we continue with our week.  This person would make sure there is food available and make sure there are people signed up to make coffee, set out the treats, and clean up.  Maybe consider sharing this responsibility with a friend.  Please contact the Church office at 419-878-3645 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.

Ø  There is also an opportunity to sign up to help on a Sunday or to help for a month.  An opportunity to serve where needed to continue an important ministry.

Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

   You wish to receive The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!  Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News from June 15, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People

Welcome – Pastor Mike

Prelude – Every Time I Feel The Spirit – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship – Pastor Mike

Celebration of Church Membership – Pastor Mike

Song of Worship – I Need Thee Every Hour

Children’s Moment – Pastor Mike

Scripture – Luke 2:25-35

Sermon – Give Me Jesus – Christian Taylor

Special Music – Give Me Jesus – Nadia & Christian Taylor

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Higher Ground - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn- There’s Something About That Name #171

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – His Name Is Wonderful – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Pastor Mike

Counters – Anna Banachowski and Dan Breen


Marc Banachowski’s daughter Amy’s boyfriend Chris

Karl and Connie Kirkman

Sarah Shoemaker   

Bonnie Spychalski

Ed Wronkowicz

Youth Trip to Burtonsville, MD

June Mission Focus

Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   

Welcome a Neighbor!  We have 16 bags!  Please take a WAN bag to a new neighbor and let the Lord make a difference in their lives and yours!

Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

June 21 Meet at Waterville Elementary and walk around neighborhood

June 28 Meet at Story Point and walk around community

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Vacation Bible School -  July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

VBS Food Donations Needed For Wednesday, July 11 – Please sign up on the bulletin board.

1.           Crockpot of Sloppy Joe

2.           Hamburger Buns

3.           Cheesy Potatoes

4.           Cookies

5.           Individual Bags of Chips

6.           Fruit or Salad

7.           Paper Plates

8.           Napkins

9.           Forks

10.         People to Help Serve

11.         “Castaway Crackers” – Rainbow Goldfish Crackers

VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

Donation Item Needed for VBS:    6 Empty plastic ice cream pails, no lids needed – Time to eat ice cream!!!!

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC June Collection Items**  Girls items- purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).   Add an item to your regular shopping list!

Like to show powerpoints?  Able to help some Sundays during the Worship Service.  We are in need of back-ups to show the morning announcements and Order of Worship.  They are already created, so you would just need to operate the computer.   Please see Pastor Mike if the Lord is leading you to help in this area.

Fellowship Ministry

Ø  We are in need of a volunteer to oversee the Fellowship Ministry.  This is an important ministry time when we visit with guest, members, friends and family; share our concerns or a story over a cup of coffee, before we continue with our week.  This person would make sure there is food available and make sure there are people signed up to make coffee, set out the treats, and clean up.  Maybe consider sharing this responsibility with a friend.  Please contact the Church office at 419-878-3645 if you are interested in serving in this ministry.


Ø  There is also an opportunity to sign up to help on a Sunday or to help for a month.  An opportunity to serve where needed to continue an important ministry.


  Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at


The June Better Families and the July/August Upper Room are available at the sanctuary entrance. 


Lost and Found –  Within a donation for the WUMC Youth Garage sale last week, we found a folder with a couple photos and some Bible Study notes.  If this sounds familiar to you, please call the Church Office.


Communication!  Please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645 or e-mail your request to if:

     You wish to be added to WUMC’s Friday E-Blast

     You wish to receive the The Ambassador (Monthly Newsletter)

     You have a change in your mailing address, your e-mail address or your telephone numbers.

Thank you, Christian Taylor for being our guest speaker this coming Sunday!


Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News from June 8, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People

Welcome – Tom Quinn

Prelude – I Will Call Upon The Lord – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship – Tom Quinn

Song of Worship - This is the Sir I Breathe

Children’s Moment – Rev. Joel Schutte

Special Music – It Wasn’t Easy – Nadia Taylor

Scripture – Exodus 14:1-14

Sermon – Let God Carry the Weight – Rev. Joel Schutte

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Awesome and Exalted / Awesome God / I Exalt Thee - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn- Here I Am, Lord # 593

Benediction – Rev. Joel Schutte

Postlude – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Marc Banachowski’s daughter Amy’s boyfriend Chris

Karl and Connie Kirkman

Cindy Nowak’s brother-in-law Mike     

Bonnie Spychalski

Ed Wronkowicz

Upcoming Youth Trip to Burtonsville, MD

June Mission Focus

Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   

Wayward Walkers has been revived!  Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

June 14 Meet at church and walk through downtown neighborhood

June 21 Meet at Waterville Elementary and walk around neighborhood

June 28 Meet at Story Point and walk around community

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Vacation Bible School -  July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

Also, just a few donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC June Collection Items**  Girls items- purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).  

Volunteer Opportunity - Like to work outside?  Interested in supporting a local facility that has provided summer family memories for years…Camp Widewater is looking for those who want to garden, trim trails, chop wood, mow lawns, weed-whack and more!   They also have several projects that would be perfect for men's, women's & youth groups.  Please contact Rebecca Woods at or 419-966-8265.

Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

The June Better Families and the July/August Upper Room are available at the sanctuary entrance. 

Thank you, Rev. Joel for being our guest speaker this coming Sunday. 

If you have Pastoral needs while Pastor Mike is away this next week, please contact the Church Office at 419-878-3645.

Give God your weakness and He’ll give you His Strength.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for June 1, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Mission Moment – Terry Myers

Prelude – Let There Be Praise – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Invocation – Tom Quinn

Song of Worship- Above All

Recognition of Graduates

Celebration of Baptism

Special Music – Grace – Nadia Taylor

Scripture – Mark 2:23-3:6

Sermon – Needing Sabbath – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion

Hymn- Here I Am, Lord # 593

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – For the Beauty Of The Earth – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


LaVonne Branch

Karl and Connie Kirkman

Chris May

Jim Simpson

Bonnie Spychalski

Tom Wiggins

Ed Wronkowicz

The trip to the Creation Museum which is taking place today and tomorrow.

June Mission Focus

Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   


If you ordered a DVD for the Musical please pick them up. They are on the shelf next to the office. Please take your DVD and cross your name off the list.

Wayward Walkers has been revived! 

Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.  We will meet at 7 pm on the dates and locations shown below:

June 7   Meet at church and walk around the neighborhood

June 14 Meet at church and walk through downtown neighborhood

June 21 Meet at Waterville Elementary and walk around neighborhood

June 28 Meet at Story Point and walk around community

For additional questions, please contact Char Monroe at 419-277-2779. 

Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser Garage Sale

Where?   171 Freedom Lane, Waterville   (Adam and Stephanie’s House)

When?   June 7 – 8    Waterville Community Garage Sale

How Can You Help? Collect and bring donated items to sell on June 6 to the Shelton House.  100% of the Proceeds will go to the Youth Mission Trip Fund.  Items that don’t sell will go to the Hope United Methodist Clothing Closet, Waterville Library, and Goodwill.

Food Donations Needed for the helpers:

*Cases Of Pop & Water

*Powdered Country Time Lemonade

*Individual Bags Of Chips

If you would like to donate any of the above items, please get them to Adam or Stephanie Shelton by June 6th.  Thank you for your support of the youth fundraiser for the mission trip to Burtonsville, MD!

Vacation Bible School

July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

 Also, donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

 You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC June Collection Items**  Girls items- purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons and forks only). 


Join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall to congratulate our graduates!


Summer taking you away and you still want to hear the sermon… Visit us at

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for May 25, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

 WORSHIP SERVICE THIS SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2018 at 10:30 AM:                                  

The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Battle Hymn of the Republic – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship – Tom Quinn

Song of Worship- Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

Children’s Moment & Mission Jar – Pastor Mike

Anthem – Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones – Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Romans 8:12-17

Sermon – Living a Selfless Life – Pastor Mike

Hymn – Holy, Holy, Holy! #64

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Holy Ground - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn- Every Time I Feel the Spirit # 404

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Choral Benediction- Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing -  Sanctuary Choir

Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Karl Kirkman

Noah’s Aunt Jenny

Jim Simpson

Bonnie Spychalski

Sandy Viviano

Baby Wesley

Dan Breen

Ed Wronkowicz

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.


May Mission Focus – Supporting the Youth Group’s Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

What?    Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

When?   June 17-22, 2018

Where?  Burtonsville, Maryland

Youth participant’s quote:     “I feel like I can let God be in charge of my life now, and give Him my worries. I am no longer nervous or reluctant to hold back about sharing my faith and religion, but I feel like I should spread the word about Him. I try to act more like how I think Jesus would act. I show compassion to others. I can be confident that my life is changed forever.” (Student, 2016)

Partner’s Impact Statements:   “We have worked with Week of Hope for several years. Having extra support staff to assist with our summer camp program is wonderful. Our favorite memory from one summer was having different groups from all over the states, sharing different experiences from different cultures, and lots of loving, caring , positive interactions.” (Boys & Girls Club)

“It’s a blessing to see young Christians putting the love of Christ into action. Being in youth ministry myself, I realize the importance of our elders seeing young folks doing great things. Our residents enjoy the young visitors and getting new groups weekly. It brings joy to them all.”  (Nursing Home)

Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 3 minute video about this year’s theme called “Grit”:


If you ordered a DVD for the Musical please pick them up. The DVD’s are on the shelf next to the office. Please take your DVD and cross your name off the list.

Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch

We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School this coming Friday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).   If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Graduation Sunday June 3

On June 3 we will be recognizing graduates during the church service.  We will feature the graduates in a slideshow and also celebrate their accomplishments with a special fellowship time of cake and punch.  If you are graduating or have someone in your family graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton (  She will need to know where you are graduating from, major, future plans, and any other activities you were involved with.  Also, if you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send Stephanie 5-8 photos of yourself at different ages (birth-present).  Please send the photos electronically.  Deadline for submitting the photos is May 25. 

Wayward Walkers has been revived!

Join us this summer for walking and praying in our community.  Wear your sneakers, bring your kids or your pets, while we walk and pray around town.

June 7 - meet at church walk around the neighborhood

June 14 - meet at church and walk through downtown neighborhood

June 21 - meet at Waterville Elementary at walk around neighborhood

June 28 - meet at StoryPoint walk around community 

Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Also.  The sign-up sheet is up!  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!! 

 Vacation Bible School

July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

 Also, donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    2 Hot Glue Guns

6.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child        

**OCC May Collection Items**  Boy items- tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights (batteries) work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer ball), string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).    A great opportunity to buy items for boys ages 10-14!

 Lost and Found – A pair of polarized sunglasses were found in the pew on Mother’s Day.  They are held in the Church Office.

In His Steps,

Leanne Dunn


News for May 18, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



The Gathering of God’s People


Mission Update – Freedom School – Pam Cook and Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif

Prelude – Every Time I Feel the Spirit – Handbell Choir

Recognition Moment – Pastor Mike

Call to Worship – David Landis

Song of Worship – Holy Spirit - YouTube address to listen:

Children’s Moment – Pastor Mike

Anthem – Gospel Hymn Medley – Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Acts 2:1-21

Sermon – Evidence of God’s Power – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – All Hail The Power - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – I’m Goin’ a Sing When the Spirit Says Sing  #333

Benediction – Pastor Mike and Handbell Choir

Liturgist – David Landis


Karl Kirkman

Noah’s Aunt Jenny

Jim Simpson

Bonnie Spychalski

Sandy Viviano

Baby Wesley

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

May Mission Focus – Supporting the Youth Group’s Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

 What?    Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

When?   June 17-22, 2018

Where?  Burtonsville, Maryland

 Youth participant’s quote:     “God opened my eyes to see that I'm making a difference in His name, even when I don't feel like I am.” (Student, 2016)

 Partner’s Impact Statements:   “The Week of Hope volunteers have engaged some of the residents that are usually isolated. This contact with the volunteers has given them something to look forward to.” (Assisted Living)

“Our favorite memory from one summer with Week of Hope was definitely the group who went zip lining with us. How they helped our kids overcome their fears was priceless.”  (Community Center)

Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 3 minute video about this year’s theme called “Grit”:

Welcome a Neighbor - WAN Bag Sunday - Please drop off a WAN bag to a new neighbor and let the Lord make a difference in their lives and yours!  We have 16 this week!

 Service Opportunity: The Offering Counting Team is looking for a new member to assist with the collection, counting, recording, reporting and depositing of each week’s Sunday offering.  It is completed following worship in teams of two and a calendar is maintained so everyone knows the days they are counting (once every 4-5 weeks) and who their partner will be.  The process takes approximately one hour to complete. Attention to detail, accuracy and completeness are extremely important to insure correct documentation.  If you are interested, please contact Tom Wiggins ( or (419) 304-2254. 

 Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch

We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Friday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word.  If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).  We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip.  If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Graduation Sunday June 3

On June 3 we will be recognizing graduates during the church service.  We will feature the graduates in a slideshow and also celebrate their accomplishments with a special fellowship time of cake and punch.  If you are graduating or have someone in your family graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton (  She will need to know where you are graduating from, major, future plans, and any other activities you were involved with.  Also, if you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send Stephanie 5-8 photos of yourself at different ages (birth-present).  Please send the photos electronically.  Deadline for submitting the photos is May 25. 

 Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer.  The sign-up sheet is up!  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!  Thank you to Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif for speaking on Sunday!

Vacation Bible School -  July 9th – July 12th, 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville - Ages 4 to Completed Sixth Grade

 Registration is NOW OPEN for children ages 4 - completed sixth grade who would like to attend VBS.  Please follow this link to complete the registration form on-line  Contact Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035 or if you have any questions.

 VBS Announcement!

Crew Leaders are needed for Vacation Bible School this summer - July 9 - 12, 6:15-8:30 pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  A crew leader is responsible for getting a small group of children to each of the 4 stations (Bible Point, Music, Craft, and Snack) throughout the evening.  There are station leaders at each of the locations that guide the lesson/activity.    You would also be paired with another adult or youth.  Dinner would be provided for you and your family each evening at 5:30 pm.  If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or      

 Also, donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    2 Hot Glue Guns

6.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

 You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

 Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC May Collection Items**  Boy items- tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights (batteries) work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer ball), string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).    A great opportunity to buy items for boys ages 10-14!

 Lost and Found – A pair of polarized sunglasses were found in the pew on Mother’s Day.  They are held in the Church Office.

Please plan to join us in the Fellowship Hall after the service to shower Claire Long with cards and  words of appreciation for her years of service to our music ministry.

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for May 11, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,


The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – He Keeps Me Singing - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Call to Worship – Tom Quinn

Song of Worship – The Power of Your Love - YouTube address to listen!:

Kinder Choir – A Gift from God & Love, Love, Love

Children’s Moment – Pastor Mike

Anthem – A Mother’s Prayer – Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Luke 24: 44-53

Sermon – Receiving God’s Power – Pastor Mike

Hymn –  Filled with the Spirit’s Power #537

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – New Born Again - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Hallelujah!  What a Savior  #165

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Choral Benediction – Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing – Sanctuary Choir

Postlude – I Sing the Mighty Power of God - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn

Happy Mother’s Day!

In honor of each of our mother’s today, a $200 gift has been made to Sparrow’s Nest.  The Sparrow’s Nest, a part of Cherry Street Mission, serves women who may come to them at all hours of the day for help.  The Mission provides shelter, medical care, assistance with obtaining a degree, and employment counseling.  They have a “No Wrong Door” policy meaning women will never be told that they have come to the wrong place. 

May the Lord continue to bless their work.


Karl Kirkman

Noah’s Aunt Jenny

Bonnie Spychalski

Sandy Viviano

Baby Wesley

Praises for the birth of Wyatt Mason Studer, weighing 7 pounds and 19 inches long.  Blessings to happy parents Kip and Rachel Studer along with big brothers Clay and Jase.

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

May Mission Focus – Supporting the Youth Group’s Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

What?    Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

When?   June 17-22, 2018

Where?  Burtonsville, Maryland

Youth participant’s quote:     “I went into this trip doubting God and what He could do, but during the week, God really opened up my eyes and showed me how awesome He is. This trip was really amazing. I grew in my relationship with God, as well as my relationship with my youth group family.” (Student, 2016)

Partner’s Impact Statements:  “Having the youth here with us is such a joy, and both our volunteers and clients look forward to seeing them. They bring a ray of sunshine with

them that infiltrates the entire food pantry.” (Food Pantry)

“We enjoy having teens out to the Ranch to work with us on our goal of preparing the Ranch for homeless families and youth to live here. Their energy is great; their willingness to work is uplifting.” (Homeless Ministry)

Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 3 minute video about this year’s theme called “Grit”:

Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch

We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Friday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word.  If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).  We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip.  If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Graduation Sunday June 3

On June 3 we will be recognizing graduates during the church service.  We will feature the graduates in a slideshow and also celebrate their accomplishments with a special fellowship time of cake and punch.  If you are graduating or have someone in your family graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton (  She will need to know where you are graduating from, major, future plans, and any other activities you were involved with.  Also, if you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send Stephanie 5-8 photos of yourself at different ages (birth-present).  Please send the photos electronically.  Deadline for submitting the photos is May 25. 

Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer.  The sign-up sheet is up!  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!

Vacation Bible School is coming!  Mark your calendar…Tell your friends! July 9th – July 12th - Ages 4 to Sixth Grade

Donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    2 Hot Glue Guns

6.    Empty plastic ice cream pails

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child       

**OCC May Collection Items**  Boy items- tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights (batteries) work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer ball), string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).    A great opportunity to buy items for boys ages 10-14!

Service Opportunity: The Offering Counting Team is looking for a new member to assist with the collection, counting, recording, reporting and depositing of each week’s Sunday offering.  It is completed following worship in teams of two and a calendar is maintained so everyone knows the days they are counting (once every 4-5 weeks) and who their partner will be.  The process takes approximately one hour to complete. Attention to detail, accuracy and completeness are extremely important to insure correct documentation.  If you are interested, please contact Tom Wiggins ( or (419) 304-2254. 

Waterville Family,

The “Church with the Warm Heart” has done it again to show the love of Jesus to others.  Your expressions of appreciation and best wishes for my retirement adventures mean so much to us.  You have taken me into your family, especially the prayers as Larry and I lost our brothers and then when I was in the emergency room with my Mom mean so very much.  I count it all joy to know you as brothers and sisters in the Lord.  May the Lord continue to bless you as this church proclaims the grace and truth of God’s Word. 

Janet Poling

Psalm 31:3

Better FAMILIES - MAY 2018 Enriching Positive Personal Relationships is available at each entrance.

Isaiah 66:13a: “As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you.”

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for May 4, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Bless Be the Name - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Mission Moment – Pam Denman

Recognition Moment – Pastor Mike

Call to Worship – David Landis

Song of Worship – Draw Me Close to You - YouTube address to listen!:

Children’s Moment – Pastor Mike

Scripture – John 15:5-17

Sermon – Living a Successful Christian Life – Pastor Mike

Hymn –  Take Time to Be Holy #395

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – There Is a Fountain - Olga Topuzova-Meade


Offertory and Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Anthem – He is Here in the Breaking of Bread – Sanctuary Choir

Celebration of Holy Communion – In Pews

Hymn – Victory in Jesus  #370

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Postlude – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – David Landis


Praises for Baby Landon!

Karl Kirkman

The Family of Mike Mullenhour

Gabriel, Ana’s son

Jim Russell

Nelson Scheub

Bonnie Spychalski

Baby Wesley

Kyle Wielgopolski

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

May Mission Focus – Supporting the Youth Group’s Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

Join us to support our church’s May mission focus:

What?    Week of Hope – Community Service Youth Mission Trip

When?   June 17-22, 2018

Where?  Burtonsville, Maryland

Planned through:  Group Mission Trips; Ft Collins, CO

How many are scheduled to attend?

-15 youth (6 first-timers)

-4 adults (1 first-timer)

-2 Red Shirts (Two of our youth will be working directly with the Group Mission Trip staff.)

Who will be greatly blessed?  Us

Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 3 minute video about this year’s theme called “Grit”:

How will our youth & adults serve others

They will serve the people of Burtonsville, Maryland, and surrounding communities. They’ll experience God working through them as they:

· Assist elderly residents at local retirement and assisted living communities with activities/games/gardening/other projects

· Serve local residents with much-needed painting projects/minor home repair/yard clean-up

· Spend time with people receiving care at local nursing homes

· Serve in an interfaith clothing center by helping clean/arrange and maintain a safe environment for the clients/visitors, sorting and organizing donations, hanging clothes, and greeting donors

· Serve in a variety of capacities at several local food banks and food rescue organizations from food packaging and distribution to garden building

· Help families moving out of shelters, or otherwise living without their basic needs, by stocking/organizing/helping select furniture/other basic home items as they prepare to move into stable housing

Excellent Bible Study -  Join Us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am or Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room:

Contact Persons:  Pastor Mike or Charlene Monroe

NEW Study:  “Whisper” by Mark Batterson

Summary:  Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks. We’ve learned from Scripture that God spoke to His people in ancient times and in mysterious ways, but how do we hear His voice now? The truth is God still communicates with His people, but He often speaks in a whisper—not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close.  In this 4-session series, Mark Batterson teaches what it means for Christians to discern the voice of God in their lives. He will introduce the seven love languages of God—each of them unique and entirely divine. By learning to tune in and decipher each language, Mark equips believers to hear God’s guidance and grow closer to Him.  God is speaking.  Do you know how to listen?

Waterville Elementary Teacher Appreciation Lunch

We will once again honor the 60 teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Friday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m.   As before, we will need salads, desserts and helpers.  There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary’s office.  Please consider being a part of this outreach ministry.  Thank you!!!

Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word.  If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).  We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip.  If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Graduation Sunday June 3

On June 3 we will be recognizing graduates during the church service.  We will feature the graduates in a slideshow and also celebrate their accomplishments with a special fellowship time of cake and punch.  If you are graduating or have someone in your family graduating, please contact Stephanie Shelton (  She will need to know where you are graduating from, major, future plans, and any other activities you were involved with.  Also, if you would like to be included in the slideshow, please send Stephanie 5-8 photos of yourself at different ages (birth-present).  Please send the photos electronically.  Deadline for submitting the photos is May 25. 

Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer.  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!

Vacation Bible School is coming! 

Mark your calendar…Tell your friends! July 9th – July 12th - Ages 4 to Sixth Grade

Donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    Bags of white rice

6.    2 Hot Glue Guns

7.    **NEW ITEM NEEDED!:  Empty plastic ice cream pails – I guess we have to eat some ICE CREAM!!!!

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child        

**OCC May Collection Items**  Boy items- tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights (batteries) work gloves, wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls (soccer ball), string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils (spoons and forks only).    A great opportunity to buy items for boys ages 10-14!

Dear Church Family,

 We just can’t express to you how much your loving prayers and concerns have meant to us during Karl’s hospitalization.  We will be flying home this Friday so we should see you on Sunday.  We do appreciate the warm weather welcome you are going to provide us too! 


Karl and Connie Kirkman


Please plan to join us in the Fellowship Hall after the service to thank Janet Poling for her many years of faithful service to Waterville United Methodist Church!

“But the word of the Lord remains forever.”  1 Peter 1:25

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday

News for April 27, 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,



 The Gathering of God’s People


Prelude – Above All Names – Hand Bell Choir

Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Hosanna   - YouTube link to listen

Children’s Moment – Mission Jar and Project with a Purpose

Anthem –Because He Lives - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – John 15:1-8

Sermon – What is a Successful Christian? – Pastor Mike

Hymn – O Jesus, I Have Promised #396, vs 1&4

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Lift High the Cross – Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn – Abide with Me #700

Benediction – Pastor Mike

Choral Benediction – Go in Love – Sanctuary Choir

Postlude – He Is Exalted – Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn



Baby Landon and his parents

Karl Kirkman

The Family and Friends of Anne Mason

Louise Munich

Gabriel, Ana’s son

Jim Russell

Nelson Scheub

Jim Simpson

Bonnie Spychalski

Baby Wesley

Kyle Wielgopolski

Ephesians 6:18  Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

A new Bible Study has begun!  Join Us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am or Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room:

Contact Persons:  Pastor Mike or Charlene Monroe

NEW Study:  “Whisper” by Mark Batterson

Summary:  Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks. We’ve learned from Scripture that God spoke to His people in ancient times and in mysterious ways, but how do we hear His voice now? The truth is God still communicates with His people, but He often speaks in a whisper—not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close.  In this 4-session series, Mark Batterson teaches what it means for Christians to discern the voice of God in their lives. He will introduce the seven love languages of God—each of them unique and entirely divine. By learning to tune in and decipher each language, Mark equips believers to hear God’s guidance and grow closer to Him.  God is speaking.  Do you know how to listen?

Come join us this coming Wednesday, May 2 to help at the Seagate Food Bank!  Meet at the church at 9:30 am.  It’s fun and we can make a difference.

Ladies Reteat! Join us to see Priscilla Shirer, gifted Bible Study teacher, August 24-25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a transformative retreat filled with worship, fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s Word.  A group price for 10 or more is only $59 per person!  We can also split the cost of 3 motel rooms.  The program begins Friday at 7 pm and ends at Noon on Saturday.  Please sign up soon on sheet on the bulletin board.  Tickets sell quickly!  For more information, look on line at under  Ministries/Women/Priscilla Shirer Live.

Good News!

Freedom School is coming soon!  The school is from June 18 to July 27.  WUMC has agreed to serve breakfast on the following Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10 and July 24.  It’s simple because it’s a cold breakfast day!  The menu includes cereal, fruit and yogurt, so you may need to clean some fruit.  Watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.  Also, on May 20, we will be having a special guest speaker, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, who will give us some information about the school and what is planned for the children this summer.  Let’s make this mission a fantastic one!!!

Youth Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

The youth group will be taking an exciting trip (June 1 & 2) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.  This is an amazing opportunity for the youth to learn more about God’s creation and discover the truths found in His Word.  If you would like to help with the cost of this trip by making a financial donation, please make checks payable to WUMC (Memo: Youth Creation).  We also appreciate your prayer support for those youth and leaders who will be making the trip.  If you have any questions, please contact Adam or Stephanie Shelton.

Vacation Bible School is coming! 

Mark your calendar…Tell your friends! July 9th – July 12th - Ages 4 to Sixth Grade

Donation Items Needed for VBS:

1.    Party Blowers (at least 6 inches in length)

2.    Quart size zip-loc baggies

3.    Black, ULTRA fine-tip Sharpie markers

4.    Hot Glue sticks

5.    Bags of white rice

6.    1 package of cone shaped Dixie cups

7.    2 Hot Glue Guns

You can drop-off your supplies to Stephanie Shelton or put them in the VBS Donation Box by the Community Room.  The list will be updated each week as items are donated.  If you have questions about any of the items, please contact Stephanie at or 567-202-5035.

Operation Christmas Child    

**OCC April Collection Items**  Hygiene items – toothbrushes, hair brush, combs, deodorant, soap in plastic bag, wash cloths, lip balm, Band-Aids, finger nail care

Quarterly Statements:  Your 1st Quarter Giving Statements was emailed on Saturday, April 7th.  For those who receive hardcopies, they are available for your pick up on the shelf outside the Church Office.  Please contact Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions.

I Can Only Imagine,

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday